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Incredible news from Poland - The president shaved his moustache!

pawian  226 | 27509
10 Jan 2013   #1
Polish President shaved his moustache!

Poland president no mustache

and caused turmoil on the net:

President of Poland moustache
jon357  72 | 23483
11 Jan 2013   #2
He looks better without it.

Didn't Jarosław (or Lech, or both) once have a moustache?
OP pawian  226 | 27509
11 Jan 2013   #3
Didn't Jarosław (or Lech, or both) once have a moustache?

Only Lech, the President of Poland, fallen in Smoleńsk:

Young Lech Kaczynski in Poland
jon357  72 | 23483
11 Jan 2013   #4
That photo makes me feel nauseous.
smurf  38 | 1940
11 Jan 2013   #5

He didn't fall, the plane did.

Brono should grow bad the 'tache, he was super sexy with it
gumishu  15 | 6228
11 Jan 2013   #6
he was super sexy with it

are you sure you aren't homosexual smurf :)

That photo makes me feel nauseous.

this proves that you don't have rational approach
smurf  38 | 1940
11 Jan 2013   #7
are you sure you aren't homosexual smurf :)

hahha, I'm sure...but ya know if Brono asked me out I'd probably be tempted (^_^)
OP pawian  226 | 27509
11 Jan 2013   #8
He didn't fall, the plane did.

No. I wrote what I really meant.
Ironside  50 | 12946
11 Jan 2013   #9
Polish President shaved his moustache!

I see that you are sliding down to the standards of Polish TV.
Has he also shaved his ass? (rhetorical qestion)
OP pawian  226 | 27509
11 Jan 2013   #10
Has he also shaved his ass? (rhetorical qestion)

No, I don`t think he followed your example. :):):)

Very rarely can you see in Poland how police AT units surround the building and start a regular siege.
It happened in Sanok, a sleepy town in southern Poland, yesterday.

The drama had begun in the early afternoon on Thursday, after shots were fired at a police car at the site.
A 32-year-old man, who was due to be arrested on suspicion of murder, allegedly fired the shots from an apartment on the fourth floor of the block.

The man and what is believed to be a female friend then barricaded themselves in the apartment.

Poland police

He looks better without it.

Yes. They say he looks gorgeous!
gumishu  15 | 6228
11 Jan 2013   #11
Yes. They say he looks gorgeous!

another homosexual :P
OP pawian  226 | 27509
11 Jan 2013   #12
Please, abstain from sexist male chauvinistic swinish comments. :):):):)
Ironside  50 | 12946
11 Jan 2013   #13
No, I don`t think he followed your example. :):):)

Come on! You should know for sure...brown-nosing him on daily bases.
You are in perfect position to bring some Intel.
OP pawian  226 | 27509
11 Jan 2013   #14
Come on! You should know for sure...brown-nosing him on daily bases.

You certainly overestimate my capabilities. :):):)

You are in perfect position to bring some Intel.

??? What`s that? :):)

During mass service last year, two crowns have fallen of God`s mother figure in a monastery in Jarosław. People see it as a sign and are bringing gold and silver to replare the old crowns with new ones. ynnikow-zewnetrznych-spadly-korony

Poland image
smurf  38 | 1940
14 Jan 2013   #15
It's a sign alright: gravity.
kondzior  11 | 1026
14 Jan 2013   #16
There is no gravity. What you have been raised to believe since infancy doesn't exist. There are magnetic fields and charged attraction and repulsion.

What you call gravity is static attraction identical to that you can see in a dry climate by charging a comb to pick up balls of styrofoam, except this is millions and trillions of times more powerful. Orbital math works because it has nothing to do with gravity but with attraction.

Can I ask you a simple question?

If gravity is a force that holds our moon in orbit, how come the attraction exhibited by a refrigerator magnet is more powerful? If "gravity" is what "pulls" the moon towards us, then how in the **** can it fail to pull the magnet off the refrigerator?

Really open your mind (not lefist "open mind") and think about it.

While you're howling with derision (I did the first time I heard it) I've got some very bad news for you. All your existing paradigms are rubbish. Everything else you have ever been taught is kosher baloney. It's about getting paid and nothing else. It beats the hell out of mopping floors, which is what most scientific types are really qualified to do as human beings and not much else.
smurf  38 | 1940
14 Jan 2013   #17
Kon mate, that post was hilarious :)
F*ckin rip-roaring belly laughs all round
jon357  72 | 23483
15 Jan 2013   #18
There is no gravity. What you have been raised to believe since infancy doesn't exist. There are magnetic fields and charged attraction and repulsion.

Are you serious?

That one's on a par with your post about "lizard people".
15 Jan 2013   #19
Are you serious?

Unfortunately I think he might be.....


There is no gravity. What you have been raised to believe since infancy doesn't exist.

So i guess we don't have tides on Earth, black holes don't exist, and all those years ago when the apple fell off Isaac's head, it was a simple case of Electrostatics right?
kondzior  11 | 1026
15 Jan 2013   #20
Modern science in general, has regressed under the cultural dominance of extra-special "scientist" until it is essentially no better or worse than 16th century spiritualism and ghost-hunting. Not better, not worse, just different. Most of the progress seen in the 19th and early part of the 20th century has been lost and mankind has begun to go backwards in most sciences.

This is a normal part of declining civilizations and is a classic part of the cycle of fail that leads them back to bondage and slavery in the simplest possible big-monkey-gets-the-coconuts feudalism.

Black holes and dark matter are no different and no more reasonable than the phlogiston of thaumaturgy or spontaneous vivogenesis eruption of maggots in decaying meat. Not one bit more sophisticated and both ideas have in common that they are in defiance of simple and straightforward observation.

It's about getting paid.

Nothing else. It's about drawing down a paycheck.

It's the level of complexity in the con, which like Bernie Madoff's scheme was mindbogglingly confusing and complicated.
OP pawian  226 | 27509
16 Jan 2013   #21
Hye, guys, especially Warsovian and others, do you remember your criticism of flashy boards and ads on Polish streets? Things are slowly changing, first in Krakow and hopefully in other cities later on.

I didn`t believe it would happen in my lifetime. :):):):)

New regulations caused it - a formal ban on cheap hoardings and ads. How simple! ????


Poland compare

and see more:,5393382,13501663,fotoreportaz-maly.html
Zibi  - | 335
16 Jan 2013   #22
and hopefully in other cities later on.

Somehow, the streets in your pictures ( look so sad after removal of those signs. But of course, any exaggeration in this matter, is not needed either.
OP pawian  226 | 27509
16 Jan 2013   #23
Somehow, the streets in your pictures ( look so sad after removal of those signs.

No, they look elegant! :):)

But yes, in the future, when we are old, we might get nostalgic about tawdry signs..... they will remind us good days when we were young and capable of everything :):):)"):):)P):

Just like our grandparents are nostalgic about streets of their young days: Krakow Jewish Stores
Lenka  5 | 3530
16 Jan 2013   #24
they look elegant! :):)

Yes,they look elegant but also (I must agre with Zibi on this one) sad.
smurf  38 | 1940
16 Jan 2013   #25
Yea, they look way better without all the trashy ads everywhere, much more classy.
OP pawian  226 | 27509
16 Jan 2013   #26
A Polish guy in Onet forum shares our views and calls for the removal of all such cheap ads from Polish streets and roads. He says he can see the difference when crossing the Polish border from neighboring countries.,1,791355,97558917,czytaj.html
p3undone  7 | 1098
16 Jan 2013   #27
pawian,do they have billboard signs in Poland as well?
OP pawian  226 | 27509
16 Jan 2013   #28
If you mean big hoardings, of course.

Billboard on street in Poland

Casual billboard in Poland

Even in the countryside of Poland:
p3undone  7 | 1098
16 Jan 2013   #29
pawian,yes,how about on the sides of major highways?
OP pawian  226 | 27509
16 Jan 2013   #30
Not so often as in city streets/roads, but they are still there:

Poland highway ads

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