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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 14

gumishu  15 | 6161
7 Sep 2024 #361
you have sources for that?
Ironside  50 | 12380
7 Sep 2024 #362
I guess if this were true the EU wouldn't be hindered by all these problems as she actually is....

If they had a sound economy and competent elite they wouldn't. However adding to the mix you have a delusional, arrogant liberal elite that can't do anything right but that grasp at some ideological BS as a guarantee of their uninterrupted rule.
In short, the fact that are arrogant idiots and economic retards prevents them from achieving their goals fully.
You are wong thinking that absolutism is a solution to the problem. It is downfall.
jon357  73 | 22626
7 Sep 2024 #363
If they had a sound economy and competent elite

So few countries do.
Novichok  5 | 7716
7 Sep 2024 #364
Why would they, they are not the dog in the fight.

Yes, they are. They threw at Russians and Putin every insult and a kitchen sink. Including how he is a war criminal by taking kids out of harm's way to Russia where they would be safe.

If they could show that Russia "invaded" Crimea and Donbass they would gladly do it. The problem these morons have are the referenda and no proof that they were invalid.

Even the US Governement is not claiming that Russia "occupies" Crimea and Donbass since it's impossible to invade and occupy yourself.

Any claim of invasion and occupation would make all past self-determination referenda invalid.

We must return to our world and put an end to the Ruskies. All it takes is a few good men.

Memo to Putin: Drop the first one on Warsaw. That's where the worst world-war-loving morons congragate.
pawian  219 | 24570
7 Sep 2024 #365
They threw at Russians and Putin every insult and a kitchen sink.

That sink which Russian barbarians stole in occupied part of Ukraine???
Novichok  5 | 7716
7 Sep 2024 #366
I am posting this video for two reasons:

1. I feel sorry for you, Russia-hating morons. Being a moron must be painful.
2. I don't want you, Russia-hating morons, waste time on discussing which weapons will help Ukraine win. There are no such weapons.

Miloslaw  21 | 4890
7 Sep 2024 #367
I feel sorry for you, Russia-hating morons

Don't feel sorry for us.You should feel sorry for you and Ukrainian hating morons! Why do you hate Ukrainians and love Russians?

I don't want you, Russia-hating morons, waste time on discussing which weapons will help Ukraine win. There are no such weapons

But there are and if this war goes on for much longer, the Ukrainians will get them.

Putin, the Russian moron, thought he could take Ukraine in 6 weeks....... 2 and a half years later Ukrainian troops are in Russia!
And Russians have made very little inroads into Ukraine, most of the land is still in Ukrainian hands.

As for the video you posted, just more blah, blah,blah and nonsense from a Russia loving Romanian.

Russia cannot and will not win this war, they haven't got enough motivation or resources to do so.

But Ukraine has both.
Novichok  5 | 7716
7 Sep 2024 #368
Why do you hate Ukrainians and love Russians?

Why do you hate your wife and love the woman next door?
PolAmKrakow  2 | 911
8 Sep 2024 #369

Echos of my sentiment on manpower for going on a year now.
Korvinus  2 | 550
8 Sep 2024 #370
help Ukraine win

If our goal is achieved and Ukraine finally frees itself from Russia's grasp, it has a chance to become a secure, prosperous, successful European country, just like Czech Republic and Poland before.

If your goal is achieved Ukraine will be devastated, corrupt shithole and a part of even larger corrupt shithole that is Russia.
Novichok  5 | 7716
8 Sep 2024 #371

A Patriot missile destroys an F-16. At least Patriot missiles work. That's the good news.
The bad news: The widow will sue the US for 100 billion bucks.
cms neuf  1 | 1761
8 Sep 2024 #372
NN troops are moving quickly, they are now no longer 8km from Pokrovsk, but er...12km and claiming to have captured Novohrodivka.

I thought they captured that two weeks ago LOL.

So as well as losing all the territory in Kursk they are now stalled again in Donbass with zero chance of success in the war. Time to stop prevaricating and ensure they have the weapons to send the drunk losers home.
Novichok  5 | 7716
8 Sep 2024 #373
with zero chance of success in the war.

You should offer your services to the US DoD and let them know how wrong they are.

They already know the outcome and it's not good for the Ukrainian army occupying Donbass.

Think this way: Can a country like Ukraine take Russian territory away from Russia?
cms neuf  1 | 1761
8 Sep 2024 #374
A country "like Ukraine"

You mean a civilized democracy?

Yes - they have just proved that.

North Nigerian citizens in those areas did nothing to protest about it either
Velund  1 | 534
8 Sep 2024 #375
You mean a civilized democracy?

Words "democracy" and "civilised" does not compatible with country that leave only one gov-controlled MSM outlet, that is translated on every channel, cancel elections and burn opposition alive (Odessa Trade Union House).
amiga500  5 | 1479
8 Sep 2024 #376
>>velund>> burn opposition alive (Odessa Trade Union House).

why bring up the past like that?.
did that pregnant woman really get strangled on an upper floor or was that a psyop?
civil war. the ukri nationalists won.
Ironside  50 | 12380
8 Sep 2024 #377
burn opposition alive

That is nothing new for Russia.
leave only one gov-controlled MSM outlet, that is translated on every channel, cancel elections

still, it is better than so-called Russkey Meer.
Novichok  5 | 7716
8 Sep 2024 #378
You mean a civilized democracy?

Yes, Polish moron...a civilized democracy that banned oppo parties, church, news outlets, and elections...That "democracy"?

Every time I hope to be wrong about Poles being fvcking idiots one of them posts shlt like this:

A country "like Ukraine"
You mean a civilized democracy?

...and proves me right again....I want to be wrong just once before I die...
Korvinus  2 | 550
8 Sep 2024 #379
Imagine that someone steals your cellphone and credit card and you block both. This is what Ukraine did to Crimea.
Korvinus  2 | 550
8 Sep 2024 #380
Man, just because of one man's ambition, so many people have to suffer. F*uck Putin.
Novichok  5 | 7716
8 Sep 2024 #381
that leave only one gov-controlled MSM outlet,

That makes them better than CNN and WaPo since they are forced to lie.
American swamp-adoring outlets do it voluntarily because they ara part of it. We call it "lapdogs" - American press is now a pack of lapdogs...
Miloslaw  21 | 4890
8 Sep 2024 #382
I want to be wrong just once before I die..

It's OK, you can die in peace as you have been wrong MANY times!! You Russian ar$e lickers will soon learn the truth.
Novichok  5 | 7716
8 Sep 2024 #383
you can die in peace as you have been wrong MANY times!!

Quote me. Just once...
Alien  22 | 5429
8 Sep 2024 #384
Think this way: Can a country like Ukraine take Russian territory away from Russia?

Yes, so you are wrong.
Miloslaw  21 | 4890
8 Sep 2024 #385
Yes, so you are wrong.

Rich, contrary to what his overly inflated ego thinks, is usually wrong about almost everything.
I do agree with him occasionally but never on the subjects of Poland,Ukraine or Russia.
Novichok  5 | 7716
8 Sep 2024 #386
is usually wrong about almost everything.

Name the last time I was wrong.
I want a quote, not you opinion or rendition.

Just for you, Milo...

Mass Desertion In Pokrovsk As The Front Crumbles

No, Russia will not lose this one.

Velund  1 | 534
9 Sep 2024 #387
did that pregnant woman really get strangled on an upper floor or was that a psyop?

I think more likely Katyn was german psyop. And later Gorbachev agreed to counterfeit all paperwork "to finally close the case" and taken all responsibility to USSR.

But, anyway, idea was not so poor. Demoronisation of small nations is difficult task, and some tools work much more effective.

civil war. the ukri nationalists won.

Strange. Civil war in Yugoslavia was named genocide and (de facto) NATO intervention follows, nobody cares. Genocide in ukraine also was ok, until Russia in 2022 said "enough" - and this caused west-wide butthurt and powerful rectal explosions, at same time.
cms neuf  1 | 1761
9 Sep 2024 #388
Mass murder justified and denied in the same sentance.

The North Nigerian way.
GefreiterKania  28 | 1379
9 Sep 2024 #389
idea was not so poor. Demoronisation of small nations is difficult task

Russians are a small nation, Veli. More people live on Java island or in Bangladesh than in the entire Russia, and with the current birthrates it will only get worse. So maybe (just maybe) you should be careful with such "demoronisation" ideas in case someone in the future considers you a small nation to be "demoronised". ;)
mafketis  38 | 10861
9 Sep 2024 #390
Mass murder justified and denied in the same sentance.

So many russians seem.... totally amoral.... not immoral (which implies consciousness of morality) but amoral... with very few exceptions the ideal russian is an adult infant who wants to be fed and taken care of and might get cranky but does as told to keep the meals coming.... a horrible way to live.

Home / News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 14

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