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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 15

Velund  1 | 498
30 Sep 2024   #211
lovely news from kotluban. a massive delivery of orc weaponry bought from iran was destroyed completely. ... by a handful of home made ukrainian drones.

on september 29, ukrainian propaganda farted into a very deep puddle by reporting that an ammunition depot in kotlubani, volgograd region, had been hit.

the information was actively carried by propaganda tv channels, and as proofs were provided.... thinly sliced video of explosions in dubai in july 2021, which already hinted to people in the know that all this is a bit untrue.

however, the final point in the story was made by radio liberty, which promptly obtained satellite (!) images of the warehouse, which showed no traces of the warehouse itself being hit.

well, that is, everything is clear, the ukrainian propaganda lied, which is not surprising. but what is more interesting is that its statement is refuted by radio liberty, which is run from the united states and financed by us dos, and also by publishing quite detailed satellite images, which an ordinary (and even unusual!) editorial office is not supposed to have.

it looks like someone serious is getting very tired of ukraine's endless lies about its numerous victories against the backdrop of continuous requests for more urgent financial aid.... more... now!...
jon357  72 | 22778
30 Sep 2024   #212
an ammunition depot in kotlubani, volgograd region, had been hit.

it has. a beautiful bawowna.

refuted by radio liberty

as usual from your dribbling orc vodka mouth, the opposite is true. the strike has been officially confirmed.
mafketis  38 | 10869
30 Sep 2024   #213
ukrainian propaganda lied, ... refuted by radio liberty, which is run from the united states

russians can't conceive of the ideas of 'being wrong' and see lies everywhere (classic projection)

originally it seems there had been a hit and then it turned out it was a near miss.....

meanwhile you can't even publicly criticize your 'government'....

why should people oriented toward freedom want to align themselves with russia which is all about subjugation and obedience with no value given to human dignity or human lives?
Korvinus  2 | 561
30 Sep 2024   #214
it looks like someone serious is getting very tired of ukraine's endless lies about its numerous victories against the backdrop of continuous requests for more urgent financial aid

the war is going onto year 3. if the russian military was effective they would have defeated ukraine in the first 3-4 months as assumed and boasted about from uussian propaganda. but we know the russians are good at things like bombing civilian infrastructure, killing civilians, building a defensive line and cannon-fodder tactics. and they gain ground like this in a war of attrition. its been clear from the beginning that ukraine is fighting a much bigger resourced country so in war of attrition russia has the advantage but attrition is not the same as the russian military being superior.

edit: does polishforums have some script changing all the capital letters into lower case?
Bobko  27 | 2124
30 Sep 2024   #215
if the russian military was effective they would have defeated ukraine in the first 3-4 months as assumed and boasted about from uussian propaganda.

assumed by who?

i know only of several "higher profile" people that spent the years between 2014 and 2022, constantly arguing what a quick war it would be. velund might know them too - these were the "three day war" crowd.

chief among them was a fat bastard named boris rozhin, aka colonel cassad. he's a former ukrainian, whom we inherited when we annexed crimea.

another guy was shariy (Шарий), also a ukrainian.

a person who had actually been observing what poroshenko was doing, and the changes that were taking place in the ukrainian army - would know this war would be a difficult one.

however, some "people" decided that where the strength of our arms might prove to be insufficient, our intelligence services would then do the job. since we have a government in russia, almost completely composed of former spies... you could guess who won in the debate of military vs spies.

in the event, the campaign implemented by our spies was not orchestrated quite as effectively as how israel is dismantling hizbollah right now.

once our spies produced a great, big, pile of stinking sh*t... it became again the job of our military to shovel our way out of this sh*tshow. kind of reminds one of 1941.
mafketis  38 | 10869
30 Sep 2024   #216
shovel our way out of this sh*tshow

maybe just stop creating sh0tshows by invading peaceful neighbors?

does that ever occur to you?

what is the appeal of russia that you think anyone who isn't already russian wants it? really?

rights? no...

freedom? no....

prosperity? no....

dignity? no....

what is it? or is it just expansive shadenfreude... wanting to make other people as miserable as russians are?
amiga500  5 | 1473
30 Sep 2024   #217
i've had it with this f*cking board. too many genocide justifiers, racists and nazi sympathisers here.

cmon kania jon doesn't mean it, just cause he has an ukri partner. he already made a big mental step and said that most ukrainians don't worship bandera much less shushko or any of the subordinates, it's only in about 3 or 4 western regions out of 30 where that ideology is somewhat tolerated or respected.. he's right in saying that people were young and stupid and they joined the waffen ss/upa in the west as they joined the red army/associate militia in the west.

just visit that tranny prostitute in sopot that i recommended you and you'll feel much more relaxed on this forum.
jon357  72 | 22778
30 Sep 2024   #218
ukrainians don't worship bandera

they don't, just as most poles don't worship dmowski.

diaspora communities can be a bit more full on, however most people just get on with their lives.
amiga500  5 | 1473
30 Sep 2024   #219
they don't, just as most poles don't worship dmowski.

you might be surprised at ukrainian educational curriculum since 2014 then. it's all canadian and new york emigree 'their parents history' stuff.
jon357  72 | 22778
30 Sep 2024   #220
i wonder if they're funding the books.
Korvinus  2 | 561
30 Sep 2024   #221
some ukrainians worship bandera. some russians worship stalin or dzierżyński. some people are retarded. such is life.
amiga500  5 | 1473
30 Sep 2024   #222
i wonder if they're funding the books.

that's way beyond tongue in cheek you f*((^(& pom!
stop taking the ****!!, who else is funding the books but the west?!

such is life.
jon357  72 | 22778
30 Sep 2024   #223
s but the west?!

people in the west funding their preparation perhaps.

one thing i've observed is the interplay (in a club for diaspora ukrainians i sometimes visit) between old and new. it's breathed life into the place that was moribund before.
Korvinus  2 | 561
30 Sep 2024   #224
. kind of reminds one of 1941

nice. you almost fooled me! until the last sentence i didn't consider you a retard :-d
once it became obvious that russian army is unable to achieve a quick victory and decapitate the ukrainian state, putin should have pulled the plug on the whole affair. back then it was still possible for the russians to be readmitted into the ranks of humanity.
Bobko  27 | 2124
30 Sep 2024   #225
back then it was still possible for the russians to be readmitted into the ranks of humanity.

that would have been the worst possible outcome, for us:

1) the west would have been seen as having "won". this would be seen by our "near abroad", and also by china, iran, india, and the rest.

georgia would again become restless, kazakhstan would continue to spin off into a more distant orbit, and so on and so forth.

2) we would still get sanctioned, probably to the very same extent. the sanctions would similarly be in place forever, with nothing to show for it except a failed invasion.

3) with exactly nothing to show, nobody would talk to us. right now, we're being courted by china and india daily, so that they may be chosen as peace mediators (they want this for their own prestige). we have the head of the cia setting up frequent meetings with his counterpart in russia. we have the europeans making us various proposals, about what we could get if we withdraw from ukraine.

if we had nothing to bargain about, nobody would talk to us. it would be back to the "gas station with nuclear weapons" narrative.

4) a failed invasion would precisely reinforce the idea that russia is a "gas station masquerading as a country". newspaper headlines would read, "russia sheds last vestiges of soviet power". everybody that had been sh*tting on russia for thirty years as "irrelevant", would have been proven right.

now, instead, all those people have been fired from their positions, or spend great energy explaining how they managed to so severely underestimate russia. russian is again a popular language at us colleges, and the russian department within the state department has regained its prestige. russia will be a focus of world attention, because of this war.

5) every day, we would be living in a world where joseph r. biden is considered a global genius. with the masterful stroke of leaking russia's war invasion plans, and then building a global coalition, he stopped what could have been the greatest war since ww2 in its tracks. that's what they would say.

no, dear korvinus, it would already be too late. it's either we did not do this invasion at all, or once we did we had to commit to it fully.

the war has served many purposes (though at enormous cost). just like in syria and kosovo, it showed the world that while others might be too scared to even make a sound, russia will act - ruining the plans of our "enlightened masters". it showed that ignoring russia and treating it as a non entity is an expensive way to proceed with business. it shows our allies that we have the will to back up our words with actions.

finally it shows the ukrainians the price of thirty years of taunts. i'm sure even the most committed banderist is sitting and scratching his head right now, thinking "was this really all worth it?".
Ironside  50 | 12312
30 Sep 2024   #226
that would

if you can read it. i think you would find it interesting. "l'affaire du colonel miassoïedov" józef mackiewicz/ or in polish "sprawa pułkownika miasojedowa".
Bobko  27 | 2124
30 Sep 2024   #227
l'affaire du colonel miassoïedov

i will try to find it in russian or english.

funny name the guy has - "meat eater".
cms neuf  1 | 1721
30 Sep 2024   #228
india and china are courting you daily ?

i remember a cute girl at college - way out my league. every week she would give me maybe a small smile or bum some money for cigarettes

exactly same kind of relationship
Ironside  50 | 12312
30 Sep 2024   #229
unny name the guy has - "meat eater".

it's a handy name when facing a vegetarian crowd.
johnny reb  46 | 7516
30 Sep 2024   #230
on a recent broadcast on russian state television, sidorov, who is also the deputy dean of world politics at moscow state university, ominously suggested that poland "may cease to exist" if it interferes with belarus, which is an ally of russia.
didn't this same guy just threaten britain with the same b.s. last month.
and which country was it the month before that ?
when is russia going to dethrone their big bully is my thought.
Bobko  27 | 2124
30 Sep 2024   #231
dethrone their big bully is my thought.

still talking about bullies? you see them everywhere...

you must have had a difficult time in school.

sidorov, who is also the deputy dean of world politics

you and maf are very good at finding random russian commentators whose quotes you can lose your mind about.

i've never heard of sidorov, even once, in my entire life.

i also don't watch solovyov, or skabeeva, or simonyan.

be careful that your "bully" isn't replaced by an actual bully that will say the things out loud, that right now you imagine putin is only thinking in his head.
pawian  219 | 24597
30 Sep 2024   #232
i've never heard of sidorov, even once, in my entire life.

and??? does it mean the guy doesn`t exist and johhny made him up???

i also don't watch solovyov, or skabeeva, or simonyan.

:):):) this i i i i is really cute.
Bobko  27 | 2124
30 Sep 2024   #233
):):) this i i i i is really cute.

stop talking like an ape, and start talking like a man your age.

can you admit that all is not as in your fairy tale land, and that sometimes reality reigns? a series of foolish actions, can lead to unimaginably sad consequences - regardless of who is at fault.

the white knight does not always win, and sometimes there are even good reasons for that.
pawian  219 | 24597
30 Sep 2024   #234
the white knight does not always win

does it mean that decent people who fight for their right cause should surrender to the dark force at the start??? go back to books and study the history of poland under russian occupation again. it lasted for centuries but we are free at last. the polish white knight has won. so will the ukrainian one even if it takes decades.
am i talking like a mature creature at last??? hahahaha
mafketis  38 | 10869
30 Sep 2024   #235
back to the "gas station with nuclear weapons"

Mafia run gas station with nuclear weapons... and nothing russia has done in the last 15-20 years indicates anything different.... crappy country with a crappy socio-political system that sane freedom loving people hate that only understands the world in terms of brute force and humiliation....

ignoring russia and treating it as a non entity is an expensive way to proceed with busines

Actually it showed that treating russia as a civilized country is stupid.... it's an aggressive country hostile to basic ideas like human rights and human dignity.

It's not a country that civilized countries can deal with... it's a contagion that needs to be isolated. all russians back to russia and build a wall to keep them in.
Barney  17 | 1623
30 Sep 2024   #236
You have just describes the USA. Pinning "freedom loving people" onto any statement is the same as using but, it effectively negates all statements that went before.

Your rants about Russia are the flip side of the Michigan mystic describing the US as a hotbed of Marxist-Leninism...deluded.

You are a good intelligent guy with a deep understanding of many issues, I very often disagree with your opinion but cannot for the life of me understand your visceral hatred for Russian people.
mafketis  38 | 10869
30 Sep 2024   #237
"freedom loving people"

I was actually thinking of Poles and Ukrainians... who share a passion for freedom and hatred for oppression. Poles and Ukrainians are not afraid to stand up to their governments... russians would rather die than protest (literally).

your visceral hatred for Russian people.

not hatred.... disgust because without their apathy and bovine obedience their psychotic governments couldn't do things like invade Ukraine....(not to mention their indifference to their government robbing them blind and keeping them in terrible poverty or even indifference to their fellow citizens being killed by the government).

Their long-suffering pathos is repulsive to me...
mafketis  38 | 10869
30 Sep 2024   #238
In other news.... putain is on his way to the kremlin for an 'emergency session'....

russian pm was in tehran today

israel has entered lebanon
Barney  17 | 1623
30 Sep 2024   #239
Both Poland and Ukraine invaded Iraq without much opposition, so freedom loving only goes so far. Russians threw off an oppressive regime and immediately faced not just a civil war but a foreign invasion by many rich industrial countries. They were subjected to (a perversion of) Socialism which managed to lift hundreds of millions out of poverty. All over the Soviet union people rebelled, went on strike and opposed the system. The only places that suffered tried to leave the union without consent an event the USA is very familiar with. Russians are not immune to revolution or a desire for fundamental change.

Everyone who remembers the 90s knows what this free market crap brings and they don't see any difference in the end result of the systems. There has been no widescale uprisings in any country in the democratic world despite their history of invasion, ethnic cleansing and murder. The economies of these democratic countries are underpinned by deeply undemocratic despots. Freedom loving seems to translate into the ability to downtick comments on social media and the odd bleeding heart movie.
johnny reb  46 | 7516
30 Sep 2024   #240
Russian dictator Vladimir Putin signed a decree for the autumn military draft.
According to the document published by the Kremlin, from October to the end of December, the ranks of the Russian army will be reinforced by 133,000 people.
There is gonna be a lots of lonesome women in Russia soon.

i've never heard of sidorov, even once, in my entire life.

So, who are you ? lol

Home / News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 15
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