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November 11th, what does it mean to you?

Miloslaw  21 | 5083
12 Nov 2023   #1
I am just curious.It is an important date for many people, but I would have thought more so for Poles.Yet I get the feeling that younger Poles don't feel it so much,in fact I would go as far to say that many young Poles don't regard themselves so much as Poles but more as Europeans.I have no opinion on this but I do worry that some younger Poles are becoming less patriotic.

What do you think?
Joker  2 | 2225
13 Nov 2023   #2
Its Veterans Day in the USA

Sadly, most of the youth these days have been brainwashed by woke leftard indoctrination. These snowflakes dont want to work and have everything handed to them for free, then tell you the country sucks. What they need is a good swift kick in the ass!
mafketis  38 | 10974
13 Nov 2023   #3
I get the feeling that younger Poles

When were you last in Poland? How long? How many younger Poles did you speak with about this?
jon357  72 | 23098
13 Nov 2023   #4
Yet I get the feeling that younger Poles don't feel it so much

I was out and about on 11/11 in Warsaw. Like most people from Western Europe, I certainly don't celebrate or party on that sad of reflection and remembrance of The Fallen, however here in Central/Eastern Europe the day is regarded differently and I saw a lot of young people returning from the Independence parade which always has large crowds.
Paulina  16 | 4403
13 Nov 2023   #5
Yet I get the feeling that younger Poles don't feel it so much

You're getting this feeling based on what?

many young Poles don't regard themselves so much as Poles but more as Europeans

I really doubt that's the case with majority of young Poles.

I do worry that some younger Poles are becoming less patriotic.

What do you mean by "younger Poles" and "becoming less patriotic"? Less patriotic than Poles older than them or than young people in the past?

According to this poll from 2021 majority of Poles in every age group consider themselves to be patriots:,151003,27789724,patriotyzm-po-polsku-kim-jest-patriota-ponad-70-proc-polakow.html
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2125
13 Nov 2023   #6
Is the date that was supposed to bring peace and stability to the continent, where a feeling and sensation of brotherhood&co operation of people was out to emerge against the tyranny and strict unmovable laws and regulations people saw as the reason for their own misfortune.

While it gave hope and a chance for people and nationalities to break up or reduce the size of the states that were oppressing them (Ottomons Empire, Austria-Hungary, German Empire and Tsarist Russia)

My Norwegian side have no big relation to this war other then it being a tragedy for humanity as a whole as Norway wasn't an active participant except being neutral but, lukewarm towards U.K at cost of relationship with Germany (regarding sale of Norwegian fish) and possible consequences of events in ww2.

My Polish side however sees it as a clash of giants, and among them the three that held down Poland were weakened and beaten at the same time within a small timeframe. It was an opportunity of unlikely size and magnitude.

People wanting a Poland that would not only be United by all social classes, ethnicities and religion but, also with hope of a brighter tomorrow out of the dark mist of oppression and horror of world war 1. While many nations sat back with a grim analyses of their countries action, Poland saw it as a chance to wash itself off all of the carnage and off those were responsible for it.

It created tensions and conflicts that even to this day can be seen as an unwarranted attack or betrayal, mainly by Citizens of the Russian Federation, it's admirers or those closely related to the ideology of Marxism. While there are some Germans commenting on those events as well, it's rather small in scale while Austrian commentary seems to be invisible. Czech or Slovak didn't have much to comment except for Cieszyn which they grabbed (despite it having a large Polish population) due to it being historically part of Bohemia and strategically important location for their railroad network and connecting Slovakia (as part of having Czechoslovakia).

Belarus had to quickly adjust by siding with Soviet Union or Poland or passively accept the controller in being at that time. Ukraine on the other hand had the vigour, initiative and soldiers but, lack of unity and aggressive stance towards Poland regarding Lwów.

Which sparked a reaction by local Polish civilians by taking arms wherever possible and soon joined by Polish soldiers. Most known was Hallers Army dressed in French gear, equipment and uniforms. Many being Polish Americans too who volunteered

In general it is a date that begin a rebirth of one of the most just and noble causes, a fight however gruesome and horrible to the western public that wanted all wars to end. Saw a resurgent Poland fighting for her own survival in a very rough neighbourhood as too aggressive and Imperialistic by her western admirers (especially by United States of America) which began a slow but, steady support and admiration of the Soviet Union over the cause of Poland's freedom until after 1945 when the Cold War began to emerge and need to "purge" pinkies in the U.S became a priority after the Soviet Union came to have nuclear weapons technology due to espionage.

To this day in U.S.A, that action of theft has most of it's population scarred with a hostile view of socialism. To the ignorance of the European public at large
OP Miloslaw  21 | 5083
13 Nov 2023   #7
An interesting response to my original one and a warming one.
I posted this after hearing a broadcast from Radio Poland about November 11th and focusing on young Poles attitudes to it.
They claimed that young Poles were less patriotic and felt less Polish than their elders.
They came out with some stats to "prove" this and some interviews with young Poles.One of whom said she felt more European than Polish.

Is Polish media being overtaken by leftist propaganda as in the USA and UK?

This has not been my experience at all!

The young Poles I have spoken to in England are EXTREMELY patriotic.

My last visit to Poland was only a few years ago and most young Poles seemed pretty patriotic to me.
But not all of them........
I would conclude, that for some reason, young Poles in England are much more patriotic than young Poles in Poland.
You can debate amongst yourselves as to why that may be.

Interesting to me is the fact that the great "patriot" Pawian has not posted in this he afraid of being labeled a "patriot"?
pawian  219 | 24945
13 Nov 2023   #8
The young Poles I have spoken to in England are EXTREMELY patriotic.

Exactly. That is why they ousted rightists from power in the latest elections, mongrel!

Pawian has not posted in this thread..

I have just had. I hope I have made you happy now, mongrel. hahahaha
OP Miloslaw  21 | 5083
13 Nov 2023   #9

HaHaHa! the leftist ape has finally dared to post on this thread.....but he made a fatal mistake..... he did not aknowledge the patriotism of young Poles,because it goes against his values and he refuses to face up to the reality.
Novichok  4 | 7945
13 Nov 2023   #10
he did not aknowledge the patriotism of young Poles,because...

...patriotism leads to an unbendable spine and loss of control by the leftist scum. That's why their primary target is nuclear family where kids inherit their parents' core values instead of leftist propaganda. Church is the other one but now, with a a commie pope, attacking Catholics is pointless.

Lately, leftist scum is winning like never before. Even among Jews. Today, when a kid comes back home after four years of college the parents are in shock.
Joker  2 | 2225
13 Nov 2023   #11
HaHaHa! the leftist ape has finally dared to post on this thread.....but he made a fatal mistake...

This marxist troll couldnt resist and hes totally wrong as usual.

Lately, leftist scum is winning like never before

Thats the point I was trying to make in my first post. The youth have been indoctrinated by leftist scum teachers and propagandized by Tic Toc.

All these war protesters are totally misinformed and mostly in their 20`s. These losers arent looking for work and most companies dont want to hire them anymore bc they havent any work ethics and are useless idiots.

I hope the woke disease doesnt spread through Poland..... But look at their teachers as well.. If Pawian, is an actual teacher the lies he has already told the children should frighten every parent.
Paulina  16 | 4403
13 Nov 2023   #12
I posted this after hearing a broadcast from Radio Poland about November 11th and focusing on young Poles attitudes to it.

Ahhh, everything's clear now... lol Radio Poland is an English section of Polskie Radio - this is a state radio = PiS propaganda. PiS is butthurt because this time young people voted for the opposition parties :D
jon357  72 | 23098
14 Nov 2023   #13
PiS propaganda


A certain political tendency that exists in most if not all countries trumpets loudly that things ain't what they used to be, that the town/country/world is going to hell in a handcart and that all that is sacred is disrespected by the younger generation.

Cobblers of course, but it gets a result from its intended audience.

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Paulina  16 | 4403
14 Nov 2023   #14
"Now this is living."


@jon357, this comic strip is hilarious and so true lol
pawian  219 | 24945
14 Nov 2023   #15
he did not aknowledge the patriotism of young Poles

But I did, mongrel. I said they ousted rightists from power due to their sheer unconstrained patriotism .

If Pawian, is an actual teacher

But I didn`t do anything special. I only told my students to attend the ballot and thank those who had turned students` lives into misery. It is so little that it doesn`t count.

That is I must say you are exaggerating as usual, Being an Am pimp, you know little about Polish teachers or students. Go back to your pros. Ha!
OP Miloslaw  21 | 5083
14 Nov 2023   #16
everything's clear now... lol Radio Poland is an English section of Polskie Radio - this is a state radio = PiS propaganda.

That explains everything, thank you Paulina!

I said they ousted rightists from power due to their sheer unconstrained patriotism .

So, you don't like patriotism!
You really are a very stupid person.
Nationalism should be what you worry about, not patriotism.........they are not the same thing......
Alien  23 | 5601
14 Nov 2023   #17
Nationalism should be what you worry about, not patriotism.........

People in the West don't understand the difference.
mafketis  38 | 10974
14 Nov 2023   #18
So, you don't like patriotism!

you misunderstand... he's saying that because young people are patriotic they helped oust PiS
pawian  219 | 24945
14 Nov 2023   #19
like patriotism!

I love it. Out of sheer unconstrained patriotism I have been bashing rightists everywhere I could. Ha!

you misunderstand..

He`s a mentally deficient mongrel. Forgive him coz I won`t. I consider stupidity and rightism as mortal sins. hahahaha
OP Miloslaw  21 | 5083
14 Nov 2023   #20

Why are you so against patriotism?Please answer that question, because it is important....unless you are too afraid to.

He`s a mentally deficient mongrel

Same old troll mentality.....shows a lack of imagination and a lack of intelligence.....

I consider stupidity and leftism as mortal sins

They are, your Communist parents hate what is happening to Poland.
jon357  72 | 23098
14 Nov 2023   #21
People in the West

I'd say that as many or more people in the West understand the difference than those in the East.
pawian  219 | 24945
14 Nov 2023   #22
my Communist parents hated Poland

Yes, we know.. That is why you are such a mongrel. Ha!

PS. Stop twisting my words in your quotes coz the same can happen to yours, mongrel. ):):)

All in all, fekk rightists everywhere you can!!!

Milo the mongrel and accidental anti rightist monkey hahahaha buhahahaha

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OP Miloslaw  21 | 5083
14 Nov 2023   #23
Why are you so against patriotism?Please answer that question

You didn't answer the question.Coward!
pawian  219 | 24945
18 Nov 2023   #24
I see you are talking to yourself. Amassing! :):):)

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