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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 19

Torq  8 | 1052
14 hrs ago   #1141
Instead, I would prefer to imagine a friendly conversation in a smoke filled den - where questions of recruitment are decided.

I almost feel tempted to use that ChatGPT image generator again!

At least, that's what John Le Carre has taught me.

John Le Carre my arse. That's what you were taught in the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (it has a shorter name but it escapes me at the moment).
Paulina  17 | 4537
14 hrs ago   #1142
I just watched another interesting conversations on Polish news channel (TVN24)

So there was this expert that was talking about military equipment. Europe buys a lot of military equipment from the US. According to this site nowadays it's around 55% of European military imports:

This expert said that Trump wants European NATO countries to spend more on military, but not on just any military equipment. He said Trump wants it to be American military equipment. And as far as I understand American military equipment is expensive and high-maintenance. So, I imagine, American military industry is getting a lot of money from this and keeping a lot of jobs.

Now, that expert said that if European NATO countries decided to produce their own military equipment and ditch American one completely then it may turn out that this "exchange deal" is the only thing that keeps the US in NATO. So, basically, we're paying the US for being in an alliance with us.

A fragment from the link:

"Around 55 per cent of arms imports by European states in 2019-23 were supplied by the USA, up from 35 per cent in 2014-18. 'More than half of arms imports by European states come from the USA,' noted SIPRI Director Dan Smith, 'while at the same time, Europe is responsible for about a third of global arms exports, including large volumes going outside the region, reflecting Europe's strong military-industrial capacity. Many factors shape European NATO states' decisions to import from the USA, including the goal of maintaining trans-Atlantic relations alongside the more technical, military and cost-related issues. If trans-Atlantic relations change in the coming years, European states' arms procurement policies may also be modified.'"

In case someone wondered why we buy so much expensive sh1t from the US...
OP Korvinus  4 | 612
14 hrs ago   #1143
I think that the only correct place to take him would be the GULAG, no?

Russians obey Putin, and that's exactly what you want too, a strong dominant leader who will treat you like his good little dog. Slave mentality.
Just another proof of what I was always saying. Russians aren't white. Eastern Ukraine is already mostly mongoloid, and the further east you go, the more monogloid and less white it gets. Eastern Poland/Western Ukraine is around where the white race ends, the line between civilization and barbarians. Average Russian serf is basically a farm animal with opposable thumbs and slightly higher mental capability to understand commands, this is why Russian leaders never cared about their population, famine, war, who cares, just bring some sandniggers and mongols from neighbouring countries and mass breed more of these creatures, it's a quick and easy process.
Torq  8 | 1052
14 hrs ago   #1144
Russians aren't white (...) the line between civilization and barbarians (...) Average Russian serf is basically a farm animal

Ech... kurwa, kurwa...

Guys, you are like boy scouts with their shorts, neckerchiefs and funny merit badges. Fekin' boy scouts. Good Marshall Piłsudski once said about your ilk: "Wam kury szczać prowadzić, a nie politykę robić". You are painting yourself into a corner. Look at me: I am 100% loyal to Poland, 100% supporting Ukraine in their defensive war, and a staunch anti-Putinist and I can still talk to Russians in a cordial atmosphere (of course my huge Russophilia helps here). What if it one day so happens, Korvinus, that you, or Cms or Pawian find yourselves in a situation when some sort of a civilised conversation with Russians is necessary? What position are you putting yourselves in?

Sure, it's only an internet board but still. :)
Paulina  17 | 4537
14 hrs ago   #1145
Average Russian serf is basically a farm animal with opposable thumbs and slightly higher mental capability to understand commands

You're just making yourself look like a retard right now. Or a Nazi. Take your pick...

Which is it, actually or probably ?

One doesn't exclude the other.

Its already started


Putin struck a cargo ship with missiles to "sink" it after unconfirmed Russian sources alleged that the ship carried British weapons to aid Ukraine.

Well, considering that ship was allegedly Swiss-owned then I doubt Switzerland will attack RuSSia for that lol
johnny reb  49 | 8043
14 hrs ago   #1146
hat ship was allegedely Swiss-owned then I doubt Switzerland will attack RuSSia for that

The ship was struck soon after it reached Odesa in Ukraine on March 1
No but Britain can't be happy with not being able to unload their cargo without having it blown up first.
These are the things that start a war in case you were baking a cake and missed it.
OP Korvinus  4 | 612
14 hrs ago   #1147
of course my huge Russophilia helps here

You for sure are, that's why you like Russians so much.
What position are you putting yourselves in?

Well, there are two groups. Russians and muslims. Delete them right now, and tomorrow the world is a paradise.
Paulina  17 | 4537
14 hrs ago   #1148
These are the things that start a war in case you were baking a cake and missed it.

It could potentially start a war if the ship was British. Switzerland isn't a member of NATO though.

No but Britain can't be happy

Not being happy about losing some equipment doesn't start World Wars.
Ironside  50 | 13021
14 hrs ago   #1149
you like

Indeed, a middle-aged man like you talking about feeling all day. it is creepy.
Torq  8 | 1052
14 hrs ago   #1150
you like Russians so much

Gulity as charged! But is it a plus or a minus if one day we actuallly have to sit down and talk to them (the horror!)?

Russians and muslims. Delete them right now, and tomorrow the world is a paradise.

Boy scout.
Paulina  17 | 4537
14 hrs ago   #1151
@Torq, I think we understand the term "boy scout" in a different way? o_O

OP Korvinus  4 | 612
14 hrs ago   #1152
Indeed, a middle-aged man like you talking about feeling all day. it is creepy.

Quite the opposite, I'm a little bit over-socialized, given my personality. Don't take everything I say here too personally, it's mostly just hyperbole for the sake of comedy.
johnny reb  49 | 8043
14 hrs ago   #1153
Not being happy about losing some equipment doesn't start World Wars.

In your opinion anyways.
It could potentially be the first step of the beginning.
Putin has London in his crosshairs already.
Torq  8 | 1052
14 hrs ago   #1154
@Torq, I think we understand the term "boy scout" in a different way?

Definitely! :)

it's mostly just hyperbole for the sake of comedy

Hey, that's my job!
PolAmKrakow  2 | 947
14 hrs ago   #1155
Respectfully, it is not anyones words that have changed or altered my opinion at all. I still support Ukraine and my distaste for Russians is very deep in all but a few instances. The reality is Ukraine cannot win, and the US has been used by Europe for the last thirty years for protection. Ukraine is not the US responsibility in any way. I want to see the money spent on Americans, and American problems. I want to see Ukrainian people stop dying. This is simply a realist approach to things. I dont gaf about everyones emotional babble.

Where did I use the word humiliate? Another example of what the left wing media does, putting words never spoken in other peoples mouths. The fact is this, not one EU leader rivals an US president or Vice President. Respect the office, not the person. Z doesnt respect the office, he is disrespectful and demanding when he has no basis to make any demands. Duda waited 90 minutes to spend 10 minutes with Trump, left smiling, and got what he came for. I am no fan of Duda, but this was what Z should have done. Starmer went with respect, and so did Macron. They know that without the US and US weapons, the EU is all but defenseless. Dont like your position? Then stop asking for things and do everything on your own.
Paulina  17 | 4537
14 hrs ago   #1156
this "exchange deal" is the only thing that keeps the US in NATO

So maybe Trump's threats about leaving NATO are in reality a "negotiating tactic", so the EU would buy even more military equipment from the US? o_O 🤔

In your opinion anyways.

I don't think that's just my opinion and the facts support that - we're not at any open war with RuSSia because of that sinked British equipment.

It could potentially be the first step of the beginning.

Potentially a bomb could fall on your head tomorrow, as the "genius" Trump so "intelligently" stated during that meeting in the Oval Office lol 🙄
Torq  8 | 1052
14 hrs ago   #1157
Where did I use the word humiliate?

You said that it's time that "every EU leader understood where they are in the pecking order", or something to that effect. Teaching people "their place in the pecking order" without humiliating them is rather tricky.
Paulina  17 | 4537
13 hrs ago   #1158
@Torq, arranging nations according to some kind of pecking order is humiliating by default. Of course it gets worse if it's done openly and disrespectfully like what Trump and Vance did to Zelensky/Ukraine, but still...

so the EU would buy even more military equipment from the US? o_O 🤔

Which would make us even more dependant on the US... So, it's a kind of trap without a way out, it seems...
Torq  8 | 1052
13 hrs ago   #1159
trap without a way out

There is a way out but it's a long way and there are no shortcuts. It is a way of sacrifice, self-denial and tears but at the end of it glory awaits.

Damn it, I sound like master Yoda.
Ironside  50 | 13021
13 hrs ago   #1160
, arranging nations according to some kind of pecking order is humiliating by default

WTF? I guess reality is humbling or you have a little princess complex. lol!
PolAmKrakow  2 | 947
13 hrs ago   #1161
I am a very successful person in my business. I have more money than most. Yet when I go into a meeting with someone who is looking to hire me or one of my companies, I know who is potentially paying the bills and I respect that person and position. Am I intimated or humiliated by anyone? No. I just know where I fit in. This is called knowing your fvcking place. And every politician should know their place as well. Even if you are in a position of power in your own mind, when you need something from another person in power you stfu and ask nice. Anyone not thinking that way is probably not very successful.

It is Zelensky that was disrespectful. Go watch the fvcking press conference. All 40 minutes of it, not just the sound bites the legacy media is feeding you. It was Z who got agressive with Vance, and then Trump stepped in to defend Vance and the US position. Z is begging for money and weapons, and he needs to stfu and be nice, but he cant control his mouth. Now all funding to Ukraine is cut off. Ukraine even had to pay their hotel and expenses for the DC trip after the Us said fvck off and get out, which is the first time Trump has not paid for a foreign visit. When you **** off the US President, no matter who holds the office, you make a big mistake. And if you dont understand that, then you likely dont understand much.
OP Korvinus  4 | 612
13 hrs ago   #1162
I am a very successful person in my business.

LOL. Trump is it you?
Joker  2 | 2447
13 hrs ago   #1163
Don't bite the hand that feeds you.
It's as simple as that.
Z won't get a penny with his crappy attitude.
Torq  8 | 1052
13 hrs ago   #1164
This is called knowing your fvcking place.

Hmm... must be a cultural difference between America and Poland. In Poland cultured people are supposed to be extra nice to those who are "below them in the pecking order" and not necessarily to those above. E.g. if you work in a company as an engineer, you should be extra nice to all the janitors, cleaning ladies and technicians and ordinarily civil to your equals and superiors (without unctuousness especially to the latter). If you tried to demonstrate your dominance/superiority over those "below" you, you would be considered an extraordinary c*nt (and rightly so!).
Crow  154 | 9548
13 hrs ago   #1165
Point is, the USA can`t make war with Russia. They are both cosmic power. Have fatal level of firepower. Then there is one more cosmic power- China, too. Also, other players that arising: India, Brazil, Muslim world, Israel, Japan, Africa, EU. Many interests. Much is in stake.

So, Trump is realistic. He seeks way out and taking care of the USA. He simple can`t be responsible for actions of the people he can`t reason. Zelenski is one of them. One that goes to the toilet hole.
Paulina  17 | 4537
13 hrs ago   #1166
All 40 minutes of it

Where can I watch all those 40 minutes?

It is Zelensky that was disrespectful.

Not in the crucial fragment that I've seen. And Bobko, who watched the whole thing, claimed that everything was fine before that fragment.

It was Z who got agressive with Vance

He wasn't aggressive. He asked a f*cking question. And it was only after sitting for a while there quietly and listening to their bullsh1t.

Could Zelensky play it out better? Use, I don't know, different words, more polite tone? Maybe... But this situation wouldn't even arise if it wasn't for Trump's and Vance's provocative behaviour. And to be honest, I'm starting to see that you guys don't even understand what pissed off Zelensky, us and a lot of people in the US and around the world... And that's mind-boggling... It's like talking to f*cking aliens from a different planet o_O What the hell...

but he cant control his mouth

Neither can Trump and Vance. Would it be so hard for them to not behave like f*cking pro-RuSSian a$$holes at least during that meeting? What the hell is wrong with them??
Miloslaw  20 | 5124
12 hrs ago   #1167
Putin has London in his crosshairs already.

HaHaHaHa!!!! You are a pure fantasist! Putin is looking at the Baltic states,Kazakhstan and Georgia next.......
Would it be so hard for them to not behave like f*cking pro-RuSSian a$$holes at least during that meeting? What the hell is wrong with them??

I think Trump and Vance made a global mistake by bullying and disrespecting Zelensky.
It was not Zelensky disrespecting America, it was Trump and Vance disrespecting Zelensky and Ukraine.Disgraceful!
I know that for many Americans,Trumps outburst will be welcomed.But in Europe, we can now see him as the bully that he is.
In the UK, we hate bullys..........
pawian  226 | 27498
12 hrs ago   #1168
In the UK, we hate bullys.

Also in Poland. That is why we reject imperial Russians.
Paulina  17 | 4537
12 hrs ago   #1169
Cant this clown afford more than those ugly T-shirts?

Maybe ask this lady? Perhaps she could even take you on one of those "propaganda tours" as Vance called them... Because I'm guessing Vance wouldn't be willing to go and see everything himself with his own eyes - he prefers watching videos:

  • suit.jpg
Novichok  4 | 8962
12 hrs ago   #1170
we can now see him as the bully that he is.

We don't give a fvck how you see him as long as we are not spending any money on a war that has nothing to do with us.

BTW, U is not winning. Those who say U is winning are (1) morons, (2) drunk, (3) trolls or all three.

he prefers watching videos:

We prefer to watch NFL and p0rn.

Home / News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 19

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