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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 19

Ironside  50 | 12904
15 Feb 2025   #31
o, morons,

Ok, I let you roam free here for a long time with your one-sided pro-Russian propaganda. I wonder do they pay you? If not it means you are retarded..
war crimes.

Guilty of war crimes are those who are committing them,. What kind of BS are you pushing here? It is a quibble. You are trying to distort the truth with your false narrative.
While loudly shunning cheap Russian energy, the EU has

Some countries in the EU, you imbecile, by now you should have learned that the EU is not a country, Let it sink in.
even if that is the truth - so what?
The world was always working like that between interest and propaganda, between what is in the open and behind the curtains between all shadows of a moral compromise and ambiguity.
Don't tell me you are a naive simpleton who is being surprised by every single thing?
Ironside  50 | 12904
15 Feb 2025   #32
Then came

Of course, some people would behave like that. However, a vast majority are being conscripted or their lives are so miserable under Russian rule that they see joining the army as their only reprieve.
Your story is just a story and one-sided at that.
Let's not forget about the fact that the majority of Ukrainians decided to defend their country against Russian meddling and invasion.
That fact tells us something, right?
I hope you are not one of those Russians who believe that Ukrainians are Polish inventions and the newly minted Ukrainian state a result of the CIA conspiracy.
johnny reb  49 | 7955
16 Feb 2025   #33
by now you should have learned that the EU is not a country,

Another one who doesn't understand how the EU works. Put tariffs on a single member and the whole union will respond

I don't understand
Sounds like a country to me.
Novichok  4 | 8704
16 Feb 2025   #34
Guilty of war crimes are those who are committing them,.

Let me explain.

Imagine two drunk guys are having a fist fight over a broad because she has a nice ass and big tits.

Now you walk up and give A a loaded gun. Guy A then shoots and kills B.

Do you think that the cops would say: It was A who killed B and Iron is in the clear.

In many states, you would be charged with premeditated murder and the conspiracy to commit murder.

They wouldn't even bother to investigate who pulled the trigger...That's why I love US laws so much...

But for your action, neither A nor B would be dead.

Got it or was I too fast?
Novichok  4 | 8704
16 Feb 2025   #35
Some countries in the EU, you imbecile, by now you should have learned that the EU is not a country,

Where the fvck did I say that the EU is a country, you retarded azzhole?

Guilty of war crimes are those who are committing them,

No, moron.

When A hires B to kill C, very often A gets more than B when A decides to go to trial and loses.

A's claims that it was B who did it means shlt and A is going down - even if A was playing golf when C was taking his last breath.

Debating morons is a challenge but it can be done.
Novichok  4 | 8704
16 Feb 2025   #36
One more thing for a PF moron aka Iron:

After the war, several employees of the companies that had supplied Zykon B to the SS in the concentration and extermination camps were brought before the court in a number of criminal trials.

One of those azzholes said: Your Honor, we just sold it to the SS so we are not guilty of anything.

The judge: Shut the fvck up before I get really angry!!!


The moral from the above: Never argue with me. You will lose every single time.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 911
16 Feb 2025   #37
Marco Rubio is heading to Saudi Arabia to beging talks with Russian officials. Ukraine and EU not even invited. Why? Because Ukraine will not accomplish anything by being involved, and the EU leaders shouldnt get a seat at the table when they dont make the dinner reservation. Trump is proving he wants this war over and wants it over quickly. Putin is proving he is ready to work on a deal. And there will be a deal. Ukraine will have to accept the deal, or it will be on its own.

Trump will also be pulling a lot of US military out of Europe, and moving other military units to different countries within Europe. I am willing to bet there is a Ft. Trump in the making somewhere in Poland pretty quickly. For all the PF whining about Trump and wanting Ukraine to continue fighting, all of these moves show exactly what country will determine the outcome of this war. GB is not finally not yapping away with its useless opinions, and little Olaf is very upset that he doesnt get to be involved. Meanwhile Macron has be told to stfu and he is doing so in a desperate attempt to earn points with Trump.

With no more Biden to maipulate, and a real cognitive leader in place, Europe and the world are going to be safer places. But that wont satisy the globalists. Trump is just the beginning. Watch our Europe, the right conservatives are coming, and all the globalist bvllshit is coming to an end.
cms neuf  1 | 1841
16 Feb 2025   #38
Ukraine will not be on its own. Poland will be alongside them for a start

The US has no mechanism to force either Ukraine or the EU or the other democracies like Britain and Japan and Canada to support its solution
Alien  25 | 6347
16 Feb 2025   #39
And there will be a deal

Yes...Ukraine is yours, Greenland is ours.
Crow  154 | 9463
16 Feb 2025   #40
Ukraine is yours, Greenland is ours.


In a world of global civilizations it becoming clear where all this goes. As Huntington described in his book - The Clash of Civilizations. The fate of particular country becoming irrelevant when borders of civilizations are to be made.

pawian  224 | 27153
16 Feb 2025   #41
safer places

BS. If Russia keeps all its gains now and sanctions are lifted , the war will break out in a few years` time again.

Polam parody, who are you trying to con with your infantile and false predictions? Are you playing another con artist from the US???
mafketis  38 | 11123
16 Feb 2025   #42
utin is proving he is ready to work on a deal

and when he breaks it you'll be surprised....
mafketis  38 | 11123
16 Feb 2025   #43
Haven't seen this in Polish media.... weird.

Tourist flight from Egypt to Królowiec was having difficulty and asked to land in Warsaw (why not Belarus?) and were denied. Eventually they were allowed to land in Poznań but passengers were kept on the plane and not given food or water for 13 hours.

Since the chances are that all those on board enthusiastically support killing Ukrainians.... I'm okay with what happened to them. If you turn your country into a pariah state then just be glad you weren't shot down for violating Polish air space.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 911
16 Feb 2025   #44
@cms neuf
Thats the beauty of making the deal. If the EU and Ukraine dont accept, then its all on the EU and Ukraine moving forward. You will see all the US military in Rzeszow disappear quickly. You will see military bases in other EU countries close up completely. Japan and Canada will do what the US tells them to do. Lets be honest, so with the UK and EU. Tusk will fall in line, and Poland will have to figure out how to get Ukraine people to go home.

There will be some small land swap but Russia will keep most everything. The US will get the rare earths it wants, and Ukraine will be rebuilt but smaller. People will stop dying. And if Russia starts another war in the future, the EU better be prepared. Pretty simple really. Ukraine is not the responsibility of the US.

He will be dead before he can start a full war on Europe. But the next man up may start one. The next ruler of Belarus may start one. The next ruler of China might start one. Who knows. But this war will be over quite soon.
Lenka  5 | 3528
16 Feb 2025   #45
then its all on the EU and Ukraine moving forward

No, it would still be on Russia. It would still be the aggressor.

Russia will keep most everything. The US will get the rare earths it wants, and Ukraine will be rebuilt but smaller.

What a surprise Ukraine may not want to have such peace!
It seems that the old saying comes true. With allies like US one doesn't need enemies.
Russia will be happy, USA will exploit and Ukraine will loose out. Marvelous! Ukrainians should be dancing on the streets.
pawian  224 | 27153
16 Feb 2025   #46
the EU better be prepared.

Yes, That is why we need to keep the sanctions in force.
johnny reb  49 | 7955
16 Feb 2025   #47
With allies like US one doesn't need enemies.

What a thing for a Polish person to say after all that the U.S. has done for the Polish defense and economy.
This is what Novi and Joker mean by ungrateful people that bad mouth us.
No wonder Trump wants to dump NATO.
And without NATO Putin would have very little problem marching across western Europe, deny it as you may.

You will see all the US military in Rzeszow disappear quickly.

Good idea, sell Poland our military bases with the equipment, give them a couple of nukes and say good luck....... back stabbers.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 911
16 Feb 2025   #48
The EU and Europe have been taking advantage of the US for decades. The EU has taken advantage of the US for this whole war. And now its coming to an end. Ukraine doesnt like the deal they can continue fighting. But they will fight without more aid from the US. Again this is not the US responsibility never has been or will be. With allies like Tusk, the US could quickly change its mind about Poland, and Poland does not want that to happen.

Who TF is "we"? You got a mouse in your pocket? The US does not have to do anything and will not do anything that is against its best interests. Just like the EU has done for decades by not paying its fair share of NATO because it wasnt whats best for them in their opinion. The US is the worlds largest consumer market. Any EU country not wanting access to it is being lead by idiots.
OP Korvinus  4 | 600
16 Feb 2025   #49
russians not only leave their own, they run over their own with tanks before doing so

It is very simple. Russia is a tribal country. Their institutions are just conduits for power/corruption that is distributed on a family-tribal-mafia basis. Who is liberal, who is opposition, who is communist, who is putinist/fascist, it all boils down to tribal networks. Ideologies, institutions-it is all a facade. They can't imagine anything exists outside of family-tribal power networks. They genuinely don't believe Western institutions are not just a facade for the same corrupt networks that exist in Russia.

Russians are so brutal because they are incapable of creating a society beyond tribal organisation. They fight for every scrap in the most brutal way possible. Nothing is given freely. They lack dignity and honour, because in their society, dignity and honour do not matter. This is their reality (and they deserve it).

They are basically playing the selfish scenario of the prisoner's dilemma on a societal level. The lowest tier society-a tribal one.
Lenka  5 | 3528
16 Feb 2025   #50
the US could quickly change its mind about Poland, and Poland does not want that to happen.

As it seems US alliance is as stable as as a kids building blocks creation - what's the difference?
The USA wants the unlimited access to the goodies, all the rebuilding contracts etc and to give Russia whatever they want- what's in it fir Ukraine?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898
16 Feb 2025   #51
....and to give Russia whatever they want- what's in it fir Ukraine?

I doubt this negotiation works that way....Trump will know that there must be a solution the Ukrainians can and would want to live with. The other only left option would be Putin and Trump becoming buddies and partners in crime, that would mean a new age for the world (not only Europe), but one I'm not so sure is good for the US in the long run either.
johnny reb  49 | 7955
16 Feb 2025   #52
As it seems US alliance is as stable as as a kids building blocks

Absolutely, Trump is giving our allies a wake up call to either shlt or get off the pot.
The alliances that have refused to pony up their 5% to NATO will be on their own very soon and Putin can do what he wants with them.
Poland is not one of them as you have spent more than 5% and have built up your defenses.
what's in it fir Ukraine?

A brand new infrastructure
mafketis  38 | 11123
16 Feb 2025   #53
shlt or get off the pot

Yeah... Germany and France have had three years to step up to the plate and be leaders..... and they both failed, utterly.

Trump, for all his serious faults, is calling them out for their inaction and paralysis, and rather than realizing their failure and wanting to change they've decided to sulk in a snit....
Ironside  50 | 12904
16 Feb 2025   #54
Got it

It is as I have thought you are a simpleton, possibly slightly retarded..
That nice story has nothing to do with a way politicks and countries behave.
Laws that apply to individuals do not apply to countries.
It's OK if you don't know that, just learn.
I thought you were arguing on the moral ground.
If I knew you based it on your whimsical opinion I wouldn't even respond with more than just - you are a moron accept it.
By the way, In that story, I would just walk out with that broad, and let them brawl. I'm not a busybody meddling in people's business.
a number of criminal trials.

Hence those trials were always cirtized by the law authorities as questionable. If that law were applied to everybody equally half of the US population and 90% of Russia population would be in prison. ( of course, those estimations are being exaggerated for the purpose of stressing a fact that you peddling nonsense).
Novichok  4 | 8704
16 Feb 2025   #55
The simplest version of what happed is this:

In 2022, the US told Z not to sign a peace agreement with P.

That's it... NOTHING else matters. The US is the real criminal - just as it was in K, V, I, and A.
OP Korvinus  4 | 600
16 Feb 2025   #56
There also may be just a dozen or so articles on the subject in English,

Nobody needs "a dozen or so articles on the subject in English" to realize that killing own citizens for ciriticizing the government, is as far from a free society as you can get, rofl.

But I feel for you, since I understand that while being treated like cattle, you have to cope with reality somehow. If your fantasy world makes you happy, keep believing in it.
Ironside  50 | 12904
16 Feb 2025   #57
Ukraine will not be on its own. Poland will be alongside them for a start

What the hell are you talking about? It doesn't cost you much to type nonsense. Think about the real-life consequences for once.
There is no such guarantee and Poland doesn't own Ukraine anything.
The US has no mechanism to force either Ukraine or the EU

LOL, have you been born yesterday? Without the US there are no resources and there is no will to support Ukraine at the present level. Can they manage with less or on their own? I doubt it. It great if they could but it is most likely a pipe dream.
after all that the U.S. has done for the Polish defense and economy.

What exactly the US has done? That's why I'm saying as long as we get some nukes, the US can bugger off to the greener pastures, just don't come back crying and begging for forgiveness.
Novichok  4 | 8704
16 Feb 2025   #58
own citizens for ciriticizing the government,

Name ten or STFU.

That's why I'm saying as long as we get some nukes

The day Poland has nukes Russia and the US will jointly invade Poland and take them away from the emotional azzholes famous for that idiotic stunt aka as the Warsaw Uprising.
Ironside  50 | 12904
16 Feb 2025   #59
the emotional azzholes

By the way, do you take Prozak?
Judging by your performance on this forum they should take away your guns.
cms neuf  1 | 1841
16 Feb 2025   #60
The American circus seems to have moved on to Israel now. They are re-iterating their crazy idea of ethnic cleaning and that might make for some difficult conversations with the Saudis

Home / News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 19

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