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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 19

mafketis  38 | 11193
1 day ago   #1021
Always get such a kick out of you knowing so much about pro wrestling.

Casual on and off fan for years in the US (realizing it was.... not real). When Trump was elected in 2016 I realized I needed a refresher course because it was obvious he was using.... techniques from pro-wrestling.

Jim Cornette, legendary heel manager (I knew it was fake and still hated him back in the day) is the best source. Lots of interviews on youtube and he has the best understanding of the dynamics and resources of wrestling of anyone alive.

Listen to a few hours while doing other stuff and you'll see.

The press conference was a classic heel turn by Vance (for non-Americans) or a face turn (for MAGA).
Novichok  4 | 8972
1 day ago   #1022
Trump desperately wants to achieve a peace deal


Memo to a Polish moron aka Torq:

Trump is not desperate about anything. Learn the proper meaning and use of "desperate" before you use it as an insult.

Torq  8 | 1059
1 day ago   #1023
Bastard... Polish moron... Azzhole...

Trump is not desperate about anything.

Hmm... why are you so desperate to tell me that desperate Trump is not, in fact, desperate? Makes you (and Trump) look kinda desperate.

Luzuj majty, Ryszard, luzuj majty. :)
Novichok  4 | 8972
1 day ago   #1024
desperate Trump

That idiotic pair of words can come only from an azzhole who doesn't know English very well...

Or a stupid Polak who wants to insult Trump ...
Paulina  17 | 4537
1 day ago   #1025
But I'll go into details later, probably tomorrow.

And in the meantime you can watch this reaction to the meeting by some ordinary American - he's making a lot of points that I would make myself (and he even noticed one thing that I didn't before - Trump getting physical with Zelensky):

Ironside  50 | 13021
1 day ago   #1026

He had it coming,. He should get some more reality check, arrogant insolent shorty.. Who does he think he is?
Novichok  4 | 8972
1 day ago   #1027
Memo to President Z:

Mr. President:

Please, roll your eyes, cross your arms, interrupt and speak over Trump, and tell him where he is wrong every time you meet him.

It will save US taxpayers a ton of money and the world from WW3.



Torq  8 | 1059
1 day ago   #1028
Włodek Zieliński has fully Polish character...

... he he :)
jon357  72 | 23496
1 day ago   #1029
rump getting physical

He and his pathetic little sidekick vance truly disgraced themselves a couple of days ago.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 950
1 day ago   #1030
The UK pleged two billion to Ukraine. And then the details come out. It is not a gift, it is a loan, copying Trumps formula to get his country's money back. LMFAO Oh hell yeah, Europe is going to pick up where the US left off! Sacarsm font. Where are all the EU countries lining up to help Ukraine? This is playing out exactly as it should. All the politics leading up to this point was all just more bvllshit from lifetime politicians. All the talk of standing with Ukraine is wasted hot air because its followed by more inaction. All the visits with politicians are nothing but a dog and pony show.
Ironside  50 | 13021
1 day ago   #1031
eliński has fully Polish character...

You mean he is not fit for politics?
PolAmKrakow  2 | 950
1 day ago   #1032
Now the UK is hosting a summit today with leaders from Europe and Z. Italy is trying to be the bridge between the US and Ukraine to restart talks. I think Trump is going to tell Z that he either appoligizes publicly or FO. Strange now how all the European leaders who wanted to support Ukraine continuing to fight now want to get Ukraine back to the table with the US, and it is only the US who is trying to make a peace deal. Why? Maybe because Europe has realised that they cannot do $hit to fight Russia without the US? Maybe people are waking up to the reality that the US is done funding the wars of the last 40 years that have zero benefit for the American people? Maybe Europe is waking up to their own incompetence of the last 30 years in failing to prepare to defend themselves?
cms neuf  1 | 1897
1 day ago   #1033
But it's really none of your business what the UK and Ukraine agree. The US told them to get on with it and not bother the taxpayers of Ohio. So don't complain about that.
Torq  8 | 1059
1 day ago   #1034
You mean he is not fit for politics?

Oh, come on - he was sitting there, in a foreign country, bullied by some journalist idiots asking retarded questions about whether or not he owns a suit and a tie, and his supposed allies trying to humiliate him, and he not only stood up to all of them but also called one of the arrogant twats a b*tch :D

If that doesn't warm your heart and evoke immense sympathy for the fellow, then it means you are not Polish. Perhaps all those years spent in the West took their toll on you.

As far as I'm concerned, with this one short "сyка" His Excellency Right Honourable President Włodzimierz Zieliński has totally won me over. ❤️

the wars of the last 40 years that have zero benefit for the American people?

Zero benefit for Americans? No żesz kurwa w pizdę jebana mać. There are limits to everything, PolAm, even to impudence.
Paulina  17 | 4537
1 day ago   #1035
but also called one of the arrogant twats a b*tch :D

I don't have the time right now to get involved into the discussion, but I'd like to just correct this one thing - from what I understand he didn't call anyone a "b*tch" - he just cursed under his breath. Apparently he said "Cука блять!" (suka bljat), which can be translated into "Kurwa mać!" in Polish or "F*cking hell!" in English. 🤔

Not that Vance wouldn't deserve it, but I just wanted to make that clear.
Feniks  1 | 798
1 day ago   #1036
bullied by some journalist idiots asking retarded questions about whether or not he owns a suit and a tie,

Well I hope that next time Musk is being interviewed that they ask him the same thing because he always wears T-shirts and MAGA baseball caps in the oval office.

supposed allies trying to humiliate him,

It was an ambush pure and simple. Any questions should have been asked and discussed first behind closed doors. That would have been the sensible thing to do, then if the deal was done, an interview in front of the world's press. They were set on humiliating him from the outset.
Vesko Vukovic  - | 243
1 day ago   #1037
'The Western territories of Poland were Stalin's gift to the Poles.' Putin.

mafketis  38 | 11193
1 day ago   #1038
cause he always wears T-shirts and MAGA baseball caps in the oval office.

And brings in a snot-nosed kid to spread boogers on the president's desk... richest man alive and he can't spring for a nanny to look after the kid during a press conference?

He is so ghetto.....

Any questions should have been asked and discussed first behind closed doors. Th

Exactly... that's why I think the whole thing was a performance meant to rile up Trumps supporters for him and Europeans for Zelenskyy.... win-win
Torq  8 | 1059
1 day ago   #1039
he didn't call anyone a "b*tch"


Pity. But still - he stood up bravely to the bullies.

I hope that next time Musk is being interviewed that they ask him the same thing


Putin warns Poland

Another bully. He was already answered properly by President Duda when he told Putin not to sh*t himself. :)
Paulina  17 | 4537
1 day ago   #1040
he always wears T-shirts and MAGA baseball caps in the oval office.

I wonder if American journalists asked Winston Churchill if he owned a suit and regarded him not wearing one "disrespectful" during his meeting at the White House with then-US President Franklin Roosevelt during World War II - he was wearing his air-raid suit:

  • nosuit.jpg
amiga500  5 | 1520
1 day ago   #1041
Exactly... that's why I think the whole thing was a performance meant to rile up Trumps supporters

Trump used the same format (long press conference before meeting) with the Jordanian King and Macron, so your conspiracy theory falls flat.
mafketis  38 | 11193
1 day ago   #1042
Trump used the same format (long press conference before meeting)

But not a long press conference before signing something.... that's the difference. I've never heard of that. Usually it's after it's been signed or while it's signed.
amiga500  5 | 1520
1 day ago   #1043
Usually it's after it's been signed or while it's signed.

The photos of the signing location showed two lecterns in front of flags, so they were planning to have another chinwag with the press.
Feniks  1 | 798
1 day ago   #1045
Winston Churchill if he owned a suit and regarded him not wearing one "disrespectful"

Somehow I don't think that Roosevelt would have been that petty.........but with 'allies' like Trump and Vance who needs enemies ;)

Churchill would be turning in his grave witnessing that performance.

Usually it's after it's been signed or while it's signed.


I think the whole thing was a performance meant to rile up Trumps supporters for him and Europeans for Zelenskyy.... win-win

It's definitely done that and caused a great deal of division but not so funny considering Putin will be really getting off on it all.
amiga500  5 | 1520
1 day ago   #1046
Tucker Carlson just EXPOSED Zelenskyy.

Instead of posting the video which few watch, you should have just posted what tucker wrote. we'll see if it comes true or not.. I could definetly see that young ukri military intelligence chief trying to off orban.

One of the most striking things about yesterday's Zelensky press conference was Lindsey Graham's reaction to it. The two are old friends, but Graham disavowed him within the hour. This was more than just transactional disloyalty. It was scapegoating. Lindsey Graham knows what's coming. Over the past three years, with the tacit support of its western patrons, the Ukrainian government has committed a remarkable number of serious crimes. The Ukrainians sold huge quantities of American weapons on the international black market at twenty cents on the dollar. These weapons are now in the hands of armed groups around the world, including Hamas, the Mexican drug cartels and the forces now controlling Syria. God knows what the Ukrainians have done with the pathogens in American biolabs in their country. Even US intel agencies aren't sure. The Ukrainians have also murdered a number of people in various countries in political assassinations, and tried to murder others, including American journalists and a European head of state. This is all true, and it's all going to come out at some point. Better to start blaming it on Zelensky now
jon357  72 | 23496
1 day ago   #1047
Tucker Carlson

Is a paid bullsh1tter.

Trump used the same format (long press conference before meeting) with the Jordanian King and Macron, so your

He didn't aggressively hector either of those two. Given his previous vile and unworthy comments about President Zelenskyy, and the fact that trump is a r*SSian asset, that it was planned is not in doubt.

It's definitely done that and

It's caused a huge groundswell of support.


murder others, including American journalists and a European head of state


Fûcker Carlson is a paid liar, a trump propagandist and a Putler sympathiser.

Fortunately most people outside his own country have never heard of him and don't ever hear his lies.

e was wearing his air-raid suit:

Yes. He wore those clothes whenever possible during the war, partly in support of people who needed to buy clothes but couldn't get any due to no clothing material being produced except for uniforms.
johnny reb  49 | 8053
1 day ago   #1048
Maybe because Europe has realised that they cannot do $hit to fight Russia without the US? Maybe Europe is waking up to their own incompetence of the last 30 years in failing to prepare to defend themselves?

I am afraid you nailed it perfectly again PolAm.
In short, Europe's nightmare is here, they now have to fight Putin without the U.S.
Trump repeatedly told them to pony up their 5%, or more, to contribute to NATO and they gave Father Trump the finger and now will suffer the consequences for being disrespectful.
So all you little bltches here crying with your diminishing nervous remarks about Trump is because of the spanking he just gave you which made your true colors come out about how you feel about the Great U.S.of A.
I hated for it to come to this but how many times have I told you Europeans that the free ride on the " U.S. Gravy Train" is over.
You did it to your selfish selves.
Vesko Vukovic  - | 243
1 day ago   #1049

Karoline Leavitt: Zelenskyy needs to change his 'attitude'
jon357  72 | 23496
1 day ago   #1050
the Great

There's nothing 'great' about any country which elects tawdry jerks like trumpet and vance to high office.

That display was appalling and shows how unworthy trumpet and vance are to hold high office.

Home / News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 19
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