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Poland - Germany's 5th largest trade partner

GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
16 Feb 2021   #1
According to German Federal Statistical Office, Poland has now become Germany's 5th trading partner (overtaking Italy).
The value of trade between Poland and Germany in 2020 was 122.9 billion euro.

It is also worth noting that Polish industrial output in December 2020 was 11.2% higher that in December 2019 (before the corona-crisis), and that Polish general surplus in foreign trade is currently 7% GDP (!); after being a netto exporter of services Poland has now become a netto exporter of goods as well.

I noticed this a while ago, that with all their silly anti-German propaganda, PiS is actually trying to implement a version of German ordoliberalism form 1960s-1970s, and they are not doing horribly bad at that. :)
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
16 Feb 2021   #2
and they are not doing horribly bad at that

Good news, it means we can look forward to the Polish Willy Brandt to emerge as a natural reaction to it ;)

Polish industrial output in December 2020 was 11.2% higher that in December 2019

It's very much my view that Covid-19 is simply accelerating the move of industrial production from Western Europe to the CEE region, nothing more.
Crow  155 | 9700
16 Feb 2021   #3
But but by the God. Germany goes down. Let us only hope and arise our hands to the our beloved Svetovid, Poland not to share destine with Germany, in a post-Covid world. It would be too cruel a joke of a universe.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
16 Feb 2021   #4
Poland is Germany's largest neighbor after France. No wonder.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
16 Feb 2021   #5
France isn't Poland's neighbour and never has been.
Crow  155 | 9700
16 Feb 2021   #6
Alright, its logical. But one must be vigilant. Many nice and less nice things may come from German side. Especially now when they undergo mental and bodily uplifting.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
16 Feb 2021   #7
@Ziemowicie, I was referring to France's size, not it's location:-)
Crow  155 | 9700
16 Feb 2021   #8
Actually, in not that deep past France and Germany were one and same state, Frakia or to say Frankish Empire that starched, via Western Slavic lands, as occupational force all the way to the back then Polish realm. So, Ziem is right if we were to be precise.


Lyzko  44 | 9723
16 Feb 2021   #9
Historically, you have a point. As to the thread topic, this will make it even more to the Germans' advantage to learn Polísh, although many Poles already know German.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
16 Feb 2021   #10
I was referring to France's size

Mea culpa! You indeed said 'Germany's neighbour' rather than 'Poland's neighbour'.
Crow  155 | 9700
16 Feb 2021   #11
this will make it even more to the Germans' advantage to learn Polísh

Absolutely. Absolutely. I see wisdom of Poland investing in relations with Germany, especially in neighboring region. When Germany start to crumble new question would emerge, to create new Slavic state or to merge eastern Germany with Poland.

By the God, Duda is wise. He is like a polyp. His fingers are everywhere.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
16 Feb 2021   #13
The brother of Shiva LOL
Crow  155 | 9700
16 Feb 2021   #14
You know, in some Hindu texts, Shiva has an aspect (avatar) under the name of Indra that is the most significant enemy of Srbinda. But Duda, no, Duda isn't an enemy of the Sarmats (ie Scythians, ie Slavs), or to say Srbinda.

Just one digression. Rg-Vedic texts are nothing but insight into the history of the Sarmatian branch (known also as Hyperboreans) around the Ind River and surrounding regions, potentially very large areas from today's India to Siberia.
OP GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
17 Feb 2021   #15 addition to the information in the first post: according to the Federation of European Stock Exchanges (FESE), the Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE) recorded the largest percentage increase in stock turnover in 2020 - by 56.1% compared to 2019.,Sukces-GPW-Stoleczna-gielda-zanotowala-najwiekszy-procentowy-wzrost-obrotow-akcjami
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961
17 Feb 2021   #16
Poland is Germany's largest neighbor after France

Really! :)
17 Feb 2021   #17
The first time in history. Poland is in right time on right place.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
17 Feb 2021   #18
What else, B.B.?
Alien  26 | 6528
13 Nov 2022   #19
The Bundeswehr has just ordered combat uniforms with the inscription SS. It is just about the size (SS= S-short), but there is a €2bln scandal over the whole of Germany.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961
13 Nov 2022   #20
.....meine Güte! *epic eyeroll"

They didn't use the runes, didn't they....
pawian  226 | 27817
22 Jan 2023   #21
I noticed this a while ago, that with all their silly anti-German propaganda, PiS

PiS needs an enemy to survive. Their favourite method of ruling the country is frightening Poles with a catastrophic threat and then persuading them that PIS is the only factor which is able to remove the threat.

It seems to be working on many here.
call1n  2 | 192
22 Jan 2023   #22
I don't trust Germany for ****. The protestant reformation was invented because Martin Luther wanted the German Catholics to accept the reform. When catholic Germany reunites with protestant Germany that will be a complete nose dive for catholic Poland.

enough said

I trust Putin's double penetration sex of mother Russia by old skool kgb and the Russian orthodox church more than I trust Germany.
OP GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
22 Jan 2023   #23
persuading them that PIS is the only factor which is able to remove the threat

That is no longer true about PiS. After bending over backwards to please the EU, in vain hope of receiving the reconstruction funds, they lost all their credibility. I already told you - that's the beginning of the end for PiS.

Solidarna Polska and, to some extent, Konfederacja are the only remaining patriotic forces in Polish politics. However, in the case of Konfederacja we would have to investigate the possbile Russian connection, so actually we are left with only Solidarna Polska (and maybe Prawica Rzeczypospolitej). Sad times for Poland. :(
call1n  2 | 192
27 Jan 2023   #24
Sad times for Poland. :(

My father who is Polish has told me things like Zionist Israel and the Vatican are things of the flesh not of the heart. These kinds of things also do not support America's interest.Why wouldn't he make a statement like that he is married to my mom?.

Don't be sad about it, once people get wind of how much the Vatican favors Germany... the truth will come out.

Gods chosen people is not an earthly tribe.
Alien  26 | 6528
27 Jan 2023   #25
Back to topic, Germany is Poland's largest trade partner.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
27 Jan 2023   #26
Gods chosen people is not an earthly tribe.

Are you American by any chance?
28 Jan 2023   #27
Germany is Poland's

Germany and Poland - two leaders of united Europe.
pawian  226 | 27817
19 Mar 2025   #28
Any alliance of Poland without Germany is utter stupidity. Only nationalist kids lost in the foggy forest can play silly games omitting Germans.
Germans have an old potential which needs awakening. Poland has a new potential which needs development.
Together, united, we shall be unconquerable to our enemies.

Strength in unity!!!!
Alien  26 | 6528
21 Mar 2025   #29
The first time in history. Poland is in right time on right place

You're right, man.
Ironside  51 | 13086
22 Mar 2025   #30
You're right, man.

are you talking to yourself?
Times have changed also circumstances are changing and going to change even more. Only some old half-witted farts do not get it and are living in the past.
It sad when people do not understand reality around them.

Home / News / Poland - Germany's 5th largest trade partner

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