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Why is Poland so hostile against Germany? Do they realize how their reparations rubbish damages relations?

Ironside  51 | 13109
8 Feb 2020   #91
We are ruled by absolute idiots.

Can't argue with that. We are ruled by morons.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
8 Feb 2020   #92
I admire you very thick pitch-black eyebrows, they go together very well with your Arab-like, crow-dark hair, and rather large nose.

He looks Turkish to me.

He hasn't this classic northern European look (blue eyes, light skin, blond hair), but that doesn't mean he is not a European type. Actually, his looks show the type typical of ancient western European hunters-gatherers which had blue eyes, but dark skin and dark hair, a combination that is indeed rare in Europe these days.

I think German police is efficient enough to establish your identity.

The fact that you want to denounce him to his employer makes of you an absolute twat, Torq. We've had been through this before when Delph denounced the poster (who comes here as Dirk diggler now) to his employer. And even if I think the worst of Dirk as he is an extreme racist and an absolute idiot, I would never denounce him to his employer. And you are not going to denounce Weimarer because he said he chased Arabs in the streets, but because you didn't like his remarks on Poland. I may remind you posting a map on the distribution of mosques in Germany in another thread as a sort of mockery towards Germany which means you yourself are not so very enthusiastic about the Arabs settling in Europe either. Denouncing someone to his employer through taking advantage of that person posting a personal picture on a forum is morally very low and absolutely disgusting, Torq. You should be truly ashamed of yourself!
Tacitus  2 | 1272
9 Feb 2020   #93
Denouncing someone to his employer through taking advantage of that person posting a personal picture on a forum is morally very low and absolutely disgusting,

It is not like anyone forced him to post his picture, identity, or his disgusting posts here. If he is really a German police officer, then he must know that writing posts that violate German laws cound get him into trouble. He wouldn't be the first one who might see consequences for this. I've saved his picture and posts and will write a long report to the German police when I have the time, they have even a contact person for such cases. Should be interesting, let us hope for him that his probationary period is over.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967
9 Feb 2020   #94
In the GDR we called them just snitches....there were alot of them...
9 Feb 2020   #95
The fact that you want to denounce him to his employer makes of you an absolute twat, Torq.

Well, I enjoy being a complete and utter twat every now and again - it's fun. :)

However, I was simply teaching our far right (his own words) friend a valuable life lesson: "if you want to be a racist arsehole, revanchist and historical revisionist, tell the stories of chasing immigrants in the streets etc. then, by all means, knock yourself out, but don't tell everyone your job and don't post your pictures" (especially if you work in law enforcement).

I never denounced anyone (online or not) in my life, so I'm not going to start now.

I've saved his picture and posts and will write a long report to the German police when I have the time

Naah, don't do that. I was just messing with him. Besides, if you read this thread again, you will realise that the he learnt his lesson and understood his mistake (hopefully).

In the GDR we called them just snitches...

Well, if a snitch denounced Adolf Hitler in good time, we might have avoided millions upon millions of innocent victims... like those poor innocent Arabs that Weimarer chased on the streets - my heart breaks when I think of them. *sniff... sniff*
OP Weimarer  6 | 357
9 Feb 2020   #96
None of my posts violates any laws and im not a police officer. Im a student and will take over my fathers business later on. So i dont care. Do what you want. Feel free to send my a copy so i have something to laugh.

Oh let me add something, write them that i support Höcke and that i think Merkel is an old and ugly political zombie. You can also add, that i support the australian model, all migrants forced deportation and all boats brought back libya. All illegals in Germany should be put in detention camps, deportation as soon as possible.

You can also write them that i see islam as enemy of Germany, that im glad my state has not a single mosque and the one they planned in erfurt stalled, because no company want build it.

You know what, please add that i think Steinmeier is not my president, im disgusted by him and would not even shake his hand. He congratulated the vile iranian terror regime. He is a muppet of Merkel. Please also add that Merkels entire cabinet is full of slimy, bootlickers and backboneless a...holes and that their panic makes me happy. Im proud to see how AfD crushs their little Utopia.

Oh and im happy to see the neo liberal EU break apart as well. Brexit was super, i hope for DEXIT.

Oh and btw i also think Trump is best thing that happened to USA and i like how he destroys the leftist liberal bullshit there. Also glad to see AfD is on same path in Germany. Seeing the old system parties wreck themself is pure gold.

Lang lebe das heilige Deutschland

P.s. you know you ****** up when the target of your empty threat mocks you about it. To honor your commitment i will do some drifting with my Diesel VW Golf VII today. Im a supporter of FFH, Fridays for Hubraum. (Fridays for motorpower)
kaprys  3 | 2076
9 Feb 2020   #97
Since it seems Poles in fact are not that hostile towards Germans and we're discussing looks of the guy in the pictures, he sort of looks Balkan to me.
OP Weimarer  6 | 357
9 Feb 2020   #98

I look like any other Thuringian does. So i dont get why you start cheap insults now.
kaprys  3 | 2076
9 Feb 2020   #99
It's not a cheap insult. It's how I see it -if you remind me of anyone it's of people of the Balkan origin. Mostly of one guy from Kosowo I used to know in London.

If that's really your photo, your hair is pretty dark. It's not that common in Poland (brown or blonde or dark blonde hair is far more common than dark brown or black hair).But you have blue eyes.

Plus the shape of the skull.
You're probably a mixture of different European traits.
9 Feb 2020   #100
It's not a cheap insult.

How can anyone consider a type of looks (Arab/Turkish/Balkan) an insult? Strange...

As for Weimarer, he reminds me of this young Israeli soldier...

... blue eyes and very thick dark eyebrows (which suggest the same colour hair). There were quite a few Jews in Germany in the past, so their physical traits might well be visible in many generations to come. I think it's truly wonderful how multiculturalism (past and present) of German society is so well visible in physical traits of Germans: Jewish, Arab, Turkish, Balkan, recently even African looks - a true kaleidoscope of humanity in it's variety and profound beauty!

Plus the shape of the skull.

It's not Balkan really... more Middle-East, semitic shape, but I may be wrong.
Tacitus  2 | 1272
9 Feb 2020   #101
In the GDR we called them just snitches.

Remember, if you become a public official, you are told that your behaviour reflects on the Bundesrepublik and that breaking laws can extra consequences because of it. If a police officer is caught giving the e.g. the Hitler salute, or inciting violence online, he should be reported since he violates his oath. If I am paying his pension, I can at least expect approbiate behaviour.
Tacitus  2 | 1272
9 Feb 2020   #102
the one they planned in erfurt stalled, because no company want build it.

And yet, it will soon be completed. And soon other muslims elsewhere in East Germany will also get one. Your side loses, like it always does. We'll drag you into the 21th century, if necessary kicking and screaming.
9 Feb 2020   #103
Plus the shape of the skull.

On second thought, it can't be properly judged/measured from the posted pictures.


Could you please post pictures of your full left and right profiles (like side view)? Then someone might perhaps be able to establish your origin, because at the moment it would seem that the jury's still out between Semitic, Turkish and Balkan.
OP Weimarer  6 | 357
9 Feb 2020   #104
I find it amusing how you try to use israeli as an insult for me.

I have big respect for Israel. The way how they treat the arabs is the way to go. AfD has excellent opinion regarding Israel.

As for jews, they are a religion, not a race. Jews in Germany were Germans with jewish religion. There is no jewish race.

That said, i´m pure German, so your insults drop off me like on teflon. My fathers side is Thuringian. My mothers side silesian.

My hair is not black. Its because the stuff i put in to keep it in form. Im dark blonde

Also there is no "multiculturalism" in Germany. The imigrants live in Ghettos and there is nearly no mixing. Its not like in Poland where evrything went through, from Turks, to Mongols and so on.

Genetic data in Germany shows a continuity in the genome back to 10.000 years. In one instance they could trace back relatives of bones tehy found which were 6000 years old and find relatives in a nearby village.

I did a DNA test 2 years ago. I can trace back my family tree for 6 generations (my father has the hobby of ancestor research). And geneticly im normal meso germanic haplogroup. With one exception, that there appears a very small amount of influx of what is today Denmark.

Which is interesting since its on X. appears few hundred years ago a male of my family married a women from Denmark, which is quite odd.

I find it interesting how a danish women 500 years ago meet a guy from Silesia and they married.
9 Feb 2020   #105
I find it amusing how you try to use israeli as an insult for me.

What insult are you talking about? I really don't understand.

pure German

What's that???

My mothers side silesian.

Oh, so you're Polish on your mum's side - how nice. :)

Its because the stuff i put in to keep it in form.

We discussed that yesterday, let's not get back to the topic. *facepalm*

And geneticly im normal meso germanic haplogroup.

Your looks would suggest something else, but perhaps we need more photos to establish that. Of course, we can rule out the Semitic option quite easily - I don't want to provoke you or anything, but it would take just one single photo... just one.
gumishu  15 | 6228
9 Feb 2020   #106

to my understanding PiS (or namely Kaczyński) try to use war reparation demands as a deterring tool against the forays of Germany into our internal matters (if this was a true will of Kaczyński Poland would officially demand the reparations by now) - but I guess it can backfire badly - it is also playing into the widespread Polish sentiment so in a way it is a tool of internal politics of Poland
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
9 Feb 2020   #107
tool of internal politics of Poland

It's nothing but that. PiS supporters need enemies, and Germany is a convenient one.

Remember the Two Minutes Hate from 1984, or the anti-American propaganda in the PRL?
OP Weimarer  6 | 357
9 Feb 2020   #108

Who knows who will win. It just started. Our behavior makes what you dream about impossible. Maybe we destroy the entire house while kicking and screaming

Your 21st century can very well be a broken dystopia of constant civil war, unrest and terror attacks from both sides.

Thats what your mosque looks like in Erfurt since 16 months


Construction companies left work and no new ones step in. Nobody wants the contract. People from nearby throw pig heads at it, neighbors ram crosses in the ground.

It doesnt look good for you Tacistus. We destroy what you hold dear. The parliament has become a clown house because us. We undermine what you hold dear. The institutions of the republic erode at extreme levels.

Merkel is finished because of that.


She has broken down to a wreck. She gets hurled insults at, she doesnt even dare to visit here.

The parliament is ripped apart. The last event at our Landtag at Thüringen was pure gold. You know what`? We will vote for Ramelow next election, to bust him too.

We are a destructive force. The SPD is dead. The CDU ripping apart. We dont scream and kick. We laugh.

The thing is, we are the reason why Germany is internal blocked, why Germany plays no role in foreign politics anymore. And im proud for that. That way Merkel cant do any damage anymore. She is blocked and a shivering wreck.

The good thing is, we dont need to do much. Your system requires stability and order. We are a force of chaos. The destabilizing factor. And its not just AfD.

Our political spectrum is responsible for BREXIT. Our political spectrum is responsible for Trump.

So keep on trying to drag us kicking and screeming. It obviously keeps you busy enough to fall into oblivion.
gumishu  15 | 6228
9 Feb 2020   #109
It's nothing but that. PiS supporters need enemies, and Germany is a convenient one.

Kaczyński never categorically stated neither for the domestic market nor intentionally (as far as I know) that Poland will press the war reparations issue on Germany - it is very much an issue on a slow burner

Polish public (ok PiS supporters including myself) are no against Germany per se but against the German meddling in Polish affairs or pressurising Poland through EU institutions

- most Polish people are (or maybe were) unaware of the irregularities and pathologies of the previous regimes although they were on the receiving end of what was the outcome of those pathologies
OP Weimarer  6 | 357
9 Feb 2020   #110

German nationalists have no issue with Poland either. Maybe in Future there can be cooperation?
gumishu  15 | 6228
9 Feb 2020   #111
you know - solidarity is a two way street - why don't you ask Mr Merkel why she pressed for a gas pipe bypassing Poland and the Baltic states - why did Germany want to press the immingrant quotas on Poland then - realpolitik?
OP Weimarer  6 | 357
9 Feb 2020   #112

We need the gas to heat our homes and for industry. There is no alternative.

As for migrants, i hate Merkel. Im glad this was blocked. AfD needed till 2016 to gain enough influence to stop this Migrant Madness. Im thankful eastern neighbours blocked worst Madness Till then.
gumishu  15 | 6228
9 Feb 2020   #113
We need the gas to heat our homes and for industry. There is no alternative.

I don't deny Germany its gas even if it comes from Russia - the thing is it would have been cheaper (as much as ten times cheaper) to build another stretch of pipeline through Baltic States and Poland - yet Germany chose to strike a deal with Russia and build Nord Stream against the very interest of Poland - if it wasn't the case Poland would not seek to buy gas from Norway, USA or Katar

- why am I supposed to trust someone who doesn't trust me
mafketis  38 | 11276
9 Feb 2020   #114
Germany chose to strike a deal with Russia

Merkel loves to roll over for any dictator... Putin, Erdogan, Xi...

It's a secondary characteristic of Germany - arrogant in victory and craven in defeat... so Germany likes to play tough with smaller, weaker EU allies and rolls over and gives dictators that despite it anything....
pawian  226 | 27817
9 Feb 2020   #115
Merkel loves to roll over for any dictator... Putin,

No, the sanctions are still in force and it is Merkel`s merit coz she contains German enterpreneurs impatient to make business with Russia. When she leaves, the next government may be friendly with Putin, indeed.
OP Weimarer  6 | 357
9 Feb 2020   #116

Its difficult. But you are right, we dont trust Poland and Poland does not trust us.

Let me explain, Ukraine has very bad relations with Russia. When they were in conflict years ago, Ukraine in mid winter cut of the gas and Germany had to use its reserve to get us through winter. Nordstream I was build because of that. Nordstream II for same reason. Poland and Baltic states have much conflict with russia too. I dont judge about that, because thats not our business but what if Poland and Russia argue and Poland cuts us off from the gas?

Nordstream I and II allowes direct connection so no 3rd party can cut us off.

Can you understand our point of view?

I agree this should have been handled more diplomatic.

But now its too late. This has become a face saving thing. The pipeline must be completed or we would appear weak.

As far as i know there are talks about a 3rd pipeline and this one could run on land through poland, but nothing decided yet.
gumishu  15 | 6228
9 Feb 2020   #117
Ukraine in mid winter cut of the gas and Germany had to use its reserve to get us through winter.

so because Russia has beef with Ukraine you don't trust Poland? you strike a deal with Russia which is directly against the interests of Poland and you want us to trust Germany?

what if someday Russia wants to invade in Poland - should we trust you to defend Poland - many in Poland don't and that's why we want stricter relationship with the United States - and then you call us American puppet - can you not see a vicious circle?
OP Weimarer  6 | 357
9 Feb 2020   #118

Yes i can see that but can you see also from our point of view? When Ukraine cut the pipeline, we were in big trouble. We know Poland has much problems with Russia too. Do you think Poland would take our gas supply into consideration and not cut it off in winter if things escalate between you and russia?

Can you understand why we want at least one pipeline that can not be cut off?

We see USA as bigger threat than russia. You cant trust the americans and deep down you know that as well.

But i agree the basic problem is not russia or usa. Its because Germany and Poland dont trust each other
mafketis  38 | 11276
9 Feb 2020   #119
What has Germany ever done that should make Poland trust it? (and vice versa to be fair, but Germany is by all measures the more powerful country the burden of trust starts with it).
gumishu  15 | 6228
9 Feb 2020   #120
We see USA as bigger threat than russia.

because? because America imposes tariffs on German goods that are competetive because of the euro currency? in my opinion if you see America as a threat then you see Liberty as a threat - but that's just my opinion

I understand your point - but the thing is the point shows that you show little to no solidarity - and then you demand solidarity from other member states by demanding of them to take immigrants quota - isn't NATO about solidarity (I personally believe German elites would want to leave NATO if it wasn't for bad reception it would have among it's Western European partners )

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