why does Israel defending itself upset you so much, while you ignore what's been happening in Syria?
The objection is not about Israel defending its self, the objection is to what Israel is doing and has been doing for decades. Indiscriminately bombing civilians in Gaza who all happen to have command and control centers under their tents may not be a good look but the crux is the social media posts the IDF post and the utterances of Israeli government ministers.
The IDF have filmed themselves demolishing as many civic buildings as thy can. That is schools, medical facilities, all government buildings including police stations public parks, water and electrical infrastructure and industrial sites. The IDF have posted videos of them destroying any remaining Palestinian homes they find and blowing up ambulances.
None of that is self defence. Its a planned extermination of Palestinian culture and the means of supporting life with the intention of forcing people to flee.
That is genocide.
The current events in Syria, though triggered by the Palestinian war, have nothing to do with the genocide being carried out by Israel. Valid and verifiable criticism of Israel cannot be negated by claiming immunity because others are as bad or worse than Israel however if you are happy to include Israel in the same category as Assad's Syria Or China be my guest.
The Palestinian population of Israel had no choice other than be included in Israel where they have been subjected to second class citizenship. The Palestinian population under occupation are treated to a version of apartheid as evidenced by the dual legal system Israel runs. One for Jews another for everyone else.