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Poland fines singer for bashing Bible

WhyMedSchool  6 | 35
17 Jan 2012   #1

Polish singer Dorota Rabczewska has been fined for saying she doubted the Bible "because it's hard to believe in something that was written by someone drunk on wine and smoking some herbs."

Thoughts on this? I can't believe she was fined as this seems a pretty blatant disregard for freedom of speech, not to mention that she's also correct.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768
17 Jan 2012   #2
How can one be fined for such things?
Under what interpretation of which law?
"A Warsaw court ordered her Monday to pay a fine of 5000 zlotys (NZ$1827) for offending religious feelings." -Offending religious groups? Oh F*ck off?
JonnyM  11 | 2607
17 Jan 2012   #3
That's only the first stage. The Polish legal process is long and inefficient. They tend to do the sabre rattling first then back down. And even if she doesn't have it overturned (although she will) for Doda this is an inexpensive piece of PR.
modafinil  - | 416
17 Jan 2012   #4
She deserves the fine for her most idiotic and erroneous reasoning.
Ironside  50 | 12954
17 Jan 2012   #6
I can't believe she was fined as this seems a pretty blatant disregard for freedom of speech, not to mention that she's also correct.

I think that you are walking piece of trash !

How about that ? Do you regard that as my right to speak freely or do you find that offensive and insulting whether I'm right or not?

She should pay much more than 5 000 zl and so should her former lover !
modafinil  - | 416
17 Jan 2012   #7
There's plenty of reasons one can give not to believe the bible as literal truth, but being drunk and stoned doesn't make the many writers of the books that 'make up' the bible, or anyone else, a liar. I'm never so honest as when I am drunk. Only a very childish mind could take the most influential literature there has ever been as dismiss it with such a crass argument as to why it is unbelievable.
JonnyM  11 | 2607
17 Jan 2012   #8
Do you regard that as my right to speak freely or do you find that offensive and insulting whether I'm right or not?

A false comparison. She was giving her opinion on a book.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
17 Jan 2012   #9
Actually Bible people were most likely sober. Drinking to the point of drunkness was not acceptable in the Roman Empire.
Ironside  50 | 12954
17 Jan 2012   #10
A false comparison. She was giving her opinion on a book.

that is not a book by many is regarded as the book.
Should I then make that comparison more valid by insulting his mother or parents?
Maybe lifestyle or something he holds dear?
The point is nobody should be able to insult people or their beliefs without consequences. Sadly some people seems to think that is doesn't apply to the religion.

Meaning you can say what you think about religion or Bible but in a way that isn't insulting.
What says you ?
17 Jan 2012   #11
Seperation of church and state. It's about time Poland gets out of the stone age.
hythorn  3 | 580
17 Jan 2012   #12
She deserves the fine for her most idiotic and erroneous reasoning.


stone the talentless dog
JonnyM  11 | 2607
17 Jan 2012   #13
Should I then make that comparison more valid by insulting his mother or parents?

It isn't anyone's parents. It is a book. Would you also prosecute Sir Salman Rushdie?

being drunk and stoned doesn't make the many writers of the books that 'make up' the bible, or anyone else, a liar.

Certainly alcohol was popular in that time and place, but some of the books of the bible (Jeremiah, Ecclesiastes, Revelation) seem more the product of serious and untreated mental illness.
hythorn  3 | 580
17 Jan 2012   #14
Would you also prosecute Sir Salman Rushdie?

me personally, yes gladly

the vile little git deserved the fatwa and I for one am disappointed that he did not get what he deserved

winding up the entire muslim community just to make a few quid the poisonous little weasel
Des Essientes  7 | 1288
17 Jan 2012   #15

Is the most noble book in the entire Old Testament. You cannot honestly believe that it is:

the product of serious and untreated mental illness.

unless you yourself are cracked.

being drunk and stoned doesn't make the many writers of the books that 'make up' the bible, or anyone else, a liar.

I agree with you Mondafil. This pop singer's critique of the Bible was that of an uptight ignoramus.
modafinil  - | 416
17 Jan 2012   #16
When I worked in Mental Health I was told psychotic's could only communicate from within a dreamlike state using symbolism. The use of 'psychodelic' drugs can also mimic this state. Though anyone who claims to have deciphered St. John's work in Revelations in modern times needs his head checked. It must have been great entertainment way back when and given its hearers much to muse over.
gumishu  15 | 6228
17 Jan 2012   #17
"A Warsaw court ordered her Monday to pay a fine of 5000 zlotys (NZ$1827) for offending religious feelings

that is the law in Poland - if you feel obliged to change it start campaining - be a New Male Suffragist
17 Jan 2012   #18
She did it to be a subject of controversy to promote herself to be able to make more monies - despicable,she should pay a fine.

People say and do things all the time just to make some money.

Is there a list of things in Poland's constitution that says, "You have freedom of speech most of the time, as long as you don't insult A, B, C, and D." ???

I didn't know "Blasphemy" was still illegal in the developed world.
gumishu  15 | 6228
17 Jan 2012   #19
You have freedom of speech most of the time, as long as you don't insult A, B, C, and D." ???

try insulting Mr Komorowski :) I'm pretty sure you would regret it dearly
Polonius3  980 | 12275
17 Jan 2012   #20
I don't recall the exact phrasing, but Polish law forbids inciting ethnic. racial or relgious hatred and that includes offending religious sensibilities. Wouldn't the New York press making a big deal about Dodo (er, um, oops...I mean Doda) change their tune if someone had r'pped up the Torah on stage, wiped his bum with an Israeli flag or placed a star of David in a jar of urine and called it art? The latter BTW occurred a few years ago in New York, except someone placed a crucifix in a jar of pee. Christians were outraged, but the arty-farty and liberal media types, especially those of the 'chosen race' who run the show were invoking freedom of artistic expression.

But when they are publicly atacked or ridiculed they call for a ban on 'hate speech'. Either there is total freedom for all views, or laws mandating civility are impartially enforced across the board. You can't have your matzoh and eat it!
Ironside  50 | 12954
17 Jan 2012   #21
People say and do things all the time just to make some money.

Should they be able to make a mockery and abuse freedom of speech just to make a few bucks ?
hythorn  3 | 580
17 Jan 2012   #22
see my comment about Salman Rushdie above
17 Jan 2012   #23
" Should they be able to make a mockery and abuse freedom of speech just to make a few bucks ?"
The thing about freedom of speech is that one had to agree that if one has it, everybody else had the right to call one an arssehole. I support free speech (although there obviously is not free speech here).
17 Jan 2012   #24
Polish law says that no one can offend someone's religious feelings. That's not only about Catholicism but other religions too.

It's about time Poland gets out of the stone age.

Please cut such comments. It's not your country.

I can't believe she was fined

Hard to believe is that her boyfriend wasn't fined after burning on stage Bible.

Yes you cannot offend the head of the government. Do you remember the case of some drunk homeless?
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
17 Jan 2012   #25
Being fined for something like this is silly but someone should inform the singer the Apostles were not drunk. They drank wine that was very watered down as was the custome back then since plain water made people sick.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768
17 Jan 2012   #26
that is the law in Poland - if you feel obliged to change it start campaining - be a New Male Suffragist

The "Oh F*ck off" part was actually my prophecy of your reply, so please heed my directive.

Now, anyone should be able to see that "offending" someone is more up to them than it is up to you. One decides if one is offended and if one is so inclined can take great liberty with what is truly offensive and what is not. Think about how that forces people to behave: don't question religion if you're not very well spoken, you may offend someone and have to pay them money.

This isn't a Polish problem, merely the Polish expression of how freedom of speech is covertly curtailed by those in power (it appears the RCC is still in power here).

Being fined for something like this is silly but someone should inform the singer the Apostles were not drunk. They drank wine that was very watered down as was the custome back then since plain water made people sick.

Is this a Fact or just something that religious people like to pretend is a fact if one calls into question the cultural habits of those who wrote the bible? I'm doubtful but open to hearing the explanation or source for this.
17 Jan 2012   #27
I support free speech (although there obviously is not free speech here).

Do you also support hate speech on ethnic group? Do you support fascist rights of free speech?
I don't. And I don't support hate based on religious background too.
As for the case of Doda, she shouldn't be fined because it wasn't really offensive. It was her who made a bit of blondie out of herself by saying that she rather will believe in dianosours than stories from Bible! Lol.

I think that her comment was merely her personal opinion not a hate speech.

Do you support fascist rights of free speech?

Of course should be: the fascists' rights of a free speech.
17 Jan 2012   #28
Do you support fascist rights of free speech?

I may disagree with what they sa but I'd die for their right to say it.

I think that her comment was merely her personal opinion not a hate speech.

Which by definition makes it perfectly acceptable.
peterweg  37 | 2305
17 Jan 2012   #29
Seperation of church and state. It's about time Poland gets out of the stone age.

Which is ridiculous coming from a American, a predictable and meaningless mantra.

She deserves the fine for her most idiotic and erroneous reasoning.

No, she deserves the fine for breaking a law. If you don't like a particular law, tough ****.

Different countries have different sensibilities, drinking alcohol, sex with 16 years olds or prostitution is illegal in some countries, outrageous you may think but in their country they make the law so abide by it.
Ironside  50 | 12954
17 Jan 2012   #30
One decides if one is offended and if one is so inclined can take great liberty with what is truly offensive and what is not.

Not quite, if someone chooses to make rude and unharnessed remarks about something that many people deem holly that is clearly offensive, no buts about that !

If somebody does it on purpose then there is no doubt in my mind that he/she should be fined.
It has nothing to do with criticizing religion and everything with respect where there is no respect there is nothing.

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