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Mister President Andrzej Duda - Best Poland could get.

pawian  219 | 24885
29 Sep 2024   #61
Poles/Polesses mustn`t play dirty games with delaying Ukraine`s access to the EU

- If someone says that they will block Ukraine's access to the European Union, they are in line with Vladimir Putin's policy . I don't know if this is the intention of the current government - Andrzej Duda said in an interview.
Crow  154 | 9270
29 Sep 2024   #62
I am curious how went talk between Duda and Vucic yesterday at Zeman`s birthday. For sure new borders in Europe, after Russian victory, were on the table. Poland and Serbia aren`t crazy. We want our share from the cake.
pawian  219 | 24885
30 Sep 2024   #63
how went talk between duda and vucic yesterday at zeman`s birthday.

yes, duda`s presence at the suspicious event like that corroborates my previous words and general opinion about him: azhole, puppet and clown.

zeman, babiš, fico, orbán, vučić are not a group in which the polish president should publicly appear in a perfect mood. if only because almost all of these politicians are accused of authoritarian tendencies, destruction of basic institutions of liberal democracy, populism and corruption. in addition, they form a pro-kremlin - and often pro-chinese - axis in our region, more or less openly speaking out against the sanctions imposed on russia and against european aid in ukraine.

in the most vital issues for the polish raison d'état, they are fighting for solutions that strike at poland's key interests. they are pursuing a policy that is radically at odds with that promoted on the international forum by andrzej duda - who consistently supports sanctions against russia and aid for ukraine.

Crow  154 | 9270
30 Sep 2024   #64
zeman, babiš, fico, orbán, vučić are not a group in which the polish president should publicly appear in a perfect mood

that is exactly what poland need to be safe in these troubling times.
Bobko  27 | 2184
30 Sep 2024   #65

i read that duda says that tusk's threat that he will block ukraine's eu accession if it does not "work" with poland on exhumations, is "giving in to the kremlin".

suddenly, pis man is saying poland should act wisely and close its eyes to ukraine's inexplicable stubbornness.

what is happening? white is black, and down is up - we have a tusk government that is executing russian policy...
pawian  219 | 24885
30 Sep 2024   #66
There is a huge fault in your logic. it wasn`t mr honourable prime minister reverend donald holy tusk`s threat. he is a too decent and intelligent statesman to publicly say such stupidities. the threat was used by another leader - kania`s fave. peasant azhole, sort of. :):):)

zeman, babiš, fico, orbán, vučić are not a group in which the polish president should publicly appear in a perfect mood.

An amassing situation took place: zeman said that duda`s presence at his party is the greatest gift he could receive and started looking for the polish guest around the room but couldn`t recognise him though duda was standing nearby. it only shows what azhole duda is in fact.
Crow  154 | 9270
30 Sep 2024   #67
i read that duda says that tusk's threat that he will block ukraine's eu accession.

That's reverse logic.

EU lost Poland.

By the Svetovid and Christ and His Mother. Vucic is fast and probably some prepechenica helped on that birthday.

I read Serbian influence on Duda. Its clear. Duda meandering and telling to EU - "So long, suckers! Go have sex with Russia if you are imbeciles but without Poland!". Its not giving in to the Kremlin. Its caring for Poland and its recognizing interests from Baltic to Balkan, without jeopardizing Russia's interests, and even not jeopardizing interests of sane western Europeans.
Crow  154 | 9270
30 Sep 2024   #68

Poland still didn`t drop dead ! Poland is in safe hands !

Bardzo interesujące jest to, że prezydent Andrzej Duda nigdzie nie informuje, że był wczoraj na obchodach 80. urodzin Miloša Zemana. Oprócz Ficy, Orbána i Vučicia, na imprezie silnie reprezentowani byli również czescy komuniści, populiści, prorosyjscy politycy i dezinformatorzy.


zeman, babiš, fico, orbán, vučić are not a group in which the polish president should publicly appear

Add Gerhard Schroeder to the list. He was among rare non-Slavs present.

Vucic and Schroeder are all what Poland needs to satisfy all its energy needs. Just one aspect of this.
pawian  219 | 24885
1 Oct 2024   #69
Exactly!!! This quote shows what azhole and loser Duda is.
It is very interesting that President Andrzej Duda does not report anywhere that he was at the celebration of Miloš Zeman's 80th birthday yesterday. In addition to Fico, Orbán and Vučić, the event was also strongly attended by Czech communists, populists, pro-Russian politicians and disinformants.

Add Gerhard Schroeder to the list

That German scum on Russian payroll?? Fekk him too!
Crow  154 | 9270
2 Oct 2024   #70
What you want brate? Pope Francis? Macron? Biden? Netanyahu?

You must choose what club do you want for Poland.

Poland either sit in a good club or sit on a di*k.

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