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Poland hopes to attract hard-working, trouble-free immigarnts - Ukrainian, Belarusians and Vietnamese

Novichok  4 | 8446
5 Sep 2021   #91
Guys, it's Alexander Grigoryevich Lukashenko, not ...ka.
Say what you want, but the guy has big balls and impressive friends. If I had to pick between him and Merkel or Biden as president here....Hahahahahaha...
Strzelec35  19 | 830
5 Sep 2021   #92
does the polish government or pis pay these ukrainian chicks to talk good shet on poland or is it just me guys?

it seems fake. can anyone see it beside me the fakeness? i mean like literally nothing they say is true literwlly like zeromperfent of it. its like they are co paring america to poland. for instabce, they clsimbuses show up in time on poland and you know the minute they come... nuff said.
mafketis  38 | 11132
5 Sep 2021   #93
Lukashenko, not ...ka.

He's from Belarus and the Belarusian version is -ka, Łukašenka in the łacinka alphabet sometimes used before the Soviet monsters devoured Belarus...

but the guy has big balls and impressive friends

He's a criminal and human trafficker. If he were in Mexico he'd be flying in Afghanis and pushing them over the Rio Grande.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
5 Sep 2021   #94
interesting guy. would him and chapo become friends?
mafketis  38 | 11132
5 Sep 2021   #95
How would that be to either's benefit? Sociopaths don't have 'friends' they have people they can exploit for various purposes... trying to be useful to a sociopath (whether a dictator or drug pushing scum is a terrible way to live (and usually results in a terrible way to die).
Ironside  50 | 12940
5 Sep 2021   #96
run away to a better, safer life,

Define safer and define better. so far those are people who can afford to pay lots of money to get where they are.
They are not serving beggers as some like to think. If they are safer in a country of their choosing than in their own country or Belarus - I don't know and you don't either.

The fact remains that their presents will put at risk the safety of citizens of a country they want to go to and in the process, they would make Poland a less safer country. I don't think it is a fair trade-off. I think is lofty and cheap sentimentalism in the guise of humantarism. People who support it are irresponsible fools with no sense whatsoever.

Over one million people - that's a scale unheard of before in Europe - left Poland in the 1980s.

Well, they were kicked out for the most part either directly or indirectly by the Soviet Regime. If they were in Poland in 1989 that con at the round table wouldn't be that successful. They were not illegal they were political refugees.

By the way, those Poles went to Europe, Canada, and the USA. Legally and openly. To countries that were near and that are culturally compatible.

Those people from Syria, Iraq, and Afganistan are from Asia and 99% of them are not that compatible with European culture.

Today majority of Poles think that they don't owe anything to anybody.

Quite right.

Just an idea.

Hair-brained idea. That makes no sense and would solve nothing.
Quite the opposite much more people would be transferred to the border.
the best option is to build a proper wall and let in no one apart from those who would use proper channels.
Ironside  50 | 12940
5 Sep 2021   #97
are children as young as 3 years old,

Why would I care about some children more than their own parents? Those people do not care about their children, they can always make more, Same with women, a woman is worth less than a docky in some of those countries.

They think people in Europe are suckers and they want to take advantage of it.
do you really want to let in a person who would put in a harm way his own kid and his woman? What more is not a big deal for him. How much less would such person care about women or children of some strangers?
Novichok  4 | 8446
5 Sep 2021   #98
They think people in Europe are suckers and they want to take advantage of it

They think people in Europe are suckers because people in Europe are suckers - all of them naive Christians. I don't see any "welcome here" banners in the Muslim countries.
Ironside  50 | 12940
5 Sep 2021   #99
n Europe are suckers - all of them naive Christians.

Nah they are feed ~ PC BS. What Christians? In Europe lol?
Strzelec35  19 | 830
5 Sep 2021   #100
"They think people in Europe are suckers and they want to take advantage of it.
do you really want to let in a person who would put in a harm way his own kid and his woman? What more is not a big deal for him. How much less would such person care about women or children of some strangers?"

no one thinks Polish people are suckers. They think they are uncivilized second or third world brutes and savages as well as retards. Who btw live in a depressing country where it rains or snows all the time. but then again Poland is not europe its eastern europe not central.

"Well, they were kicked out for the most part either directly or indirectly by the Soviet Regime. If they were in Poland in 1989 that con at the round table wouldn't be that successful. They were not illegal they were political refugees."

now they werent. prove it. go ahead prove it anyone kicked them out lol moron? or do u mean like the jews who you dont consider polish moron were seeking asylum in us from soviet and soviet occupied lands like my friends at the ice center? is that what u mean polish jews? but i thought u dont consider them as polaks or righteous polaks right? because they have a diff religion?
Novichok  4 | 8446
5 Sep 2021   #101
What Christians?

Just a guess. One has to be a compassionate Christian to be that stupid and allow the hordes in - "because it's a compassionate thing to do."

I am proud of the posters here. Men get real bullets, women - rubber balls, kids - skunk spray. Problem solved. Except for the balls on the other side.

Those, like full autos, are banned in Western Europe.

I am so sorry. I forgot that the US is even worse.
Ironside  50 | 12940
5 Sep 2021   #102
One has to be a compassionate Christian to be that stupid and allow the hordes in -

Nah those are mostly PC crew or as you would say liberals goodie two shoes.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
6 Sep 2021   #103
no one in the EU wants a replay of 2015 (let alone a replay of 2015 that's three times the size)

Flights from Iraq to Belarus have been supressed, the border fence is being constructed and border guards forces reinforced - there is no risk at all of a 2015-like situation. It's only a question of letting in 2-3 thousand people stuck at the border instead of watching them die of cold and hunger. Or we can show the world that we are exactly the same bastards as Lukashenka.

Why would I care about some children more than their own parents? Those people do not care about their children, they can always make more

Because the culture and values system of parents is not their children's fault?

How much less would such person care about women or children of some strangers?

Adolf Eichmann was a true family man, he had four children about whom he always spoke with love and affection, even during his trial in Israel he said he loves children. When they asked him how can he say that he loves children when he murdered millions of them, he said "yes, but those were Jewish children".

I see similar approach in some posters here - "of course, children have to be taken care of, loved and cherished BUT those are Muslim children, their parents don't care about them, they can always make more etc. etc."

One has to be a compassionate Christian

Not really. Compassion is not an exclusively Christian thing but it's a trait present in all those who aren't completely devoid of human feelings and common decency. But you are right that it is quite impossible to be a Christian and not feel compassion towards the poor, ill and homeless.
mafketis  38 | 11132
6 Sep 2021   #104
It's only a question of letting in 2-3 thousand people

When did the number swell to the thousands? The media keeps talking about a few dozen. And if flights from Iraq have stopped there are plenty of places from Senegal though Bangladesh full of people who want out and think Europe would be a nice place to get welfare... This suggests that for every person taken in now three (or more) will take their place.

Lukashenka (like any soviet) is deeply stupid and has to be taught that human trafficking cannot continue.
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
6 Sep 2021   #105
The thing is people compete with each other about money to afford their daily bread, roof over their heads and a chance for improvement of their lives.

To many people in Poland it can bring competition about the opposite sex, (Polish women viewing other women, especially such who are new as a possible additional competitor for males in Poland vice versa for men)

Most of these people are escaping a really bad situation, while being 100% misinformed about Poland and looking for "running rivers of gold" in Europe metaphorically speaking.

We can't blame them for trying, while we can't neglect those who are closest to us neither. We shouldn't give them a single groszy, but free food and help coping with the upcoming winter.

Personally I would work for a mutually agreed area to grow as an international area/city. Sending as many voulenteered teachers/educators as possible. Especially within the area of craftsmanship (pottery making, cutting trees, making planks, crafting furnitures) all depending on resources nearby.

Been inspired recently by a guy on YouTube who creates such in a primitive manner:

How to make a house
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
6 Sep 2021   #106
When did the number swell to the thousands?

Spokesman for the Border Guard (Straż Graniczna) informed about 3.5 thousand attempts at illegal border crossing. I assume he didn't mean deer or wild boar. Of course, the same people might have attempted to cross the border several times, there is no exact data.

we can't neglect those who are closest to us neither

Oathbreaker  4 | 347
6 Sep 2021   #107
But you are right that it is quite impossible to be a Christian and not feel compassion towards the poor, ill and homeless.

That is true, Christians are also warned about fighting in the name of the poor or in the name of tyrants. Which makes it difficult in modern day politics, opposing factions accusing each other of opposite wrongdoings.

I can only hope that the functionaries and people on the ground know what to do, this is a very difficult situation to solve without severe repercussions for Afghans, Poles or Belorussians.

Lukashenka disliking anyone trying to give him "orders" kind of has to either choose to be responsible or lose face internationally now.

He is either responsible for all within the borders of Belarus, or "his" citizens are going to take matters into their own hands gradually or instantly. Depending on the mood there
Strzelec35  19 | 830
6 Sep 2021   #108
Hey Dirk, maybe your cousin hates them because his government is racist and this is a racist country and deep down Polish people cant get over prejudices or racism? here is a thought. Or maybe he thinks theyre stealing dem jobs away from dem good ole boys? here is another thought.
Novichok  4 | 8446
6 Sep 2021   #109
Or we can show the world that we are exactly the same bastards as Lukashenka.

Show the world that it was Lukashenka who brought those people to point of starvattion and let them starve. There are a billion people out there starving and dying from diseases. Now what? Do you want to bring them all to Warsaw? What should Poland do if it was 200-300 thousand instead of 2-3? Would that be too many? Where is the limit? Even compassion has numbers.

How do you know that there will not be another batch? Are you going to let them in "because we did it before" and set an example that such a tactic works so it's our fault?

If those kids die, it will be 100% parents' fault, not Poland's.

Just as a reminder what weakness combined with compassion and shortsightedness leads to...Just look at the flotilla of rafts on the way to the UK and recall that not long ago there was the first one the compassionate people didn't have "the heart" to stop and force back "because there were children and women" on it.
Ironside  50 | 12940
6 Sep 2021   #110
no risk at all of a 2015-like situation.

Oh really? That is your opinion. What IF you are wrong? Would you be willing to bet on it? Your life, life of your wife, your kid, your property? If not one of the above who are you to bet the life of others on some whimsical fleeting feelings.

Adolf Eichmann

You are all over the place and you don't make much sense. What does it all have to do with anything? Children or not that is not Poland's concern. If you are that concerned there are plenty of children that would need a good home be it in Poland be in somewhere else. Those particular children that came to your attention due to mass media coverage have their parents to take care of them, the same ones who put them into this situation.

I think some order and reason should be used as well as prioritizing.
mafketis  38 | 11132
6 Sep 2021   #111
t weakness combined with compassion and shortsightedness leads to...

People you can't get rid of... Not directly related to Poland but very much related to the dangers of letting in unvetted 'refugees'.... it's almost impossible to deport them... endless appeals process and even criminal charges (ironically) keep them in the country that doesn't want them.

Similarly I read of a case in Germany, a guy who never should have been let in the country and the government was _still_ unable to get rid of him over a decade later.

Even if the Lukshenka 'refugees' are let in and immediately move to Germany... the chances of them ever being ejected (no matter how justified) are almost nil...

This is one reason the EU is (unusually) supportive of Poland in this conflict.
Novichok  4 | 8446
6 Sep 2021   #112
What IF you are wrong?

He is.
My bet is 100 to 1 that it would be a repeat of 2015. Those things have what in engineering is known as positive feedback - aka avalanche; one successful trespass case breeds 100 and we have a run on the border leaving the border guys with three choices: (1) shoot, (2) let them in, and (3) play that idiotic game Americans play known as "apprehensions" that never, ever include expulsions but do NGO lawyers.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
6 Sep 2021   #113
while being 100% misinformed about Poland and looking for "running rivers of gold" in Europe

I remember talking to an Iraqi guy in Poland he said he thought Poland was like Scotland(thinking its a seperate country),Netherland,Ireland,Finland,Iceland etc.They have relatives and friends there so they think there is lot of work in those countries in the EU with the "LAND" name,So somehow just show up ask for refugee status you will get a flat,food stamps and 1000 Euros and can work under the table and "LIFE IS GOOD".but they are surprised to be in Poland what awaits them.
Novichok  4 | 8446
6 Sep 2021   #114
but they are surprised to be in Poland what awaits them.

Unlivible welfare and Dirk with his dog.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
6 Sep 2021   #115
refugees' are let in and immediately move to Germany..

True but can never get legal as they will be processed(fingure etc)in Poland with EU law,they will have to wait I think 7 years to get citizenship after learning Polish lol and make pork eating as a habbits lol or they will always be illegal in any other EU country.

When they were building a Mosque in Piasczeno in Poland all the construction workers were having ham etc for lunch and these 2 faced ignorants didnt care when they came to inspect it.
Novichok  4 | 8446
6 Sep 2021   #116
When they were building a Mosque in Piasczeno

What??? And Poland let them? How about saying no until there is a church in Mecca.

I think I am going to get sick...
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
6 Sep 2021   #117
Remember when these buggers wanted to make a Mosque near WTC in NY?Someone I remember wanted to open a Go GO bar named"More-Hammered"with sexy girls neons blinking all day and night,staying at a legal distance allowed but clearly visible to the Mosque visitors.
Novichok  4 | 8446
6 Sep 2021   #118
Remember when these buggers wanted to make a Mosque near WTC in NY?

Now that you mentioned WTC and those m-fu*ckers... Yesterday, ABC had a story about a guy who is about to end his 500-mile walk to remember his fallen fireman brother. When it was over, I realized that from that segment I would never know who did it. Forget that they wouldn't dare say that these vermin were Muslims. They didn't even say that there were 19 of them and all from Saudi Arabia. It's as if it was some random event - like a lightning or just an old building crashing down. Sick.

Yes, white people are that stupid.

On the other hand, I googled Katyn and I was impressed how these men are honored at the site and the perpetrators, NKVD, named in Polish and Russian, side by side.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
6 Sep 2021   #119
You have no idea just how different Polish people including Polonia like dirk are from western white people. Which btw is another reason they are eastern not central europeans.

interesting... very interesting... turn of events guys:
mafketis  38 | 11132
6 Sep 2021   #120
interesting... turn of events

Yes it is. If Lukashenka is economic poison he'll lose the support of the oligarchs and have to depend more on the military (and increasing poverty....).

One reason the election protests didin't work was that the old Soviet fossils in the military and the oligarchs supported his regime (after receiving hefty bribes).

He might spit at the EU but the Chinese hold the pursestrings....

Home / News / Poland hopes to attract hard-working, trouble-free immigarnts - Ukrainian, Belarusians and Vietnamese

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