You mean those astounding patriots of Poland??? I agree. We need more of them.
They are not patriots of Poland, and this shouldn't come as a surprise after successive decades of internationalist socialist brainwashing under the PRL and the EU.
Take yourself as another glaring example, with your incessant anti-Polish nationalism and pro-Jewish nationalism stance.
There will likely never be genuine patriots in Poland again.
Here's an alternative hypothesis regarding your Prussian and Kashubian 'heroes': They weren't exactly freedom fighters - they were savvy opportunists. With the Soviet Union collapsing and the rich West rolling out the red carpet, it was a win-win. If Poland succeeded, they'd be celebrated and cash in; if it flopped, they'd just hop on the next plane to Brussels and still cash in - one of them (you know who!) did that anyway! :)
Poland would have never fallen like she did a few times in history.
Under your beloved Eurocrats, Poland will soon and rapidly be relegated from being a once-proud nation with a rich history of fighting for and reclaiming its independence, to just another EU state with job vacancies and welfare programs, open to anyone who shows up.
Ethnic Poles? They'll be reduced to mere 'residents' of the 'State of Poland' - no different from any migrant, legal or illegal.
Officially approved 'unity' will only be recognized through EU citizenship, where they will still just be another indistinguishable face in the crowd, among the latest arrivals from who knows where.
Displays of loyalty and ethnic pride will be with flags from places like Algeria, Nigeria, Turkey, Pakistan, and India, being enthusiastically waved during football matches - not just at the World Cup, but in regional rivalries within the 'State of Poland'.