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Dirty deeds of foreign guys in Poland

Alien  23 | 5540
2 Sep 2023   #61
because Poles commit crimes in the UK, for example, Poland should be handed over to RuSSia? o_O

As history shows, Poles do not have to commit any crimes in Great Britain or anywhere for Poland to be handed over to Germany and russia.
OP pawian  219 | 24792
6 Jan 2024   #62
A witness called the officer on duty at the Pszczyna police station and noticed a car driving unsteadily. The called police followed the car described by the reporting person.

The officers turned on light and sound signals, giving the driver a signal to stop the car. The man behind the wheel completely ignored it and instead of stopping, he accelerated rapidly. The law enforcement officers chased him. On Zofii Nałkowska Street in Pszczyna, the driver lost control of the car and went off the road, landing on the fence of the property at Bolesława Prusa Street - the Silesian Police reported on Saturday.

It turned out that the driver was a 36-year-old Ukrainian citizen who had over 2 per mille of alcohol in his blood . Additionally, the man did not have a driving license. Now the court will decide his fate.

Ironside  50 | 12333
6 Jan 2024   #63
Now the court will decide his fate.

Deport him, he is needed at the front to clear some mines.
Alien  23 | 5540
6 Jan 2024   #64
needed at the front to clear some mines.

He could also drive a tank.
OP pawian  219 | 24792
6 Jan 2024   #65
he is needed at the front

I won`t say no.

drive a tank.

And when he does some damage in Russian positions, he will be even awarded for that. Not like in Poland.
OP pawian  219 | 24792
24 Jul 2024   #66
A guy from Uzbekistan was attacked by two Ukrainian teenagers in the forest park and defended himself by stabbing them with a knife.
An unusual situation occured, though:

Why was the 26-year-old interrogated only after several days? The prosecutor's office pointed to a problem not so much technical, but - in its opinion - practical.

- There are very few Uzbek language translators in the country. At the moment, from what I know, there is not a single sworn translator of this language in Poland. Fortunately, the participation of a sworn translator is not required for the interrogation. An Uzbek language translator is enough - the prosecutor explained in an interview with

Bobko  27 | 2167
24 Jul 2024   #67

Why didn't they just interrogate him in Russian?
OP pawian  219 | 24792
24 Jul 2024   #68
The law requires the native language of the suspect in official interrogation.
Alien  23 | 5540
24 Jul 2024   #69
The law requires

When using waterboarding you can't anyway understand what he's talking about.
OP pawian  219 | 24792
24 Jul 2024   #70
Come on, this is Poland, not Germany.
Alien  23 | 5540
24 Jul 2024   #71
Yes, thrifty Germans use rainwater.
OP pawian  219 | 24792
25 Jul 2024   #72
A guy from Uzbekistan was attacked by two Ukrainian teenagers in the forest park and defended himself by stabbing them with a knife.

Quite a story.
- According to the police, the minors initiated the meeting with the 26-year-old. The 13-year-old girl arranged a meeting with the man via messenger and lured him to the Bródnowski Forest. At one point, three of the teenager's friends approached them. There was an argument and a scuffle between the 26-year-old and the minors, during which the man stabbed them . Both were taken to hospital with wounds that were not life-threatening - says Senior Superintendent Paulina Onyszko from the North Praga police in a statement.

What surprises me is that the stabber wasn`t arrested. I don`t mean his knife but he pursued an underage girl which is a crime.

On Wednesday, a 26-year-old citizen of Uzbekistan was charged in the District Prosecutor's Office of Warsaw Praga Północ with causing bodily harm to two teenagers. He faces a sentence of up to two years in prison. The prosecutor applied police supervision to him combined with a ban on leaving the country
OP pawian  219 | 24792
28 Jul 2024   #73
The police reported that a house had been broken into on Dąbrowskiego Street in Środa Wielkopolska. - The police found two seriously injured people, a mother and a son. The woman died in hospital. Her injured son is a local priest.
The Provincial Police Headquarters informed our reporter that a Moldovan citizen had been detained in connection with the case.
On him - as the officers said - were found items that had been stolen from the victim's home.

Alien  23 | 5540
29 Jul 2024   #74
Moldovan citizen

It means russian.
OP pawian  219 | 24792
19 Aug 2024   #75
This outrageous situation took place last Saturday in the centre of Warsaw. Around 5 a.m. a young woman was waiting for a taxi after finishing work to go home. At one point, a man approached her. "I immediately sensed danger, because the guy was very pushy, constantly trying to get my attention with various texts. I didn't react to his innuendos or provocations, constantly walking away in the opposite direction, because I didn't want to give any signals of interest. The situation started to get worse, because he started to get very close, constantly asking me to go with him," the injured party described the situation.

"On the recording I couldn't take it anymore and started screaming for him to get away from me, but he still wouldn't let go until he finally lifted me up on the pedestrian crossing. Then he let go of me and dragged me by the legs," she added

"As a result of the actions taken, after an hour and a half the man was identified and taken to the police station. After examination, it turned out that the 25-year-old, a Latvian citizen, was intoxicated and, in addition, was behaving irrationally and aggressively. After calling an ambulance to the scene, the paramedic determined that the person qualified for placement in a sobering-up station. After being placed in the station, due to his unstable behavior, he was transported by the medical rescue team to a psychiatric hospital, where he is currently under observation," the statement reads.

OP pawian  219 | 24792
20 Aug 2024   #76
A 35-year-old Ukrainian man committed numerous thefts and other crimes and misdemeanors in Poland, for which he was expelled from the country. He was taken into the hands of officers of the Border Guard station in Bielsko-Biała, who forcibly escorted him to the border with Ukraine. The man was banned from entering Poland and the Schengen area for five years.
Bobko  27 | 2167
20 Aug 2024   #77
A recent article on the subject:,szokujaco-bezpieczna-polska-lawinowy-wzrost-imigracji-i-silny-spadek.html

Headline reads: "Szokująco bezpieczna Polska: lawinowy wzrost imigracji i silny spadek przestępczości. Fenomen?"

This is for all the people that hate immigrants so very much :)

for which he was expelled from the country. He was taken into the hands of officers of the Border Guard

Disgusting behavior from Poland. When Zelenksy asks Poland to send the men back so they assist in the war effort - Poland says "sorry, no". Because Poland is in desperate need of these working hands.

The Polish government is not stupid, and understands that 80% of Ukrainians in Poland support themselves with wages and pay taxes. It understands that Ukrainians are critical workers in many industries like construction and transportation. So it does not want to give them back to Zelensky.

But if a Ukrainian commits a crime... then "please take him, he is yours". You bastards.
OP pawian  219 | 24792
20 Aug 2024   #78
commits a crime.

Well, I thought it was a standard behaviour in civilised countries.
If you think different, then it means we have run into cultural disparities between Polish and Russian nationality. :):):):)

You bastards.

Exactly! hahahaha

When Zelenksy asks Poland to send the men back so they assist in the war effort - Poland says "sorry, no".

Your imagination is carrying you too far. There wasn`t such a request from Mr President Zelensky so Poland had no chance to react to it.
Do you appreciate the fact that I didn`t call you out as a stinking liar???? hahahaha
GefreiterKania  30 | 1528
20 Aug 2024   #79
Ukrainians are critical workers in many industries

Pretty much in all industries.

A guy comes to fix the pipes, he speaks with a Ukrainian accent. Another one to change the locks (one of the kids lost the keys), Ukrainian accent again. A delivery for the wife, you guessed it. And so on, and so on...

if a Ukrainian commits a crime... then "please take him, he is yours".

L'immigration choisie - an invention of our friend Nicolas Sarkozy. It didn't work in France. We make it work in Poland.

Bastards is quite right, thank you.
Bobko  27 | 2167
20 Aug 2024   #80
Do you appreciate the fact that I didn`t call you out as a stinking liar?

It is because I am not lying. I read about this just today, in Bloomberg.

Countries like Poland and Czech Republic are saying they won't send anyone back as long as the war goes on.

The Czechs even said their construction industry will collapse if they do it.


  • IMG_3042.jpeg
OP pawian  219 | 24792
20 Aug 2024   #81
A guy comes to fix the pipes with a Ukrainian accent. Another one to change the locks Ukrainian accent again. A delivery for the wife, you guessed it. And so on,

Wow, you are lucky to meet so many Ukrainians in Poland. I meet one per week, mostly a woman working in a shopping centre.
Now I don`t count Ukrainian students in my school. I somehow view them the same as Polish students.

It is because I am not lying.

Stop twisting. You were lying about President Zelensky requesting Poland to send back Ukrainian males and about Poland`s reaction. Such events haven`t taken place.
Bobko  27 | 2167
20 Aug 2024   #82
Bastards is quite right, thank you.

I suppose everyone wins.

The Polish budget doesn't have to support the needs of a Ukrainian convict.

Ukraine can mobilize him straight out of jail under their new laws.

So in a way... Zelensky probably wants Ukrainians living in the EU to engage in a massive crime spree.

You were lying about President Zelensky requesting Poland to send back Ukrainian males and about Poland`s reaction.

Is Bloomberg also lying? Are Ukrainian newspapers lying?

I think it may be the first time Zelensky is mentioned, but over the past few years a lot of his ministers have made similar noises. This is an old story with a long background.

It also makes complete sense. Why do you find it so unbelievable that Zelensky would want more taxpayers and more manpower?
GefreiterKania  30 | 1528
20 Aug 2024   #83
I somehow view them the same as Polish students.

Well, they were once a part of the Holy Rzeczpospolita, I suppose. So if we can get them through our school system maybe they will be loyal to their new country, who knows.

However, the story of Hermann der Cherusker makes me careful about relying on barbarians too much. :-/
Bobko  27 | 2167
20 Aug 2024   #84
Well, they were once a part of the Holy Rzeczpospolita, I suppose.

And so... the masks of Good Samaritans are slowly lifted - revealing the imperialists beneath!

Stop Polonizing Ukrainians and perpetuating cultural genocide against them!

Ukraine is the oldest country in Europe! The Language is the most melodic! The ancestors of modern Ukrainians dug out the Black Sea with their bare hands!

Ukrainians were building magnificent cities while you still roamed the swamps and forests of Białowieża!

Slava Ukraini! Smert Lyakham! Sieg Heil!
Ironside  50 | 12333
20 Aug 2024   #85
a Moldovan citizen

Just hang him.
The minors initiated the meeting with the 26-year-old.

Take their DNA and their family data and deport them all.
The ancestors of modern Ukrainians dug out the Black Sea with their bare hands!

When was it? While Ancestors of Moscovities planted taiga in Siberia?
Bobko  27 | 2167
20 Aug 2024   #86
When was it? While Ancestors of Moscovities planted taiga in Siberia?

How did you know?

You have also been reading Ukrainian history textbooks for 8th graders?
GefreiterKania  30 | 1528
20 Aug 2024   #87
the masks of Good Samaritans

God strike me if I ever wore one!

Slava Ukraini! Smert Lyakham! Sieg Heil!

... and An die Freude playing quietly in the background. Is there truly no hope?
Bobko  27 | 2167
20 Aug 2024   #88
This is too funny...

I just discovered that the Ukrainian factchecking website has written a rebuttal to the claim that ancient Ukraine dug out the Black Sea.


Hahaha! Ohohohoho!

I still believe it to be true. Here is the original text, which is quoted around the internet (translated):

"...The Black Sea appeared artificially thanks to the talent and labor of ancient Ukrainians. In ancient times, when our compatriots returned home from distant travels and told about large expanses of water in foreign lands, it was decided to create a sea for themselves. As a result of the heroic labor of more than one generation of your ancestors, a huge lake was dug. Another proof is the accumulation of hydrogen sulfide in the lower layers of this reservoir, which is explained by our ancestors' intensive use of it for washing and bathing..."

So, in brief, the Ukrainians dug out the Black Sea so that they could finally wash their ass.

If they were smart, they would just dig through the Bosporus first, and flood the Black Sea Basin. But because they are Ukr pigdogs with bone in middle of brain, they first dug out the whole sea.

By the way, Ukrs is a real thing. Not something invented by Russian comedians. There are history books published in Ukraine, that claim that the name of the country comes not from "borderland" but from the ethnos of the ancient Ukrs. These ancient Ukrs lived and traded with Ancient Sumeria and Babylon, and had their own calendar based on the menstrual cycle of a goat.

Honestly, if Ukrainians didn't exist, they would have to be invented. A unique nation.
GefreiterKania  30 | 1528
20 Aug 2024   #89
Honestly, if Ukrainians didn't exist, they would have to be invented. A unique nation.

... and the question is: are they more Russian or more Polish? And by making fun of them, aren't we making fun of ourselves? A slightly exaggerated, distorted and retarded version of ourselves but still.
Bobko  27 | 2167
20 Aug 2024   #90
by making fun of them, aren't we making fun of ourselves?

We can make fun of them so, because we share blood - of course. If some Johnny from England started saying these things about Ukrs tomorrow, I would not like it, certainly.

are they more Russian or more Polish?

They are some Frankenstein monster, combining Polish megalomania with Russian dullmindedness. Their language reflects the percentage input of each side.

A slightly exaggerated, distorted and retarded version of ourselves but still.

Well they are quite retarded. How else do you explain that you have a country in the middle of Europe with 44 million people, and a GDP of only $150B. They belong in the same league as Gabon or Honduras, but that is being mean to Gabon and Honduras.

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