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Poland calls on British expertise to analyse the Smolensk accident

jon357  72 | 23665
26 May 2017   #1
"Polish prosecutors who are investigating the 2010 plane crash that killed President Lech Kaczynski and 95 others have sent samples from the plane for laboratory tests in Britain to help them determine whether an explosion caused the disaster."

Of course if the truth that emerges from the results doesn't fit the hystericall narrative, they'll probably ask for their money back...
Crow  155 | 9721
26 May 2017   #2
Polish prosecutors ........ sent samples from the plane for laboratory tests in Britain

My Polish brothers mistaken here. Britain and English schemes are No.2 suspect for assassinating Lech Kaczynski and 95 others. Germany is No.1 suspect. Or they maybe share No.1 position.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
29 May 2017   #3
2010 plane crash

Another day, another example of slipshod PO misrule. During the exhumation of Smolensk victim Gen. Bronislaw Kwiatkowski the body parts of seven different people were found in his coffin. His widow said she was fed up with all the PO lies and wanted to shouther complaint out to the whole wide world.

PO's then health min. Kopacz said she had surervised the handling of the vicitms remains in Moscow in a comeptemnt and professional manner. She also promised the Rooskies the coffins would not be opened in Poland. That gave the Muscovites carte blanche to what they are best known for -- display contempt for human life and for their remains after death. On more than one occasion victims remains

were placed in the wrong coffins and odd body parts and random debris were foudn therein. No wonder PO wanted and wants to sweep the whole Smolensk busienss under the carpet.,ekshumacje-rodziny-general-bronislaw-kwiatkowski-katastrofa-smolenska.html
29 May 2017   #4
Britain and English schemes are No.2 suspect

No need to worry Crow, samples are also being sent to labs in Italy and Spain, or are those countries suspect too ;-)

another example of slipshod PO misrule.

What does this have to do with plane samples being sent to the UK?
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
29 May 2017   #5
PO's then health min. Kopacz said she had surervised the handling of the vicitms remains in Moscow in a comeptemnt and professional manner.

I can confirm that. I distinctly remember Ewa Kopacz speaking about it on the telly. How could the health minister supervise all this? - I was asking myself in wonder! But then I thought: it must be OK, she has qualified as a medical doctor, so she knows what she is talking about ...

She also promised the Rooskies the coffins would not be opened in Poland.

This was a thing that had amazed me most upon hearing it on the telly. How on earth can someone be so stupid to promise the Rooskies such a thing. But what was even worse, PO was fully determined to abide by that propmise ...
Crow  155 | 9721
29 May 2017   #6
No need to worry Crow, samples are also being sent to labs in Italy and Spain, or are those countries suspect too ;-)

If I`m asked, I would send samples to Japan, China and Spain. In all three labs.

But, I`m not asked.
Crow  155 | 9721
29 May 2017   #7
I mean, why sent samples in Britain, Italy and Spain. Its utter nonsense. Its all three NATO countries and if those who assassinated Lech Kaczynski and 95 others, used NATO resources to do that, just one single telephone call would arrange lab results.

Why would Poland allow assassins to escape? Because somebody took the money? Because somebody fear?
Crow  155 | 9721
29 May 2017   #8
Because it was coup d'état, sponsored by EU and NATO?
Polonius3  980 | 12275
29 May 2017   #9
What does this have to do

It has to do with Smolensk. If there hade no Smolensk, there would have been no slipshod aftermath by the PO stooges.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
5 Jun 2017   #10
Ewa Kopacz

Kopacz deserves to face the Tribunal of State for gross neglect of duty and lying through her teeth to the Polish people. Anyone not afraid of the bitter truth would do well to read the latest issue of "Wsieci" weekly which graphically illustrates the Russians' "professionalism", "solicitousness", "empathy" and "all.round assiustance". What was left of the cadavers together with random body parts were dumped into grabage bags and stuffed into coffins. And that's not all.....
amiga500  5 | 1544
8 Apr 2021   #11
A second international laboratory has confirmed the presence of TNT and a second explosive material RDX on the wreckage fragments and bodies. A test for soil samples found at smolensk tested negative as some were claiming the area was contiminated by WW2 explosives. . This time opposition cannot lie that the tests only shows presence of some organic material like hairspray. Hopefully more details of what happened will come to light in next few years.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
8 Apr 2021   #12
this is why Poland is a joke of the western world. why would you use an old plane to send your politicians and buy new planes from America for a non existing war effort or threat?
amiga500  5 | 1544
8 Apr 2021   #13
There will be a new doco about smolensk on tvp1 on sat night , stan zagrozenia/under threat.
mafketis  38 | 11276
8 Apr 2021   #14
There will be a new doco about smolensk on tvp1

Why? PiS has already killed off most of the people who believe that nonsense.... no sane person under 60 careas....
pawian  226 | 27817
8 Apr 2021   #15
There will be a new doco about smolensk on tvp1 on sat night

Don`t tell us you believe those bollocks.
Novichok  4 | 8732
8 Apr 2021   #16
Is Smolensk going to be Katyn 2.0 for the Poles and a reason to crank up their hate of Russia?
Miloslaw  22 | 5222
8 Apr 2021   #17

Because the evidence points that way..... follow the story, British experts found traces of explosives on the plane.
Are you really dumb enough to follow the Russian narrative on this?
Even after Katyn?
pawian  226 | 27817
8 Apr 2021   #18
found traces of explosives on the plane.

Before or after the crash????
Novichok  4 | 8732
8 Apr 2021   #19
British experts found traces of explosives on the plane.

While the Russians were watching?

Are you really dumb enough to follow the Russian narrative on this?

What evidence is there to blame Russia? What would be their upside?
Strzelec35  19 | 830
8 Apr 2021   #20
lol no one cares about poland.

amiga500  5 | 1544
9 Apr 2021   #21
no sane person under 60 careas....

British experts found traces of explosives on the plane.

And now an Italian laboratory, has independently found the same thing. People can sniff or speculate at the conspiracy theories, but the explosives fact is irrefutable. Obviously the Miller report is not complete and further suspicion is warranted.
Novichok  4 | 8732
9 Apr 2021   #22

Both the Polish and the Russian official investigations blamed human errors in thick fog, which led to the plane diverging from the correct approach path, clipping a tree with its left wing and, fatally stricken, careering into the scrubland.

In cockpit recordings obtained by Polish media, the Tupolev's systems can be heard repeatedly warning the pilots to pull up for the final 25 seconds of the flight.

The explosives are irrelevant. When a plane hits trees, the plane goes down. Period. What's onboard does not matter. If anything, the explosives would testify to the stupidy of the pilot who would allow them aboard his plane.

For the explosives to play a role, the explosion would have to be synchronized to the landing trajectory. Common sense is against it and against Russian involvement for lack of any upside.

It sure looks like another scab to pick on.
amiga500  5 | 1544
9 Apr 2021   #23
For the explosives to play a role, the explosion would have to be synchronized to the landing trajectory.

Yes its quite possible, experts have said that the plane was 30 meters in the air when it is claimed it hit the tree.
pawian  226 | 27817
9 Apr 2021   #24

Experts who studied how sausages break and applied their findings to the air crash. Don`t make us laugh.
Miloslaw  22 | 5222
9 Apr 2021   #25
Experts who studied how sausages break

If you dismiss the findings of Frank Taylor then you are a bigger idiot than I thought you were.......
pawian  226 | 27817
9 Apr 2021   #26
Yes, I refuse to accept his "findings" coz he is not a true expert. He is a demented pensioner who joined PiS psycho commission to get some publicity and earn extra money to his pension. If you recommend him and his findings as valid contribution, you are an idiot, not me. Ha!
Novichok  4 | 8732
9 Apr 2021   #27

A British air accident investigator has told Sky News he believes there were explosions on board a plane before it crashed eight years ago, killing Polish President Lech Kaczynski.

Even if those explosives brought the plane down, who the hell put them on a Polish military plane? The Russians?

Also, there is a simple rule every lawyer here knows: when you hear hoofs, don't think zebra.

So, fog, tree, human error, or an explosive? Hmm.... No, it ain't no explosive.
Ironside  51 | 13109
10 Apr 2021   #28
Yes, I refuse to accept his "findings" coz he is not a true expert

Nope you refuse bevosue you are a commie PO supporter and you refuse everything that would harm them politically.

Poland's gov is out of order by bring that issue. It an act aimed at consolidating their domestic electorate.
amiga500  5 | 1544
10 Apr 2021   #29
The Russians?

Why would it be russians when there are hundreds of thousands of boot-lickers and traitors who would gladly be part of the machinations?
Novichok  4 | 8732
10 Apr 2021   #30
Why would it be Russians when there are hundreds of thousands of boot-lickers

I agree. That disaster was of zero benefit to the Russians. If anything, it was a huge setback.
The perps, if any, would be on the Western side, Poland included, who would benefit from injecting another dose of hate into Polish-Russian relations.

Home / News / Poland calls on British expertise to analyse the Smolensk accident

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