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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 20

Ironside  51 | 13083
1 day ago   #1141
His companies have filed for bankruptcy multiple times,

You don't understand the American system, it is pretty much standard and what counts is an outcome.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 938
1 day ago   #1142
You don't understand the American system

Its clear he not only doesnt understand the US, or its ways of doing business, but doesnt understand how Americans think.

Meanwhile, now that Ukraine is focusing on fighting for more of its lost territory instead of sacrificing men for Russian land they are losing, they have taken a village back. This is positive news for Ukraine, and they need more of it. This attempt in Kursk was just stupid and too many men were lost for nothing.
Novichok  4 | 8667
1 day ago   #1143
I'm blaming him for destroying the credibility of the USA as an ally

That's Trump's greatest achievement!

In plain English: Go find another sucker and don't lean on me! We have had it.

I am a huge Americanophile but also because it was beneficial to Poland.

If the US was in conflict of any kind with Poland, who would you want to win?
Torq  10 | 1234
1 day ago   #1144
who would you want to win?

What kind of question is that? Poland, of course.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 938
1 day ago   #1145

Nothing to see here, nothing to see. Move along.
mafketis  38 | 11258
1 day ago   #1146
Nothing to see here, nothing to see

Yes, third hand russian propaganda filtered through western useful idiots.... only a non-useful idiot could find it insightful or valuable.

Again, the architect of the 2014 invasion (and the architect of the disinfo strategy that brought much of the American right into the service of russia) says what the invasion is about: russian empire
Torq  10 | 1234
1 day ago   #1147
Yes, third hand russian propaganda filtered through western useful idiots

... and it's amazing how easily they fall for it.


I read the interview. Nothing new in it. Russkiy Mir, gathering of Russian lands, Ukraine being an artificial quasi-state, "Russia is where we are", "we will spread out in all directions, as far as God wills", political authoritarianism, the role of the Orthodox Church - the guy is like taken out of Sorokin's books. L'Express could as well have interviewed Crow - the content of the article would be exactly the same (well, maybe additionally Serbia would have been mentioned).
Przelotnyptak1  - | 710
1 day ago   #1148
occasions (check out his Na Smyczy Kremla)

It has the same sources as Russin Collusion; it's
not worth the piece of toilet paper I use in the morning.

One way or another, he got well over $400 million from his father (in inheritance, gifts and transfers as well as tax dodges)...

Blah, blah, blah. Are you sure there is no parrot in your bloodline.?

But sure, let's agree to disagree. I don't really care that much.

Sure, you just love the lies and repeatably write about them. You are the expert on things you know nothing about.
Torq  10 | 1234
1 day ago   #1149
Sure, you just love the lies and repeatably write about them.

I posted links to the articles. I also listed 10 of Trumps lies and I could list more, but it wouldn't make sense - you are not a rational human being, you are a Trump worshipper. No point arguing with you.
mafketis  38 | 11258
1 day ago   #1150
I read the interview. Nothing new in it.

Not for you because you know who he is...

But too many have no idea that he created the media environment that sucked in so many American 'conservatives' who have no idea that they're repeating russian propaganda...
Miloslaw  22 | 5198
1 day ago   #1151
Talking about Trump.
I'm blaming him for destroying the credibility of the USA as an ally and single-handedly dismantling the 80-year-old American world domination.


That's Trump's greatest achievement!

You won't be saying that in a few years time when it all blows back into your face!
Novichok  4 | 8667
1 day ago   #1152
they're repeating russian propaganda...

Where does it say that what Russia claims is always false - excluding Polish mental issues and considering that Poland trusts the country that killed 17% of Poles.

Somehow Germany is OK. Russia? Never!

There is no cure for this mental condition other than old people dying off.
Miloslaw  22 | 5198
1 day ago   #1153
Where does it say that what Russia claims is always false

History tells us that you idiot! Russians have lied and lied for centuries!!

Somehow Germany is OK. Russia? Never!

You really are pretty thick aren't you? Germany was a one off, Russia has always been a threat to Poland.
Please grab a brain Rich or read some history books!
Novichok  4 | 8667
1 day ago   #1154
You won't be saying that in a few years time when it all blows back into your face!

I am safe here. Nothing will blow back into my face. Your safety and the war are your problems.

BTW, when I see 65,000 Euro soldiers and 40 military bases in the US to protect the US, we can resume this conversation. For now, you, Euros, are parasites riding on our backs.
Miloslaw  22 | 5198
1 day ago   #1155
I am safe here. Nothing will blow back into my face

Really? Are you sure? I think you are very wrong.

America is right to ask Europe to pay it's way in defending itself and not rely on America.
However, it is in America's interests to protect Europe as it's only major, reliable trading partner.
Without Europe, America is nothing.
Joker  2 | 2447
1 day ago   #1156
America is right to ask Europe to pay it's way in defending itself and not rely on America.

Why wouldt they want too, just for backup.. Stop being cheap Europe, its your backyard.

The Americans want and do help , but to what extent?

We have an terrorist invasion were dealing with over here right now,
Novichok  4 | 8667
1 day ago   #1157
However, it is in America's interests to protect Europe as it's only major, reliable trading partner.

We don't need trading partners. We need very few raw materials. That's it.

Without Europe, America is nothing.

Please edit your posts before posting.

Without the US, Europe is nothing but a trembling, bootlicking bunch of obedient zeros.

There...I fixed it for you.
Joker  2 | 2447
1 day ago   #1158
Without Europe, America is nothing.

Thats a bit of a stretch my friend:)

You might want to reverse that one....

America could be self dependent if we wanted too. Everything we need is right here. The only thing blocking the true power of the USA are Phucking Libtards.
Novichok  4 | 8667
1 day ago   #1159
We have an terrorist invasion were dealing with over here right now,

Worse than that...

Terrorists can be deported or shot. Internal LGBT scum and other leftist garbage cannot be deported or shot.

Add to this the spending addicts in DC and all threat to us is internal.

No, neither China nor Russia is a threat to the US. If they are, I want my money back.
Joker  2 | 2447
1 day ago   #1160
Internal LGBT scum and other leftist garbage cannot be deported or shot.

How about these lower court judges blocking the chief executive of the USA? Theres a constitutional crisis you wont hear leftards mentioning.

They are out of power and their latest ploys will be stopped by SCOTUS again and again.
Novichok  4 | 8667
1 day ago   #1161
How about these lower court judges blocking the chief executive of the USA?

They have zero authority over foreign affairs. The US can remove any foreigner for no specific reason any time the president wants. Including ambassadors.

On a practical side, there is no way we can grant every illegal foreign piece of human waste the right to have hearings and endless appeals.

They bypassed the system on the way in. We can bypass the system on the way out.

I like simple.
Miloslaw  22 | 5198
1 day ago   #1162
We don't need trading partners.

Don't be so stupid!

Without Europe, America is nothing.

Please edit your posts before posting.

Why? I didn't say anything that was incorrect.Please state facts and links if you think the USA can survive without reliable trading partners.

Thats a bit of a stretch my friend:)

You might want to reverse that one....

I don't think so.Think about it.Without Europe who can the USA rely on as reliable trading partners?

Trump has already put tariffs on Canada and Mexico.

Who else is left?You need trade to bring in income.Where is the USA going to get that?

America, as powerful as it is, still needs allies.
Novichok  4 | 8667
1 day ago   #1163
trading partners?

What the fvck do you have to offer the US cannot or does not make already?

Or cannot buy from Asia?
Miloslaw  22 | 5198
1 day ago   #1164
Or cannot buy from Asia?

So you want America to become China's lapdog?

Anyway, here is the REAL news.

If the Russians couldn't beat Ukraine they will get a very bloody nose if they attack Poland.
amiga500  5 | 1539
1 day ago   #1165
Again, the architect of the 2014 invasion

Like Victoria Nuland he has little relevance or influence to how things will play out.
Novichok  4 | 8667
1 day ago   #1166
bloody nose if they attack Poland.

If China attacked Poland...can you imagine how much time it would take for the Chinese Navy to get to Gdynia?
Torq  10 | 1234
1 day ago   #1167
they will get a very bloody nose if they attack Poland

...but they don't believe it, so they will test it.

Of course, in such case you are going to come back to Poland and help with the defense. Right, Milo?

Torq  10 | 1234
1 day ago   #1168
I'm wondering about one more thing. If there is no real chance for us to have our own nuclear weapons, does it even make sense to build a strong mass army (with conscription)? Such an army would be a huge temptation for the Americans and the British to throw it against the Russians once Ukraine is 'spent.'

It's a bit of a no-win situation - once we have the strongest and most modern land army in Europe, our ruling "elites" will definitely let themselves be goaded by the Brits and Americans into fighting Russia. On the other hand, if we are weak, it will provoke Russia to attack... damned if we do, damned if we don't.

All we need is nukes, as the song goes. :-/
OP cms neuf  2 | 1938
1 day ago   #1169
Of course it makes no sense - if this war has taught us anything its that ground forces can't do much against drones and precision missiles. The North Nigerians and North Koreans have found that out

While it will take time to build our nukes we can at least stock up on those.drones
Torq  10 | 1234
1 day ago   #1170
we can at least stock up on those.drones

Definitely. Drone forces are going to be a separate branch of Polish Army...

... we have to keep up with the latest technology.

Home / News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 20

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