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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 15

Alien  22 | 5460
28 Sep 2024   #91
millions of people, including all of these great soldiers, they are dead.

Crow  154 | 9207
28 Sep 2024   #92
You pathetic and weak Serbians have "Other plans for Poland"? who are you to have "Plans for Poland"?

Love has no boundaries. At this time we Serbians want to see Poland avoid pregnancy.

And we will ignore Serbian lapdogs of Russia too, because they are irrelevant!

Brat Tusk would come and for sure, beside testing slivovica, dunja, jagnjetina, prasetina and few selected girls, he will drinks from the fountain of wisdom.
amiga500  5 | 1473
28 Sep 2024   #93
In Poland there are only free media.

LOL you dumb kraut. TVP now worse than Kurskis time.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 912
28 Sep 2024   #94

By these maps, Russia is making gains nearly everywhere. Forget the rhetoric of the politicians, just look at the maps. Small to medium gains nearly everywhere. Z can try to sell his message all he wants, but the results just are not there.
amiga500  5 | 1473
28 Sep 2024   #95

And that's with the neo-con rose tinted glasses on which is what isw is. the kagans, nuland et all.
Crow  154 | 9207
28 Sep 2024   #96
Tusk is a waste of space.

Don`t say that.

He will be wasting his time with an imbecile like Tusk.....

They would have great fun, contemplate and then do something wise.
cms neuf  1 | 1721
28 Sep 2024   #97
That map shows no gains for weeks now

The NNs are still going nowhere fast and nowhere slow.
Korvinus  2 | 558
28 Sep 2024   #98

It's funny to think there's mobiks who are in this world thanks to American aid, and are now being removed from it thanks to American aid.
Novichok  4 | 7630
28 Sep 2024   #99
It's a day later and still no answer to my simple question:

What law made the self-determination referendum in Donbass "illegal"?
jon357  72 | 22778
28 Sep 2024   #100
no gains for weeks now

R*SSia are doing very badly?

I see that ship with the explosives is now entering U.K. waters. Ships are allowed to pass through any country's territorial waters for legitimate reasons, however it's hard to see one here since it doesn't have an obvious intended destination and although it's Malta registered, Malta has said no.

It's certainly ńo coincidence that the U.K. PM and Ukrainian President are in the same country right now and are meeting to discuss the course of the war.
Novichok  4 | 7630
28 Sep 2024   #101
I am back...Still no answer...

How come every Polak and Brit is a genius until I ask a simple question...
GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
28 Sep 2024   #102
I am back...Still no answer...

People ignore you.

You are obnoxious and boring, so you can hardly expect a lot of interaction with people. Say something interesting. Say something new. Stop insulting people, and then maybe (just maybe) people will be more willing to talk to you.
Atch  21 | 4139
28 Sep 2024   #103
I am back...Still no answer..

Hello, you silly old moo!
You are obnoxious and boring,

Now, that's not nice. I thought you were supposed to be a good Christian. Blessed are those etc. etc. who do this, that and the other, despite something-or-other ;)

And what about the Spiritual Works of Mercy? I'm sure that 'listening to the boring' is one of them :)
GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
28 Sep 2024   #104
Now, that's not nice.

But honest and frank :)

And what about the Spiritual Works of Mercy? I'm sure that 'listening to the boring' is one of them

Therefore, I have just not only responded to Novi's post but also offered brotherly advice to facilitate his future social interactions. If that's not Christian then I don't know what is!
Novichok  4 | 7630
28 Sep 2024   #105
You are obnoxious and boring,

My question is valid. You and other morons here just don't have a good answer so I am now "obnoxious and boring". You forgot persistent so I will not stop until I get the answer.

When some azhole claims that the referendum in Donbass was illegal I have every right to ask what law made it illegal.

The Donbass referendum is that single most critical part of what is going on there. Without that referendum Russia would be the aggressor. With it, it's the UA that is the occupier of Donbass.

This gives Russia every legal and moral right to kill them all.

So, azhole, instead of calling me names, try to explain what made that referendum illegal while the referenda in Canada, Scotland, and Kosovo were all legal and oh-so democratic.

BTW, morons, even without that referendum, Russia had the same exact right to invade Ukraine as the US did to invade Iraq.

The US identified Iraq as existential threat to the US and Russia saw Ukraine and the shittalk about joining NATO as a threat to Russia.

Your turn.
jon357  72 | 22778
28 Sep 2024   #106
People ignore you.

Most regular posters are on his ignore list anyway.

He thinks it's a cross between his question and answer service and a low grade troll garden.
GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
28 Sep 2024   #107

Did I say the referendum was illegal?

azhole claims that the referendum in Donbass was illegal

Who claims it? You are an engineer - introduce some precision to your language, ask the person you have in mind directly. Use the '@' to address the person (e.g. @Atch, @pawian, @Bobko etc.). If you say something like "can any Polak, Brit or other retard tell my what blah blah blah or why yadda yadda yadda" nobody will respond because people in general don't like talking to obnoxious, boring old men, no matter how peristent they are.

Most regular posters are on his ignore list anyway.

Right. I forgot. :)
Novichok  4 | 7630
28 Sep 2024   #108
Who claims it? You are an engineer - introduce some precision to your language,

The UN GA and Lazarus in Post 68. The third quote:
...the unlawful actions of the Russian Federation with regard to the illegal so-called referendums...

That's who...
Korvinus  2 | 558
28 Sep 2024   #109
Did I say the referendum was illegal?

1) There were never any legit referendum with 95-99% votes for 'yes'
2) If people left - automatically makes referendum illegitimate
3) That's not how legit referendums are done. For legit referendum look at Scotland. At least 2 years of public discussion where both sides are given tv time
Atch  21 | 4139
28 Sep 2024   #110
so I am now "obnoxious and boring".

Ah, come on now - you've always been that ;)
GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
28 Sep 2024   #111
That's who...

Brilliant. So ask them and get the f*ck off of everyone else. It really is that simple.

1) ... 2) ... 3)

@Novichok - see? a bit of honesty and frankness and people start replying right away! :D

Ah, come on now - you've always been that

I see that you also decided to walk the path of honesty and frankness, Atch. :)
Novichok  4 | 7630
28 Sep 2024   #112
So ask them and get the f*ck off of everyone else. It really is that simple.

I asked Lazarus, specifically, and everybody else here who is not a retard, generally.

Too shy to answer because it was not addressed to you, personally?

Here is your chance. GK and Atch:

1. Was the Donabss referendum legal?
2. Did the majority vote to separate Donbass from Ukraine?

Yes or no? No essays.
johnny reb  46 | 7516
28 Sep 2024   #113
I am now "obnoxious and boring".

Not as boring as, "My Polish grandfathers last name or what is in the picture or how to make pierogi sixteen different ways."

You will never get an answer from Lyzko because he is a Leftist and Leftist can not debate the facts.
None of these Leftists can and that is why they go off on redirects or name calling to avoid being made out as stupid.
mafketis  38 | 10868
28 Sep 2024   #114
That map shows no gains for weeks now

You need to look at it thru trump colored glasses..

In other news, russian is acting russian again and targeting civilians....

It strikes another hospital.... twice?

that mysterious russian lack of a soul again...
GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
28 Sep 2024   #115
Too shy to answer because it was not addressed to you, personally?

No. I didn't answer because I don't have the faintest idea whether the referendum was legal or not--I am an engineer and a teacher not a lawyer. Also - and now comes the shocking part - I don't believe I must have an opinion on every thing under the sun.

Was the Donabss referendum legal?

I don't know and, frankly, I don't give a f*ck. However, when you say...

How come every Polak and Brit blah blah blah

... then I feel included in the "every Polak" category and I might reply in a slightly uncivil (but always frank!) manner. *sighs*
Novichok  4 | 7630
28 Sep 2024   #116
You need to look at it thru trump colored glasses..

I did.

I see a lot of U graves and the UA army looking more and more as the German one in April of 1945. Kids and old men...

Did Z pick his 50 million dollar condo in Miami yet?
johnny reb  46 | 7516
28 Sep 2024   #117
None of these Leftists can and that is why they go off on redirects

Case in point...........
In other news,

Novichok  4 | 7630
28 Sep 2024   #118
I am an engineer and a teacher not a lawyer

You are worse - an evasive weasel.

You don't need to be a lawyer to notice the absence of claims by the lawyers at the State Department that the Donbass referendum was illegal. Recognition is another matter.

The reason why you and other weasels here refuse to engage on the question of Donbass referendum is simple:

Once it's agreed that it was legal, the entire anti-Russia pyramid of hate collapses like that old condo in Miami.

Stripped of the facts, all you will have is girly emotions and matching adjectives.

As a reminder, simple yes/no questions were the basis for the worst acts since the beginning of time.

Were blacks full humans. No. Let's make them slaves.

Are the unborn humans? No. We can kill them.

Are transgender women women? Yes. Let them into women's sport and showers.

Was the referendum in Donbass legal? Those who claim it was not have the burden of proof. Until then, the referendum stands and the Russia-hating morons are welcome to eat shlt.
GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
28 Sep 2024   #119
the entire anti-Russia pyramid of hate collapses

Yes, indeed, I worry a lot about my "anti-Russia pyramid of hate" collapsing. My hate for Russia is well known on this forum. *rolls eyes*

You keep repeating the same things over and over again ad nauseam - you're a pro-Russian version of cms_neuf but even more annoying.

You can add me to your ever growing ignore list because I'm done talking to you.
cms neuf  1 | 1721
28 Sep 2024   #120
Sorry GF but what do I ever write hear that is untrue ?

Home / News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 15

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