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US to deploy Patriot missiles to Poland

convex  20 | 3928
17 May 2010   #301
The deployment of the patriots is a strategic political move, not as a deterrent, but to reinforce the military alliance. Same goes for the shield. Why Poland wants that is a good question to ask the government. Poland is worried about the big boys, and always will. I'm guessing with a strong military, they will be more willing to defy economic and military threats.
Seanus  15 | 19666
17 May 2010   #302
Military threats from whom?
convex  20 | 3928
17 May 2010   #303
Russia, and a perceived threat from Germany. There is no immediate threat, but we'll see what happens in 20 years when we're all swimming in debt.
Seanus  15 | 19666
17 May 2010   #304
I've just stepped out of a 65 year timewarp. Now, where were we? ;0 ;) Sth about threats from missiles? ;)
convex  20 | 3928
17 May 2010   #305
Yes, should Poland have to deploy troops in the battlefield, there will most likely be a need for air defense artillery.

Anyway, you asked. Remember, Poland is the only country with an inter-EU air defense identification zone. You figure that one out, and you'll probably have an answer as to why Poland wants Patriots.
Seanus  15 | 19666
17 May 2010   #306
How long has this zone existed?
convex  20 | 3928
17 May 2010   #307
Third Republic has always had it as far as I know.
Seanus  15 | 19666
17 May 2010   #308
Yet they haven't had Patriot missiles all this time? ;) ;)
convex  20 | 3928
17 May 2010   #309
They have 50 year old SA-3s at the moment
bimber94  7 | 254
22 May 2010   #310
Russia, and a perceived threat from Germany.

Let's not forget China. They're taking over economically, importing everything including GARLIC into the EU for Chrissake. They now own the national debts of a number of countries, especially African. Now that the peril jaune has discovered the power of the purse, we'd better learn Cantonese!
Dougpol2  1 | 76
28 May 2010   #311
Lets try again - it's obviously too much for the American censors of this forum.

What is the point in your silly little forum if posters cant speak?

The land of the free? What is this ****?

We were having a good debate there and you Yanks went and pulled the posts, unless you've just shipped them somewhere else.

I hope you are proud of yourselves but you are making yoursleves look bigoted and foolish, along the lines of that Republican Fox News shite.
convex  20 | 3928
28 May 2010   #312
I'm guessing it was off topic so it was moved to Random.

Just start a thread on how the UK betrayed its alliance with Poland and I'll post there.
richasis  1 | 409
28 May 2010   #313
Poland is the only country with an inter-EU air defense identification zone.

Just goes to show: location is everything. Got real-estate? ;)
Dougpol2  1 | 76
28 May 2010   #314
I'm guessing it was off topic so it was moved to Random.

Just start a thread on how the UK betrayed its alliance with Poland and I'll post there.

LOL - It wasn't OT - Poland doesn't need the Patriot at all - but wants to brown-nose the very people who didn't want to aid the country in the Second World War - until they were attacked by the Yellow Peril.

The UK supported Poland and it's servicemen died for Poland, and the Poles in turn who got out bravely carried on the fight. The Americans on the other hand were worse than useless until personally challenged themselves.

Better have some respect and gratitude for British sacrifice. But that's not the Polish way is it?

I'm guessing with a strong military, they will be more willing to defy economic and military threats.

But Poland doesn't need a strong military Convex, that is my point. The economy matters, and what matters is that Tusk stops handing out 100.000 zlotys to every bloke who's had his house damaged by subsidence.

I've got a drink problem. I can't afford it. Should I ask this socialist government for a handout?

Socialist handouts and outdated weapons systems are not needed. The borders of Poland are inviolate, because Russia or anybody else knows the Nato Charter all too well.

As an idiot taxpayer and ZUS bleeder, I am absolutely furious at this Tusk government now and he can **** right off.
kondzior  11 | 1026
28 May 2010   #315
What the use of strong economy in the case of Russian invasion? Will we stop invading forces by throwing at them with money?
Strong economy in important, strong military is paramount. And so far Poland did not have any long or medium range anty air defence worth speaking of. Sure, one battery of Patriots will not help much, but that is the start. With time, we can buy more of these.
Crow  154 | 9463
29 May 2010   #316
What the use of strong economy in the case of Russian invasion?

next invasion won`t come from direction of Russia

It would come from behind, from Eurabia
kondzior  11 | 1026
29 May 2010   #317
Sure, Russia is just the most probable candidate. After all, they just killed our President.
But it can be the German invasion ;-) If Germans one day go ape about some new, Muslim Führer.
Or even EU invasion, if EU gets too bossy and Poland decides to bale out. Anyway, some anti aircraft rockets would be handy on that unfortunate day, I think.

Are you happy now, Crow?
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
29 May 2010   #318
next invasion won`t come from direction of Russia

It would come from behind, from Eurabia

It is a weapon which would come in handy in war, any war. It's just that Russia doesn't like the idea of arming up and starting the race again (mostly because THEY KNOW they will lose)

Russki's see it as danger to their protection while Poles thinks of it as a bonus to their protection

convex  20 | 3928
29 May 2010   #319
Russki's see it as danger to their protection while Poles thinks of it as a bonus to their protection

It's just a question of losing face at home, and to a lesser extent, abroad. There is no military threat.
Dougpol2  1 | 76
29 May 2010   #320
Exactly Convex - couldn't have put it better myself - and in a country where the constant excuse is " niestety, nie mamy pieniedzy", it's an absolute disgrace.

There are more important problems - for example, the economy?

Ah - wait a minute - that would involve creative thinking :((
PennBoy  76 | 2429
30 May 2010   #321
They're already here..

  • 678Poland_US_Patrio.jpg
George8600  10 | 630
31 May 2010   #322
Those aren't patriot missiles. According to the news Obama has put this on "hold" (like so many other things @_@) since his talks with Russia several months ago.
convex  20 | 3928
31 May 2010   #323
That most certainly is a patriot launcher.

Better have some respect and gratitude for British sacrifice. But that's not the Polish way is it?

Well, the US didn't have any kind of alliance with Poland. The UK was responsible for making sure that Poland was safe from attack. The UK sold their allies out at Yalta, not the US. The US freed the Philippines, as promised. The UK gave their allies over to the Soviets.

I'd be happy to entertain this further if you could produce the guarantee that the US provided to Poland. I can show you the guarantee that the UK provided to Poland without landing a single soldier in Poland.

The US had nothing to sell out, the British were the ones that screwed over their allies.
szczeciniak  4 | 92
16 Jun 2010   #324
in the time of peace, prepare youself for war!!!
as a pole, Patriot missiles in not the weapon i would like to get from america!!
a one installation of HARP. or rusian energetics weapon would be nice!!!
but it is a dream, offensive and defensive in one package.
regarding The US had nothing to sell out, the British were the ones that screwed over their allies.
just finished the reading of The German
White Paper! wow interesting?????
bimber94  7 | 254
3 Jul 2010   #325
Oh no, it's confirmed!

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has overseen the signing in Poland of a key missile base agreement.

The deal sets up a permanent US missile base as part of a revamped version of the controversial missile defence shield.

Russia opposes a Polish base hosting US missiles. Mrs Clinton said the new deal did not threaten Russia.

Mrs Clinton arrived from Ukraine, which was the first stop on a tour of eastern European states.

Head for the hills - er, no, AWAY from the hills!
Crow  154 | 9463
3 Jul 2010   #326
US to deploy Patriot missiles to Poland

what a desperate move by mUSA

ahahahaha hahah hahah
bimber94  7 | 254
3 Jul 2010   #327
According to today: ' "The United States is deeply committed to Poland's security and sovereignty," Clinton said at a joint press conference with Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski'.

In that case, America can take back the millions of Colorado beetle it dropped on Poland in the 1960s to destroy Poland's potato crops - or perhaps just nuke 'em with their missiles.
Crow  154 | 9463
4 Jul 2010   #328
According to today: ' "The United States is deeply committed to Poland's security and sovereignty," Clinton said at a joint press conference with Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski'.

its all great.... said Clinton. Serbs used to call him clitor-man
bimber94  7 | 254
4 Jul 2010   #329
Actually, it was Hilary, not Bill, who was in Kraków yesterday.
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366
4 Jul 2010   #330
In that case, America can take back the millions of Colorado beetle it dropped on Poland in the 1960s to destroy Poland's potato crops - or perhaps just nuke 'em with their missiles.

who told you this silly BS?

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