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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 14

Novichok  5 | 7704
1 day ago #721
Don`t be brave in the name of lives of others.

That's what these idiots are. Risking somebody else's life and writing poems about their bravery after they die is Polish tradition and a favorite hobby.

I wouldn't be surprised if the NKVD asked those Polish officers if they would consider joining the Red Army or at least become Soviet citizens.

My bet is that they were as stupid as the PF Moronian and said: No fvcking way, you stupid Nigerian pigs!!!

So they got executed...
Crow  154 | 9178
1 day ago #722
I blame papacy for everything.
GefreiterKania  28 | 1379
1 day ago #723
I blame papacy

I blame Svetovid.

Viking gods did well for their people - look at Iceland, Norway or Denmark. Germanic/Anglo-Saxon gods - well, their people rule the world. Chinese and Japanese gods - not bad. Even the Latin/Romance gods managed to guide France, Italy and Spain through the ages.

Now look at Slavic countries. Svetovid is a wimp.
Crow  154 | 9178
1 day ago #724

If we are frank, it would be dishonest from Russia to harm Poland, no matter all, and let Rome live. First nuke on Rome. As the warning to others. Most powerful Sarmat ICBM. Who gives a sh*t. They played with fire. Let them have it.

If come to nukes.

Because Rome is to be blamed for all this chaos in Europe.

That honesty I want to see. Threatening to Poland and not to Rome just isn`t right.

I blame Svetovid.

Well, what can you do. That is the level of your intellect. Rome broke the backbone of your ancestors.
GefreiterKania  28 | 1379
1 day ago #725
Rome broke the backbone of your ancestors.

And they put the bone in the anus of your ancestors.

Doesn't change the fact that Svetovid is a wimp. I hope he's ashamed of himself.
Crow  154 | 9178
1 day ago #726
You serve to those who killed and insulted your ancestors, while you also spit on their deity, on eternal Svetovid. What kind of creature you are... your own blood have to rebel against your own soul and vice versa, in a circle of madness.

Oh how I am grateful to Veliki Zupani Nemanjicki. They showed me the path. Christ is love and he love Svetovid, too. And Svetovid love him. Christ never negated my ancestors but love them. So, I love Christ. The focus of all love.

God thank you I am Serbian.
GefreiterKania  28 | 1379
1 day ago #727
he love Svetovid


All pagan gods are demons and Christ will kick their arses when He comes back. Fact.
Crow  154 | 9178
1 day ago #728
My Christ is God of love. He accept me as I am. So He love my ancestors, too.

Veliki Zupani Nemanjici spoke so. And I trust them. I trust my Tzars rather then foreign rulers.

I must. I am Serbian from Serbia. Last free Sarmatian land where Europe was born and Western world.
Ironside  50 | 12380
1 day ago #729
God thank you I am Serbian.

Svietovid worshiper with a bone in your anous, now we know why you always sound so anxious on this forum. :D
It Doesn't change the fact that Svetovid is a wimp.

Hmm.. there is something logical in what you say.
GefreiterKania  28 | 1379
1 day ago #730
My Christ is God of love.

But not for Vatican, Israel, NATO and Croats. :) Or does he love them too?

You, Orthodox schismatics, fall so easily into the trap of apokatastasis that it's not even funny. Christ is going to do some serious arse kicking when He comes back.
Crow  154 | 9178
1 day ago #731
No. Pearls are not for the pigs. But there are humans... to humans I sent a message.
GefreiterKania  28 | 1379
1 day ago #732
there is something logical in what you say.

Crow  154 | 9178
1 day ago #733
But not for Vatican, Israel, NATO and Croats. :) Or does he love them too?

I am not God. Christ is. He can love them and forgive. I won`t. I can`t. I have no power to escape pain of my ancestors and our lost children. Only God have that strength.

when He comes back.

I hope Putin read this how you speak. This deviation comes from Rome. This daring to use His name in so dirty way.

See, brate Putine. Rome. Rome is to be blamed. If come to judgement day, first Rome. Not child of Poland. Not anybody else. Wherever it fell, justice is that before that, it fell on Rome.

Let`s not BS. Let`s not blame Poland or anybody else. We know that all roads lead to Rome. Bloody roads. It is Rome that sent its deluded agents to kill in the name of Christ. Rome insulted Christ Himself. Awashed Christ in the blood of innocent.

Innocent demand justice!
GefreiterKania  28 | 1379
1 day ago #734
brate Putine


For this cute panslavic language that you invented, I will let you off the hook this time, plemeniti brate.
Crow  154 | 9178
1 day ago #735
I hope Putin read this. Time is for justice.
Miloslaw  21 | 4880
23 hrs ago #736
I hope Putin read this

No, Putin needs to watch this instead.

It's time for Russians to be brave again and create a new Russian Revolution.....

Crow  154 | 9178
22 hrs ago #737
Milo, you know, your idiotic behavior would only anger Russians more and only more shi* would fall on Rome. Because, Russians started focusing attention on that Sodoma. Not that Rome didn`t deserve. I just say.

It's time for Russians to be brave again and create a new Russian Revolution.....

They are not that stupid.
Miloslaw  21 | 4880
21 hrs ago #738
Milo, you know, your idiotic behavior would only anger Russians more

I hope it does, because the stupid ba$tards would just £uck things up even more...... Russians are useless..... shame on Serbs for supporting these idiots, but maybe Serbs are just as stupid as Russians.

They are not that stupid.

But are they brave enough?Russians did it before and they can do it again..... but Russians are like Serbs.....cowards.....
Novichok  5 | 7704
21 hrs ago #739
shame on Serbs for supporting these idiots, but maybe Serbs are just as stupid as Russians.

Milo, are you trying to outdo Kamala? This is just a word salad. With hate as the dressing, it combines into incomprehensible crap.

On the plus side, it's so without meaning that it's impossible to argue back.

Next time put some meat on that bone so I can pick on.
Miloslaw  21 | 4880
21 hrs ago #740

Your post was meaningless drivel, which is what I would expect from someone who admits to being a Nazi.

Nazi means National Socialist..... I never saw you as a Socialist Rich...... but hey, maybe you hate Jews too.....
johnny reb  46 | 7390
21 hrs ago #741
which is what I would expect

I really don't think Novi gives a tin horn toot to what you expect.
Novichok  5 | 7704
20 hrs ago #742
I really don't think Novi gives a tin horn toot to what you expect.

I don't but I would appreciate something I can argue with. How do I argue with:

Russians are useless

...for example?

For one, we love Russians as the reason to spend trillions on things that go kaboom. Imagine the unemployment among the CIA spies - sorry, I meant analysts - without Russia.

So, Milo, throw some stuff that is a challenge into your hateful posts. I already know you hate Russia and why.

The question is how to co-exist since Russia is here stay, no matter you feel about it.

I am pissed off because this war takes way too long and I am not getting any younger. I still want to go to Moscow and St. Petersburg and have lunch with Velund.
Velund  1 | 532
16 hrs ago #743
your idiotic behavior would only anger Russians more

Believe me, anger is already gone. When too much straws is thrown to a flame of anger, it finally quickly burn evrything and converts to a something cold, but deadly for those who caused so many death of innocent people. This slur is not more regarded as humans, and, for examle, how many of that crap was around buckingham crater or washington glasslands is not important.

Just like Lebanese without hands and eyes after yesterday's terror attack of Mossad will do in a future. Just like people from Donetsk that every day for years heard explosions in residental blocks and seen coffins and added names of killed childrens on "Alley of Angels".

As Medvedev said, it is not so important when revenge finally come. Inevitability is the service we can and will provide.
cms neuf  1 | 1761
15 hrs ago #744
Ah....back to the nukes again. The ones that will be fired at London and Washington ? Right
PolAmKrakow  2 | 911
13 hrs ago #745
Z to meet with Trump next week. That should prove to be interesting. Would love to know what they actually say to each other. Meanwhile ISW continues to report Russian advances along the eastern front and reclaimed territory in the Kursk area. This is a neutral reporting agency, so I take their descriptions of whats actually being observed on the ground as being a lot more accurate than most other sources.
jon357  73 | 22623
11 hrs ago #746
.back to the nukes again.

A sure sign they're floundering. Especially as yesterday's news from the front shows how badly r*SSia are doing.
cms neuf  1 | 1761
11 hrs ago #747
That ISW site doesn't mention any North Nigerian advances yesterday.

It does talk about the ammo dump being blown up by Ukrainian drones and also about some gang warfare in Moscow over who owns some crappy chain of shops
Ironside  50 | 12380
10 hrs ago #748
[quote=Velund]Just like[/q
that old - восемь лет Донбасс бомбили?
How about - Зачем вы свою морду там засунули?
Spewing some nonsense as if you have the right to be angry at anyone.
cms neuf  1 | 1761
10 hrs ago #749

Still 8km from Pokrovsk

A great article here about the brave men defending it from the North Nigerians drunk advance (which is based on the same tactics and equipment that they used at the Battle of Tannenburg in 1914)
mafketis  38 | 10859
8 hrs ago #750
as if you have the right to be angry at anyone.

Loyalist russians tend to be boiling cauldrons of rage but to prevent themselves from realizing they are the cause of their misery they re-direct their bile elsewhere.

They hate themselves more than anyone else but can't allow themselves to realize that.

Home / News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 14
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