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US to deploy Patriot missiles to Poland

Juche  9 | 292
3 Mar 2009   #61
Commies Obama, Putin and Amadinajahd calling the shots.

why have you forsake The Dear Leader Kim Il-Jong?
Randal  1 | 577
3 Mar 2009   #62
He is but a bit player, a wannabie, resigned to the children's table.
Juche  9 | 292
4 Mar 2009   #63
many can say same about president of certain Central East Europe copuntry which shall remain nameless boy! you tremble before the might of The Dear Leader if you know what is good for you and your kin
Randal  1 | 577
4 Mar 2009   #64
Isn't he all feeble, like sick and dying? I think I could kick his midget ass.

Obama looked like a weak idiot capitulating to Russia over this. They threw it back in his face and made it public. Good. That’s what happens when an unfit amateur tries to appease enemies. But I doubt he learned his lesson.
plk123  8 | 4119
4 Mar 2009   #65
US can't afford it man.
Randal  1 | 577
4 Mar 2009   #66
This may be so but it is not why an anti-military, enemy-appeasing Lib like Obama has trashed the idea. Even if he economic times were good he’d be against the shield.
Sasha  2 | 1083
5 Mar 2009   #67
Obama is a first american president who understands what "diplomacy" really is.
Randal  1 | 577
5 Mar 2009   #68
Obama is all about his own agenda.
Sokrates  8 | 3335
5 Mar 2009   #69
Obama is a first american president who understands what "diplomacy" really is.

Uh, no? Iran is not going to stop its nuclear program whether Russia mediates or not, Russia is inherently opposed to US even if it periodically works with it AND Poland feels fucked in the arse which means next time around its going to flip US a finger and just join the anti-insertinternationalUSoperation camp.

U.S just blew away all possible gains, the only ones who gained are Russia and Iran.
OP celinski  31 | 1258
5 Mar 2009   #70
the only ones who gained are Russia and Iran.

There's a reason USA is pulling out of Iraq besides it's time. Look at the Russian fighters buzzing Obama, not cool.
Babinich  1 | 453
7 Mar 2009   #71
What a bunch of amateurs...
Randal  1 | 577
7 Mar 2009   #72
What a bunch of amateurs...

It was great to see that stupid gimmick blow up in her face. Lol...
"Press the reset button" was a stupid and amateurish thing for Obama to say anyway.
We have idiots running our country trying to play on the pro level. We're all doomed...
Babinich  1 | 453
8 Mar 2009   #73
The hits just keep on coming....
8 Mar 2009   #74
Oh no, the British PM's been snubbed, whatever are we to do??? He wasn't given a dinner and his own press conference? Wow.. maybe there's greater concerns at the moment?
sledz  23 | 2247
8 Mar 2009   #75
This is an old topic here on FP.......zzzzzz
Let me refresh your ya go

I can never get the url link to work??

Anyways, theres been alot of thoughts here on that subject
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502
8 Mar 2009   #76
Wow.. maybe there's greater concerns at the moment?


when the sh!ts coming down around you boy, make sure your friends feel valued
8 Mar 2009   #77
I'm not your boy, asshole.. and just because the BBC tells you the shit is coming down, doesn't mean it is. You're a toothless tiger now anyway. Go beg on the EU's doorstep.
1jola  14 | 1875
8 Mar 2009   #78
I can never get the url link to work??

Don't use the link buttom. Just paste it.
Babinich  1 | 453
8 Mar 2009   #79

I would agree with you that this president has a huge task in front of him. I find it rather unsetling that the nerw president is tired this early in his term.

Maybe go to bed earlier, quit smoking,, in general maybe he should take better care of his health and fitness?

We all know that the job will not get easier or less stressful anytime soon.
13 Mar 2009   #80
that was a set-up and Saakashvili attacked first. He badly miscalculated and this has been acknowledged by many commentators.

I have to agree with Seanus here

Obama was the great hope and, on this matter at least, has done what needed to be done. Putin is very willing to enter into constructive dialogue with him. The missile shield was a provocative measure and is really not needed.

Obama was/is a great hope? Socialist politician in power of the biggest economy in the world is a great hope? Well, for Batiuszka Putin he surely is a hope:-].

Actually Ukraine will be the reason for the next regional war

Russian is not going to invade Ukraine (soon). The latest crisis in Ukraine may cause a political destabilisation that Russians could use for their purpose.
OP celinski  31 | 1258
13 Mar 2009   #81
Russian is not going to invade Ukraine (soon).

I pray they don't but if this happens I would hope others (USA) come to their aid.
Seanus  15 | 19666
14 Mar 2009   #82
Why would America get involved in that, Celinski? Ukraine isn't even a NATO member. When Russia even whispers something, American ears prick up. How about acknowledging that it isn't really an American affair?
OP celinski  31 | 1258
16 Mar 2009   #83
How about acknowledging that it isn't really an American affair?

One nation under God.
Seanus  15 | 19666
16 Mar 2009   #84
So you advocate a one-world government?
OP celinski  31 | 1258
16 Mar 2009   #85
No, I just hate to see Russia take Baltic states.
Seanus  15 | 19666
16 Mar 2009   #86
As do I. Although I have no personal connection to the Balkan States, I still feel that they have made inroads into alignment with the EU. Particularly in the area of the environment. I wrote a paper on EIA's within the EU, with particular emphasis on the scoping phase. They are happy to have EU status and Russia should keep their hands off.

Ukraine is the political hot potato. Russia cannot relinquish its stronghold over some territories there. Given current ties with Russia, I cannot see the EU taking a firm stance over a rattling of the cage with the Baltic States. I reiterate that the EU is largely toothless and doesn't want to lose business.
Sokrates  8 | 3335
16 Mar 2009   #87
Sean you lose the big picture, Russia is interested in continued expansion which does not end with Ukraine, Batlics or even Poland and ultimately leads to war, cold or hot one but a conflict so EU and NATO should budge and pull.
Seanus  15 | 19666
16 Mar 2009   #88
What an assumption, Sokrates. I was zeroing in on the Baltic States and not even addressing the bigger picture. I am well aware of Russia's imperialistic ambitions but you are secong guessing them. Which war would that be, remind me?
Crow  154 | 9463
18 Mar 2009   #89
US to deploy Patriot missiles to Poland???

Poland should be free, not USA/Franch/British/German/EU/NATO protectorate!


see this...

Serbian message during footbal game with Poland: ``f*** NATO!``

Serbian provocation during game with Germany! German TV coment
time means  5 | 1309
18 Mar 2009   #90
``f*** NATO!``

makes a change from "the referees a wanker" i suppose.

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