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Poland to get the newest version of M1A2 Abrams tank

GefreiterKania  31 | 1430
14 Jul 2021   #1
Polish army will receive the newest (SEPv3, 2020 version) M1A2 Abrams tanks. The details of the contract will be presented today.

The Abrams tanks are to replace the outdated T-72s and PT-91s. Unofficially the contract is supposed to include 250 tanks, ammunition and crew training but this hasn't yet been confirmed. Jarosław Kaczyński and Mariusz Błaszczak will present the detailed information today at the press conference in Wesoła (the headquarters of 1st Panzer Brigade).

It's a pity that the plans for the PL01 concept tank have been abandoned (apparently), but I suppose it's a good solution to buy weapons that are tested in war conditions (i.e. the Turkish battle drones). However, 250 tanks doesn't sound like nearly enough to replace old soviet-manufactured ones (we have 358 T-72s and 232 PT-91s). It's good to see new equipment being bought, but we should remember that there is still the problem with old AFVs and practically non-existent Baltic Fleet (not to mention the unfinished territorial defense build-up). Well, I suppose the tanks will look good on parades. *rolls eyes*
OP GefreiterKania  31 | 1430
14 Jul 2021   #2
The press conference is over - no exact number was given, but they mentioned four batallions, so probably no more than 200 tanks.,nId,5357957

I have mixed feelings about this. The haste is suspicious, unless they expect Russian tanks rolling in here in about 3-4 years. It would be better to continue with the PL01 concept tank but if there's no time, then rush buying probably makes more sense.

Besides, Abrams tanks are too heavy to be used in north-eastern Poland (where they are most likely to be needed), very expensive in purchase and upkeep, and require air superiority not to make them easy targets for enemy planes and attack choppers. If we expect Uncle Vlad's visit, then it would be better to buy gazzillions of the best anti-tank infantry rocket launchers and arm both the professional army and territorial defense with them - give them to every platoon, every squad even, so enemy tanks could be easily ambushed virtually everywhere.
pawian  224 | 27236
14 Jul 2021   #3
It would be better to continue with the PL01 concept tank

I can dig an old issue of Technika Wojskowa magazine from 1990s for you - the time they started creating concepts for a purely Polish tank, called Gorrilla and later Anders.

Years have passed. Even decades. Today it is 2021. Let`s be realistic - Polish tank is still a concept.

buy gazzillions of the best anti-tank infantry rocket launchers

I fully agree.

arm both the professional army and territorial defense with them

Not only. Also, high school students and women. My wife has to learn how to operate such a rocket launcher. If not, I will put an embargo on sex. A co! We need total defence force in Poland - our regular army will be smashed by Russians within 3 days. And before NATO reacts, they will be at the gates of Berlin.
OP GefreiterKania  31 | 1430
14 Jul 2021   #4
Years have passed. Even decades. Today it is 2021. Let`s be realistic - Polish tank is still a concept.

Yes, I suppose it's easier to buy an existing tank. :(

My wife has to learn how to operate such a rocket launcher. If not, I will put an embargo on sex.

That's a bit harsh, Pawian. Be careful with such measures or she might look more kindly on the boys from the invading army.
Ironside  50 | 12916
14 Jul 2021   #5
Polish army will receive the newest (SEPv3, 2020 version) M1A2 Abrams tanks.

WHAt? wHO IS MAKING THOSE DESCININS? Those f up freaks need to answer for that with their necks. geez

Better option cooperation with Tukey or South Korea !
Abrams are not even that good for Polish terrain and climate and expensive like F. Who is going to pay for it! Poland doesn't need tanks so much as anything else..
OP GefreiterKania  31 | 1430
14 Jul 2021   #6
Abrams are not even that good for Polish terrain and climate and expensive like F.

Exactly. Practically useless in the north-east - too heavy, too fuel consuming, too few of them (they won't get more than 200).

Better option cooperation with Tukey or South Korea !

Well, we got those Turkish battle drones that fought so well in Armenia, but it's a pity they gave up the cooperation with South Korea (the Korean tank looked more suitable). Besides, Poland needs modern AFVs more than tanks.


Kaczyński and Błaszczak. They want to have those Abrams tanks rolling in front of them, during the next Warsaw military parade, while they wave their hands towards the tankers and make silly facial expressions. *epic eye roll*
Novichok  4 | 8748
14 Jul 2021   #7
They want to have those Abrams tanks rolling in front of them, during the next Warsaw military parade,

You mean Poland has its own corrupt swamp, too? It must be those rightards. Leftards would never spend money they don't have on such nonsense.
OP GefreiterKania  31 | 1430
14 Jul 2021   #8
No, they wouldn't. They would invest it more sensibly in a nation-wide gender change program, or something like that.
Paulina  17 | 4465
14 Jul 2021   #9
In this article general Różański describes all the issues Poland will have with Abrams:

Also, high school students and women.

What about men? ;D

That's a bit harsh

Indeed lol

They want to have those Abrams tanks rolling in front of them, during the next Warsaw military parade

Maybe they think that thanks to such military purchases Americans will shut up about TVN and other stuff? 🤨
OP GefreiterKania  31 | 1430
14 Jul 2021   #10

Great article, thanks! It makes one wonder - don't they consult such decisions with military specialists? :-/

thanks to such military purchases Americans will shut up about TVN and other stuff

I have no idea what they think but from military and economic points of view it doesn't make much sense.
Novichok  4 | 8748
14 Jul 2021   #11
On the other hand, those 200 Polish tanks, with proper training and maintenance, could be quite effective against 23,000 Russian tanks. They are probably old and the Russians forgot how to operate them.
pawian  224 | 27236
14 Jul 2021   #12
she might look more kindly on the boys from the invading army.

Absolutely out of question, With her rocket launcher, she will look on them as pure cannon fodder.

What about men? ;D

Men are so obvious I don`t waste time on them. :):)

23,000 Russian tanks.

Yes, one of them is "Ginger" 102 T-34 tank.

  • 5eb59b8ea8d68_o_medi.jpg
OP GefreiterKania  31 | 1430
15 Jul 2021   #13
Check out the comments under the article here...

... when Kaczyński reads them he will install those tanks in the West instead of East :D :D :D
pawian  224 | 27236
15 Jul 2021   #14
I can`t open the comments. What do German readers say about it?
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
15 Jul 2021   #15
I just think this is all "Virtual Signaling"
These tanks are almost obsolete, there are not enough of them to defend against Russia and are tanks what Poland really needs anyway?
OP GefreiterKania  31 | 1430
15 Jul 2021   #16
Just click on the "kommentare" button and it should open :)

If it doesn't... well, in a nutshell: "dumb Polacks are using our handout money to buy American schrott, they should be kicked out of NATO and EU and we want our Breslau, Danzig and, you wouldn't believe, Posen and Kalisch back". :D

It's a blessing that Kaczyński doesn't know any foreign languages :D

are tanks what Poland really needs anyway

Nope, as was said here in previous posts.
pawian  224 | 27236
15 Jul 2021   #17
are tanks what Poland really needs anyway?

Yes, Kania suggested we need anti-tank launchers. Another poster, Iron?, suggested drones. We don`t need tanks. My wife will never learn to operate a tank. But she can surely learn to use a rocket launcher. When the time comes, she just opens the window and fires it at an enemy tank that is riding along our street. EVERY HOUSE IS A FORTRESS. Simple.

we want our Breslau, Danzing and, you wouldn't believe, Poznań and Kalisz back". :D

Those are fekking German nuts from that neo fascist party, called AMDD or sth, I don`t remember now.
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
15 Jul 2021   #18
We don`t need tanks

Agreed.In modern warfare they are almost useless.
OP GefreiterKania  31 | 1430
15 Jul 2021   #19
AfD? Perhaps. I especially liked the comments that Poles are "once criminals, always criminals" (who murdered innocent German civilians in WW2).

Unreal :)

We are spoiled with BB and Tacitus here, but there are throngs of completely different Germans out there.
pawian  224 | 27236
15 Jul 2021   #20
but there are throngs of completely different Germans out there.

Just like PiS and nacjo rightards who hate Germany. There must be balance in nature. :):)
OP GefreiterKania  31 | 1430
15 Jul 2021   #21
Yes, you're probably right. "The balance of hate" - an interesting concept.
pawian  224 | 27236
15 Jul 2021   #22
"The balance of hate"

There must be balance in everything.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
15 Jul 2021   #23
Yes the yin and the yang.
Alien  25 | 6353
16 Jul 2021   #24
@pawian #14
Forget Gorman readers. There are allways some sort of strzelec35 in every coutry. To tell you the truth Germans don' care
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
16 Jul 2021   #25
(who murdered innocent German civilians in WW2).

They still think they were innocent and not paid by the Abwehr? Wtf

Can't they learn about German secret services in Germany? Or is that illegal?

We are spoiled with BB and Tacitus


Hmm, shouldn't they care about where their money goes? It's the result of their hard labour after all
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898
16 Jul 2021   #26
but there are throngs of completely different Germans out there.

Not throngs....a few nutters at the fringes...not more....

Not even the AfD talks of "wanting Breslau back"....quite the contrary, they support your nutters in the fight with the EU....

Maybe I don't move in the right circles but I don't know of anybody who "wants anything back"! I don't remember when I heard someone say something in that direction. We have problems to hold on to that what we have...with our declining population and rising immigration...not to mention that we don't have an army to speak of's just not a topic's done!
Alien  25 | 6353
16 Jul 2021   #27
Hmm, shouldn't they care about where their money goes?

Yes they should but they have invested in 10 years 1000000000000Euros in East Germany practically without effect. This few Euros for Poland longer play a role. The can sell Leopard tanks to others.
rtfm  1 | 62
16 Jul 2021   #28
Large numbers of tanks are a waste of money in modern warfare. Easily taken out by planes, drones, mines, modern hand held launchers etc.

If two 1st world countries go to war now it will be missiles fired from hundreds/thousands of miles away along with bombing from planes, not some great ww2 style land invasion.
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
16 Jul 2021   #29
@Bratwurst Boy
Sounds very much like the situation with the Fall of Constantinople. More mercenaries then standing army, lots of coin but, not enough soldiers.

If I were the German chancellor, I would push for the creation of an EU army mostly filled with Poles. (Germany has the most influence in Poland when it comes to economical matters)

It would solve any threat from the east (Russia) while it maintains better relations with Poland.
Also, any political group would think more before making a decision cause of those "bad bad Poles, who are so fascist, xenophobic, rascist and bigoted and misagonystic" which is complete BS. But the left doesn't need to know
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898
16 Jul 2021   #30
If I were the German chancellor, I would push for the creation of an EU army mostly filled with Poles.

The EU army is definitely discussed as we speak! Even if others should come forward to push for it too...or else it would be seen as a german project, for good or bad!:)

But why only Poles? I think if we look in all EU member states for those who want to be soldiers for Europe we will get enough people together....

Home / News / Poland to get the newest version of M1A2 Abrams tank

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