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Poland`s aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 10

mafketis 37 | 10,967
2 Apr 2024 #931
on other side of the pond

Give it up. I know russians are deeply, deeply, DEEPLE obsessed with America but we dont' return the favor. We'd rather forget you all existed at all... you're very boring and unpleasant to be around.
PolAmKrakow 2 | 1,014
2 Apr 2024 #932
@Bratwurst Boy
I would argue that the wars from Korea until 9/11 were absolutely not necessary. These wars were not to protect anything American accept the idea of democracy, and that idea has been twisted and distorted so much that American Democracy now is a shining beacon of flaming dog$hit. Russia is not a rival to the US, it is simply an old idea of the boogie man for those of us that grew up with the cold war.

Sorry, but Ukraine has asked for too much. Thats it. This is the last batch, and then Europe can fund the war on their own. IF Biden continues this, you are going to see riots in the US streets like never before, and I suspect January 6th will look like a 1970's free love meeting. Americans are ready to fight with each other in order to restore order and sanity, and I think Europe really under estimates the danger of that actually happening. This is a very serious matter to more than half the country, and not recognizing this is a big mistake.

Russian arms quantity is no match for US arms quality. We see that everywhere on the battle field. It takes one Abrahms shell to shoot completely through 2 Russian tanks. 26 billion out of the 60 will be for finance and humanitarian aid. Lets not give Europe all the credit here.

No one said that the US would ever fight in Ukraine, because it will never happen. Ukraine will not get in NATO, and frankly I think the EU is fvcking stupid to allow them in.
Novichok 4 | 8,266
2 Apr 2024 #933
I think we will be able to surprise some banderite sh*theads and their masters on other side of the pond by mid-summer.

Please do!

Try to kill foreign volunteers first. Don't take them as POWs. If you do, they will be back for interviews, books, and even movies. Just kill them.

I want to visit Russia but not while the US is perceived as Russia's worst enemy so please wrap this thing up. No negotiations!!! This ship has sailed in April 2022.

so much that American Democracy now is a shining beacon of flaming dog$hit.

I love your prose for more reasons than I can name here...

the boogie man for those of us that grew up with the cold war.

China got a break. It must be those plastic things in every Walmart.
Novichok 4 | 8,266
2 Apr 2024 #934
so much that American Democracy now is a shining beacon of flaming dog$hit.

I am still laughing. Totally brilliant...
OP Bratwurst Boy 12 | 11,904
2 Apr 2024 #935
Russia is not a rival to the US,

I might guess Putin sees is totally differently....or otherwise he wouldn't demand the NATO borders far away from "his" territory, buffer states between them.

NATO borders are the most visible boundaries of the West and its "shove" it's influence back would be a really great victory for him and his allies, visible for everybody and their grandmom....a win on the newly contested global map of power.

The US just can't afford to be "shoven back"...first in Europe, then surely elsewhere...the vultures are already waiting. Ukraine is only a big first test!
Bobko 25 | 2,165
2 Apr 2024 #936
I might guess Putin sees is totally differently

What do you think, personally?

Is Russia in any form comparable to the US?

How about, at least Germany?

What country is more powerful, in your opinion, Russia or Germany?

Who should Russia be compared to? Nigeria? Indonesia? Turkey?
mafketis 37 | 10,967
2 Apr 2024 #937
American Democracy now is a shining beacon of flaming dog$hit. Russia is not a rival to the US

You've de facto accepted the russian position that dictatorship is superior to democracy and a repressive government is necessary to keep society going...

You might not think that's what you've accepted but... you've accepted it.

Again what's going on in the US is part of a worldwide shift from the nation-state to borderless liquidity - if you want things to get better that's what you need to fight.
OP Bratwurst Boy 12 | 11,904
2 Apr 2024 #938
What do you think, personally?

I'm an ex-GDRian....I share with Putin probably more history than any other here on this board (outsides of real Germans and real Russians)!

He learned his secret service Job in Germany...he speaks german....Germany loved and trusted that man, even allowed him to speak in front of a full parliament in the Bundestag...and he answered this honor with holding his speech in german....

....and then something got totally wrong!

In my personal opinion he feels wronged, cheated, humiliated by the victorious West...a feeling many East-German also share, only without the millions support money pumped into Russia for rebuilding (as it was into the ex-GDR). I don't want to think what would had become of East Germany without all that hard money, but the many soft hurts came with it too, nobody likes to be the loser, the East Germans can maybe better relate to Russians than anybody else too. But that understanding about where Putin is coming from and why he still has so much support in the people doesn't help the fact that an invasion of a peaceful european neighbour and killing it's civilians is just a No Go!

Is Russia in any form comparable to the US?


What country is more powerful, in your opinion, Russia or Germany?


Who should Russia be compared to? Nigeria? Indonesia? Turkey?

Hmmm....I really tried but I can't find a true comparison....Russia is quite unique! :)
Novichok 4 | 8,266
2 Apr 2024 #939
.the vultures are already waiting.

BB, you can't compare the US and Russia. For one, Russia never went 10,000 miles out there to fight for "freedom and democracy" or some other lofty BS.

Russia fought for its very existence at least twice. The US never did once.

The US never was attacked the way Russia was.

25 million Soviets died in WW2 in the USSR. Excluding PH, no American died in WW2 in America.

Russia's tanks and artillery are defensive and were actually used to defend and liberate the USSR. The US tanks and artillery are aggressive. They were never used to defend the US and never will.

Russia has one aircraft carrier - old and useless. The US has 10 aircraft carriers. Why? Who is going to attack the US to make them useful?

I could go on and on...but I will stop here...
Bobko 25 | 2,165
2 Apr 2024 #940
nobody likes to be the loser, the beggar..

You understand Russia quite well.
Alien 21 | 5,151
2 Apr 2024 #941
comparison....Russia is unique!

No it is not, it is a 3rd world country ruled by a dictatorship. There are many comparable countries, e.g. India, Pakistan, Türkiye, North Korea, and others.
OP Bratwurst Boy 12 | 11,904
2 Apr 2024 #942
The US never was attacked the way Russia was.

More or less you can blame all your arguments on the Europeans! :)

We are so many people, countries...we have a history of rivalries and wars....because we share the same continent!

It's not fair to compare a nation which is more or less a continent on it's own without any enemies with Europe ffs....where every few metres the language and culture and loyalty changes!

Imagine the US states as real would by now surely show a militaristic history similiar to Europe!
Bobko 25 | 2,165
2 Apr 2024 #943
India, Pakistan, Türkiye, North Korea, and others.

India and Turkey are dictatorships?

What happened to "the largest democracy in the world"?

Erdogan just lost a bunch of local elections in Istanbul, Izmir, Antalya, and other places.
Novichok 4 | 8,266
2 Apr 2024 #944
In my personal opinion he feels wronged, cheated, and humiliated by the victorious West...

The USSR left GDR for NATO to stay where it was then. Check Box 1.

Russia asked if it could join NATO. They were told to get lost. Check Box 2.

NATO moved to Russia's front door. Check Box 3.

Russia was ready to sign a peace agreement. The US told them to GFY in 2022. Box 4 checked.

Russia reacts. Duh!

This, children, is why I like Russia and hate the West.
Bobko 25 | 2,165
2 Apr 2024 #945
Russia reacts. Duh!

They want us to roll over like the Europeans, and show our bellies.

America doesn't know how to deal with countries that are independent on equal terms.
Tacitus 2 | 1,408
2 Apr 2024 #946
1. The USSR left the GDR in return for money and humanitarian aid. There was an agreement that there would be no NATO bases in the GDR, which is the case until today. There were no further agreements on NATO.

2. Russia did at no point even remotely fullfill the criterias for joining NATO.

3. Russia signed off on any NATO enlargement and had more than once confirmed the right of any European country to join NATO.

4. Russia was ready to sign a peace agreement that would have made no difference to an Ukrainian capitulation. Even without Butcha and other atrocities, there was no way Ukraine could have accepted demands like the almost complete reduction of its' army.

This, children, is why I like Russia and hate the West.

You like Russia because you are a depraved person who does not care for facts or laws.
Novichok 4 | 8,266
2 Apr 2024 #947
They want us to roll over like the Europeans, and show our bellies.

That's why I admire Russia and feel nothing but contempt for the Euros.

As an example...I can't wrap my head around the stupidity of Sweden, for example. Why would a sane county start bringing Somalis and other garbage and continue this nonsense while their women are being raped by the scum...I will never understand this...I will understand Hitler before I understand this bullshit...

You like Russia because you are a depraved person

I like Russia because I hate Western Europeans and your surrender mentality. The only time you realize you have balls is when the US is taking the brunt.

Please die.
Alien 21 | 5,151
2 Apr 2024 #948
India and Turkey are dictatorships

russia is not officially dictatorship either. India has nuclear weapons, Türkiye is fighting its neighbors militarily.
OP Bratwurst Boy 12 | 11,904
2 Apr 2024 #949
That's why I admire Russia

....then why don't you show at least an inkling of that respect to the Ukrainians who so clearly are the underdog in this war and still haven't given up, don't plan to "show their belly"! You even give it to the Israelis (me too, for the same reasons), but not to the Ukrainians who have deserved lots of respect, IMHO!

I wondered about that for awhile now....
Bobko 25 | 2,165
2 Apr 2024 #950
underdog in this war and still haven't given up

If it was just them, they would have lost a long time ago.

Half their male population has fled.

The other half is hiding at home, afraid to go to the supermarket lest they be stopped by recruiters.
OP Bratwurst Boy 12 | 11,904
2 Apr 2024 #951
....and still fighting! No white flags

Come on, shows style to be able to respect even an enemy when he acts respect-worthy!
Alien 21 | 5,151
2 Apr 2024 #952
afraid to go to the supermarket lest they be stopped by recruiters.

Are you describing military conscription in russia?
Bobko 25 | 2,165
2 Apr 2024 #953
Come on, shows style to be able to respect even an enemy when he acts respect-worthy!

I show a lot of respect to Ukraine, more than 90% of Russian observers.

I did this for years, even before the invasion. I was watching closely what they were doing, and I knew it would be no picnic - because of their preparations.

People had an infinite belief in the strength of Russian arms after Syria. They thought, if we can do in 9 months in Syria, what America was not able to do in 10 years in Afghanistan and Iraq then we can steamroll Ukraine.

They ignored the fortifications, the arrival of Western ATGMs, the improvements in command and control, and so on, and so forth.

Ukraine has a powerful army, almost by any standard. Orders of magnitude more powerful than Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan...

But we Russians don't do something unless it is hard. Some people mistake this for laziness. If somebody tells us something is impossible, that's when we become truly interested.
mafketis 37 | 10,967
2 Apr 2024 #954
we Russians don't do something unless it

involves killing a lot of people, preferably civilians who want nothing to do with us.

There, I fixed it for you.
Velund 1 | 664
2 Apr 2024 #955
There, I fixed it for you.

Now prove it...
Novichok 4 | 8,266
2 Apr 2024 #956
You like Russia because you are a depraved person

I like Russia because I hate Western Europeans and your surrender mentality. The only time you realize you have balls is when the US is taking the brunt.

Please die.

Now prove it...

In a mental case, the noise in his brain is proof enough...

Their favorite method of debating: Throw a noodle and see if it sticks.

Hey, morons, you can nickel and dime your anti-Russia crap all you want. The fact is that NATO came to Russia. Russia didn't come to NATO. Now GFY...
mafketis 37 | 10,967
2 Apr 2024 #957
I like Russia because I hate Western Europeans and your surrender mentality

Yet you want Ukraine to surrender.....

old senile fools can't keep his rationalizations straight...

NATO is like a burglar alarm in your neighbor's house.... the only reason you don't want it is because you're a thief....
PolAmKrakow 2 | 1,014
2 Apr 2024 #958
@Bratwurst Boy
Therein lies the rub. NATO is not the US, NATO is Europe believing the US will alwasy come to the rescue, just like now with Ukraine. No one in the US sees Russia as a threat. The only threat is nuclear, and then we have MAD. So, no threat other than ideology, and the leftist fvcks in the US make that even less of a threat.

Respectfully, Russia is no where close to being a US equal. Regardless of how fvcked up the US is with mental disease, its still far better than Russia in every measurable way. And you are trhere because of it. I repsect your patriotism, but the comparisons are not even close.

I havent accepted dictatorship, but I do think that there needs to be stronger forms of governance. This far left bull$hit, open borders, and mental disease can be the cause of a complete collapse of the western world. The US and Europe are fvcked if they continue to believe the "melting pot" theory is good in practice when all evidence points to the contrary. It is our differences that do divide us, not unite us. Some things, and people were never meant to be united, and are not natural. You cant force a round peg into a square hole.
OP Bratwurst Boy 12 | 11,904
2 Apr 2024 #959
NATO is not the US,

You know why NATO was founded?

'Keep the Russians out, the Americans in, and the Germans down'

It was and still is a very USian thing! ;)

'night all

*takes helmet*
mafketis 37 | 10,967
2 Apr 2024 #960
This far left bull$hit,

Again, it's bi-partisan and not 'far left'.... both republicans and democrats are on board and differ only in the slogans they use....

Obama suppressed knowledge of Havana Syndrome and now Republicans have decided he was right.... (see J.D. Vance)

Home / News / Poland`s aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 10