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Poland and Germany should unite, says Lech Walesa

jon357  72 | 23361
16 Oct 2024   #91
Same goes for other countries.

It depends. The German system applies only in Germany. Other systems may or may not have limitations at all.

Really, Poland should just have snatched him.

UK Covid deaths among worst of big European economies

Deaths with, not from. Unlike most countries, we're honest about statistics. And given that we have Europe's biggest urban area and most important and thriving city, it's a credit to the government and people that the death rates weren't higher, as they would have been if the methods of mainland Europe had been used.

That goes with adhering to the rule of law.

Or abusing it, by holding to it when it clearly impedes justice.

and with good reasons if we look at our history.

Tue. Some countries can be trusted less than others.

Can you stop deliberately removing names from your quotes? It's creepy.
Tacitus  2 | 1264
16 Oct 2024   #92

The German system applies only in Germany

Sure. If you try someone in a German court, the German system applies. If you try someone in Poland, the Polish system applies. If you want to extradite someone, you'll have to convince the court of the country in question.

we have Europe's biggest urban area

The UK had also some key advantages. It is literally an island and not that densely populated. Compare that to e.g. Germany, whose population is on average older, and was neighbouring countries that had extremely high infection rates at times (AUstria, Netherlands, Czech Republic). The jury is still out how badly the UK did compared to other European countries, but there is nothing to suggest that it perform well compared to most.

by holding to it when it clearly impedes justice

We are talking about not having enough evidence to charge someone with murder. That was the initial problem with prosecuting him. That is not abusing anything.
jon357  72 | 23361
16 Oct 2024   #93
Why do,you deliberately remove usernames from quotes?

and not that densely populated

Hard to know where you pulled that gem from Huge swathes are marginal land and most of the population are concentrated in urban conurbations.

BTW, our median age is only 3 years younger than yours, and due to the ethnic makeup of the U.K., especially England, there are many people living in extended families.

there is nothing to suggest

There's plenty to suggest that, especially the post-pandemic economic growth stats.
pawian  224 | 27236
16 Oct 2024   #94
Why do,you deliberately remove usernames from quotes?

I was first to mention it two years ago. :):):)

All of us have some little obsessions in life. Simple.
Tacitus  2 | 1264
16 Oct 2024   #95

Why do,you deliberately remove usernames from quotes?

I do no such thing. They are just not in the brackets when I use them.

you pulled that gem from Huge swathes

Might ask you the same question. You came up with the idea that the UK - an island no less - was in a uniquely challenging in Europe situation during Covid due to its' population density. Like seriously. As if being densely populated was something uniquely to the UK.... .
pawian  224 | 27236
16 Oct 2024   #96
They are just not in the brackets when I use them

Stop using DOS system on your Spectrum gadget which you bought as a young boy. It is antiquity. Change to Windows.
jon357  72 | 23361
16 Oct 2024   #97
They are just not in the brackets when I use them.

That sounds evasive. And if it's clumsy English rather than deliberate evasion, it just doesn't wash either.

I'm posting on an iPad now, posted on an iPhone and a windows pc earlier, posted on a MacBook the other day and have posted on androids, Linux and a Raspberry Pi. I've posted on WiFi in many countries including yours and have posted on wired LAN connections including Iranian, on satellite scatter and on SIM cards in at least half a dozen countries including Germany and on a German sim. All since 2008, 16 years ago.

You've been deliberately deleting usernames since you started here in 2017. Either you're solely using a device or service that's over 7 years old, which is implausible or you're deliberately doing it.

No offence intended, but this is beyond hard to believe.

the UK - an island no less

Looks like you misunderstood. The U.K. isn't an island, by the way.

And yes, its human geography in terms of population density and settlement patterns, as well as its housing stock, heath service, economy and culture are very much unique. And of course the London travel-to-work area is the largest urban and semi sprawl in Europe, making the Dutch Randstad look like a village.
pawian  224 | 27236
16 Oct 2024   #98
You've been deliberately deleting usernames since you started here in 2017.

No, I perfectly remember he was normal at the beginning. His little obsession started about 2 years ago when he confronted strong rebuttal from posters who didn`t like Germany`s helmet gift for Ukraine.

but this is beyond hard to believe.

Be more understanding.
jon357  72 | 23361
16 Oct 2024   #99
If I was a cynic or conspiracy theorist, I'd have said he's paid to post here. But I'm not, so I wouldn't.

Would that I were! I'd be seeing reds under the bed and r*SSians with snow on their boots. In WW2, someone actually claimed they'd seen German soldiers with jackboots on dressed as nuns leading an advance invasion party on the east coast. They just turned out to be a group of particularly severe-looking and square-jawed nuns. Maybe they'd forgotten to shave that day
16 Oct 2024   #100
Poland doesn't think like Germany and the cultures cannot be united. A better combination would be to unite with Russia along with Belarus, but the West / EU / Germany will not allow that as they prefer to keep Poland weak.
Tacitus  2 | 1264
18 Oct 2024   #101

No offence intended, but this is beyond hard to believe.

Believe what you want. It would be nice if the names were in the brackets, then I would not have to manually add the before I insert quotes, but it is how it is. I just copy what I want to quote and put it in quote brackets. Since everyone seems to understand when he is referred to, it is not a problem I am particulary interested in solving.

area is the largest urban and semi sprawl in Europe, making the Dutch Randstad look like a village

You... You are aware that the Netherlands have a more urbanized population than the UK right? And that it shares a land border with Belgium, the most urbanized country in Europe, and is partof/close to the most densely populated regions in Europe? Knowing that, no one could possibly believe that the UK was in a more challenging position during Covid than the Netherlands.

While the UK is surrounded by sea (and that land border in Ireland but still).
Novichok  4 | 8748
18 Oct 2024   #102
While the UK is surrounded by sea

...which makes stopping the invasion by the foreign garbage harder...
Poloniusz  5 | 970
30 Nov 2024   #103
Lech Walesa has called for Poland to unite with Germany to form one European state

That's just his Prussian sentiment and communist education talking - it's very un-Polish!

Crow  154 | 9463
30 Nov 2024   #104
Eastern Germany when liberated belongs to Poland almost in entirety. I think it should be enough to Poland so Poles are satisfied.

Along that, independent Lusatian Serbia should be created.
pawian  224 | 27236
30 Nov 2024   #105
Lech Walesa has called for Poland to unite with Germany

I agree on one condition - Germans have to learn Polish!!!!
Crow  154 | 9463
30 Nov 2024   #106
Actually, entire Germany can go to Poland but, its something that France won`t allow.

In reality, this should be western most border of Poland > old Frankish - Serbian border >

Spot this map of Frankia from 843 year (from Annales Fuldenses):


On the whole western Frankish border, by old sources Franks bordered solely with Serbians. Along Limes Sorabicus, Sorbian March, from Baltic to Lusatia and then to the Adriatic.

To me as a Serbian, its alright that Poland expand westward, because Poles themselves are Sarmatians (ie Serbians).
Crow  154 | 9463
30 Nov 2024   #107
In fact, this map shows and encompass Frankish expansion onto Serbian lands for even 100 km into East on entire western Frankish border. Correct that border and there is the real western most border of Poland that could be confirmed, supported and legalized by old sources (mentioned in written documents and peace agreements).

See? Complete Baltic belong to the Slavic world. Its ancient name was Oceanus Sarmaticus or Mare Sorabicus (Serbian ocean or Serbian Sea). The name was with the reason.
Poloniusz  5 | 970
30 Nov 2024   #108
Germans have to learn Polish!!!!

They will never love or be loyal to Poland!

Not only is the Prussian Eurocrat a prime example of that but so is the Kashubian Eurocrat! :)

pawian  224 | 27236
30 Nov 2024   #109

You mean those astounding patriots of Poland??? I agree. We need more of them. If there were more like them aka Mr Honourable Prime Minister Reverend Donald Holy Tusk, Poland would have never fallen like she did a few times in history.
Poloniusz  5 | 970
30 Nov 2024   #110
You mean those astounding patriots of Poland??? I agree. We need more of them.

They are not patriots of Poland, and this shouldn't come as a surprise after successive decades of internationalist socialist brainwashing under the PRL and the EU.

Take yourself as another glaring example, with your incessant anti-Polish nationalism and pro-Jewish nationalism stance.

There will likely never be genuine patriots in Poland again.

Here's an alternative hypothesis regarding your Prussian and Kashubian 'heroes': They weren't exactly freedom fighters - they were savvy opportunists. With the Soviet Union collapsing and the rich West rolling out the red carpet, it was a win-win. If Poland succeeded, they'd be celebrated and cash in; if it flopped, they'd just hop on the next plane to Brussels and still cash in - one of them (you know who!) did that anyway! :)

Poland would have never fallen like she did a few times in history.

Under your beloved Eurocrats, Poland will soon and rapidly be relegated from being a once-proud nation with a rich history of fighting for and reclaiming its independence, to just another EU state with job vacancies and welfare programs, open to anyone who shows up.

Ethnic Poles? They'll be reduced to mere 'residents' of the 'State of Poland' - no different from any migrant, legal or illegal.

Officially approved 'unity' will only be recognized through EU citizenship, where they will still just be another indistinguishable face in the crowd, among the latest arrivals from who knows where.

Displays of loyalty and ethnic pride will be with flags from places like Algeria, Nigeria, Turkey, Pakistan, and India, being enthusiastically waved during football matches - not just at the World Cup, but in regional rivalries within the 'State of Poland'.
pawian  224 | 27236
1 Dec 2024   #111
It is late and I need to go to my Jap su wres matt.

Can you summarise your long post in 3 sentences??? I have had enough of that drivel before. ?):):0
Alien  25 | 6353
1 Dec 2024   #112
Can you summarise your long post in 3 sentences

I'll help you: black and jew bad. PRL and European Union also bad. The German is bad anyway. The only good one is All-Polish Youth, Confederation and sometimes PiS. Is that enough?
Crow  154 | 9463
1 Dec 2024   #113
Scandinavian countries have nothing with Frankia and Germany.

Scandinavia! Back to origin, back to Slavic ie Sarmatian world!

Home / News / Poland and Germany should unite, says Lech Walesa

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