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Good news: Poland's PiS to rule at least 12 years -- Morawiecki

Polonius3  980 | 12275
27 Feb 2017   #1
The Polish government's economic tsar who combines two key ministries --developmertn sand finance -- has predicetd that PiS will govern Poland for at least 12 years. "Today society wants leadership not continuation (of PO rule). The strategy of respnsible devleopment is the road map of a more just economy and society. That is its masterplan," Morawiecki explained.
27 Feb 2017   #2
So, having done away with the bits of the constitution they dislike and now being in the process of doing away with an independent judiciary, the PiSlamic State are next planning to do away with elections. Although that's no surprise, given the way that they plan to introduce a two-tier electoral system for Warsaw where the votes of the people in areas which have higher support for PIS will count twice as much as the votes of the people in areas which don't vote for parties which ignore the constitution.
mafketis  38 | 11149
27 Feb 2017   #3
for at least 12 years

At which point there will not be a single tree left in the country! And the party will control the courts so that it can't be convicted of anything! And schools will have returned to the PRL model and teachers won't be able to teach things that contradict what the party leader says is true (at present)

... yay?
27 Feb 2017   #4
has predicetd that PiS will govern Poland for at least 12 years.

Did he look into a crystal ball? Seriously, how is this news? It is one person's opinion, nothing more.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
27 Feb 2017   #5
has predicetd that PiS will govern Poland for at least 12 years.

Seriously, if he predicts 12 years, or 3 terms in office, he must be either insane or feels he is a new Margareth Thatcher or a new Donal Tusk.
27 Feb 2017   #6
Did he look into a crystal ball?

Perhaps he's aiming for the 12-year reign of the Deutsches Reich?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
27 Feb 2017   #7
single tree

The tree thing is about to be withdrawn... Crooked judges who regard themselves as constituing a privileged caste will indeed will be done away with, and the school system backed by a majority of Poles will be restored. Already 500+ is producing tangible results. 30% more kids went away on holidays during the winter break just ending, last year there were 16,000 more births than in 2015 and maternity wards are busier than ever... But that's not all folks. Little by little the 25-years-late lustration process will finally get consummated and the self-proclaimed post-PRL elites will get consigned to the dust heap of history, a thriving indigenous industry will emerge and Polska będzie Polską!
27 Feb 2017   #8
Always amusing to see a party that is led by a man who volunteered to prosecute dissidents who opposed the Party banging on about lustration.

a thriving indigenous industry will emerge

Let me guess, a key part of that will be glorious five-year plans.

the school system backed by a majority of Poles will be restored.

Actually it is no more backed by the majority of Poles than the PZPR or the PiSlamic State were backed by the majority of Poles. And it is resolutely opposed by the people who know most about teaching, i.e. teachers.
gumishu  15 | 6228
27 Feb 2017   #9
And it is resolutely opposed by the people who know most about teaching, i.e. teachers.

and the teachers in question or rather their trade union was supporting Zjednoczona Lewica coalition who also proposed getting rid of gymnasiums - it looks like the stance of the ZNP (związek nauczycielstwa polskiego - the main Polish teachers' trade union) depends who is proposing the change
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
27 Feb 2017   #10
The tree thing is about to be withdrawn

Still waiting. Meanwhile, Poland is losing a huge amount of precious trees, some of which are 200 years old.

Even if it's stopped today, the damage will have been done. It's also becoming clear that the Minister of the Environment has connections to some influential lobbyists in the wood industry.
Ironside  50 | 12946
27 Feb 2017   #11
Well, maybe he should focus on his innovations and on solving problems rather than talk about length of the PiS rule. I hope they'll in power for eight years to show whether or not they're capable of solving out that mess.

At which point there will not be a single tree left in the country!

There will be a tree of liberty. So at least one.

Always amusing to see

You're not amusing peddling that old HS of your with an obsessive enthusiasm. Are you OCD Harry? I mean I know that you're but are you trying to cure that 'ailment' of your?

Actually it is no more backed by the majority of Poles

Alarm a lie detected. Your opinion doesn't count.

Meanwhile, Poland is losing a huge amount of precious trees, some of which are 200 years old

I know that you like to hang around kindergartens and places where kids congregate but I never pegged you for a tree huger.

Focus on the thread, not on other posters
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
27 Feb 2017   #12
Well, maybe he should focus on his innovations and on solving problems rather than talk about length of the PiS rule.

We're actually still waiting for a single example of innovation. Meanwhile, for all his talk, the Urząd Skarbowy is doing everything in their power to delay VAT returns alongside additional layers of bureaucracy.

Unfortunately, he's now wrapped up in Party business, which means plenty of meaningless slogans and little action.
mafketis  38 | 11149
27 Feb 2017   #13
We're actually still waiting for a single example of innovation.

Hey, they're getting rid of Poland's unsightly tree cover, doesn't that count?
They're reducing the size of the bloated diplomatic car pool as well.
And I'm sure they're trying to reduce the over large number of parties back to PRL levels...
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
19 Feb 2021   #14

Clairvoyant Jackowski on the political future of Poland's PM Mateusz Morawiecki

Mr. Morawiecki is a prominent figure as Prime Minister. And this is not the type of Mr. Kaczynski. Nor is he the type of many members of the current government's coalition. Mr. Morawiecki respects two people, two men who are stronger than the entire PiS. It's strange, but this is how I feel - said the clairvoyant Krzysztof Jackowski in the vision.

Two men are standing in front of him - says the clairvoyant about Mateusz Morawiecki. - I think that these men are not from the government. These two men are very close to everything that the prime minister does - he adds.

The coming 2-3 months will be a time of very strict decision-making by the prime minister, even in relation to what is happening now. Beware, I have such an impression that at some point, maybe even this year, the prime minister will be replaced - says Krzysztof Jackowski.

He will be exchanged for someone without a face - emphasizes Jackowski. - The prime minister knows perfectly well that such an exchange will take place - says the clairvoyant.
jon357  72 | 23483
19 Feb 2021   #15
Krzysztof Jackowski.

He has a lot of keen followers, however he gets it wrong sometimes.

I think that these men are not from the government. These two men are very close to everything that the prime minister does

Other clairvoyants are saying similar things. About there being two figures.
pawian  226 | 27509
1 Apr 2021   #16
the political future of Poland's PM Mateusz Morawiecki

PiS TV has just cracked on Morawiecki`s protege assistant. The rumour is it means PM`s position is in real danger and he might be fired sooner or later for failing to deal with the virus effectively.
Ironside  50 | 12946
2 Apr 2021   #17
for eight years to show whether or not they're capable of solving out that mess.

Well it took them much less that that to show us they are not very capable of anything really, they are a sad continuation of the incompetent post-soviet pseudo-elite cycle.
pawian  226 | 27509
16 Sep 2021   #18

Prime Minister better known as Pinocchio. His latest lying act was a few days ago when asked about the price of bread (in connection with the rising inflation), he pussyfooted for 1.5 minute without actually saying it.
Ironside  50 | 12946
17 Sep 2021   #19
about the price of bread

Who asked him and why? What kind of bread and where? From a bakery from a market? In a city or a small town in the south or the east? What does it matter anyway? Gov doesn't regulate bread prices and that is good.
jon357  72 | 23483
17 Sep 2021   #20
Prime Minister better known as Pinocchio

It's hard to find a bigger fool in the Sejm. And there's huge competition.

Who.asked.him.and.why? What kind of bread and where?

Russians try to do that. To confuse, obfuscate and introduce irrelevancies in order to confuse people when they're wrong. It doesn't work.
amiga500  5 | 1492
17 Sep 2021   #21
Our wise leader Mateusz is becoming even more hip and has come out with a weekly podcast :)
mafketis  38 | 11149
17 Sep 2021   #22
Mateusz is becoming even more hip

Get. A. Room.
jon357  72 | 23483
17 Sep 2021   #23
even more hip and has come out with a weekly podcast

Do people still do those?
amiga500  5 | 1492
17 Sep 2021   #24
"Edison Research found persons age 13+ now spend 6% or their audio time with podcasts, up from 2% in 2014. A Westwood One analysis of Edison's "Share of Ear" study found podcast listeners spend 30% of their audio time with the platform, more than any other audio source including AM/FM radio. "
jon357  72 | 23483
17 Sep 2021   #25
6% or their audio time with podcasts

With a stodgy, ultra-conformist and incompetent arch-conservative's podcasts?
amiga500  5 | 1492
17 Sep 2021   #26
anyone who protested against communism in the 80s is an arch conservative in your slanted red eyes
jon357  72 | 23483
17 Sep 2021   #27
Many weren't. Morawiecki however is. Otherwise he'd hardly be part of the ultra-conformist and conservative PiSuarzy.
amiga500  5 | 1492
25 Sep 2021   #28
PiS and Konfa rise in the polls. PiS at very respectable 37 percent PO drops 3 percent after disastrous few weeks. Tusk mania is over. Also the poll was done over the internet which suggests support for PiS is higher.

Lenka  5 | 3530
25 Sep 2021   #29
12% dla Konfy...? Wątpię żeby to sie spełniło


12% for Konfederacja? I doubt it will come true
amiga500  5 | 1492
25 Sep 2021   #30
why not? the millienials and younger will be predominatly voting either for lewica or konfa..

Home / News / Good news: Poland's PiS to rule at least 12 years -- Morawiecki

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