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How will Poland do in Euro 2024

OP jon357 74 | 23019
26 Jun 2024 #661
Poland is out of Euro

Nic nie sie stalo...

You're just sulking ;-)
johnny reb 48 | 7394
26 Jun 2024 #662
Christians should be provoked, by the way, it's our calling to evangelize.

He doesn't absorb what you explain to him or as scripture talks about the scales on the eyes of an unbeliever.
He doesn't want to hear the word of God.
The Bible says for those who refuse the Word to shake the dust from your sandals and move on to spread the word.
I have explained that to him several times but he has scales on his eyes and can't see the light and just wants to argue just like the pharisees did with Jesus Christ.
Have you ever asked him what Faith he is ? lol
Vesko Vukovic - | 108
26 Jun 2024 #663
Prvo što uradim kada posjetim neki njemački grad pitam gdje je puf. Mislim da sam do sada preko 300 kurvi jebao.

You only know 2 streets in Germany, Hansastrasse and Kaiserstrasse. 😁
Crnogorac3 4 | 920
26 Jun 2024 #664

You only know 2 streets in Germany, Hansastrasse and Kaiserstrasse.

I can see that they are not exactly unknown and unfamiliar to you as well. 😁
OP jon357 74 | 23019
26 Jun 2024 #665
So the Belgs are through on goal difference.

At least Ukraine didn't lose.

Slava Ukraini, Heroyon Slava!
Paulina 16 | 4520
26 Jun 2024 #666
Putinists are such moral role models all around lol:
Prvo što uradim kada posjetim neki njemački grad pitam gdje je puf. Mislim da sam do sada preko 300 kurvi jebao.


"The first thing I do when I visit a German city is asking where is the brothel. I think I f*cked over 300 wh0res already."

@Crnogorac3, so you have to pay for sex? lol Gee, I wonder why... ;D 😂 🤢
Vesko Vukovic - | 108
26 Jun 2024 #667
Paulina, did you steal his password and hack into his account? 😁
Paulina 16 | 4520
26 Jun 2024 #668
@Vesko Vukovic, um, no o_O Crnogorac3 is such a "charming" man and the beacon of "Christian values" in general. 🤮 Noone had to hack his account lol
OP jon357 74 | 23019
26 Jun 2024 #669
@Vesko Vukovic
How are Serbia doing in Euro2024?
Crow 161 | 9386
26 Jun 2024 #670
How are Serbia doing in Euro2024?

Serbia have so heavy advanced and diverse sport scene you can`t even begin to comprehend. We now already focus on Olimpics 2024 in France since July. Serbian basketball team (best school of basketball in Europe) have to clash with USA dream team. It would be planetary spectacle of the decade.

Slava Ukraini, Heroyon Slava!

Don`t provoke Serbians here. Ukraine as term coming from Serbian Krajina. Meaning, `Kraj` in English bordering land. It was in time when Serbians had their two reginal states in the region. Slaveno-Serbia and New Serbia. So turning Serbian Krajina into nation Ukraine is abominable to us. Especially if term is nazified as it is the case.
Paulina 16 | 4520
26 Jun 2024 #671
Ukraine as term coming from Serbian Krajina.

No, it isn't.

Meaning, `Kraj` in English bordering land.

In Polish "kraina" means "land/region", etc.
OP jon357 74 | 23019
26 Jun 2024 #672
Serbian basketball team

Perhaps they should have entered Euro2024. They might have won more matches than the Serbian football team...
Crow 161 | 9386
26 Jun 2024 #673
No, it isn't.

I just told. Serbs had their two historical states in the region. Go check it. We know what we influenced there.

In Polish "kraina" means "land/region", etc.

Logically. Polish and Serbian are kin languages. But I was specific. In Serbian Krajina is bordering land of some realm. In that time when Serbians had their two states in what is now Ukraine, those states were semi autonomous and later part of wider realm of the Russian Empire. In context of that fact Serbs formed their own Krajina regions. Bordering regions of the Russian Empire that there bordered with Ottomans and Tatars. Then (for your information) Serbians solved Tatar question.

Perhaps they should have entered Euro2024. They might have won more matches than the Serbian football team...

I would tend to agree here.
Paulina 16 | 4520
26 Jun 2024 #674
Logically. Polish and Serbian are kin languages. But I was specific. In Serbian Krajina is bordering land of some realm.

Yes, "genius", all Slavic languages are kin lanuages and so it happens that we have the same or similar words in our vocabulary meaning the same or similar things. Name "Ukraina" comes from Old East Slavic (called also Old Russian - "staroruski") language, not from Serbian. Serbs can't claim ownership over words that exist also in other Slavic languages lol 🤦

In that time when Serbians had their two states in what is now Ukraine

Yes, thanks to you I just googled it and found out that Serbs served as colonizers for the RuSSian empire in the 18th century in parts of Ukraine, which just makes me more sick of you and RuSSia. 🤮 But this doesn't have anything to do with the term "Ukraina" coming into being, because this name was recorded already in the 12th century.
Crow 161 | 9386
26 Jun 2024 #675
Name "Ukraina" comes from Old East Slavic (called also Old Russian - "staroruski") language, not from Serbian.

Yes I heard propaganda theories on supposed Ukr people or something. I was shocked how far propaganda can go. Popes and nazis are serious problem.

For your information, when Polish Kings first time entered Galicia all to the Kiev, name of their `sacred` sword had name `Serbian sword`. That is how gates of Kiev were opened. Previous Rus population was already heavily replaced by Serbians or, as some scholars says, Rus were Serbs in meta-etnicity. All Slavs were Serbs in meta-etnicity. So Polish Kings played on that card.

In fact, Poles themselves knows to have, in a bottom line, Sarmatian ie Serbian origin. Those Poles who wants to admit it or know of it.
Paulina 16 | 4520
26 Jun 2024 #676
Yes I heard propaganda theories on supposed Ukr people or something. I was shocked how far propaganda can go.

The existence of Old East Slavic language isn't "propaganda" lol:

In Polish it's called "staroruski" and we were taught about in school. Didn't you go to school, Crow? lol

In fact, Poles themselves knows to have, in a bottom line, Sarmatian ie Serbian origin.

According to you the whole world and everything comes from Serbia lol You're not right in the head.
Crow 161 | 9386
26 Jun 2024 #677
According to you the whole world and everything comes from Serbia lol You're not right in the head.

After Ice age was finished in Europe, not that long ago, what was Europe was Balkan and ethnically, Balkan is Serbian. All other nations are later extracts.

So, don`t blame me because you don`t know that once Europe was Balkan and that after Ice age all of Europe was re-populated (along net of rivers) from Balkan Lepenski vir culture. Not just Slavs. All Whites are ethnic Serbians.

Your own oldest ancestors used name of Serb for themselves. There are many proofs of it. Go investigate your own history. Don`t wait me or somebody else to speak you this.
Paulina 16 | 4520
26 Jun 2024 #678
@Crow, as I wrote - you're not right in the head lol

Crow 161 | 9386
26 Jun 2024 #679
But I know that.

Home / News / How will Poland do in Euro 2024