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Should Poland exit the EU immediately?

InPolska  9 | 1796
22 Sep 2015   #181
@Marsu: Germany, UK, France and Sweden have also ready taken more than 50% of all refugees. Spain is very high too and not to mention poor Greece and Italy! Over the past years, Western European countries have already taken a lot of Syrian and other refugees. What Poland has done and is ready to do is very very little in comparison with Western European countries.

I have just heard that NOW Brussels say no compulsory quotas so you can bet, Poland shall only take a couple of dozens (or even 0 if PiS come to power on 25.10).

In EU decides to help, all 28 countries should be involved. EU is no supermarket.
nothanks  - | 626
22 Sep 2015   #182
InPolska, this might have occurred if Mama Merkel didn't run her mouth making promises and then throwing around the Xenophobia card. Inviting outsiders before closing external borders?

Germany is not entirely stupid. They know the skilled and driven will eventually settle in Germany or UK. In the mean time they want the rest of Europe to house and educate them.

Do you consider how the Refugees feel being used by Germany as an economic tool? Their politicians are openly admitting it
OP Ironside  50 | 12916
22 Sep 2015   #183
Anyway we UK

Really? You don't sound uk like, unless you are an illiterate retard.
Crow  154 | 9463
22 Sep 2015   #184
I hope so much you will leave the EU you are the second largest community in the UK after the Indians, there is even more Polish than Pakistanis now in the UK, go your own country and live in your own ***. Anyway we UK we will leave the EU and will kick you out hahaha.

why you English can`t imagine that Poland choose to go its own way?

you sincerely want good relations with Poland? Yes? Fine. As i see Poland want at least normal relations with England.

So, whats the problem? Poland don`t switch sides. Poland don`t want to enter in Eurasian Union. Poland just wants to form Intermarium. One nice little conglomerate of countries around Poland. Same as Anglos already created vast countries such are Britain, Australia, Canada, USA.

Tell me if i`m wrong but, i for sure don`t see reason for Anglos to be upset if Poles wants to go out of EU and finally wants to do something for themselves and, for those who think similar to them, among countries on Baltic-Balkan-Ukraine line
Marsupial  - | 871
22 Sep 2015   #185
I think you misunderstood him crow he is probably some bum from the council ghetto who lost his job to a pole cause he took al his sickies every year for 7 years because he was 'entitled' to them.

Back to the topic
johnny reb  49 | 7974
24 Sep 2015   #186
why you English can`t imagine that Poland choose to go its own way?

Crow I am starting to understand what you have for a long time been preaching here.
You are correct in my opinion.

if Poles wants to go out of EU and finally wants to do something for themselves and, for those who think similar to them, among countries on Baltic-Balkan-Ukraine line

Yes er'e, Poland would be with more their own culture, speak similar languages, have more of similar beliefs and above all done with prostituting to other countries, and having other countries telling Poland what they must do or have their allowance cut off.

I think Poland would be a lot happier being independent then belonging to the failing E.U.
Poland is the only pure country left in the E.U. yet Poles are being FORCED into something they see as a complete failure.
Crow  154 | 9463
24 Sep 2015   #187
Croatian PM Milanovic > Croatia belong to Germany

Commenting on Croatian measures on refugee issue, having also in mind recent Croatian provocations of Serbia, Croatian PM Milanovic admitted that he constantly have consultations with leaders of Austria and Germany. ``These are the most powerful countries in Europe and we work in their national interests....... that is the western Europe to which we belong....``. Milanovic also said that he have support of most important people within EU. At the same time, Milanovic labels Budapest (Hungary) and Belgrade (Serbia) as axis that together with opposition in Croatia works against him and his government.

Source: Milanović: Jedva èekam ponoć da vidim šta će biti

Premijer Hrvatske kaže da sve poteze preduzima uz konsultacije sa liderima Austrije i Nemaèke.

"To su najmoćnije zemlje u Evropi, a mi radimo i u njihovim nacionalnim interesima", rekao je on, dodajući da se oni "ne deru, ne galame, ne daju ultimatum i to je zapadna Evropa kojoj mi pripadamo, ovo ovde nije zapadna Evropa"

Milanović, međutim, nije direktno odgovorio na pitanje da li se o zatvaranju granice konsultovao sa nemaèkom kancelarkom Angelom Merkel, rekavši ponovo da je "razgovarao sa najvažnijim ljudima u EU",

Hornet's Nest
28 Sep 2015   #188
Perhaps Poland + the four countries who voted against accepting refugees should simply withdraw from the EU altogether as they clearly feel uncomfortable at the thought of any racial minority that is Muslim settling in their countries. Would they really be missed ?? well for it would put a slight dent for the EU as an economic bloc but it terms of actual funds they ALL pull out a great deal more than they put in when it comes to the finances of the EU and perhaps we'd all be that just little bit better off without them.

Put the numbers in perspective - Poland is taking 12,000 refugees (and I agree they should only be taking genuine refugees), there are 630,000 Polish born people currently living in the UK (mostly economic migrants). By the end of August 2014, the UN estimated 6.5 million people had been displaced within Syria, while more than 3 million refugees had fled to countries such as Lebanon (1.14 million), Jordan (608,000) and Turkey (815,000).

The Polish government voted in favor of accepting refugees and even if they didn't the EU as a whole voted for the quota system. People may not like it but then there are lots of measures that democratically elected bodies pass that are not popular ... popular is not always right and to be honest if I were a refugee would I really want to live in a country which was not willing to accept me because of my religion, probably not.
Crow  154 | 9463
28 Sep 2015   #189
what would Tusk when Poland abandon European Empire?
pawian  224 | 27236
28 Sep 2015   #190
Poland should exit EU immediately.

Poland outside EU will fall prey to Russia sooner or later. Do you want it?
We are too weak to stand on our own. It is not 16 century when we were able to keep Russia at bay.
Crow  154 | 9463
28 Sep 2015   #191

said pawian.
pawian  224 | 27236
29 Sep 2015   #192
And proudly so. 89% Poles supporting EU are breathing behind my back. :),rekordowe-zadowolenie-polakow-z-ue-az-89-proc-z-nas-popiera-unie

Even preschool/kindergarten kids are for EU:):):)

not forgetting their motherland, though
29 Sep 2015   #193
Poland outside EU will fall prey to Russia sooner or later. Do you want it?
We are too weak to stand on our own. It is not 16 century when we were able to keep Russia at bay.

I bet you are leftist. Have you ever heard of NATO? You know the actual organization which is more likely to help should a military confrontation take place...

The EU has too many issues and can go to hell :)
(Believe it or no, not all Poles believe that Russia is coming to get us again. Too much propaganda from the PIS and PO fearmongers isn't healthy for you.)
pawian  224 | 27236
29 Sep 2015   #194
I bet you are leftist.

No, why? :)

Have you ever heard of NATO?

I suppose so...

You know the actual organization which is more likely to help should a military confrontation take place...

Hmm, I have serious doubts about it.... I am not so naive as to believe that NATO will rush to help a country which is not EU member. What for??

Think about it.

The EU has too many issues and can go to hell :)

Yet, economic bonds which it creates between members outweigh anything NATO may offer a non EU member.

(Believe it or no, not all Poles believe that Russia is coming to get us again.

Yes. But Si vis pacem, para bellum

Too much propaganda from the PIS and PO fearmongers isn't healthy for you.)

What is healthy for me, then? Please, enlighten me. :)

BTW, you called me leftist before, now you bring up PiS and PO. :) Mind, messing things up isn`t healthy for me, either. :):)
29 Sep 2015   #195
Hmm, I have serious doubts about it.... I am not so naive as to believe that NATO will rush to help a country which is not EU member. What for??

Think about it.
I have mixed responses I can give here but EU and NATO are not completely connected. Turkey for example is ally (nato) and not in EU.

Israel and South Korea are both not in EU or NATO and the Americans would help them regardless should some Muslim country or North Korea attack them.

Yet, economic bonds which it creates between members outweigh anything NATO may offer a non EU member.
Poland can trade with all countries regardless of EU. Poland should not sell its soul (pride, culture and people) just for a few extra dollars though.

With EU Poland has become a sort of slave to higher powers (see the immigrant crisis and how certain stupid politicians betrayed other V4 nations).

What is healthy for me, then? Please, enlighten me. :)
Independent thought and not being slave to politically correct propaganda!
OP Ironside  50 | 12916
29 Sep 2015   #196
And proudly so. 89% Poles supporting EU are breathing behind my back. :)

Yes, it was a year ago. I don't like pawian cause you have no problem with pulling such stunts or even worse you don't know what you are doing.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
29 Sep 2015   #197
Poland outside EU will fall prey to Russia sooner or later. Do you want it?
We are too weak to stand on our own.

LOL ! What's not you EUnuchs invent to support that nonsense ?? So why didn't Russia attack us in 89-2004 ? EU is totally irrelevant here.
29 Sep 2015   #198
So why didn't Russia attack us in 89-2004 ?

Well, in those times Russia was pretty busy with its own mess. In particular until the early 2000 there was no real Russian state anymore.
Not saying Russia was wanting to attack - but they couldn't anyway. So your argument doesn't hold.
OP Ironside  50 | 12916
29 Sep 2015   #199
Not saying Russia was wanting to attack - but they couldn't anyway. So your argument doesn't hold.

Hold what? Water?
Your head doesn't hold water either so what?
What forces the EU have to came to the aid of a member in case of armed aggression? eh?
You people ........
29 Sep 2015   #200
If you read again, it has nothing to do with EU but only with Russia.
And it's not about my head either, but thanks anyway.
Crow  154 | 9463
29 Sep 2015   #201
If Poland don`t choose (or is forced by western Europe and USA) to be direct threat, Russia absolutely don`t have interest to attack Poland. Why would Russia do that, even if Poland isn`t member of NATO or EU? Really, why? just to conquer Poland? for sure not. How to explain that adventure to its own public, to other Slavs, to rest of the world? So, why? to conquer Poland and to hold it? No, again not. Reasons same as in previous example. Plus, Russia already tried that and learned that Russia can`t digest Poland. Simple, Poles decided that are they Poles and not Russians. So, again, why? just to commit genocide on Poles? No, Russia don`t have genocidal ideology against Poles. Plus, why would Russia destroy Poles when they, if alive, represent natural Russian shield on western Russian border, even if Poland isn`t part of Russia. Simple, all Slavs are natural shield to each others in case of attack of hostile foreigners, even if we mutually politically may differ.

But, Poland needs to keep itself on the equal distance from the Russia and from the west of Europe. Exactly that needs to provide Intermarium. Many of us have that in mind and so, Poland isn`t alone.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
29 Sep 2015   #202
Well, in those times Russia was pretty busy with its own mess.

Yes and no. On the other hand in 90's they still had a huge army. These days they went for "more modern", "professional" etc. western style "quick reaction forces" which are good in local conflicts but are not really capable of massive invasion. They would need many, many months to get ready for that, call up reservists etc. and even If our army fall down like a house of cards, they would be struggling to hold the territory of that size and population.

Anyway, these are just "technical" issues, Russia is not a direct military threat to Poland. Attack on Poland might happen only as a part of far larger conflict and don't tell me you seriously believe that Germany or America will risk war with Russia because some piece of paper says so. If things go bad on the grand scale, each and every country will start calculating what to do and make decisions based on their national interests.

Instead Russia might use various "asymmetric" methods, like cybernetic warfare etc. What EU is going to do then ? Or cause trade related problems. Some years ago they banned our export of meat. Normally we would just rise tariffs to the sky on anything coming from Russia, control 20 times each truck that carry Russian imports/exports, so they would quickly re-think that decision. But being in EU we couldn't do that, that would have been against "EU policies". So Poland had to complain to EU's HQ, EUnuchs were "investigating" for long enough to have the Polish companies replaced on that market by... Dutch, German, Austrian etc. So much of "EU helping with Russia" :)))

I'm not pro-Russian whatsoever, we know them too well. But apparently the west is doing the business with Russia (Gerries, Dutch, French etc. just struck another gas deal with Russia, so much for the sanctions :))) and at the same time use Russia as a boogeyman to drive "further integration" in "Eastern Europe". That was used as one of "pros" in case of Balts' (who unlike Poland could be easily conquered by Russia before anyone really notice) anschluss to the Euro Area. Now tell me, If Russian Air Force tomorrow violate the air space of Estonia, what's going to happen ? Mario Draghi will release a strongly worded statement ? Let's be honest, not even that :)))
pawian  224 | 27236
29 Sep 2015   #203
Israel and South Korea are both not in EU or NATO and the Americans would help them regardless should some Muslim country or North Korea attack them.

Wrong examples. US is ready to attack and smash any country in the world except Russia - do you know why? Think and come back with an answer.

Poland can trade with all countries regardless of EU. Poland should not sell its soul (pride, culture and people) just for a few extra dollars though.

You prefer roubles? :)

With EU Poland has become a sort of slave to higher powers

I prefer being slave to EU than Russia. At least we can learn sth useful. So simple. :)

I don't like pawian

Yes, you will have to bear my presence here as I have come back again to defend my country against various kinds of maniacs who think they know what is good for Poland while in fact they are ready to lead to another partition. I have always been amazed that some of you seem to be so convinced about your stance which is nothing but harmful.

But it could all be hoax. After Ukraine war had erupted, I learnt about Putin Propaganda Brigade, that is guys who are paid by the Kremlin to spread false info and instill black propaganda on forums all over the world.

Reading posts suggesting Poland`s withdrawal from EU I start wondering how much you are paid for each post about it. :):):):)
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
29 Sep 2015   #204
I prefer being slave to EU than Russia.

LOL ! Some people just want to be free :)))

US is ready to attack and smash any country in the world except Russia

Yes that's why us being in EU or NATO is pretty much irrelevant.
Crow  154 | 9463
29 Sep 2015   #205
i contemplated on Polish strategic situation a lot of.

in my opinion, Russia isn`t direct threat. Its even unnatural for Russia to be threat to Poland. But, again, i founded a lot of historical examples of Russia conflicting with Poland. i won`t speak of all reasons but, here is the main reason for conflict.... Russia`s movements to West are deeply connected to the western European movements to the East. Since Poland lost its own ability to control its western borders and can`t do anything to stop deeper penetration of eventual attack from the western Europe (last great successful defense was at Grunwald), Russia due to strategic reasons initiate, to say that way, constant preemptive annexation of Poland in order to keep hostile western Europeans far from Russian land. Of course, its not kind gesture regarding brotherly Poles but, from the Russian point of view was always much better to sacrifice opposing brother (Poland) then to allow that Russian enemies use territories and even population of opposing brother (Poland) against Russia.

That is exactly the reason why Pilsudski didn`t sow Intermarium as just anti-Russian alliance. No, original creators of idea of Intermarium were pretty much aware that even greater threat to Poland coming from the western Europe. To keep Russia on distance, they knew that Poland must keep western Europe on distance. Violation of this principle leads to fall of Poland.

One may ask- is it Poland or future Intermarium destined to the eternal defensive behavior, just to hold to the balance of equilibrium between western Europe and Russia. Yes, as long as it needs that Serbians strengthen to their full potential (if ever). Only they, Serbs, can provide Poland with attacking capabilities. Nothing else. Only Serbs. They would when the right moment come rise their hand and make that world rotate around Intermarium. Then, would be peace.
OP Ironside  50 | 12916
29 Sep 2015   #206
I prefer being slave to EU than Russia

As a slave by choice and conviction you should simply shut up, slaves do not vote.
Crow  154 | 9463
29 Sep 2015   #207
pawiane, pane brate. Control yourself man. Believe me, i telling this to you as a crazy man to another crazy man. Be cool.

Paranoia is something that regularly goes with fear and, fear leads to uncontrollable wrath what again leads onto the dark side.

Back to the topic please
pawian  224 | 27236
29 Sep 2015   #208
As a slave by choice and conviction you should simply shut up, slaves do not vote.

You don`t even live in Poland so why do you want to tell Poles what they should/must do. Stay where you are and take care of your American family/property/job etc. :):) and leave us, real Poles, alone. We don`t need this crazy crap.

PS. Actually, I suspect all those guys who advocate Polish EU withdrawal don`t even live in Poland. Isn`t it amazing? ):)

Paranoia is something that regularly goes with fear and, fear leads to uncontrollable wrath what again leads onto the dark side

MOD: Back to the topic please

Excuse me, Mr/Mrs/Ms Mod, but Crow`s comment perfectly pertains to this thread . :):)
Crow  154 | 9463
29 Sep 2015   #209
In any case, Poles would have to decide, to brake free or to stay and assimilate completely in Germanic realm.
pawian  224 | 27236
29 Sep 2015   #210
Breaking free? What for? Abo nam tu źle? :):):)

Check Polish history, Poles chose strong ties with Europe more than 1000 years ago. :)

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