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Poland hopes to attract hard-working, trouble-free immigarnts - Ukrainian, Belarusians and Vietnamese

Polonius3  980 | 12275
14 Sep 2016   #1
Let Merkel simmer in the Muslim-terrorist stew she's brewed up, tryng to force it down the throats of hapless neighboring countries. Poland's dynanic and far-sighted Development Minister Moraweicki has a better idea. The pro-Polish, good- change government plans to include incentives for Ukrainians, Belarusians and Vietnamese to seek jobs in Poland. "Encouraging, for example, Ukrainians to come to Poland to work is an important pillar of demographic policy and necessary to mitigate the effects of adverse demographic trends," said. "This is an issue of fundamental importance for geopolitical reasons", but also for the current labour- market environment."
16 Sep 2016   #2
Belarussians are a great idea, hard working good people
30 Sep 2016   #3
It's funny - I cannot tell who is hard-working or honest or not among a group of 10 people, but you're able to tell who is honest or hard-working based on what, nationality? Logic 101 - it doesn't work this way, unless you're in a kindergarten. Poles are considered honest and hard-working people, but they don't want them in the US (they still require a visa); still, they gladly accept people from countries like Somalia or Nigeria. Go figure.
TheOther  6 | 3596
1 Oct 2016   #4
Unemployment rate 8.8%, youth unemployment rate 16.6%, millions of Poles working abroad - and the government wants to import Ukrainians, Belarusians and Vietnamese? Good luck with that.
Sparks11  - | 333
1 Oct 2016   #5
Mostly for low-wage jobs like farm work and possibly working in shops. I think it's a better idea than taking in Muslims.
Ironside  50 | 12941
2 Oct 2016   #6
good- change government plans to include incentives for Ukrainians, Belarusians and Vietnamese to seek jobs in Poland.

First of all one has nothing to do with the other. Muslim illegals suppose to be refugees which gives them different status than those of immigrants or migrant workers. Why're you mixing those two separate issues I don't know.

Second of all What is so wonderful about encouraging Ukrainians and others to seek jobs in Poland? How about do something for real like reducing taxes on those people who actually work, including ZUS paid by employers. That would be a step in a good direction and more jobs for the people in Poland.

and the government wants to import Ukrainians, Belarusians and Vietnamese? Good luck with that.

Over million Ukrainians are already working in Poland plus some number of Belarusians about 100 000 Vietnamese. What I don't understand why that fact is presented as some kind of success or a great economic plan.

I think it's a better idea than taking in Muslims

Those issues are not connected. People who are driving parallels between them are clueless.
Vlad1234  16 | 883
11 Apr 2019   #7
Don't worry. Ukrainians already built half of modern Poland and soon will build the second half up to the highest EU standards.
jon357  72 | 23482
11 Apr 2019   #8
They'll certainly help economic development.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
11 Apr 2019   #9
still, they gladly accept people from countries like Somalia or Nigeria. Go figure.

Easy. Reject an application from a brown person and you are a racist and a bigot. See how simple it is?
jon357  72 | 23482
11 Apr 2019   #10
very simple indeed. Why would someone reject a candidate on the basis of their skin.
mafketis  38 | 11137
11 Apr 2019   #11
It's not the basis of skin but of culture and likelihood of being able to integrate and be productive... Somalis have a very poor record everwhere they go and Nigerians are very mixed bag (some very smart some not so much and a culture of fraud and corruption).

Koreans would probably do well in Poland, Yemenis.... less so. It doesn't make them bad as people but things like cultural compatibility need to be taken into account in migration policy or you're likely to end up with horror shows like rosengraad and moelenbeek...
jon357  72 | 23482
11 Apr 2019   #12
likelihood of being able to integrate

That isn't a reason for rejecting a candidate.

and be productive

Skin colour has no bearing on that, either.


Very hardworking in my direct experience.
mafketis  38 | 11137
11 Apr 2019   #13
That isn't a reason for rejecting a candidate.

Of course it is! Unless you're trying to create some balkanized ghetto areas or want a bunch of welfare pets to take care of....

Very hardworking in my direct experience.

And willing to give up customs like child brides and face covering? Willing to accept secular education over religioius instruction?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
11 Apr 2019   #14
Why would someone reject a candidate on the basis of their skin... have one less a-hole asking for reparations..
jon357  72 | 23482
11 Apr 2019   #15
Why would 'reparations' be involved?

And willing to give up customs like

Perhaps you've spent longer there than I have...

Willing to accept secular education

I wonder what I was doing there...
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
11 Apr 2019   #16
Why would 'reparations' be involved?

You asked me why anyone would reject an application from a guy in Africa. I would for a number of reasons. Their demands for reparations is one of them.
goodytwoshoes  - | 16
11 Apr 2019   #17
very simple indeed. Why would someone reject a candidate on the basis of their skin.

Cultural heritage my man. It's alive and well and very real. I have a company where I employ a few people, theres certain ethnicities I won't go anywhere near based on cultural heritage....and yes Polish is one.. I'll never employ a Pole again.

Ive had four and every one has been a liability.
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
11 Apr 2019   #18
Strange.I am an employer too and apart from a couple of bad eggs,The Poles have been pretty good.
I prefer Slowaks though.
My biggest problems have come from Brazilians/Portuguese and Indians.
goodytwoshoes  - | 16
11 Apr 2019   #19
The Poles have been pretty good.

Yeah, well when I lived in Poland I had some great Polish builders working for me. In the UK however im in the transport industry and have had a few drivers, from all the Polish drivers two smashed up my vans, one did a dodgy insurable scam and another had a fake license..all four we're pretty **** poor. Perhaps ive been unlucky. Romanians have been OK. The Brit's aren't that much better I have to say.

Brazilians/Portuguese and Indians

LOL, if its business like property the Jews are an absolute nightmare. As soon as they said they were from Tel Aviv, I was like sorry "I have another call coming in, bye".

Some lessons are learned the hard way.
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
11 Apr 2019   #20
. The Brit's aren't that much better I have to say

I only employ one Brit out of 34 employees,he is very good but in general, Brits are unemployable.

Jews are an absolute nightmare.

I don't employ any Jews, but have many Jewish customers, and yes, they can be quit difficult......
goodytwoshoes  - | 16
11 Apr 2019   #21
I only employ one Brit out of 34 employees

Warehouse, picking and packing?
mafketis  38 | 11137
12 Apr 2019   #22
Cultural heritage my man. It's alive and well and very real.

For those who have been coopted by the neoliberal consensus there's no such thing as culture and people are interchangeable widgets that can/should be moved around according to the economic needs of the moment.

Cultural compatibility is not a concern for them because they have no intention of spending any time around the widgets they've moved from country A to country B...
12 Apr 2019   #23
"LOL, if its business like property the Jews are an absolute nightmare"

Please explain. i would like to hear your excuse for hating jews or saying they gave you some lessons? Maybe you were not able to rip them off as easily as other groups or take advantage?
Maoshra  - | 1
13 Apr 2019   #24
Hello and how are you, you sounded like knowing Nigerians in your post. Are you from there
minnie33311  - | 3
18 May 2021   #25
There is a lot of opportunities to work in Poland, especially for Ukrainians. I'm from Ukraine and the lardent agency helped me find a really good job in Poland. I totally recommend them..
Ironside  50 | 12941
18 May 2021   #26
There is a lot of opportunities to work in Poland, especially for Ukrainians.

Is that a good thing?
Novichok  4 | 8478
18 May 2021   #27
Immigrants? Never. Seasonal workers? Maybe, as long as they have no legal rights to stay or marry and the only way to get rid of them is through a lengthy bs with multiple appeals.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
19 May 2021   #28
"Is that a good thing?"

Is it a good thing the country you emigrated to doesnt want you?

I dont get why Polish people dont like Ukrainians or complain about their immigrants when they are the msot similar people to them culturally and probably linguistically and even look wise (white slavic immigrants). WOuld they prefer Germany to be as poor as it was when hitler came into power and have them right now be immigrants in Poland? I dont get it? or are they all just polish (like I am elven) supremacist who want poland for only polaks and think the polish race is the superior white race in all of europe?
mafketis  38 | 11137
19 May 2021   #29
why Polish people dont like Ukrainians or complain about their immigrants

I don't hear much/any complaints (and there aren't as many around as there were at one time).

The only openly anti-Ukrainian sentiment I've seen was a lady in Centralna a few years ago having a meltdown because the sales clerk in a żabka was Ukrainian. But she was getting _no_ support from other customers who used the word wstyd (shame) a lot about her and called security to remove her from the store.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
19 May 2021   #30
I do at bars like the Irish pub in Warsaw on miodowa street by that chick who almost got me into a fight I posted about on random because I took her to this other bar alled podwale and there was an Ukrainian there and she made some comment that she hears ukrainian language and she just constantly makes comments on them in the irish pub saying oh hes probably ukrainian when she sees some big hunk of a man and crap.

Maybe someone should ask her what her problem was and why she likes to get Polish guys she hangs out with in wrecks or fights? She also became real quiet when he started saying stuff like whose talking shet about ukrainians what did you say about ukrainians etc. leaving me all to it.

Home / News / Poland hopes to attract hard-working, trouble-free immigarnts - Ukrainian, Belarusians and Vietnamese

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