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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 15

Korvinus  2 | 560
29 Sep 2024   #181
Gees, Korvinus, roll up a fatty and mellow out because there isn't jack shlt you can do about it.

All I have said is that nukes are not such a threat, the Devil is not so black as he is painted.
johnny reb  46 | 7516
29 Sep 2024   #182
I've had it with this f*cking board.

No doubt that some of these bone heads that are stuck on stupid do get on your nerves here.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2115
29 Sep 2024   #183
Listen to "Mury" and you will understand.
Both sides will just try to drag in more supporters to win another round.
Korvinus  2 | 560
29 Sep 2024   #184
US pressured Ukraine to denuclearize in exchange of a non binding agreement. If you disarm someone, you should be responsible for that person security. This is the ruling of many Texan courts. And what Zelensky is asking is just US leftovers.

One of the US interests is the non proliferation and that China wouldn't attack Taiwan and create a huge destruction of the global supply chains. Abandoning Ukraine would be against this two points of US interests. For a moral and for a pragmatic point of view, helping Ukraine is of US interest.
Velund  1 | 498
29 Sep 2024   #185
See what I mean, guys? Hopeless...

Add them to ignore and katynisation list at once, and save your nerves. ;)
jon357  72 | 22778
29 Sep 2024   #186
Again, it is not for you to decide

This is a discussion forum. It is not for you to attempt to silence opinions that you don't share.

Somehow, allowing Germans the exhumations of Wehrmacht soldiers - from the same time period - was

Was it? Who said that?

Anyone in this discussion or are you just getting so fraught that you're projecting what you think people might say.

And BTW, there are threads here about Poland/Ukraine relations. This thread is for discussing the orcs' illegal and u provoked invasion of Ukraine

Emotional stuff about the past like this just plays into their hands.
Crow  154 | 9209
29 Sep 2024   #187
I don't know about that, Crow. Sometimes it's hard to be the lonely voice of reason on this board.

Its all fine comparing to eternal tendency of life to complicate.
johnny reb  46 | 7516
29 Sep 2024   #188
It is not for you to attempt to silence opinions that you don't share.

Of course it is when the opinions of others try to destroy cultures by spreading Marxist views and communist propaganda to our youth as the truth.
Lead by example of what has worked for our Christian countries.
When others opinions try to promote their anti Christian agendas we have every right to silence them.
Its our God given duty.
Novichok  4 | 7631
29 Sep 2024   #189
I just got up and my first thought was about the brave Russian army liberating Donbass.

I wish you, guys, the very best and to stay safe. Be proud of the Red Army that liberated Poland and protected the country from Western warmongers.
jon357  72 | 22778
29 Sep 2024   #190
Of course it is

So Jim doesn't believe in free speech. Interesting...

And there's some very good news about the war today, especially regarding the Storm Shadows.
mafketis  38 | 10869
29 Sep 2024   #191
create a huge destruction of the global supply chains

Oh... those are dead. Get ready for a very different future.

The US was the guarantor of security of the maritime order for decades which made current complex supply chains possible. The US has been backing out of that and there's no shortage of countries that would prefer piracy to reign in the seas rather than order.
jon357  72 | 22778
29 Sep 2024   #192
I was listening to a discussion recently about the war in Ukraine.

It mentioned that if on 24 February 2022 a snail had set off in a straight line, heading west from r*ssia, it would reach Lviv by the end of this year.

Time is running out for Putain's ambition, from the bold claim of having the second best army in the world, to being out matched by a snail.

r*ssia's illegal war plumbs new depths of failure...

Lovely news from Kotluban. A massive delivery of orc weaponry bought from Iran was destroyed completely. Despite massive electronic and other defence systems. It was destroyed by a handful of home made Ukrainian drones.
pawian  219 | 24592
29 Sep 2024   #193
destroyed by drones.

Yes, I find it utterly amasing that barbarians aren`t able to protect their ammo piles.

I just got up

Do you mean Novi needs to take a nap in the afternoon?? AmaSSing!
Crow  154 | 9209
29 Sep 2024   #194
Russia`s victory over NATO would mean liberation of Poland and Serbia.
pawian  219 | 24592
29 Sep 2024   #195
I would rather die than be "liberated" by barbarians.
Novichok  4 | 7631
29 Sep 2024   #196
The US has been backing out

Feel free to replace us. We are broke and unable to guarantee the security of our own borders.

Good luck and FO.
Novichok  4 | 7631
29 Sep 2024   #197
Russia`s victory over NATO

Russia will never win with NATO and NATO will never win with Russia. Everybody knows that this war will never happen. Russia is not Vietnam or Serbia.

Opps...sorry..."NATO" lost in Vietnam. Bad example...

Russia needs buffers, not woke morons in Western Europe and the hordes of foreign illegal slime so you are safe.

What is known to all, including Z, is that Russia will be successful liberating Donbass from NATO proxies - aka the Ukrainian army.

We just don't know how many dead men it will take. This makes all of the morons who support Ukrainian invasion of Donbass war criminals.
Crow  154 | 9209
29 Sep 2024   #198
I would rather die than be "liberated" by barbarians.

Don`t worry professor. In your town will enter Racowie, side by side with Polish troops.

Russians will provide cosmic and air superiority.
pawian  219 | 24592
29 Sep 2024   #199
NATO will never win with Russia.

Really??? Once NATO won with the USSR against all odds. Now it is Russia`s turn. :):):)
Crow  154 | 9209
29 Sep 2024   #200
Sarmatian finest

I can imagine welcome to Racowie in Poland. Freedom from NATO, EU, Rome and western Europe. Young and old, woman and man will be happy.
Korvinus  2 | 560
29 Sep 2024   #201
Why do think so many East nad Central European countries couldnt move quick enough to join NATO once the USSR collapsed?
The obvious reason, the NATO doctrine of "an attack on one is an attack on all "
Its the only almost guaranteed way to ensure you wont get invaded by Russia. Crow its like insurance, its better to have it and never need it than to not have it and need it.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 912
30 Sep 2024   #202
very interesting to read the last days posts. some caught up on emotion, others focusing on facts. so the isw has more facts and more maps.

on every side, russia is gaining ground. as many ammo dumps that have been kit by ukraine, it is not stoping russia from fighting or gaining ground, how ever large or small the gains may be. now big mouth z says vlad is afraid to use nukes because he loves his life. this is like a minnow biting the tail of a large mouth bass who can turn around and swallow him any time he wants. meanwhile in austria, another election win for the party that does not support ukraine. z is simply running out of time and men.
pawian  219 | 24592
30 Sep 2024   #203
z is simply running out of time and men.

so is putin. amassing you prefer to ignore it and only focus on ukrainian leaders. :):):)
Novichok  4 | 7631
30 Sep 2024   #204
what happened to caps?
cms neuf  1 | 1721
30 Sep 2024   #206
you keep showing the same map - the one that shows the notth nigerians literally moving slower than a snail.

8km for over a month now.

and who cares about austria - it's been the hub of sanctions busting since 2022, thanks to the disgraceful raiffeisen bank, which in return is persona non grata in the civilized world now.
jon357  72 | 22778
30 Sep 2024   #207
same map - the one that shows the notth nigerians literally moving slower than a snail.

there's a strange sort of delusion among r*ssi supporters. they can't handle it that their three day special operation has been a failure.

people who believe that 'might is right' are conspicuously poor at handling the inevitable failure that comes from heavy handed approaches.

and now r^ssi are having to send women down coal mines because they've no men left.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 912
30 Sep 2024   #208
@cms neuf
those are not the same maps, they clearly show advances on every front. putin is not running out of men. russia has never gotten out of a war in europe until they lost a million or more men. they can easily keep going for years. ukraine cannot. manpower is the problem for z and it cannot be solved.

vlad isnt running out of time, hes running out of patience.
cms neuf  1 | 1721
30 Sep 2024   #209
how much have those maps changed in september ?
jon357  72 | 22778
30 Sep 2024   #210
hes running out of patience.

as his hero, adolf hitler, said "my patience is now at an end".

it didn't end well for him or germany.

Home / News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 15
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