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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 15

Miloslaw  21 | 4928
2 days ago   #361
Now, don't be hasty, master Miloslaw... I'm on it :)

You are still sitting on that fence.... must be getting a bit uncomfortable now..... :-)
GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
2 days ago   #362
all we could "muster" was Jarosław Kaczyński and PiS

Limited means. Poland is simply not powerful enough.

Now imagine Kaczyński with dictatorial power, huge army and nukes. Doesn't seem that harmless anymore, does he? :)
Miloslaw  21 | 4928
2 days ago   #363
Poland is simply not powerful enough.

In what way is Poland not powerful enough?
Paulina  16 | 4384
2 days ago   #364
So are you or are you not for Poland apologising to Ukraine first for the "centuries of oppression", as Pawian proposes?

I haven't thought about it, to be honest. But I guess we could do that... If Polish bishops asked Germans for forgiveness, then why I not... I find Poles apologising to Germans more shocking than Poles apologising to Ukrainians for anything... And then "the ball" would be on the Ukrainian side of the "playing field" so to speak... I doubt Polish society matured up enough for such a gesture though, so that's rather a political sci-fi for me...

Ouch :)

Sorry, BB...


Limited means. Poland is simply not powerful enough.

What about Serbia? You don't have to have nukes to do evil.

Now imagine Kaczyński with dictatorial power, huge army and nukes.

He would have to get that dictatorial power first. 😎
Paulina  16 | 4384
2 days ago   #365
You are still sitting on that fence....

That's the point of being a centrist :) The golden mean. Zen. The pure perfection :)))

must be getting a bit uncomfortable now..... :-)

Nope, it feels right were I'm at :)

Novichok  4 | 7630
2 days ago   #366
That's the point of being a centrist :)

Abortion freak: Any time up to an hour after birth.
Pro lifer: Never.
Centrist: You can kill 'em up to 20 weeks from conception.
Novichok  4 | 7630
2 days ago   #367
The Polish cabinet minister claims Kiev has forgotten that Warsaw was the first to provide it with military aid
Ukraine is displaying a lack of appreciation for Warsaw's military assistance during the conflict with Russia, Polish Defense Minister Wladyslaw Kosiniak-Kamysz said in an interview published on Wednesday.

Serves you right, azholes...Not only did you blow 26 billion bucks or 3.3% of your GDP, but can't even get a thank email.

On top of this, you prolonged the war and helped Russia kill 500,000 Ukrainian men. Good job, morons...

Without your open border, this war would be over in a couple of months.

Is every Polak a stupid touchy feelly woman?
PolAmKrakow  2 | 912
2 days ago   #368
Now imagine Kaczyński with dictatorial power, huge army and nukes. Doesn't seem that harmless anymore, does he?

That would have made Europe a scary place.

Now Boris Johnson comes out and publicly says the war would not have happened if Trump were president. Is there any clearer message to the world that Trump and republican leadership makes the world a safer place than Biden/Harris democratic leadership?
Lenka  5 | 3471
2 days ago   #369
Because Boris said so?Don't make me laugh.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 912
2 days ago   #370
Boris and many others. Hate Trump all you want, I dont like him as a person either, but the world was a safer place with him as president. He was unpredictable, and that keps all the crazies in check.
GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
2 days ago   #371
What about Serbia? You don't have to have nukes to do evil.

No, but Serbia as the largest and strongest of post-Yugoslav states had more means and opportunity to do evil. They were surrounded by smaller and weaker states, Poland quite the opposite.

Kiev has forgotten that Warsaw was the first to provide it with military aid

Kiev has forgotten a lot of things, first and foremost that actions and words have consequences.
Velund  1 | 498
2 days ago   #372
Yeah....we too....but we lost two World Wars, we have reasons!

You have reasons to stop active participation in third World War... Because if Russians will be forced to take Berlin fourth time, it may become a capital of German Autonomous Republic as part of Western Federal District of you know what. ;) ;) ;)
cms neuf  1 | 1721
2 days ago   #373
Berlin ? LOL

Maybe concentrate on taking Pokrovsk first and then think big

Still 8km away.
mafketis  38 | 10869
2 days ago   #374
ussians will be forced to take Berlin fourth time

normal thought process: Why don't people respect us?
answer: Perhaps we should treat others with respect.

russian thought process: Why don't people respect us?
answer: Because we don't use enough empty threats!!!!
Vesko Vukovic  - | 117
2 days ago   #375
What about Serbia? You don't have to have nukes to do evil.

Serbian geopolitical analyst Zoran Buljugić - about the great terror that the Orthodox Christian people suffered in Ukraine from the side of Poland!

"It was a double terror, both religious and social.
Religiously it was the violent imposition of Catholicism otherwise the Uniate church, socially it was the Polish Panowie who wanted by the use of force to turn the Russian people, especially Cossacks, into serfs, who opposed them."

Ironside  50 | 12312
2 days ago   #376
Serbian geopolitical analyst Zoran Buljugić

Is an idiot. Maybe just a propagandist.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2115
2 days ago   #377
Polish Panowie

"Oh great" a one sided story and perspective, what could possibly go wrong
Lazarus  2 | 356
2 days ago   #378
Berlin ? LOL

The North Nigerians should first recapture the Russian towns liberated by Ukraine before trying to seize more towns in Ukraine. I wonder how life is in Sudzha now it isn't run by a dictatorship.
Bobko  27 | 2124
1 day ago   #379
I wonder how life is in Sudzha now it isn't run by a dictatorship.

The first change people witnessed, as the dictatorship receded, was a return of the butterflies and sparrows that had not been seen for so many summers. This was in the first week.

In the following several weeks, the water quality improved and again it became safe to drink.

Neighbors, colleagues, and friends would now spontaneously meet in the street, and share with each other the deepest hatred for Putin - finally they could do it without fearing for their life.

Despite all the destruction that surrounds them, a new sense of hope is beginning to emerge. For the first time in what feels like ages, people dare to lift their eyes from the rubble and look toward the future. The dawn of a new day has arrived in little Sudzha, and with it comes the promise of better things to come. The scars of the dictatorial past are still there, but so too is the resilience to rebuild and the belief that tomorrow holds something brighter. It is a fresh beginning, and this time, it feels like a good one for the inhabitants of this little liberated town.
GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
1 day ago   #380
The first change people witnessed

Sounds like it was always winter but never Christmas in Sudzha. But does it mean that now White Witch is dead?
Bobko  27 | 2124
1 day ago   #381
does it mean that now White Witch is dead?

It means her icy grip has eased over this little corner of North Nigeria.

The wind is blowing, and there's democracy in the air. Open your windows wide - and let freedom ring!

Sudzha is the canary in the coal mine for Putinism. Once those people see how truly wonderful it is to be Ukrainian and to be free, there won't be any going back to being a thrall of Mordor.
AntV  4 | 669
1 day ago   #382
now White Witch is dead?

being a thrall of Mordor.

In the West, the question is are you a Platonist or an Aristotelian. On PF, it's are you a Narnian or a Middle Earthian? 🙂
GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
1 day ago   #383
Narnian or a Middle Earthian

Russians are obviously Middle Earthian (Mordor) whilst Poles are evidently Narnian (we are the Giants of Ettinsmoor).

The tribe of giants that live in Ettinsmoor were described as being moronic, disorganized, and speak an incomprehensible language.
Bobko  27 | 2124
1 day ago   #384
Hahahaha! Oh my god... thank you.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629
1 day ago   #385
Truly bizarre statement:

If Poland attacks Ukraine,

Belarus will defend Ukraine,"

pledges Belarusian dictator Lukashenko in bizarre statement.
GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
1 day ago   #386

Sense of humour helps in this strange world. :)
Bobko  27 | 2124
1 day ago   #387
Truly bizarre statement

You are not familiar with Lukashenko, yes?

Some famous sayings of Lukashenko:

1) "I enjoy playing hockey and football both, but I usually play alone."

2) "It's time to take measures, and apply a veto against the taboo."

3) "We don't need anyone's automated systems for falsifying elections. We'll make our own, a state-owned one."

4) "Our dictatorship does not stand in the way of anyone's life or need for personal development."

5) "Last dictator of Europe... fine have it your way. I'm a dictator, yes a dictator. But there's a certain silver lining here. I'm the last one. Can you imagine? The last one! If you didn't come here, then where else would you go to meet such a person and even talk with him?"

6) "I'm an atheist - but an Orthodox atheist!"

7) "I don't read books. I look at them. I simply don't have the time."

8) "I'm a believer in sincere politics. For my honesty, I have suffered for 15 years."

9) "I'm not pressuring you. You have to decide for yourself, but it will be just as I said - you will see."

10) "The Belarusian people took a risk and elected me as president. This happens extremely rarely in history and may never happen again."

GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
1 day ago   #388
Some famous sayings of Lukashenko


He's an enemy but how can we hate him? xD
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629
1 day ago   #389
You are not familiar with Lukashenko, yes?

Not really....but wow, what did I miss!!!

My favourite:

"I don't read books. I look at them. I simply don't have the time."

and of course this:

"The Belarusian people took a risk and elected me as president. This happens extremely rarely in history and may never happen again."

Awesome! 😮
Bobko  27 | 2124
1 day ago   #390
how can we hate him?

Same, he's quite beloved by Russians, despite the Russian government having constant issues with him.

It's rumored that the failed coup against him, a few years ago, was orchestrated by Putin. Reason - tired of Lukashenko after 25+ years. He'll always promise whatever level of integration with Russia that Putin wants, he'll take the money, but then not uphold his part of the deal regarding merging Russia and Belarus.

He's built some kind of fantasy land in Belarus where it is as if the Soviet Union never collapsed. Industries were not shuttered, pensions and medical services were not cut, and everything is clean and in good working order. A country where communism was victorious! Except... it's all made possible by tens of billions of dollars of Russian aid. This is while in Russia itself, we went through an economic hurricane, where none of these things exist any longer.

He's far from stupid. He's a clever old fox, even if he cultivates this image of a clown.

To wrestle with Putin for as long as he has, without giving up the entire game, that takes talent. He's definitely made Putin look foolish more than once.

In conclusion, he really is a very "lovable" dictator. He's funny, he's charming, and doesn't seem to take himself too seriously. Putin can also be very funny, but I doubt anyone would call Putin a "funny person" or particularly "charming". With Putin one gets the sense more of a square piece of cold machined metal.

Home / News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 15
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