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Poland highest inflation in 20 years

PolAmKrakow  2 | 948
2 Sep 2021   #1
Interesting how well PiS has managed inflation. Now with the Polish Deal dying, what are the next PiS tricks to buy votes?
amiga500  5 | 1545
2 Sep 2021   #2
Now with the Polish Deal dying,

Excuse me? Its very alive and growing up to be something special.
OP PolAmKrakow  2 | 948
2 Sep 2021   #3
Incorrect. The cities are killing it because it strips billions of tax revenue from the cities and it can not be replaced. Time for you to do some research my friend. The Polish deal is a disaster and economic killer. Middle class crushing proposal that they didnt even have vetted by real economists on how to pay for it without destroying cities. Should have been passed by now if it were so good, but it is all but dead in its proposed form.
amiga500  5 | 1545
2 Sep 2021   #4
The cities are killing it because it strips billions of tax revenue from the cities and it can not be replaced.

The Cities were singing the same crooked tune when CIP was decreased and tax free for under 26 was introduced, that they would lose 20 percent of their tax revenue and not be able to provide essential services, what happened? their tax revenue actually increased thanks to wise and glorious PiS policies leading to a booming economy. Now they cry wolf again no one believes them and knows polish deal will help the towns and cities as well.
Novichok  4 | 8738
2 Sep 2021   #5
I thought that the effect of printing money was established 750 years BC so where is the surprise from?
If the government gave Poles the choice - to lock down or not - and disclosed the consequences maybe the people would be 99.99% against locking things down.
OP PolAmKrakow  2 | 948
2 Sep 2021   #6
This isnt a political debate. This is fact. The Polish Deal would destroy the middle class and kill cities. I guarantee it will not fly as written. Another wager?
amiga500  5 | 1545
3 Sep 2021   #7
I guarantee it will not fly as written. Another wager?

Your 'facts' seem more like delusions. Anyway I'm sure reactionaries back then said the same about Roosevelts New Deal. I already stated polish deal will grow up for the better. Since we cannot rely on Gowin , we will add some anti corruption measures to please folk hero kukiz, and make further changes wether we will deal with lewica or konfa posels who amenable to PiS plans.
OP PolAmKrakow  2 | 948
3 Sep 2021   #8
Clearly you haven't done any research. Polish Deal is not viable. If it were viable it would have become law by now.
amiga500  5 | 1545
8 Sep 2021   #9
As you can read Polam, New Deal has been refined with only a 5 percent health contribution, the key is removing the tax deductable part which is nonsensical. PiS has got the entrepreneur and business groups on board. "Przedsiębiorcy na podatku liniowym, będą od 2022 r. płacić składki zdrowotne w wysokości 4,9 proc. swojego dochodu, a nie 9 proc. jak pierwotnie zakładano." You seem to argue against higher taxes funny how new deal results in tax decrease of 16.5 billion more in citizens pockets but because it's pis you hate it hahaha

happy to take that wager now.
OP PolAmKrakow  2 | 948
8 Sep 2021   #10
My arguments are neither for or against taxes. My arguments are for developing programs, and financing those programs in a way that does not penalize on social economic group over another. May arguments are for smaller government and less red tape. My arguments are for helping the poor with more tax on the very wealthy, not on the middle class. The problem is that PiS is so incompetent that they cant devise a program hat gets paid for by the very wealthy without attacking the middle class too.

Now I give you that this will help some people get behind it. It wont pass because the money is missing from city tax revenues and this will not be paid for by the proposed taxes or cuts. Just do the math and get off the bandwagon.
amiga500  5 | 1545
9 Sep 2021   #11
It wont pass because the money is missing from city tax revenues

The money is missing theoretically as of course tax cuts may decrease revenue, but they also may spur economic growth boosting tax revenue, as happened the last time PiS cut taxes. As for taxing the ultra wealthy any politician that suggests getting rid of family trusts and investigating off shore accounts in the cook islands or belize will be found in a ditch, the new deal will get 2 billion extra tax of multinationals syphoning money out of poland though.
OP PolAmKrakow  2 | 948
9 Sep 2021   #12
I like when people talk theory when actual forensic accounting has already proven hundreds of millions in revenue will be missing from local government. It is even better when you said "may" spur economic growth. The United States just did a study of wealthy people during the pandemic and after all the tax cuts Trump gave out. Next to zero additional investment, and more hording of cash.

Wealthy people are in the business of creating wealth for themselves and their families. If some employees get moderately wealthy along the way its fine as long as it doesn't take from the top dogs. This is business, and this is what PiS doesn't understand. Tax cuts do not spur growth in real job creation and do not spur investment into new projects and expansion of business.

Even sleepy Joe knows he has to go after the ultra wealthy and he is half dead. JK should get on the same life support medication as sleepy Joe and it might help him get a clear mind.

The way the cities are set up in Poland for taxes, they will be the ones cutting programs and funding. They will not have the money coming in.

For me, I dont care. But this is not a solution for the country, this is another bad idea that has the potential to destroy infrastructure in cities that need the support the most.
amiga500  5 | 1545
9 Sep 2021   #13
Tax cuts do not spur growth in real job creation and do not spur investment into new projects and expansion of business.

Tax cuts for the working and middle classes spur consumption and thus job creation. as opposed to corporate and high income tax reductions which you are referring to. New deal has massive investments into infrastructure, digitalisation (your cutting red tape) and support for micro medium and large businesses. You are grasping at straws.

actual forensic accounting has already proven

The same 'forensic' accounting 'proved' the same with reduction of CIP and no PIT for under 26 a few years back. Yet the reality was opposite as revenue to the cities increased. Maybe the 'economic experts' you watch on TVN24 are just PO hacks who hate PiS and Poland? Maybe you were not in Poland then to remember the same rubbish that is being spouted now.
OP PolAmKrakow  2 | 948
9 Sep 2021   #14
Consumption does not stimulate job growth in sectors that actually make real impacts economically. Most consumption growth is in the service industry, as it has been in Poland in the past.

The new deal infrastructure and digitalization does not support the business sectors that need it most. You sir are grasping at straws and show you just march to the party drummer. The economy in Poland is a disaster. Cost of living is through the roof. Consumerism is down because inflation is up. People are saving money now because they learned the government has no help for them in an emergency situation. They learned the big money goes to big state owned business.

No more theory talk because the PiS theory for the last 6 years has been a financial disaster. Wealthy people are making a lot more money today and poor who PiS says they represent are being kept poor, but with just a little more bread and a few more potatoes to get through each month.

Stripping the cities of their tax revenues will see infrastructure and city funded projects stop very quickly. See how residents react if that happens.
gumishu  15 | 6228
14 Sep 2021   #15
PiS theory for the last 6 years has been a financial disaster.

man I don't know where you live, but it's probably somewhere nearer the Moon than Poland - Poland was booming before covid - if you haven't that's probably not the governments fault
jon357  72 | 23668
15 Sep 2021   #16
poor who PiS says they represent are being kept poor, but with just a little more bread and a few more potatoes

Very deliberately. Otherwise they wouldn't vote for the bro-totalitarian PiS.
jon357  72 | 23668
15 Sep 2021   #17

OP PolAmKrakow  2 | 948
15 Sep 2021   #18
Poland was booming due to EU money. Period. Please tell me what we export from Poland? Please tell me the primary industry? Poland has next to zero without the EU money. All the infrastructure jobs from EU money gone and all that consumerism spending gone, all the "jobs" in the service industry gone. Just a little better than Ukraine if not for EU money.
Alien  26 | 6551
16 Sep 2021   #19
It's not so easy sir.In 2021 Poland export more to Germany than USA. So the question is what is happend to USA-economy?
gumishu  15 | 6228
16 Sep 2021   #20
all the "jobs" in the service industry gone.

what you stated by the above is just nonsense - maybe you perceive the service industry gone because you work in tourism (and foreign at that) - if that's the case it is just your narrow personal perspective

edit: ok - you're right actually - i wasn't reading carefully - you are probably right about the EU money and Polish boom
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
16 Sep 2021   #21
I wish inflation hits 10% in Poland, as dumb tenants here sign rental agreements with annual increases accordingly lol and rent stays same even if inflation goes down in far only 5.75 % I think.
pawian  226 | 27817
16 Sep 2021   #22
Its very alive and growing up to be something special.

Bollocks. Check the surveys which prove that most Poles, even PiS voters, are highly sceptical about it. They are not interested in what magic concoction is brewing in PiS` cauldron for future use, they are living today and see clearly the inflation is going up.

Besides, the EU has blocked the funds which were going to be used by PiS to finance that New Deal thievery.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
16 Sep 2021   #23
PiS voters

The problem with PiS is that they don't have voters (wyborcy), they have believers (wyznawcy). That's why their numbers aren't decreasing even after the most embarassing antics of the government.
pawian  226 | 27817
16 Sep 2021   #24
they have believers (wyznawcy).

Yes. true. PiS created a new religion - pisizm. hahaha They will burn in Hell for that.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
16 Sep 2021   #25
PiS created a new religion

Yes, and Roman-Catholic church in Poland decided to join it. How sad an end for once a genuinely Christian church.
pawian  226 | 27817
16 Sep 2021   #26
Roman-Catholic church in Poland decided to join it.

Which was a short sighted choice and the Church will pay for it with its further demise.
Ironside  51 | 13109
17 Sep 2021   #27
The problem with PiS

Nah the problem with voter base in Poland rather. they focus on people, slogans, silly issues, and parties rather than see what issues and what organization and system need to change, improved or abolished altogether to make it state an efficient machine with checks and balances and a great place to be for its citizens.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
17 Sep 2021   #28
they focus on people, slogans, silly issues, and parties

That's true. All the voters should concentrate on one thing mainly - economy. All the rest (judicial system, LGBT free zones, ownership of TV stations, Constitution etc. etc.) can be discussed only when the economy is in perfect working order. All the parties in Poland are great at promoting secondary issues and avoiding the real problems.
Ironside  51 | 13109
17 Sep 2021   #29
All the voters should concentrate on one thing mainly - economy

Nah, should focus on the state organization and its workings. It should be a framework that would allow the economy to blossom due to the creativity and industry of its citizens. A state should protect from outside and inside interference in that process and ensure a level playing field for all involved.

All the parties in Poland are great at promoting secondary issues and avoiding the real problems.

That is true to some extent.
On the other hand, parties outside Poland do that too.
As to LGBT and other issues, it is a cultural wave of liberal democracy and after that comes to those nations and countries that are not powerful enough just before or after economical subjugation known as a new form of colonialism.
gumishu  15 | 6228
17 Sep 2021   #30
PiS is that they don't have voters (wyborcy), they have believers (wyznawcy).

almost 40 per cent of adult Polish population is part of a cult? interesting thought - however i do not concur - as I don't worship PiS and Kaczyński (but I never had and never will vote for PO, PSL or SLD mafias)

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