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Ironside  50 | 12931
5 May 2024   #391
So nobody knows

Nah, you don't know but then you don't know much anyway.
dannytoro1  5 | 102
5 May 2024   #392
Novi; I do not get what you are trying to say. We clearly know all about our military. And how to use it. To protect our Allies and Interests. And gain arms sales.

We are far from perfect. We fall for geewhiz gadgets too much. And end up with crap systems. But we make some Masterpieces too. Ie...No one even tries to mess with an F-22. F-15EX is so good they will probably be flying in 2100.
Alien  25 | 6371
5 May 2024   #393
Novi; I do not get what you are trying to say

Danny, calm down, he doesn't know what he was trying to say either.
dannytoro1  5 | 102
14 May 2024   #394
Saw an Army article saying Poland acquiring a pair of F-15EX squadrons was in active talks. They are do it all capable and go very well with F-35's.
pawian  223 | 27199
30 May 2024   #396
Single F35 can avoid detection and use air to surface missiles to destroy refineries inside RU

WARSAW, May 28 (Reuters) - Poland has signed a $735 million contract with the U.S. for the supply of JASSM-ER missiles. Their range is up to 900 km.

Warsaw is spending around 4% of its gross domestic product on defence this year.

Torq  8 | 954
30 May 2024   #397
Their range is up to 900 km.

Hate to quote myself but...

"550 km to Smoleńsk, 720 km to St. Petersburg and 800 km to Kursk. In those lovely cities our Slavic brothers built nuclear power plants."

You were absent and you missed my Polish-Russian war scenario. :)
Bobko  27 | 2160
20 Jun 2024   #398
Ukrainian artillery men are sh*tting on the AHS Krab self propelled artillery, manufactured by Huta Stalowa Wola (HSW).

They state that the German PzH 2000 is light years ahead of the Polish creation. Across the board - in terms of ease of use, armor, barrel lifetime, and ultimate crew survivability.

Direct and rather lengthy quote from Andrey Kobzar, commander of a PzH 2000 unit in the 43rd Artillery Brigade:

Ну я вам так скажу: я не залазив в AS-90, я під-час БД не залазив у М109, проте це простіші машини. От у що я залазив з машин подібного класу - це у AHS Krab. Я його бачив, і одразу хочу вам сказати: це недороблена, непродумана і дуже сира машина. Її поляки "допилювали" 20 років і так її й не доробили. В ній хаотично розтиканий БК, тонка броня. Це провал.

Ліпше за PZH-2000, яка чудово захищена, з значним модернізаційним потенціалом, та АВТОМАТИЧНОЮ ПОДАЧОЮ СНАРЯДІВ немає нічого. Якщо у тебе прямі руки, й ти достатньо обслуговуєш всі необхідні механізми, то до снарядів ти доторкаєшся лише тоді, коли вантажиш БК в САУ. Після того можна стріляти як завгодно, проте до снаряду доторкатися не доведеться. А в Крабі такого немає, там ти все ручками тягати, що вже говорити про простіші машинки.

А якщо є бажання загалом порівняти Краб та PzH-2000, то зайдіть на Oryx та порівняйте втрати. Верифіковано втрату 28 Крабів, а їх було 80. Втратили третину, третину! І якщо поглянути на фото уражених машин, то дуже частим явищем є детонація САУ, разом з екіпажем.

А от Панцергаубиць 27 штук, скільки з них знищено? Немає таких. Про пошкоджені я знаю, але їх кількість можна перелічити на пальцях однієї руки. А такого, щоб БК детонував чи хтось з членів екіпажу загинув - та ніколи. Тут вже питання грамотності компоновки САУ.

English translation:

Well, I'll tell you this: I didn't fit into the AS-90, I didn't fit into the M109 during the DB, but these are simpler cars. This is what I climbed into from cars of this class - this is from the AHS Krab. I saw it, and I want to tell you right away: this is an unfinished, ill-conceived and very crude machine. The Poles spent 20 years finishing it and never finished it. It has random ammo and thin armor. This is a failure.

There is nothing better than the perfectly protected PZH-2000 with significant modernization potential and AUTOMATIC SHELL FEED. If you have straight hands, and you sufficiently maintain all the necessary mechanisms, then you only touch the shells when loading the ammunition into the self-propelled gun. After this, you can shoot as you like, but you won't have to touch the projectile. But in Crab there is no such thing, there you carry everything with your hands, let alone simpler machines.

And if you want to compare the Crab and PzH-2000, then go to Oryx and compare losses. The loss of 28 Crabs was verified, and there were 80 of them. We lost a third, a third! And if you look at the photos of the affected vehicles, a very common occurrence is the detonation of self-propelled guns, along with the crew.

But there are 27 Panzerhowitzers, how many of them were destroyed? There are no such. I know about the damaged ones, but their number can be counted on the fingers of one hand. And such that the ammunition detonates or one of the crew members dies - and never. There is already a question of literacy in the layout of self-propelled guns.



Crow  154 | 9510
20 Jun 2024   #399
I am ashamed when see Poland in a such a stupid role in Ukraine. Much better that we together flatten Vatican and make Roman woman love us.
Bobko  27 | 2160
20 Jun 2024   #400

Bottom line of my post is that Poles cannot make a decent self propelled artillery, because their arms grow out of their ass and their level of engineering is reflective of this pathology.

Apologies for the automated translation from Ukrainian into English above. It was such a long quote, I was too lazy. Substitute "car" for "machine", and "climbed inside" for "fit into".

How proud Kania was of these SPAs! Hahaha!

And Pawian - he was telling me it was the pinnacle of artillery design!

Btw, this Ukrainian was wrong - there is a system better than the PzH 2000 - and that is the even newer Koalitsiya. Also with autoloader, also with great armor, also with great ammo location, but higher rate of fire, and faster deployment.
Crow  154 | 9510
20 Jun 2024   #401
Polish efforts now are not blessed by the ancestors. That is why artillery and all the rest failed. I shall pray to my Slava Saint St. Archangel Michael (personification of my ancestors), so he tell few words for Poland to our beloved Christ and His Mother.

So our Polish kin join us Serbians and Hungarians.
Bobko  27 | 2160
20 Jun 2024   #402
Polish efforts now are not blessed by the ancestors

Poles, if going by their ancestry, would make not great artillery men - but great storm troopers.

Perfect for battles like Bakhmut, Soledar, Lisichansk, Severodonetsk, Avdeevka and Chasov Yar.

A proper use of their retarded heroism and bravery.

Can you imagine the joy on both sides if a Polish battalion-sized assault occurred against a Ukrainian trench line?

Even a Russian, would probably sit down on a nearby stump, light up a cigarette, and simply observe the unfolding glory.
Torq  8 | 954
20 Jun 2024   #403
Ukrainian artillery men are sh*tting on the AHS Krab self propelled artillery,

What? They don't want them? Cool. Duly noted. We can always use some extra Krabs ourselves.

How proud Kania was of these SPAs! Hahaha!

I still am. These Ukrainian artillery men lost keys to their arseholes so they are sh*tting through their teeth. These things happen.

That is why artillery and all the rest failed.

What do you mean all the rest? Ukrainians were singing praises of PT91 Twardy and practically masturbated to Piorun manpads and Warmate drones. Also, I watched a video in which they praised Krabs highly so I guess opinions are divided (not that I give a sh*t - if they don't want them, all the better - more for us :)).

And anyways, boys, Polish fighter pilots can fly on the barn doors and Polish artylerzyści can fire tin cannons and still own any other army in the world. So there.
pawian  223 | 27199
20 Jun 2024   #404
And Pawian - he was telling me it was the pinnacle of artillery design!

Coz our artillery machines are excellent and there are tens of reports by Ukrainian soldiers who use them and praise very much.
Your silly translation is a camoflaged advertisement for German weapons. Such statements as
In the end - do you see a prospect for the PzH-2000 as the main self-propelled gun of the Armed Forces, or do the specifics of the database indicate that it is better to choose another installation?

are typically found in sponsored articles.

That Ukrainian "commander" was paid by German armament industry to say a few warm words about their stuff and criticise Polish one which is the main competitor for Germans in this market.

As an imperial Russian, you happily grabbed the opportunity to try provoking a conflict between Poles/Polesses and Ukrainians. To no avail coz I am here to debunk your silly propaganda. Ha!!!

They don't want them?

Be wiser than that and don`t fall for Bobko`s dirty games.
Torq  8 | 954
20 Jun 2024   #405
as paid by German armament industry to say a few warm words about their stuff and criticise Polish one which is the main competitor for Germans in this market

Hmm... you're right, it looks like a provocation.

Be wiser than that and don`t fall for Bobko`s dirty games.

Indeed. Silly me. Thanks for being vigilant, Pawian.
Crow  154 | 9510
20 Jun 2024   #406
What do you mean all the rest?

Don`t you feel disturbance in the force? Close your eyes and contemplate on the rest.
Torq  8 | 954
20 Jun 2024   #407
Close your eyes

My eyes are open and I don't like what I see. I see once proud Russia going on a begging mission to North Korea. North-f*cking-Korea... I mean, how low can you fall? :(

You're surprised that Poland needs South Korean tanks but aren't you surprised that Russia needs North Korean junk?
pawian  223 | 27199
20 Jun 2024   #408
it looks like a provocation.

Bobko`s provocation. While the "interview" is just sponsored, I have read a few of them in my life and I know this style. It is a typical method in marketing.

Thanks for being vigilant,

Crow  154 | 9510
20 Jun 2024   #409
I see once proud Russia going on a begging mission to North Korea. North-f*cking-Korea... I mean,

I know exactly what you mean, dobri i plemeniti brate. May our venerable ancestors save us all. This all is madness and grandeour joke in which many naive and not that naive will die.

You're surprised that Poland needs South Korean tanks

Horrendous. I am ashamed of both my kin, Poles and Russians. Its a death race who is more crazy here.

Last times! Last times!

I want to awake from this nightmare.

Awake, near some beautiful hot naked woman.
Bobko  27 | 2160
20 Jun 2024   #410
What? They don't want them?

Stop it.

Remember these are men using your equipment.

Not fat bureaucrats stuffing their pockets.

They are telling you objective criticism of your machines. It would be prudent to listen, instead of falling into patriotic psychosis.
pawian  223 | 27199
20 Jun 2024   #411
They are telling you objective

hahahaha objectively sponsored criticism.

[quote=Bobko]Polish battalion against a Ukrainian trench line?/quote]

Stop drinking Putin vodka, you are too weak for it..... :):):):)

  • 1647226925_1700VODKA.jpg
Torq  8 | 954
20 Jun 2024   #412
many naive and not that naive will die

F*ck it. A kto umarł, ten nie żyje.

They are telling you objective criticism of your machines.

No, Pawian is right - it's a cheap provocation. I shouldn't have fallen for it in the first place. Agents Provocateurs - Torq 1:0 (but the game's not over yet).
pawian  223 | 27199
20 Jun 2024   #413
German armament industry to say a few warm words about their stuff and criticise Polish one which is the main competitor for Germans in this market.

It is obvious and natural that Germans would like to replace the Polish manufacturer who sends Krab howitzers to Ukraine in order to start selling their own weapons there at last. They are fighting for their share in the market and the methods are plenty.

German howitzers aren`t so good at all, they are too delicate for such heavy warfare as in Ukraine, most of them were damaged very quickly not because of Russian counter fire but due to simple technical problems. While Polish howitzers are tough and sturdy and greatly appreciated by Ukrainian soldiers.
Bobko  27 | 2160
20 Jun 2024   #414
it's a cheap provocation

They say German armor only, can stop loitering drones. Thanks to so called "hedgehog" armor.

These Germans, maybe they are more clever than you?


P.S. can't post photo for some reason, but you can see in Ukrainian-language article above.

You boys are engaged in same game that Russian "patriots" are engaged in.
pawian  223 | 27199
20 Jun 2024   #415
They say

whatever they are paid for. Just like you in the Polish forum. hahahaha
Crow  154 | 9510
20 Jun 2024   #416
F*ck it. A kto umarł, ten nie żyje.

Yes. Many feel like that. So we shall again have death arenas for sport.
pawian  223 | 27199
20 Jun 2024   #417
But there are 27 Panzerhowitzers, how many of them were destroyed? There are no such

The paid "commander" claims none of German machines were destroyed in combat. Of course they weren`t coz they are spending most of the time in repair. It is Polish howitzers which suffer losses coz they are actively doing their duty on the front line.,6931195794623232a

German PzH 2000s are repaired on site or transported to Lithuania. It is therefore possible that the PzH 2000s are actually present at the front for a much shorter period of time than the Krabs, which suffer greater losses .
Torq  8 | 954
20 Jun 2024   #418
It is obvious and natural that Germans would like to replace the Polish manufacturer who sends Krab howitzers to Ukraine in order to start selling their own weapons there at last.

It is now also obvious that German companies will get the lion's share of Ukraine's rebuilding program. The same Germans who were telling Ukrainians that their defeat was a question of weeks while Poland was sending fuel, ammunition and tanks almost right away. We played it very badly. Do we always have to be the noble, magnanimous ones, just to be screwed in the arse in return? It's a recurring pattern.

These Germans, maybe they are more clever than you?

Maybe they are. But that's OK, I suppose, because this time they're on our side.
pawian  223 | 27199
20 Jun 2024   #419
patriotic psychosis.

You are furious coz we saw through your dirty imperial machinations. Ha!!!
Tacitus  2 | 1308
20 Jun 2024   #420
Besides if Poland is worried about their "share", they can always restart donating modern weapons to Ukraine.

It is nice to know though at least one part of our industry is still cutting edge.


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