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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 19

Barney  19 | 1766
17 hrs ago   #721
Trumps crudeness in personal dealings is a show but as I said to Maf he doesnt have the guile to run his organisation like that. He cant join the dots, everyone learned last time and know how to approach him. The good thing is the damage he is doing to the US that he and his followers are totally unaware of.
Paulina  17 | 4498
13 hrs ago   #722
I can see Poles "preemptively" firing such a weapon.

You're projecting your own mentality on us then. It's RuSSia that acts "preemptively" and insane, not Poland, as we all can see.

*major facepalm + the heaviest of sighs*
Velund  1 | 500
11 hrs ago   #723
"no-go" zones, contaminated with radionuclides in nuclear incidents " in France, Britain, America, Pakistan, India, Israel or China.

Three mile island (1979, US), Windscale(1957, UK), Thule (1968, Greenland, US nukes involved), Castle Bravo incident (1954, US nuke test that leaded to massive fallout to inhabited islands and japanese fishing ship), Fukushima... China, Israel and Pakistan test sites and incidents data still classified.
cms neuf  1 | 1873
11 hrs ago   #724
All those were decades ago. But NN is irresponsible and incompetent with nukes right now.

Don't worry - when Poland gets nukes we will look after them properly
Alien  25 | 6377
11 hrs ago   #725
will look after them properly

Who will do the inspections?
Novichok  4 | 8887
11 hrs ago   #726
A reminder...

Russia had 100x more reasons to "invade" Ukraine that the US to invade Iraq.

Memo to President Putin:

1. Never trust Western SOBs
2. Don't give them an inch
3. Have a nice day
cms neuf  1 | 1873
11 hrs ago   #727
Who cares ? Trump told us to look after ourselves. That means inspecting our own nukes

The Italians, Germans and Romanians will be building some too - so any inspectors are ping to be busy
Bobko  27 | 2171
11 hrs ago   #728
The Italians, Germans and Romanians will be building some too

Why would these countries be developing nukes too?

Does not that implicitly say that there is no trust even between European states?

You have 1.5 European states with nukes. The French and the British. I say 1.5, because Britain once forgot that it was part of Europe and left to live in the Atlantic Ocean. The events of the past few weeks, however, have reminded the British that they are after all European - so maybe they will still be involved.

So... why can't you work it out that France and the UK station some nuclear weapons in Poland, Romania, etc?
Novichok  4 | 8887
11 hrs ago   #729
That means inspecting our own nukes

I inspect my imaginary nukes every day.
cms neuf  1 | 1873
11 hrs ago   #730
Well it's clear that we need to prepare for all eventualities - and that means having nukes

Ukraine gave up theirs and look what happened

We relied on an American defence umbrella and look what happened

Israel has them, so should be no problem for big European nations to have them
Ironside  50 | 12999
11 hrs ago   #731

Don't talk dirty here.
station some nuclear weapons in Poland

No thanks, the best nukes are your own.
Novichok  4 | 8887
11 hrs ago   #732
No thanks, the best nukes are your own.

That's how the Swiss are so safe. Every adult male has one under the bed.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11981
11 hrs ago   #733
The Italians, Germans and Romanians will be building some too....

Erm....I very much doubt that Germany will build our own nukes....there is already talk about a "french nuke umbrella" or something like that....but nothing on our own. We don't want to make our neighbours even more nervous, I guess!

(Not to forget that super cool Israeli "Iron Dome" we want to buy and install...)
Torq  8 | 983
11 hrs ago   #734
I very much doubt that Germany will build our own nukes

It will be a joint Ukrainian-Polish-German project. Ukraine provides know-how, Germany provides money, Poland provides moral superiority.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11981
10 hrs ago   #735
Poland provides moral superiority.

....and you can be generous with it, you have so much of it! :)
Torq  8 | 983
10 hrs ago   #736
Exactly! :)
Novichok  4 | 8887
10 hrs ago   #737
Poland provides moral superiority.

American nukes have special compartments for moral superiority. Ten pounds of moral superiority per nuke...
Bobko  27 | 2171
10 hrs ago   #738
Poland provides moral superiority

An often overlooked and misunderstood aspect of nuclear weapons.
Paulina  17 | 4498
10 hrs ago   #739
hundreds and thousands of square kilometers of "no-go" zones, contaminated with radionuclides in nuclear incidents. And fcukilions of dollars of money to build and support all the above...

Guys, I just hope that you show as much care and concern towards North Korea and, potentially, Iran :D 🙄

test sites and incidents

And in RuSSia, surely? One RuSSian guy from Moscow we discussed with on the internet claimed that his father died from radiation because he was left behind when he was in the army near such site before or after explosion - they forgot about him or something (I don't remember exactly). He said that that was why he became a doctor. He was a conman though, so I don't know if he was saying the truth in this case. 🤔
jon357  72 | 23451
10 hrs ago   #740
Three mile island (1979, US), Windscale(1957, UK), Thule (1968, Greenland, US nukes involved), Castle Bravo incident (1954

So your usual pathetic little orc lies then.

None of your frantic googling has shown anything like:
no-go" zones, contaminated with radionuclides in nuclear incidents " in France, Britain, America, Pakistan, India, Israel or China

Nome of these places are irradiated.

Meanwhile, you and all the other r*SSian scum, war criminals and their sympathisers need to realise that every day that passes is a day nearer the gallows for your degenerate country's foul leaders

You will lose the war you started, and your wretched abortion of a country will wither. May you all, every last one of you, pay for your crimes the hard way.
Paulina  17 | 4498
9 hrs ago   #741
or any other nuke that contains US components or designed by the US. Not going to happen.

Why not? Aren't we allies? *big eye roll*
johnny reb  49 | 8011
9 hrs ago   #742
Why not?

Same reason Poland shouldn't be allowed to own guns.
They are not the most level headed kind of people because of their inbreeding and their alcoholism problem and all.
I am surprised they are even allowed to own cars by the way some of them drive.
And now they want nukes ! ("does face plant in palms")
I don't think so.
Novichok  4 | 8887
9 hrs ago   #743
Same reason Poland shouldn't be allowed to own guns.

Good point made too late for the 200,000 who died because of that idiotic Warsaw Uprising.
9 hrs ago   #744
station some nuclear weapons in Poland

Turning Poland into a prime target for Russian nukes?
Torq  8 | 983
9 hrs ago   #745
pathetic little orc lies (...) r*SSian scum (...) degenerate country's foul leaders (...) your wretched abortion of a country

Do not hate, Jon. It does your enemies no harm; it only kills your soul. Pointless. Love instead, even your enemies, and look for good everywhere.

You can be pissed off sometimes, you can be pissed drunk every now and then, you can cry to God in fury and angrily argue with him. But do not hate. It does nothing but kills your own soul.
Novichok  4 | 8887
9 hrs ago   #746
Russia could use a good pretext to attack Poland just as the US found one to attack Iraq. I think it was known as Saddam's WMDs.

Do not hate, Jon

Jon, please do. It makes my mission so much easier to justify.
cms neuf  1 | 1873
9 hrs ago   #747
The NNs don't need a pretext - they regularly invade all neighbors because they are aggressive deluded drunkards
Novichok  4 | 8887
9 hrs ago   #748
they regularly invade all neighbors because...

...some neighbors talk shlt about NATO to annoy Russia...

What excuse did Poland have to invade Iraq?
Ironside  50 | 12999
9 hrs ago   #749
Russia could use a good pretext to attack Poland

Here nukes come handy.
Same reason Poland shouldn't be allowed to own guns.

tsk that is not the American way.
The only reason the US is not giving out nukes is because they want to limit proliferation of the nuclear weapons.
=Novichok]eighbors talk shlt about NATO to annoy Russia...[/quote]
You talk sh't to annoy PF members - should we make from your house a little Hiroshima?
Paulina  17 | 4498
9 hrs ago   #750
They are not the most level headed kind of people because of their inbreeding and their alcoholism problem and all.

Hmm, let me see, from what I can see it was the US in recent years that was invading countries, making a mess and then running away. It doesn't look like you're the most responsible people on this planet :/

And as for addiction to substances - oh boy, we can't compete with you guys :))):

10.2% of Americans 12 and older had an alcohol use disorder in the past year. About 27.2 million Americans 12 or older (9.7%) reported battling a drug use disorder in the past year. That same year, 7.5 million (2.7%) of Americans 12 and older struggled with both alcohol and drug use disorders simultaneously

It is estimated that alcohol dependence (AD) affects almost 4.4% of the Polish adult population and 5,4 % of Poles aged 15-64 take drugs.


Awww, I thought the likes of you love the fact that Poland is sooo white :D 😂

And now they want nukes ! ("does face plant in palms")
I don't think so.

Why not? If India and Pakistan who have long-standing conflict over Kashmir (three wars already) can have nukes without nuking each other then why not the nice and mild country like Poland? :))) 🤗

Home / News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 19

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