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pawian  219 | 24792
21 Jun 2024   #421
Besides if Poland is worried about their "share", they can always restart donating modern weapons to Ukraine

It won`t change anything - too late. Poland`s reputation in Ukraine dropped after farmers` protests and blockades. We can kiss goodbye to contracts but should further provide ammo and weapons to achieve the primary goal of Poland - Ukrainian victory and safety from imperial Russia which are worth all the money.
Ironside  50 | 12333
21 Jun 2024   #422
Poland`s reputation in Ukraine dropped after farmers` protests and blockades.

What are you talking about? What reputation those morons pushed their luck and it was citizens that had to push back because politicians had no clue nor balls to do their duty.


They can always restart donating modern weapons to Ukraine.

Why? So far we haven't got promised money from the EU for some of the equipment we already set, plus we need to arm our army, but seems that Germany is going to try to take money from us like they did with Greece with their deficit BS policy.

If you are so worried about the deficit why don't you pay for millions of Ukrainians on our soil and for our armed forces to be armed?
pawian  219 | 24792
21 Jun 2024   #423
What are you talking about? What reputation

I am talking about cold facts - the opinion about Poland went down in Ukraine after farmers` protests.
It is your problem you overreact to facts, not mine.
Bobko  27 | 2167
21 Jun 2024   #424
the opinion about Poland went down in Ukraine after farmers` protests.

Ukrainians never had a high opinion of Poland.

Don't show me any polls/surveys - it's simply a fact.

There was a moment where it seemed there was a chance for friendship, but then it reverted back to the historic norm.

Ukrainian hate ranking:

1) Russians/Poles
2) Jews
3) Gypsies
4) Magyars
5) Turks

Depending if they come from the Left Bank of the Dniepr, or the Right Bank, they will hate either Poles or Russians more.

Russia is hated because it is the "butcher", the "invader".

Poles are hated in part due to history, but also due to envy. Ukraine's national idea between 1991 and 2014 was catch up to, and overtake Poland. They want Poland to once again be smaller economically and in population than them.
Miloslaw  21 | 5027
21 Jun 2024   #425
Ukrainians never had a high opinion of Poland.

True, but that has changed massively since 2022.

Russia is hated because it is the "butcher", the "invader".

Same as in Poland.Another thing Poles share with Ukrainians.
Tacitus  2 | 1246
21 Jun 2024   #426

If you are so worried about the deficit

I am not worried and what deficit are you talking about?

I was just pointing out that Poland is worried about its future share in the reconstruction of Ukraine (which is imho a rather cynical topic to bring up at a point when Ukraine's future is far from secured), it could always send desperately needed weapons to Ukraine. Particulary air defence systems are the best advertisement. I am told most people in Kiev can recognize the sound of the Gepard guns at heart by now.
Bobko  27 | 2167
21 Jun 2024   #427
Poland is worried about its future share in the reconstruction of Ukraine

It may be cynical for Poles to muse out loud about this subject... but my question is who the hell is going to pay for this corruption bonanza?

Will it be Russia's frozen $300B?

Different organizations, such as the World Bank, have already estimated the reconstruction bill to be in the $700B to $1T range. Where's the rest of the money gonna come from?

Maybe kind Papa Biden will come, and shower everybody with freshly printed dollars? What's another trillion to him, when he's regularly minting US budgets with deficits in excess of a trillion dollars?

If you expect Russia to pay a single cent towards reconstruction of anything which is not under our control, then you should see a psychiatrist.
Ironside  50 | 12333
21 Jun 2024   #428
I am talking about cold facts

you are talking about unimportant details. That has no bearing on the issues which are important or they have little influence on those issues. We are talking politics and business, not some tea party with your auntie.


its future share in the reconstruction of Ukraine

I pass there, In my opinion, would be beneficial to secure transit fees that would occur between Germany and Ukraine, Ban Ukrainian agricultural produce from crossing the Polish border and you can reconstruct all you want in Ukraine.

I'm talking about a deficit in a country's budget that calls for some EU penalties I'm too annoyed to go into detail I learned about that issue not long again and can't get over how stupid it is.

Kyiv can recognize the sound of the Gepard guns at heart by now.

geez, you can't stand to be second in anything, can't you? No matter what it is.
Miloslaw  21 | 5027
21 Jun 2024   #429
If you expect Russia to pay a single cent towards reconstruction of anything

We don't expect anything from Russians who started this pointless and stupid war, because Russians are pointless and stupid.

What we do expect is that the west will make Russia suffer for this invasion for a very long time......
Ironside  50 | 12333
21 Jun 2024   #430
expect Russia to pay a single cent

I would welcome a piramide of golden bars. No need for Russian beauties. I'm curious how many Kim wants.
pawian  219 | 24792
22 Jun 2024   #431
Ukrainians never had a high

I knew you would grab at the opportunity of what I said to Iron. You couldn`t have missed it!!! hahahaha

also due to envy. Ukraine's national idea between 1991 and 2014 was catch up to, and overtake Poland

BS. It seems you are at a loss what tall stories to invent to conflict our two nations. Love`s labours lost!!

If you expect Russia to pay a single cent towards reconstruction of anything which is not under our control,

You will pay everything to the last cent! If not, the sanctions won`t be lifted. Do you think I am worried??? hahahaha
Bobko  27 | 2167
22 Jun 2024   #432
It seems you are at a loss what tall stories to invent

I'm the biggest specialist on Ukraine here.

I have family in Ukraine.

I dated a Ukrainian girl for seven years.

I read/watch probably 1-2 hrs of Ukrainian media per day.

Finally, I speak Ukrainian.

What you have is some GW and Onet articles that are 200 words long - and from which you form your opinions.
pawian  219 | 24792
22 Jun 2024   #433
specialist on Ukraine

You are also an imperial Russian who supports Putin and his war. This means you are also a manipulator and propagandist.

from which you form your opinions.

At least they are objective while you peddle Kremlin propaganda. You tried to sell us a manipulative article in order to sow animosity between Poles/Polesses and Ukrainians. Torq almost fell for that.

You are the same kind of a specialist like Goebbels. Wasn`t he good at what he practised??? Yes, he was excellent. Do you look up to him???
Crow  154 | 9260
22 Jun 2024   #434
You are also an imperial Russian who supports Putin and his war.

A very stupendous statement.

Its not Putin`s war. Its pacification of bandera nazis sponsored by a certain financial circles outside of Russian and Slavic worlds.
Bobko  27 | 2167
22 Jun 2024   #435
You tried to sell us a manipulative article

If an actual combat veteran describing his experience of employing various machines is "manipulative" and "propaganda"... then I don't know how to help you.

This is a thread about the "reality" of the Polish armed forces.

You should thank me, but instead you go into patriotic psychosis like my own compatriots that think it's some kind of betrayal to admit that the West does some things better.

You cannot hope to become stronger, or even more - overcome, if you insist on maintaining this blinkered approach. The only way to improve, is to stare the unpleasant facts in the face. At least for Russia, that is the prescription/cure. Maybe you can afford to hide the EU and NATO, and never have to admit a single flaw...
pawian  219 | 24792
22 Jun 2024   #436
It is holiday, do we have to read this bs by rabid imperial Russian propagandists and their sidekicks???? :)::):):
Ironside  50 | 12333
22 Jun 2024   #437
you go into patriotic psychosis

psychosis maybe but the patriotic part I doubt,
pawian  219 | 24792
22 Jun 2024   #438
I doubt,

Doubting Thomas you are???? In the New Testament Jesus told Thomas to put his hand into Jesus` wounds to believe.
Here, in the PF, you can put your hand into monkey`s ........... hahahaha buhahahaha you know what. hahahaha to believe.
Ironside  50 | 12333
22 Jun 2024   #439
you go into patriotic psychosis

it would be really convenient if Russia had only such patriots as you described.
Bobko  27 | 2167
22 Jun 2024   #440
There are many, many, many genuine patriots of Russia in Russia.

Not as many as the the turbo-patriots - but enough to still give this ship some adequate sense of direction.
Torq  8 | 957
22 Jun 2024   #441
There are many, many, many genuine patriots of Russia in Russia.

I hope there are.

Because it will take a concerted effort of all genuine Russian patriots to lift Russia out of the sh*t that Putin pushed her into.
pawian  219 | 24792
22 Jun 2024   #442
but enough to still give this ship some adequate sense of direction.

Exactly!! Direction - the bottom of the sea!!! hahahaha To meet cruiser Moscow and a dozen other ships of the Proudly Imperial Black Sea Russian Fleet. hahahaha
mafketis  38 | 10911
22 Jun 2024   #443
genuine Russian patriots to lift Russia out of the sh*t that Putin pushed her into

they're the ones that did the pushing... it wasn't putain forcing war on peaceful russians it was bloodthirsty russians who long to inflict suffering and humiliation on others... you haven't figured that out yet?
Torq  8 | 957
22 Jun 2024   #444
you go into patriotic psychosis

Oh, and about that...

This patriotic "psychosis", as you call it, is what's kept the Polish nation (if not always the Polish state) alive for over 1000 years. You know our history well enough for me to spare myself the trouble of providing examples. To be surprised/appalled/amazed at Polish "patriotic psychosis" after 7 years on PF is strange. This is who we are, this is who we have always been.

you haven't figured that out yet?

The problem is, Maf, that I know too many Russians personally to believe your "bloodthirsty, humiliation-inflicting beasts" theory. Maybe there is such minority in Russia, a very vocal minority, with access to public TV and media, and very active in the comments sections of various social media, but it's a sad minority nonetheless.
Ironside  50 | 12333
22 Jun 2024   #445
patriotic psychosis"

I think you misunderstood. Polish patriotism is more about sentimentalism only Dmowski grounded it in reality.
pawian  219 | 24792
23 Jun 2024   #446
only Dmowski grounded it in reality.

Exactly. Dmowski`s nationalist followers murdered the first President of Poland, Narutowicz, in 1922, because he was a decent Pole, while they wanted their sick ilk to take the post.
Ironside  50 | 12333
23 Jun 2024   #447
Dmowski`s nationalist followers murdered the first President of Poland, Narutowicz, in 1922,

It is not a response to pawian an ignorant troll but for those who like to know that is not factual information, In other words, it is a lie.
mafketis  38 | 10911
23 Jun 2024   #448
I know too many Russians personally to believe your "bloodthirsty, humiliation-inflicting beasts" theory

then why aren't they protesting? can you imagine the government of Poland doing something a large majority of people opposed and people just sitting at home?

they're either moral cowards or approve....
Torq  8 | 957
23 Jun 2024   #449
moral cowards

Don't be too quick to call people cowards if you yourself don't live under the oppresive regime in their country.

It's easy to protest in the streets against the government in the West. Russia is not the West. Putinist regime jails even children for opposing Putin...

... and adult people have their families and children of their own to worry about.

Don't be too quick to judge, Maf.
pawian  219 | 24792
23 Jun 2024   #450
If an actual combat veteran describing his experience of employing various machines is "manipulative" and "propaganda"... then I don't know how to help you.

You certainly won`t help me or anybody else by peddling sponsored interviews which praise German weapons and disparage Polish ones so blatantly.
Learn and remember one basic thing - nothing in life is only black or white. And the interview adopted such an approach which proves it was manipulative.

I finish the topic of the howitzer with this video in Engish:


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