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Mister President Andrzej Duda - Best Poland could get.

NoToForeigners  6 | 948
4 Jun 2017   #1
One of the best Presidents Poland ever had.

Turn on subtitles if you can't speak Polish. (Lyzko, jon, delphian lol)
Crow  154 | 9535
4 Jun 2017   #2
So new pierdolze on EU. Good, good. After all, maybe pan brat Duda prove to be worthy. And I didn`t need subs to understand venerable Polish language, considering I am Serbian.

Thanks for video. I would sleep better tonight.
Kuzyn  - | 22
7 Jun 2017   #3
Politician propaganda everywhere, damn.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
24 Jun 2017   #4
One of the best Presidents Poland ever had

President Andrzej Duda is Poland's most trusted politician, according to a new survey. Duda is trusted by 62%, followed by Prime Minister Beata Szydło on 56%, and Paweł Kukiz, head of an anti-establishment parliamentary grouping, on 50%, according to the survey by pollster CBOS.

Duda's trust rating grew by 4 percentage points in June. Only 27% of respondents said they did not trust the head of state.
Defence Minister Antoni Macierewicz was the most distrusted politician, with 52% sceptical about him.
That is not surprising. Apart form Kaczyński, no-one has been as viciously smeared by the losers faction, and the reason is obvious. The losers fear he will again shine the spotlight on their dirty PRL-era collaboration as well as exspose their post-PRL scamsterism which they prefer to keep in the shadows or under the carpet. All cockroaches prefer dirty, dark cracks to bright sunlight!

Ziemowit  14 | 3936
24 Jun 2017   #5
I would sleep better tonight.

I would not.

Andrzej Duda is Poland's most trusted politician, according to a new survey.

Is it the same person who is constantly denied admission to the office room of Our Great and Dearest Leader Jarosław Kaczyński on Nowogrodzka Street in Warsaw as shown in the series "Ucho Prezesa" which series has gained an enormous audience on the internet?
gumishu  15 | 6228
24 Jun 2017   #6
Our Great and Dearest Leader Jarosław Kaczyński on Nowogrodzka Street in Warsaw as shown in the series "Ucho Prezesa"

are you among those people who seriously think Ucho Prezesa reflects reality - there are such people judging by the comment under the videos in youtube
Crow  154 | 9535
24 Jun 2017   #7
I would not.

Why not? If nothing didn`t change in USA, with and within EU, with Serbia and Hungary, after all, without Duda in Poland, in about 50 years, majority of Poles would be assimilated and wouldn`t feel like Poles but like Anglos, Germanics or Francs. Practically, Poland escaping death in silence.

So, praise changes and sleep better.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
24 Jun 2017   #8
"Ucho Prezesa"

The few instalments of the satirical "Ucho prezesa" series Kaczyński has seen amused him greatly and had him ROFL. It's good to have a sense of humour unlike the dour likes of Scheryna, Petru and Michnik. Lighten up, lads, and don't take yourselves that seriously!
Polonius3  980 | 12275
13 Jul 2017   #9
Andrzej Duda is Poland's most trusted politicia

Good news! A survey taken by opinion-research group Pollster showed that Andzej Duda would beat Donald Tusk 52-48 in the second round of the next presidential election. Tha shows Poland is still split with nearly one-half of the electorate failing to see through the shenanagins of the AmberGold scmaster regime and its capo di tutti capi, Tusk.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
11 Aug 2017   #10
Either "Mr. President" or "President Duda". In English, "Mr. President Duda" would be superfluous:-)
Just thought I'd let you know.
jon357  72 | 23483
11 Aug 2017   #11
No, just Duda. He's done nothing worthy of respect yet, except perhaps partially foiling Kaczynski's assault on democracy (assuming that wasn't just one of Kaczynski's maskirovka tricks) and trying to remain above PiS. Those are however the barest of bare minimums.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
11 Aug 2017   #12
He's a bad lot all right. Plus, he seems unsure of his own previously stated positions, for example backpeddling on that judicial independence issue. Appears he caved, didn't he?
WielkiPolak  54 | 988
12 Aug 2017   #13
Polls show only a 52% to 48% win? That's disturbing, that so many people would still vote for a traitor like Tusk.
Crow  154 | 9535
12 Aug 2017   #14
No, Duda isn`t best what Poland could get. Far from it. Duda`s foreign policy is catastrophic for Poland.

My Polish sisters and brothers. I believed in Duda. I see I was naive. We Serbians are generally suicidally naive. Duda is moron.

Just for the record. I apologize to Polish president Duda. Please go on, Ser, you shows significant progress.
Ironside  50 | 12946
27 Jan 2018   #15
Duda is trusted by 62%,

Really? Sad times.
Bulletguy  - | 11
28 Jan 2018   #16
Don't be too hasty and go and screw things up like my country, UK, has done. Brexit has split the country in two, even divided families.....and the racism against the Polish community here after Brexit was shameful and unforgivable. In one incident a group of teenage thugs set on a Polish man and brutally kicked him to death. His "crime"? He was talking with a Polish friend in his native language.
WielkiPolak  54 | 988
28 Jan 2018   #17
and the racism against the Polish community here after Brexit was shameful and unforgivable.

Eh I wouldn't go too far with that racism stuff. Sure they are occasional incidents involving idiots, but no more than in any other country. On the whole, Polish people have it pretty good in the UK. If they didn't, they wouldn't be flooding over there in droves.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
28 Jan 2018   #18
have it pretty good in the UK

Crow  154 | 9535
15 Mar 2018   #19
Maybe, its just maybe moment for Poles to take in consideration that their own president sold Poland out.

Again, I don`t know what to think about Duda and now already I begins to worry. From one side EU increasing pressure on Poland and from other side, president of Poland increasing Poland`s loyalty to NATO. Like that very president of Poland have role to hold Poland while western European powers finishing their job. You Poles don`t think that USA more love Poland then love Britain, France or Germany? Tell me that you don`t believe that.

I sow today article about Duda`s frantically callings against Russia, at a time when Serbians expect Russian and generally Slavic support, considering protection of our sovereignty and grave danger for Slavic South.

Why Duda? Why stabbing us in the back?! Let Polish patriots knows what Duda doing to Racowie, to Serbians. Not to Russians but to the Serbs!
Crow  154 | 9535
2 Sep 2018   #20
My Polish brothers, Duda is traitor.

This is how Duda attacked Polish children when Polish children supported Serbia. Police brutality on children? Is that free Poland of today? >>>

Down with traitor and licker of Merkel`s!

Sarmatia is eternal!
axelm  - | 13
2 Sep 2018   #21
Duda may not be perfect but is best what Poland can get at this moment. We don't need masked fascist on polish streets pretending to be patriots.

And no one should ever taught Poles what fascism was. No country knows it better than Poland and no country suffered more during WW2.
Crow  154 | 9535
2 Sep 2018   #22
Not good enough for Poland. Not good enough. He hold Poland while events accelerate. Events require Poland`s presents and Poland is isolated.

Its not all the same if Poland hold Capital of Intermarium or just financial center. I thought Poland will hold Capital and financial center goes to Serbia. But how Duda doing, Poland will lose both and become just province of Intermarium, instead of crucial region.

And Serbs call Poland and official Poland humiliates Serbia, for interests of western Europe, while at the same time Visegrad Group started to gravitate around Serbia.

Think of this. Think of Duda. By all he doing Poland will stay locked within EU (Magna Germania) while rest of Central European countries moving in something else.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
2 Sep 2018   #23
You are absolutely right Crow. Duda is not good enough, If Poles support him then the country will move towards Eastern Europe and you, the nationalist world of old. If we, the Polish taxpayers, have any sense, then we will vote for a pro west candidate who realises that Poland is in central Europe, not eastern Europe. as Duda would have us believe (and you would be forced to remember that your country is a backwater)
axelm  - | 13
3 Sep 2018   #24
Then who is enough for you? Who is your candidate?
Crow  154 | 9535
3 Sep 2018   #25
Eastern Europe and you, the nationalist world of old.

Nationalist world of old?

So what you want? All Catholics or all Christians to be one nation? Same as Islam negate nations you wants all Christians to be one nation? Is that it? Are you religious fanatic or globalist?

If we, the Polish taxpayers, have any sense, then we will vote for a pro west candidate who realises that Poland is in central Europe

Somethings don`t stand right in your understanding. Possible Visegrad-Serbia integration as it is suggested by Hungarian PM Orban, among others, are integrations within Central and not Eastern Europe. So see, Duda distancing itself from these processes and turning to German and pro-German schemes. Actually, for Duda, that isn`t choice between Central and Eastern Europe. For him its choice for Germany. And he promised, after elections, to push for Intermarium. A Liar.
axelm  - | 13
3 Sep 2018   #26
All you can do is criticise Duda and not provide an alternative. So you are unreliable. In that regard, Duda is best candidate.
cms neuf  2 | 1838
3 Sep 2018   #27
What is the point of proposing an alternative since Duda is only half way through his term and unlike Jaroslaw he seems to be in perfect health,

It's perfeclty valid o question his decisions. Hopefully we will get someone in 2020 who at least is his own man and not a puppet and who would stand up for democracy,
johnny reb  49 | 7927
3 Sep 2018   #28
All you can do is criticise Duda and not provide an alternative.

Sounds just like here in America axelm.
The opposition jumped on Trump from day one with criticism just like they have in Poland with Duda.
The opposition doesn't even give Duda's policies a chance to work.
All you hear is the meltdowns from the opposition with hollow I hate Duda (Trump) no matter what he does.

Duda is best candidate

Yes he is just like Trump was the lesser of two evils.
Take it in stride that all politician can not make ALL the people happy all the time with their decisions.
And until the opposition can give Duda a tried and true alternative instead of criticizing him they should be giving Duda complete support.
Commie Socialisms main weapon is to divide and cause chaos within to conquer.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
3 Sep 2018   #29
Duda seems to be plotting his own individual course, and steadfastly refuses to part from it.
He's decided despite his critics to go the road alone!

Sounds rather like Trump:-) Difference is that at least Duda behaves in a more conventionally presidential fashion, unmired completely by the burden
of the late 1960's with its cheap vulgarity and dead-head drug culture.
johnny reb  49 | 7927
3 Sep 2018   #30
Duda behaves in a more conventionally presidential fashion

That is because Duda is a politician and Trump is not nor has he ever admitted to being one.
As far as your nasty dig about being unmired by vulgarity and dead-head drug culture is laughable when today we see the Commie Socialist marching down the streets wearing pink vagina hats protesting dignity. lol

Drug culture of the 60's was pot and Magic mushrooms, today it is pot ten times the strength, heroin, fetinol, cocaine, uppers, downers, anti anxiety, Prozac, anti depression, HDHD and safe rooms. lol

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