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...that mysteriously found directions to Afghanistan and bombed the fu*ck out of Serbia. Sure. Besides, any "defensive" force can become an aggressive force in a second or less. Also, a defensive force has tanks and artillery, not 13 aircraft carriers. Also, a defensive force stays home, not slithers to another country's borders.
You are misunderstanding the term. NATO defends financial interests of someone who are behind the scene of US political circus. And area of their interests is whole world. Small NATO members is just a cannon fodder in this game. It is very bad to have too much coffins coming to the land where "masters of the world" reside, so coffins will come to Poland, Germany, etc....
As if you care about what Americans and their allies did to Middle Easterns....LOL!! You spemd.a lot of your time arguing that America and Europe should not be letting these people in. Nothing but crocodile tears.....
You misunderstood my post. I never claimed NATO is "defensive". Others did and I was quoting them.
As if you care about what Americans and their allies did to Middle Easterns....LOL!!
Yes, I do. These fu*cking idiots spent trillions we, the US taxpayers, are stuck with now as debt - plus interest that will forever lead to budget deficits and INFLATION!!! Duh!
Think before you post more moronisms like this one...
Western European men are the epitome of cowardice in dealing with their ruling mobs. Yet, you expect the Russians to rise against their rulers. That's the relevance.
if not for NATO you never would have been able to leave Poland
No, without NATO the Soviets would have steadily moved
You forgot to add the nukes over H and N. Without them I would now be a poor retiree in (name the poorest town in Poland).
The Soviets would trip over the US, not NATO. In 1966, NATO was a desk with a speed-dial phone to DC. Today, NATO is a desk with a speed-dial phone to DC and a rule book in Polish, Latvian, Lithuanian, and Estonian.
Of course, the military cooperation with the candidate states began long ago. E.g, Polish ships go to Swedish training location to practise naval rocket shooting. Those antinaval missile systems were bought in Sweden.
Hey, Crow, what do you think of President Duda signing the Polish approval for Fins and Swedes in NATO??
Checking photos from Moscow, I spotted an amaSSing propaganda poster which reminded me of communist times - Soviet and Polish comrades also published similar posters, especially in the stalinist era.
Do you recognise the puppets that Uncle Sam is playing|????
Venerable US President Joe Biden signed accession protocols on Tuesday approving the admission of Finland and Sweden to NATO . This means that the expansion of the Alliance has already been ratified by 23 out of 30 member states.
"This is a landmark moment in the history of the Alliance," said the American leader. He stressed that the admission of two Nordic states would make NATO stronger than ever.
Hey, RuSSists, is that what you really wanted to achieve??? :):):)
Swedes have mixed reactions though. Haven't had contact with Finns of late, but I think historically the Swedes rather enjoyed their reputation for neutrality, much like the Swiss (with whom they're sometimes confused here in the States) and are not big joiners.
The Swiss can afford being neutral while they are surrounded and thus protected by NATO countries. Sweden is in another situation, though. Let alone Finland. :):):)
The point is that both countries have pursued a degree of so-called "neutrality" bordering on isolationism! Nice to see a sea change in the government of at least one of them, finally a sense of teamwork, being members of the club, not merely of some abstraction known as "Europe".
both countries have pursued a degree of so-called "neutrality" bordering on isolationism!
Yes, but looking at the example of Ukraine right now, they reconsidered their old approach as infantile. :):):) Do you think it was groundless??? :):):)
It depends here on what you term "old approach", pawian. If what you mean is that Ukraine should continue to remain the dumping ground, that is, whipping boy for Kremlin bullying, obviously the answer is no.