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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 19

Vesko Vukovic  - | 251
1 day ago   #1081
A non NPC British woman

Zelensky just got kicked out the WHITE HOUSE. Here's the HOPKINS HOT TAKE
Novichok  4 | 8987
1 day ago   #1082
Paulina, this is in response to your posts about "support" for Z:

Who gives a fvck.
Paulina  17 | 4537
1 day ago   #1083
Its you who are clueless.

No, it's your president who is clueless and disrespectful - Trump didn't even know the date when RuSSia first invaded and he wrongly corrected Zelensky about it. How many more things he doesn't know about this conflict? How someone like that can bring an end to this war?

Zelensky was disrespectful

No, he wasn't. They were disrespectful towards him and the whole world saw it. It was completely unnecessary and counterproductive. And hypocritical, because at the same meeting Trump said that he can't disrespect Putin if he wants to bring him to a negotiating table. But he can disrespect Zelensky, Ukraine and Ukrainians??

He like other people need to know their place. Z has been rubbing people the wrong way for three years

Maybe he did rub some people the wrong way, including in Poland, but Trump and Vance managed to turn it all away. They behaved in such a vile way that majority of decent people feel sorry for Zelensky and are siding with him now. Don't you get it?

And as for "knowing their place" - oh we all know "our place" you disgusting idiot. But even people from the smallest and weakest countries have their dignity and if you publicly humiliate them they are likely to defend themselves. Are you people really that stupid or are you sociopathic sadists?
Crow  154 | 9556
1 day ago   #1084
@Vesko Vukovic

Thanks brate for sharing such a nice images.
jon357  72 | 23513
1 day ago   #1085

Where's she living now she's been bankrupted due to losing lawsuits and the government sold her house?
Paulina  17 | 4537
1 day ago   #1086
Showing a poll from Poland says nothing about how Americans feel about things.

I didn't claim that it's showing how Americans feel about things. It shows how Poles feel about that meeting. Also, I think it may indicate how Poles (not Polish-Americans) living in Chicago may feel. Unless they are completely detached mentally from the Polish society?

And if you think Polish neighborhoods in Chicago are dying you are more clueless than Z.

I thought you're talking about Jackowo which apparently isn't what it used to be in the past. But nevermind. It doesn't matter. Unless you visited each of those neighbourhoods, or you made polls and you can tell me objectively what people living there think.

All this talking out of your a$$ emotional bvllshit is exactly what Z did the other day,

No, that's what Trump, Vance and that journalist were doing the other day. They were blabbing about Zelensky's outfit, that he wasn't being grateful enough, they even lied he never thanked the US, they were being disrespectful and provocative - this was all emotional. They behaved like spoiled, emotional brats and what's worse - they did that publicly. They sabotaged that meeting. It was childish and irresponsible. If it's true that they want to end this war - why are they behaving like this? How humiliating an invaded nation will bring about peace? Their behaviour just made Ukrainians and a bunch of other people angry. How making Ukrainians feel angry and humiliated by the supposed "mediator" will help to bring them to a negotiating table?

You can be firm and decisive and get your way without lying and humiliating the other party. Trump and Vance failed to do that. And God knows why they did this. I sure don't. I can't comprehend this. Why are they taking RuSSia's side? Why are they repeating RuSSian propaganda? Why?
Vesko Vukovic  - | 251
1 day ago   #1087
It's not the first time that Zelenko has gone rogue.

In 2022, NBC was reporting that Joe Biden lost his temper with Zelensky because he wasn't grateful and he was very demanding.

That's in 2022.

Wait, the media didn't tell you about this? I wonder why...
Novichok  4 | 8987
1 day ago   #1088
No, he wasn't. They were disrespectful

Don't argue with PAK. You are not in the same league...

Folding arms, interrupting the US president, rolling eyes - the first such act should be enough to show this Jewish begging azzhole the door.

Memo to the smelly little Jew: To you, you POS, it's Mr. Vice-president, no JD.

Why are they taking RuSSia's side?

Hey, stupid bltch, take your lectures on respect and shove them up you whichever hole you want...
Vesko Vukovic  - | 251
1 day ago   #1089

'You Don't See All The Things That Led Up To This': Rubio Defends Trump After Clash With Zelensky
Torq  8 | 1059
1 day ago   #1090
Why are they taking RuSSia's side? Why are they repeating RuSSian propaganda? Why?

Maybe the answer quite simple: Trump thinks that if the EU is dragged into direct war against Russia, then America will be great again, whilst Putin thinks that Russia can win the war against Europe deprived of American support, so they both act exactly in this direction. It makes sense when you think of it.

If we take into account that Trump is almost certainly a Russian asset...

... then all the pieces of the puzzle start to fit.
Paulina  17 | 4537
1 day ago   #1091
Don't argue with PAK. You are not in the same league...

That's not up to you to decide, control freak.

Folding arms, interrupting the US president, rolling eyes

All of that wouldn't happen if Trump and Vance didn't behave in such a vile way. They are either clueless morons or they provoked him on purpose. And if it's the latter then they got what they wanted.

Hey, stupid bltch, take your lectures on respect and shove them up you whichever hole you want...

You have the "manners" and "grace" of Trump and Vance put together. All three of you wouldn't know respect even if it hit you in the face.
Joker  2 | 2447
1 day ago   #1092
All of that wouldn't happen if Trump and Vance didn't behave in such a vile way.

You Europeans seem to have it backwards as usual. Zelensky was a disrespectful Ahole and deserved to be thrown out of the White House.

Cant this clown afford more than those ugly T-shirts? He looks and behaves like a total bum.
Paulina  17 | 4537
1 day ago   #1093
@Joker, no, Trumpists have it backwards, as usual, apparently. Didn't you watch that fragment of the meeting posted by Feniks? Or do you completely lack any emotional intelligence? Or maybe you're completely brainwashed by RuSSian propaganda? WTF is wrong with you people??
Novichok  4 | 8987
1 day ago   #1094
That's not up to you to decide, control freak.

Learn English, azzhole...and see the difference between controlling and advising.
All of that wouldn't happen

Farts happen. Eye rolls don't "happen". That's what arrogant Jews do - even when begging for money - because Jews have no manners.
You have the "manners" and "grace" of Trump and Vance put together.

You are underestimating me. Z was lucky it was T, not Novi.
Torq  8 | 1059
1 day ago   #1095

Read this, Iron...

... and tell me again that you think what Trump wants is good for Poland.
Paulina  17 | 4537
1 day ago   #1096
Cant this clown afford more than those ugly T-shirts?

He said that he will put on a regular suit when this f*cking war is over. Get it?

And what does it matter anyway?? You care more about clothes than about people dying in a war?? How petty and shallow and detached from reality can you people be?

Also, this "clown" and his country managed to resist RuSSia for three years, so have at least some basic human respect, a$$hole. Or are you not capable of even that?

Learn English, azzhole...and see the difference between controlling and advising.

You didn't "advise", you were telling me what to do and you know very well that you can GFY.

Eye rolls don't "happen". That's what arrogant Jews do

No, that's what normal people do when they're facing blatant lies and disrespect.
Joker  2 | 2447
1 day ago   #1097
espect, a$$hole.

Phuck Zelensky! You Eurps can tow the line from now on you $uka.. Fight you own wars. You wanna call names like Pawian lets go!!!!!
Torq  8 | 1059
1 day ago   #1099
Trumpists have it backwards, as usual, apparently.

... and now they want Zelensky to apologize...,nId,7923083
Torq  8 | 1059
1 day ago   #1101
@Vesko Vukovic

Dude, please - start a thread "Vesko's Retarded Memes" or something and stop spamming this thread. Too much is too much.
Paulina  17 | 4537
1 day ago   #1102
Phuck Zelensky!

F*ck you!

Fight you own wars.

It's easy for you to say it now, isn't it - first you lure countries to your side, giving them false feeling of safety and when sh1t hits the fan you abandon them.

You wanna call names like Pawian lets go!!!!!

Yes, I'm done with being nice - from now on I'm just going to say what I think about you, Trumpist idiots.
Ironside  50 | 13034
1 day ago   #1104
Read this, Iron...

Read what? memo of the known mind reader. Does he read the mind of the selected few or only Trump's?

nd tell me again

I can tell you the German EU with liberal elite in charge is no good for Poland.
If they have a beef with the US, it is not necessarily our fight. It could be a good opportunity to have a better deal with the US.
when this f*cking war is over.

You need a good rest. Stop spewing emocional nosense.
Joker  2 | 2447
1 day ago   #1105
@Vesko Vukovic

Good one , keep em coming!

F*ck you!

Zelensky is the POS that wants the war to continue, he doesnt want peace at all. Thats why Trump kicked his ass out of the WH and told him not to come back until he wants peace.
Ironside  50 | 13034
1 day ago   #1106
Dude, please - start a thread "Vesko's Retarded Memes" or something and stop spamming this thread.

I second it. dude can't write so he posts pictures. Truly retarded individual.
Vesko Vukovic  - | 251
1 day ago   #1107
'Zelensky killed an American journalist' - As potential peace deal for Ukraine looms, Musk and Trump target Zelensky in war of words

Could Zelensky face charges for his alleged role in the murder of Gonzalo Lira? Musk ups the ante in the war of words


By Liz Heflin 2 days ago

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is facing calls to hold elections as he attempts to dig himself into a war neither the United States nor Russia want to pursue. The leader of wartorn Ukraine has long been called out for refusing to hold elections, with critics citing other countries who had no issue sticking to democratic norms even during a war.

Now, Trump has labeled Zelensky a "dictator" while Musk is accusing Zelensky of murdering an American journalist. In short, relations between the U.S. and Ukraine just underwent a cataclysmic split, with Zelensky potentially facing calls for justice for his potential role in the murder of the American journalist Gonzalo Lira.

Social media is in an uproar, demanding elections be held. "Zelensky cannot claim to represent the will of the people of Ukraine unless he restores freedom of the press and stops canceling elections!" posted Elon Musk.

Mostly Peaceful Memes

Ukraine imprisoned and killed Gonzalo Lira, an American Journalist who was critical of Zelensky.

This was his last tweet.

gonzalo lira
Paulina  17 | 4537
1 day ago   #1108
Zelensky is the POS that wants the war to continue, he doesnt want peace at all.

Nobody in Ukraine wants "the war to continue", including Zelensky. Nobody in the EU wants the war to continue, including Poland. What Ukrainians want (and not only Zelensky) is some kind of security guarantees that would stop RuSSia from invading again. Because if RuSSia invades again all of this death, destruction and the sacrifice of Ukrainians and all of our help (including American help) will be for nothing. Do you understand? And I'm worried that if RuSSia invades again noone will help Ukraine next time because everybody will be tired with this already. I'm guessing that Ukrainians are afraid of that too.

So, in the long term it's better for everyone if it's a good peace deal and not just any peace deal.

So far I don't even know what this peace deal is supposed to look like and what are the conditions of both sides and what they're willing to agree to. Do you know, Joker? If you do, then please, enlighten me.
Torq  8 | 1059
1 day ago   #1109
Read what?

The article I linked and maybe the book if you want...,1075727419,p.html

... if even half of it is true, then what Trump wants is definitely not good for Poland.

I can tell you the German EU with liberal elite in charge is no good for Poland.

Conservatives have just won the election in Germany.

It could be a good opportunity to have a better deal with the US.

What deal could that possibly be if Trump's plan is to exit NATO and UN whilst manipulating Europe into a direct war with Russia, which might very well restore the old Soviet sphere of influence?

You are being too much of an optimist. It's unlike you.
johnny reb  49 | 8058
1 day ago   #1110
In short, Europe's nightmare is here, they now have to fight Putin without the U.S.

The Europeans here are lashing out with their blame game.
Its all Trumps fault b.s. again.
They are just a bit rattled about their future without the U.S. to defend them.
Just listen to their wailing of desperation.
Have you seen the latest yet ?
Putin struck a cargo ship with missiles to "sink" it after unconfirmed Russian sources alleged that the ship carried British weapons to aid Ukraine.
It has just begun.

Home / News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 19

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