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European News and Poland Thread 3

Bratwurst Boy 9 | 11884
17 Mar 2024 #991

....just look to the US, where it all started first, it's ending there first too!

The government granting out equal rights

A quota about gender is sexism....a quota about skintone is racism....nothing about that is about equality but least till the white natives strike back and vote for Trump/AfD/Front National etc....don't be to surprised when that happens!
OP Novichok 5 | 7803
17 Mar 2024 #992
....just look to the US, where it all started first,

...because young morons with worthless degrees had too much time on their hands...

That's why "empowered" women who know everything and are responsible for nothing are a curse to any tribe. They don't defend, they don't invent, they don't create...just shop and and shop...and scream when out of arguments in 5 seconds or less...

Where is Poloniusz...
Bratwurst Boy 9 | 11884
17 Mar 2024 #993
There are enough men responsible for that development....don't forget that!

We have to sit it out....I still think that is the western Leftists reaction to the desaster to their communist vision in 1989!

They never sat and discussed and processed what happened...what that meant to their ideology....they just changed it abit, that's all. But in the end they will have to watch it's destruction, it's broad rejection again too, as it was with their idea of "socialism"!
OP Novichok 5 | 7803
17 Mar 2024 #994
There are enough men responsible for that development....don't forget that!

Men are not the driving force. Women are because to women logical thinking is hate and a reason to scream, falsely accuse, and break thing. One sentence from a screaming bit*ch and your career is over. You (editorial) will be lucky if you are not sued or charged criminally. That is why men avoid women like a plague in offices and bars.

Men just go along out of fear of being fired, shunned, or brutalized. I include skinny pussyfied sexually confused male morons with 10-inch biceps as women.
Crnogorac3 4 | 730
17 Mar 2024 #995
That is not a problem, but in the fact that you don't know when to stop

Degenerate Germans like Tacitus always go from extreme to extreme
From radical Protestantism to radical nationalism and then to radical liberalism. The problem is that they always try to impose it on others.
Let them wallow in their mud
there, just leave us alone.
Crnogorac3 4 | 730
17 Mar 2024 #996

Is this in the street where they stab themselves in the veins, sleep, urinate, $hit in front of the shop windows, and there are red lanterns across the street???
OP Novichok 5 | 7803
17 Mar 2024 #997
Degenerate Germans like Tacitus always go from extreme to extreme

I like degenerate German like Tacitus. They are easy targets and I feel even more superior...
Bobko 25 | 2077
17 Mar 2024 #998
I like degenerate German like Tacitus

I like him too.

He's the German Bobko - always polite, no matter how much trash is dumped on him.

That me and him have diametrically opposed views... oh well.

There is something to be said about such consistent civility, despite being called an idiot every two minutes.
Tacitus 2 | 1255
17 Mar 2024 #999
just look to the US, where it all started first, it's ending there first too!

Progress is rarely a straight road. Sometimes there are set-backs. Still, Trump has not won yet. Maybe he'll give the Democrats another victory.


where they stab themselves in the veins,

Just one of the many, many issues Russia is miles behind civilized countries.

Current Trends of HIV Infection in the Russian Federation,end%20of%202021%20%5B6%5D.
OP Novichok 5 | 7803
17 Mar 2024 #1000
He's the German Bobko - always polite, no matter how much trash is dumped on him.

The dark side of guys like this is that they would smile and say "you are entitled to your opinion" if you called his wife a wh0re at her birthday party.

BTW, I noticed that I often channel Bobko and his manners of expression on my good days. I mean being me 24/7 is often tiring...
Alien 22 | 5225
17 Mar 2024 #1001
Like marrying a dildo...

I am convinced that there are more such relationships than you might think.
Bobko 25 | 2077
17 Mar 2024 #1002
I mean being me 24/7

Being Bobko is also exhausting... believe you me!
OP Novichok 5 | 7803
17 Mar 2024 #1003
...but it's informative and entertaining so keep suffering for the rest of us...
I am not sure where you will end up, but you will be rewarded for those special moments with you here on this earth.

Now I am going to take a break to check if I am still married.
Crnogorac3 4 | 730
17 Mar 2024 #1004
She is not even beautiful....

That's an understatement, you're being too kind Bratwurst Boy, as brat Crow used to say, I wouldn't take even a walnut from her hand.
Alien 22 | 5225
17 Mar 2024 #1005
white natives strike back and vote for Trump/AfD/Front National etc....don't be to surprised when that happens!

And this is where the lack of political education among society shows itself. Choosing parties whose program includes the abolition of democracy and freedom is an expression of political lack of information, i.e. undereducation.
mafketis 37 | 10789
17 Mar 2024 #1006
where the lack of political education among society shows itself

And the complete breakdown of the German political class..... they are _entirely_ to blame for the rise of the AfD which is the only partly that reflects majority opinion on migration (not so sure about other issues).

In Denmark mainstream parties realized that migration was unpopular with a large majority of voters changed their policies and the far right bogey parties disappeared.

Why can't Germany do the same?
Alien 22 | 5225
17 Mar 2024 #1007
Why can't Germany do the same?

I think the CDU/CSU is trying to do just that.
OP Novichok 5 | 7803
17 Mar 2024 #1008
the abolition of democracy and freedom

That depends on what is "democracy" and what is included in "freedom".

To be specific, the US is a "democracy" with one senile dictator who can open borders as he pleases. "Freedom" includes butchering kids to affirm their temporary fad, confusion, or mental disorder.

Do you want both wherever you are?
Crnogorac3 4 | 730
21 Mar 2024 #1009
🇩🇪: A 17-year-old German (Arthur) is ambushed & stabbed to death by a muslim immigrant

The killer is acquitted of murder charges after telling court "I fvcked up"

Another European son is killed. He won't get to live out his life or father any children. Another bloodline ended.
Alien 22 | 5225
21 Mar 2024 #1010
The killer is acquitted of murder charges

The prosecutor's office appealed against the verdict. Arthur does not have a German surname and his brother does not have a German appearance. But these are such trivial things.
OP Novichok 5 | 7803
21 Mar 2024 #1011
But these are such trivial things.

Are you quoting the guy who was stabbed to death?

In normal countries, "acquitted" is final. Western Europe is sick beyond repair.
pawian 221 | 24284
23 Mar 2024 #1012
Are you quoting the guy who was stabbed to death?

Of course. They killed him but he still escaped. Typical crime movie of the C category.
Crnogorac3 4 | 730
24 Mar 2024 #1013

Tourism in Poland | Nationalism and Camps
Crnogorac3 4 | 730
2 May 2024 #1014

Ricarda Lang (Green Party of Germany), third from the left, visiting an agricultural state.
Alien 22 | 5225
2 May 2024 #1015
third from the left

And who is second from the left? 🤔
johnny reb 47 | 7287
5 May 2024 #1016
European history tells just how bad European civilization smelled.
Even within Europe, some civilizations fared better than others.
For example, Anglo-Saxons were known to complain about Vikings, another civilization usually pictured as barbarians, for smelling too good.
In fact, there were protests that the Vikings were stealing all their women with their devilish, pleasant scents.
The best way for a Polish woman taking a train in Poland to get a young mans attention is to have excellent hygiene's, smell like you just stepped out of the shower after using fruit scented shampoo and use minimal make up. 😉
Alien 22 | 5225
5 May 2024 #1017
to get a young mans attention is to have excellent hygiene's, smell like you just stepped out of the shower after using fruit scented shampoo and use minimal make up.

And I thought that 90/60/90 would be enough.
OP Novichok 5 | 7803
9 May 2024 #1019
This one goes into "Fvcking Unbelievable" file...

German politician convicted over gang rape warning
The AfD's Marie-Therese Kaiser was fined for pointing out that Afghans are 70 times more likely to commit the offense than Germans

A court in Lower Saxony has convicted Alternative for Germany (AfD) politician Marie-Therese Kaiser of inciting hatred by sharing government data showing that Afghans are disproportionately more likely to commit gang rape.

Kaiser described the Afghans as "culturally alien masses" and linked to an article containing government statistics showing that Afghans in Germany are 70 times more likely to commit gang rape than native Germans.

The verdict drew international attention, with Tesla CEO and X owner Elon Musk expressing disbelief that someone could be prosecuted "for repeating accurate government statistics."

Germany is fvcked past the point of no return, Mr. Tacitus, and Hitler is looking less and less bad by the day compared to German-style Western "freedom and democracy". What a joke...

One more quote:

...with foreigners responsible for 41.2% of cases involving grievous bodily harm, despite making up less than 15% of the population.

I hate migrants and obedient bootlickers...
Alien 22 | 5225
9 May 2024 #1020
(AfD) politician Marie-Therese Kaiser o

As usual, you forgot to add that this otherwise beautiful woman suggested that Afghan Bundedwehr helpers were behind the gang rape that took place, which of course was untrue and was considered by the court to be inciting racial hatred. No comment.

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