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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 15

johnny reb  46 | 7601
1 day ago   #721
Serbia and Croatia are preparing for a possible conflict: military service is to be reinstated in both countries.
The duration of conscription in Croatia will be two months from January 1st, while in Serbia it will be 75 days.
Alien  23 | 5533
1 day ago   #722
Serbia and Croatia are preparing for a possible conflict

Not the first and not the last. Crow, where are you.
Novichok  4 | 7775
1 day ago   #723
russians simply don't understand the modern world.

You do. Tell me all about it.

First define "modern world".
pawian  219 | 24771
1 day ago   #724
First define

No more definitions. Rely on your maniacal instincts instead!
Miloslaw  21 | 5012
1 day ago   #725
A Russia being kicked around the peripheries and treated like the poor relation is what led to war.

Oh, poor, sad little Russia felt that they were being "left out" and so were left with no option but to lash out and invade Ukraine?
Are you serious????

Russia is behaving like a spoilt child!

russians simply don't understand the modern world.... they're stuck in the 19th century 'great powers' era.... problem is there's nothing especially great or powerful about modern russia...

That sums it up!
Miloslaw  21 | 5012
1 day ago   #726
This is the type of news that Russian ar$elickers either miss or ignore.
They need educating;

Miloslaw  21 | 5012
1 day ago   #728
Russia just cannot continue with the war on Ukraine.

Novichok  4 | 7775
1 day ago   #729
Memo to Russia-hating morons:

Either there is such a thing as a self-determination referendum or not?

If yes, provide evidence that the Donbass referendum to separate from U and join R is legally defective or STFU.

Russia is not obligated to prove anything. The burden of proof rests with Russia-hating morons.
jon357  72 | 22950
18 hrs ago   #730
This is the type of news that Russian ar$elickers either miss or ignore.

They ignore it. The authoritarian right can never handle being pwned by ordinary people.
Crow  154 | 9248
15 hrs ago   #731
Serbia and Croatia are preparing for a possible conflict

Essentially, it would be Civil War that will end Vatican-Germanic attempt to control and destroy Serbians.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 941
15 hrs ago   #732
America feels it has to take care of Europe

I dont believe this holds true any longer. Maybe 20 years ago it was still true, but not now. Too much time has passed, and not much European immigration to the US these days. The ties that used to bind Americans back to Europe culturaly have been watered down by Americanization and other cultural influences from Africa, South America and the middle east. The muslim call to prayer can now be heard in Minneapolis now, and that area had a huge German, Polsh, and eastern European number of immigrants. Imagine having to listen to that now.

This was an interesting read
Korvinus  2 | 564
13 hrs ago   #733
Russia collapsed twice in a single century. Not a single other country in human history managed to do the same. Both collapses after a war of choice that they spent ridiculous amount of resources against people engaging in defense in depth and guerrilla war.

And Mujahideen where not using jet drones to strike refineries, ammo and oil depots deep inside Russia. The capacity to inflict economical damage from Ukraine now is much bigger than in February 2022. And will become greater next year. Their AI in drones is evolving. Their production of drones is greater and costing less.

US is also preventing Ukraine from doing a lot of sabotage inside Russia, preventing European countries from deploying troops in Ukraine and from allowing the usage of missiles with American gear deep inside Russia due "muh escalation". If US stops doing it, things will become even more complicated to Russia. If Saudis start overproducing oil, things can also become much worse for RU.
jon357  72 | 22950
13 hrs ago   #734
Imagine having to listen to that now.

Perhaps you should think about having proper 'big government/nanny state' noise abatement and planning laws.

We don't even allow new church bells and the Azan (a beautiful thing in fact) is never allowed through loudspeakers except as a vanishingly rare one off with special permission.

One problem with the cancer that is 'libertarianism' is that you may find that others so things you don't personally want.

Good to see you caring about community and societal issues though rather than individualists doing what they want.
mafketis  38 | 10907
12 hrs ago   #735
US is also preventing Ukraine from doing a lot of sabotage inside Russia

russia is like a participant of the Special Olympics who thinks he's in the real Olympics and doesn't understand why he's not getting endorsement deals....
PolAmKrakow  2 | 941
12 hrs ago   #736
I thought the call to prayer was kind of cool to hear the first time when I was in Kuwait. Then it became irritating. Societal issues can be adressed without steping on individual rights. Your definition of a liberal and mine are very different. Democrats in the US were the liberal party, Republicans conservative. The city of Minneapolis is a Democraticly controlled city, like the State of Minnesota. The city and state have both gone to heII for the most part as it relates to taxes, defund the police, crime, and other social problems. They will soon follow California into near bankruptcy.

Confirmed now that NK is sending troops to the front lines in the war. Little Kim wants some nukes and some nuke tech from Vlad and he will probably get it. This is very bad news for everyone.
jon357  72 | 22950
12 hrs ago   #737
I thought the call to prayer was kind of cool to hear the first time when I was in Kuwait. Then it became irritating.

It depends how well it's done. I rather like it. Different styles in different countries. Not much different from peals of church bells, only not as loud or as intrusive.

In the UK, you can shout or sing anything you like in public, howver if you want to use amplification, you need planning permission since that of course is society's decision.

Democrats in the US were the liberal party, Republicans conservative.

Now Democrats are conservative and trumpists are types of fascists.

Confirmed now that NK is sending troops to the front lines in the war

Makes a change. It's normally Koreans eating dogs rather than stray dogs on the battlefield eating Koreans.
cms neuf  1 | 1749
12 hrs ago   #738
Who the hell would want North Nigerian "tech" when it is being proven in real time to be unreliable and easy to intercept ?

Only a desperate dictator who staves his own people a throws his uncle to be eaten by dogs
Crow  154 | 9248
11 hrs ago   #739
Russia collapsed twice in a single century.

Brate you don`t understand politics.

The Russian Tsar`s aunt was the British Queen. They confronted Roman black nobility and rogue Jewish Habad satanic sekt. Other players had to choose side. That`s it to this moment.
Crow  154 | 9248
11 hrs ago   #740
Not a single other country in human history managed to do the same.

Too few have the British Queen for an aunt.

The Rome and Habad are powerful foes. Russia had to hold front, while Britain acted from the flanks. When front collapsed under the pressure, aunt protected.

All had and have their role. Now, front is consolidated and grinding. As we all see.

Let me show you >

Kievan Orthodox chant: Kontakion of the Departed (Choir of St Albans Cathedral)

mafketis  38 | 10907
9 hrs ago   #741
Too few have the British Queen for an aunt.

Very true.... best I could manage was a second cousin Australian rent boy.... not a great help......
Crow  154 | 9248
9 hrs ago   #742
Let us listen once more... while understanding its about Russian Kyiv on the funeral of British Queen. Understand it correctly, not in the light of daily politics.

The Russian Kontakion of the Departed | Committal Service for HM The Queen Elizabeth II

Plus, singing as it is, is exceptional art. Let us listen.
jon357  72 | 22950
9 hrs ago   #743
That's been in the English Hymnal for over a century.

That doesn't mean that r*SSia isn't a sick society.
Crow  154 | 9248
9 hrs ago   #744
You say British society is sick?
johnny reb  46 | 7601
8 hrs ago   #745
Hey Crow, does this mean you will be getting drafted into the military !

Serbia and Croatia are preparing for a possible conflict: military service is to be reinstated in both countries.
The duration of conscription in Croatia will be two months from January 1st, while in Serbia it will be 75 days.

If you do get called up, volunteer in how to blow things up with C4.
May become useful after you get out.
Your English speaking skills as an interpreter may be a safer job however.
Crow  154 | 9248
8 hrs ago   #746
Well, Crow can predict many things but Crow can`t predict Crow`s drafting.
Bobko  27 | 2157
8 hrs ago   #747
The duration of conscription in Croatia will be two months from January 1st, while in Serbia it will be 75 days.

Hardly an indication of impending war.

This is even before one considers that Croatia is also a NATO member, which makes it quite unlikely Serbia would ever attempt to invade it.

Having a 75 day training period could mean several things:

1) There are not enough experienced officers in the Serbian military to provide the requisite number of people with six months or more of training. So, the only way to train X number of people per year is to shorten the length of training.

2) The military is unpopular enough, that it can no longer rely on volunteers, and conscripting people for more than 75 days is expected to lead to mass discontent.

3) The governments are playing at politics, angling for the votes of conservative Serbs and Croats. They do it in the cheapest and most meaningless way, but such that it still appears as though "Vucic is serious on defense!".

You can't train a modern soldier in two months. The results are visible for all to see in the war in Ukraine.

In two months you can only prepare a person for a very narrowly defined set of requirements. Like, how to storm a trench as part of a small infiltration group. The life expectancy of such a recruit is counted in days and weeks. I doubt that's what Serbia and Croatia are getting ready to do.

In Russia, mandatory service was reduced from two years to one year, about a decade ago. A lot of military officials now complain that this produces useless soldiers... so I can't imagine what kind of a soldier you get after 75 days.
Crow  154 | 9248
8 hrs ago   #748
NATO is hostile on Serbia. That`s it. It increases military personnel all-around Serbia, not just in Croatia. Romania, Bulgaria, Albania. All they boosting their army and plus NATO troops from other countries. Hungary, too. Just, Serbia and Hungary have kind of mutual protection pact. Very strange situation.

Crow, where are you.

To tell you frankly, thinking of one nice pussy these days.
Bobko  27 | 2157
7 hrs ago   #749
To tell you frankly, thinking of one nice pussy these days.

Stop thinking, and start doing!
pawian  219 | 24771
5 hrs ago   #750
one nice pussy these days.

Novi!!! I knew it! He defended you against other posters` attacks yesterday and you fell in love. Wow!!!
I must warn you - Novi is extremely unstable. You say one word too many and he will ignore you, breaking your heart.

Home / News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 15

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