Showing a poll from Poland says nothing about how Americans feel about things.
I didn't claim that it's showing how
Americans feel about things. It shows how
Poles feel about that meeting. Also, I think it may indicate how Poles (not Polish-Americans) living in Chicago may feel. Unless they are completely detached mentally from the Polish society?
And if you think Polish neighborhoods in Chicago are dying you are more clueless than Z.
I thought you're talking about Jackowo which apparently isn't what it used to be in the past. But nevermind. It doesn't matter. Unless you visited each of those neighbourhoods, or you made polls and you can tell me objectively what people living there think.
All this talking out of your a$$ emotional bvllshit is exactly what Z did the other day,
No, that's what Trump, Vance and that journalist were doing the other day. They were blabbing about Zelensky's outfit, that he wasn't being grateful enough, they even lied he never thanked the US, they were being disrespectful and provocative - this was all emotional. They behaved like spoiled, emotional brats and what's worse - they did that publicly. They sabotaged that meeting. It was childish and irresponsible. If it's true that they want to end this war - why are they behaving like this? How humiliating an invaded nation will bring about peace? Their behaviour just made Ukrainians and a bunch of other people angry. How making Ukrainians feel angry and humiliated by the supposed "mediator" will help to bring them to a negotiating table?
You can be firm and decisive and get your way without lying and humiliating the other party. Trump and Vance failed to do that. And God knows why they did this. I sure don't. I can't comprehend this. Why are they taking RuSSia's side? Why are they repeating RuSSian propaganda? Why?