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News article on Poland absorbing Ukrainian refugees

Lyzko  45 | 9751
23 Feb 2023   #1
Apparently even after one year, many refugees from war-torn Ukraine have no intentions of returning to their country, but have opted to remain in Poland.

According to the New York Times, such a decision would tax Poland's school system, having to re-train teachers and bring refugee pupils up to speed in Polish.

Any reactions from Polish members?
pawian  226 | 27531
23 Feb 2023   #2
Any reactions from Polish members?

Ukrainian refugees are a great asset to our country. As the Future President of Poland said, they have enriched Poland.
OP Lyzko  45 | 9751
23 Feb 2023   #3
This I can well understand, they being Slavic brethren and all!
Apparently though, the Ukrainians have a less than savory reputation among many Poles for certain acts of violence perpetrated years ago.
Novichok  4 | 8992
23 Feb 2023   #4
Any reactions from Polish members?

I am not a Polish member but I have a reaction...

I said they would not be leaving because there is nothing back home to come back to.
jon357  72 | 23513
23 Feb 2023   #5
tax Poland's school system, having to re-train teachers

As a resident of Poland, I find it ironic that the NYT use the word tax. Since the tax złotych of the people who've come from Ukraine are just as good as the tax złotych of the people who were there before, and of course this funds schools.

The government in Poland has been grumbling about a declining population for some time. Now the problem has been partly solved.

and bring refugee pupils up to speed in Polish.

When Poles came en masse to the UK post-2004, we had to bring them up to speed in English. This was all covered by increased income tax revenue from their jobs and VAT/corporation tax revenue from their spending as it will be in Poland.
Alien  25 | 6399
23 Feb 2023   #6
savory reputation

What is that?
pawian  226 | 27531
23 Feb 2023   #7
I said they would not be leaving

It is OK. Let them stay and enrich Poland. One day they will be good Poles of Ukrainian origin. Like in America. :):):)
Novichok  4 | 8992
23 Feb 2023   #8
OK, if 2 million refugees are an asset, then 4 million of them are twice that. How about 10 million refugees? Did you blink yet or should I continue?

When debating emotional idiots, always switch from undefined nouns and adjectives to numbers. It always shuts them up or makes them say something really stupid.

Just wait 10 minutes...
jon357  72 | 23513
23 Feb 2023   #9
It is OK. Let them stay and enrich Poland.

The workers to fuel an economic boom and make up for a currently declining population.
pawian  226 | 27531
23 Feb 2023   #10
Just wait 10 minutes..

Clever of you to say it just when I am going to my Jap sumo wrestler`s mattress. :):):)

How about 10 million refugees?

It amassing you are so mean meaning frugal. Why not 50 million??? :):):)
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
23 Feb 2023   #11
It is OK. Let them stay and enrich Poland

Yes they are,all the cash untaxed money is laundered.They are buying franchises properties but the smart ones move to the west.Most Ukrainians I have met all plan to move to the west.I am sure now Ukranian mafia will grow like it was ruski mafia before 2004 esp in stadion in Warsaw.
Miloslaw  20 | 5129
23 Feb 2023   #12
Ukranian mafia will grow like it was ruski mafia

Bloody hell!
I agree with you again!Pawian is too soft and forgiving.
Ukrainian criminals are just as nasty as Russians or Serbs.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
23 Feb 2023   #13
told ya man we always agreed lol read that in other thread:)))))

Ukrainian criminals are just as nasty as Russians or Serbs.

I dont know about serbs but ruskis and ukranians do the job very cheaply and effectively and evaporate the way they came out of the country never to be caught.,.I remember them from the old stadion in Praga

Like finding your stolen car for 1000$ or beat up a poster on Polish forums lol, lol
Miloslaw  20 | 5129
23 Feb 2023   #14
ruskis and ukranians do the job very cheaply

Much as I have support and sympathy for Ukrainans, they can be too similar to Ruskis for my liking.
Novichok  4 | 8992
24 Feb 2023   #15
If refugees were an asset, there would be bidding wars for them - just as there are bidding wars for factories.
Why? Because factories are a wealth-producing asset and refugees are a net liability - parasites that consume more than they pay in taxes.
OP Lyzko  45 | 9751
24 Feb 2023   #16
Yet who would be manning those factories you speak of, Rich?
Guess who, REFUGEES!
Novichok  4 | 8992
24 Feb 2023   #17
No. Factories are now almost fully automated or operated by the locals. See Japan and China. No refugees there. Yet, China swallowed the world's manufacturing without swallowing the surplus of useless people only stupid whites welcome with open arms.
OP Lyzko  45 | 9751
24 Feb 2023   #18
So far, however just wait and see.
Novichok  4 | 8992
24 Feb 2023   #19
Thanks fro admitting that it is possible to have a growing economy without growing the refugee and migrant cancer.

Back to Poland...If 1.5 million refugees are an asset, is 3 million twice that, or is there a point where more becomes an existential problem for the host?
mafketis  38 | 11197
24 Feb 2023   #20
reactions from Polish members?

Yes the NYT is an objectively terrible newspaper and reading it for information is not a good idea....

From my viewpoint in terms of numberrs it seems a lot like late 2019 before the pandemic I hear lots of russian/Ukrainian on the street and in public transport and in stores (among both customers and staff).

Numbers are definitely down from last March-June or so

Not certain why the NYT thinks teachers need 're-training'....

Ukrainian (which they've all had in school even if they mostly speak russian) is so close to Polish that children achieve fluency very quickly and AFAIK there have been no calls for Ukrainian or russian language education for them.

The historical animosity is mostly a polonia and/or far right concern at present. It's not something that the overwhelming majority of Polish people think of often.

Polls among migrants are notoriously unreliable and whether a person stays longer or returns home is subject to a lot of different factors. Many are staying for the time being and we'll see what happens after the russians are chased from Ukrainian lands.

I wouldn't be surprised if there's a bunch of Polish people who go to Ukraine then to take part in rebuilding opportunities....
OP Lyzko  45 | 9751
24 Feb 2023   #21
Kindly name a newspaper/-agency which IS an "objectively" satisfactory newspaper for information!
The Washington Post? The Boston Globe? The London Times?, DER SPIEGEL?.......?
Novichok  4 | 8992
24 Feb 2023   #22
How about the Guardian - a publication that makes Pravda editors blush?
jon357  72 | 23513
24 Feb 2023   #23
Not certain why the NYT thinks teachers need 're-training'....

I wondered about that part too.
mafketis  38 | 11197
24 Feb 2023   #24
Kindly name a newspaper

journalism in the US is dead.... long story that began with Gannet buying up regional papers in the early 1980s and ending with most NYT writers not having any real journalism experience....
Novichok  4 | 8992
24 Feb 2023   #25
Nothing to do with "experience" and everything to do with the fear of upsetting the ruling and woke mobs. That is why US journalism is dead. We can hear the same phrases coming from everywhere. Mental terrorism has never been so visible in "America".

A high school senior can be a world-class journalist if he is really free to investigate.
jon357  72 | 23513
24 Feb 2023   #26
journalism in the US is dead

Very few newspapers employ actual journalists nowadays. No sub-editors at all. Just reporters typing copy into a machine unchecked.

About Ukrainian settlers in Poland; it's almost always been a cosmopolitan country; the post WW2 monoculture was a recent and temporary thing.
jon357  72 | 23513
24 Feb 2023   #27
the resumes of NYT writers and almost all had no journalism background

No surprises. The article sounds like a typical non-story.

The influx of Ukrainians to Poland (which of course started before r*SSia's illegal and unprovoked invasion) has been a success.
mafketis  38 | 11197
24 Feb 2023   #28
influx of Ukrainians ... has been a success

It's not all problem free... but what's surprising his how few problems there are... and the NYT doesn't have a framework for that.
Novichok  4 | 8992
24 Feb 2023   #29
has been a success.

Globalist bs. Only because the damage is limited and their numbers were relatively low. You would be singing a different tune if 10 million of them invaded Poland.

Wait till they start congregating in smaller towns to outvote the locals.

BTW, what is the limit? Please, no no-limit crap.

You are clueless because, to a globalist mind, such questions are not "inclusive" enough and are "hateful".

FYI, the value and the measure of migrant "success" is the difference between what they draw in benefits and what they pay back in taxes. In that sense, they are parasites as a group.

Yes, I know, I am a heartless, cold-blooded bean counter.
mafketis  38 | 11197
24 Feb 2023   #30
if 10 million of them invaded Poland.

we'll probably never know because russia's openly stated plan to create 10's of millions of refugees by attacking civilian infrastructure (a war crime) failed... spectacularly! like every other russian failure in this war....

so.... mind your own beeswax son, you ain't in our league with your russian coxxvkking

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