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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 15

Bobko  27 | 2124
1 Oct 2024   #271
it's a wee bit trick to be effective against something that doesn't exist.

We "make permanently a part of the past" many, many Banderists each day.

They are certainly real.

They are a diminishing part of the daily death toll, since so many of them volunteered early and are now successfully fertilizing the good earth of Ukraine - but there are plenty of them remaining.

Unfortunately most of the remainder are hiding under their women's skirts in Lviv and Lutsk.

Good, Russian-speaking Ukrainians from Kharkov, Dnipropetrovsk, and Odessa are defending their Nazi asses. Such is the cruel irony of fate.

It's why many people hate this war, because so many of the culprits are hiding away in safety or illegally crossing the border into Romania, Hungary or Poland.

When Easterners come to their cities, fleeing the war, they behave also like pigs - even though their families benefit from Polish and Irish and other peoples' hospitality themselves.

Western Ukrainians are the lowest form of humans.
Novichok  4 | 7637
1 Oct 2024   #272
Fvcking unreal...


Polish president sued for 'insulting' his own people
An NGO has accused Andrzej Duda of calling "millions of Poles pigs"

A Polish-based NGO has filed a lawsuit against President Andrzej Duda, accusing him of insulting his own people in a comment he made about a 2023 film on migration.

So much for that freedom of speech in Poland. I am so glad I had the wisdom to get the fvck out early...All of a sudden, the USSR is looking so much less bad.

In the US, that suit would not get past the court clerk. She would say: Read the US Constitution, moron, and get the fvck out of here before I call the police.

Now I am going to print the First Amendment and nail it to the wall over my desk as a reminder why I am in the best country on earth.

Eat shlt, Polaks and other Euros...

RT, I love you...
Miloslaw  21 | 4928
1 Oct 2024   #273
Western Ukrainians are the lowest form of humans.

I think Russians are not even humans...... more like swine, ready to be slaughtered.....


Are you really so stupid that you still follow this BS????

All of a sudden, the USSR is looking so much less bad.

I am in the best country on earth.

Make your mind up Rich.

Eat shlt, Polaks and other Euros...

Why do you have so much hatred for a country that you only visited once in 60 years since you left it and a whole continent that you have never visited?
Miloslaw  21 | 4928
1 Oct 2024   #274
What can Putin do now?

Novichok  4 | 7637
2 Oct 2024   #275
NATO's newly appointed Secretary General, former Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte has backed the idea of allowing Ukraine to use Western-supplied weapons to strike deep into Russian territory.

Remove the US from NATO and this POS would be on his knees proclaiming his undying love for Putin and Russia. I hate when Euro morons are brave on my dime.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 912
2 Oct 2024   #276
And WTF is the west really thinking? Are they thinking about what the people want, or some concept of what the "elites" think things should be like. The whole idea that the west would put its people in a position to be killed is simply moronic. Eventually, Vlad or who ever comes after is going to get tired of the NATO bull$hit and they will drop a bomb on some nice European city. Anyone think the US is going to fight another war in Europe? Its not going to happen. When it comes to what the American people want, the message is quite clear. No more wars. Its not like Russia is going to invade the US, the South Americans and Arabs are too busy doing that.

If the US leaves NATO, its the end of NATO. Europe for the last thirty years has had plenty of time to build up and prepare for any threat. But instead of caution, it was full steam ahead to become Vlads biatches to gas and oil. Believing the bear was content with business is no ones fault but Europes. The one thing Europe didnt learn from the US is to be prepared for things to spark off at any second. They were asleep. While Russia should not be invading, it is, and to think that since 2014 Europe and Ukraine did not prepare or see this coming is simply bad leadership.
jon357  72 | 22778
2 Oct 2024   #277
Excellent news about Mark Rutte; it looks as if Ukraine will soon have the tools to finish the job.
Novichok  4 | 7637
2 Oct 2024   #278
They were asleep

... and stupid happy being "the happiest countries in the world" like Denmark - easily done when you don't have spend money to protect your Euro ass.
mafketis  38 | 10869
2 Oct 2024   #279
since 2014 Europe and Ukraine did not prepare or see this coming

russia began the invasion in 2014 and Europe (and the US) chose to mostly ignore it.... Europe because of German reliance on cheap russian energy and the US because Obama did not give one vfck about anything (except for himself).

8 years to realize what was going on and nuttin'
PolAmKrakow  2 | 912
2 Oct 2024   #280
It is not the US job to police Europe.
GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
2 Oct 2024   #281
they will drop a bomb on some nice European city. Anyone think the US is going to fight another war in Europe? Its not going to happen.

Well, if that's the case then I have no idea why Europe is still allied to the USA. In such case we should make a deal with Russia and China. The only reason why Europe is at odds with those countries is because we defend global strategic interests of Americans. If the alliance is pointless - as you have just explained above - then what's the point of continuing it? Russia and China are dream allies for Europe - they have natural resources, workforce reserve and industrial capacity, we have technology and money.

you don't have spend money to protect your Euro ass

You spend money to protect your vital interests not our "Euro ass". China has the potential to turn dollar into toilet paper, so perhaps we should ally ourselves to China instead of being constantly insulted and humiliated by you redneck nouveaux riches. China, Iran and Russia are ancient civilisations - a much more befitting allies for equally ancient Europe than you f*cking upstarts.

If the opinion expressed here by PolAm and Novichok is prevalent in the USA, then maybe (just maybe) it's time for Europe to kindly tell Americans to f*ck off. Here's an idea.
Novichok  4 | 7637
2 Oct 2024   #282
Anyone think the US is going to fight another war in Europe? Its not going to happen.

Thank you for being a rare voice of reason here.

As you said, a small nuke on Europe will not start the end-of-life war between the US and Russia. That's not even a good script for another Arnold move.

My bet right now is that US wants Russia to succeed in keeping Donbass and thus ending this damn war. We need this exit ramp more than Putin.

From Russian's POV, he is a hero defending Russia. We are defending the most corrupt shithole on eart with nothing that concerns us. We might just as well support a war on the moon.
Novichok  4 | 7637
2 Oct 2024   #283
You spend money to protect your vital interests not our "Euro ass".

You are not entitiled to advance this bs argument until you prove that your benefit from our presence in Europe is a perfect fvcking ZERO.

The problem is that you, Euros, are not honest and try to hide your benefits behind ours without allocating the benefits in numbers.

So I will do it for you, azholes...

To us, being in Europe is a net loss. Like paying insurance premium to prevent being dragged into another Euro war.

To you, the US being in Europe is everything.
This picture proves me right.

Now eat shlt, be grateful, and STFU.

GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
2 Oct 2024   #284
To us, being in Europe is a net loss.

F*ck off then. The next day we'll be allied to Russia and China: cheap energy, thriving economies and no risk of war.

This picture proves me right.

This picture proves that you're a retard. There's no reason for Europe and Russia to be enemies.

Now eat shlt, be grateful, and STFU.

Die of cancer, preferably testicular.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 912
2 Oct 2024   #285
Thriving economies like those in China?

I dont know why Europe is still attached to the US either. Other than they dont want to be subject to the 1980's again. Europe barks a lot because the US is standing behind it. Watch how quickly Europe STFU without the US to help keep Russia away. China? China doesnt want Europe. Europe as in Germany and France is killing itself with its migrant policies. China wants no art of that.
GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
2 Oct 2024   #286
Thriving economies like those in China?

More like Germany before the war in Ukraine.

without the US to help keep Russia away

Again, there's no reason for Europe and Russia to be enemies. Without the US, it's back to our 'Europe from Lisbon to Vladivostok' plan again. If it happens over dead bodies of some banderists, so much the better.

migrant policies

It's changing. Worry about your wall on the Mexican border.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629
2 Oct 2024   #287
It's changing


PolAm....with every european election the anti-immigrants/pro-border parties gain more and more votes and's only a matter of time now!
Novichok  4 | 7637
2 Oct 2024   #288
There's no reason for Europe and Russia to be enemies.

Why then do you Euro morons act like you are?
GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
2 Oct 2024   #289
Why then do you Euro morons act like you are?

Because we are allied to you US morons, and for some reasons you consider Russia your enemies.

Without this alliance Russia and EU would be best buddies. You and your Saudi friends would lose the money you invested in Ukraine (including all those huge agricultural holdings) but Europe would be quite all right.

So, what's it gonna be? When are you effing off from Europe? Tomorrow? No? Didn't think so.

So eat sh*t, STFU and be grateful.
mafketis  38 | 10869
2 Oct 2024   #290
dead bodies of some banderist

this must delight you..... your only sadness is that the pictures are blurred....
GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
2 Oct 2024   #291
I get a "page doesn't exist" message, so I don't know what it is that you think delights me.
mafketis  38 | 10869
2 Oct 2024   #292
what it is that you think delights me.

weirdly when I copy the url it works fine....


russians bombed a market in Kherson killing a half dozen or so civilians

And they're targeting civilians with kamikaze drones
GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
2 Oct 2024   #293
killing a half dozen or so civilians

Why would that delight me? Were you attempting to insult me because you don't agree with something I said? In such case just say "Kania, you're a c*nt". It will insult me without being ridiculous.
mafketis  38 | 10869
2 Oct 2024   #294
Why would that delight me?

you hate Ukrainians or 'banderists' as you call them.... you love russia and russian culture (which largely revolves around inflicting violence on people).... do the math.
GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
2 Oct 2024   #295
you hate Ukrainians or 'banderists' as you call them

I do indeed hate banderists. No idea why you think I hate Ukrainians though.

you love Russia and Russian culture

Guilty as charged. Again, if this annoys you, call me a twat or something, but don't say that the sight of dead civilians delights me.
Novichok  4 | 7637
2 Oct 2024   #296
Because we are allied to you US morons,

You are not allied because we don't need you to stay safe. You need us.

If you don't, dissolve NATO just as the USSR dissolved the Warsaw Pact and tell the US to hit the road.

You can't have it both ways...

Oops...I forgot I am dealing the descendants of Machiavelli. "We don't need you, NATO is for your benefit, Americans, but please stay - or will call you isolationists".

and be grateful.

For what? Something from you, Euros?
GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
2 Oct 2024   #297
You need us.

No, we don't. I already told you: f*ck off. So, when are you packing?

For what?

For acting against our best interest and not allying ourselves to Russia and China. Instead we help you maintain your global hegemony and we get only insults and humiliation in return. F*ck that. It's time for alliance with China and Russia. Pack your things.
Novichok  4 | 7637
3 Oct 2024   #298
So, when are you packing?

When you, Euros, leave NATO and promise to never allow Americans die on your soil.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 912
3 Oct 2024   #299
I actually agree with you that Europe and Russia should work together. I dont see it happening though because Russia has the upper hand with natural resources. And Vlads leadership style does not lend itself to cooperation that could be considered "equal". As for the wall in the US, I live in Poland, and I wish the US would adopt Polands border policy and just shoot people. A few days of that and no wall needed. Bullets are cheaper than labor to build a wall. Ok leftists, have at that one. lol

As Russia captured Vuhledar and keeps moving forward, nearly every report says Ukraine is loosing ground on every front. Ukraine will be pushed out of Russia in pretty short order, and then what? Its getting colder, its raining, and there will be a little easing of fighting before the ground freezes. Unless Ukraine is bringing men back from abroad, its going to get a lot worse this winter.

And in case no one noticed, Iran is about to go to war with Israel, and they may be bringing a few other towel head countries with them. I wonder where the US support will go when a huge war in the middle east breaks out?
Vesko Vukovic  - | 117
3 Oct 2024   #300
I don't want nuclear war with Russia.

This is why I just love this quote from Putin regarding this subject. 😁

Home / News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 15
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