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Poland has accepted over a million Ukrainian refugees. Why does the EU keep telling propaganda about Poland?

Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
15 Jul 2017   #91

No one should. That's why Islam is evil because seeks to implement and convert people by force, conquest, etc. You know the type of stuff Europeans did 500 years ago but have since become more tolerant. Not Muslims though.. You can't dispute this its written in the koran to spread Islam by force till everyone is chanting allah akbar
Lyzko  44 | 9730
15 Jul 2017   #92
I'll grant you that much! On the other hand, ISIS doesn't represent the whole of Islam any more than the mega militant Meier Kahane represented all Jews or even Israelis!
mafketis  38 | 11276
15 Jul 2017   #93
ISIS doesn't represent the whole of Islam

They represent a very literal version which almost no 'moderate' muslims know how to argue against because virtually all modern muslim theology is based on the doctrine of koranic literalism.

Christians and Jews have mostly abandoned literalism*, but muslims haven't and it's why the muslim world lags so badly socially, politically and intellectually.

You can actually plot the decline of Islamic achievement when the doctrine of literalism decisively won a theological struggle. they turned away from science and most have yet to find their way back.

*it's just small freaky subsets, none of which are really mainstream
Lyzko  44 | 9730
15 Jul 2017   #94
Statistically correct, Maf. And yet how in heaven's name do we separate the rotten apples from the rest of the bleedin' batch, would you tell me?
mafketis  38 | 11276
15 Jul 2017   #95
how in heaven's name do we separate the rotten apples from the rest of the bleedin' batch

the first step is to admit there's a problem and that sometimes diversity for its own sake is not an absolute good

as for detoxifying islamic theology - that's not a job that you or I can do anything about, only muslims can do that, and there are even some reasonable imams but they get harassed/threatened by the violent minority (that is de facto supported by the 'moderate' majority).

There's not a single European country that wants more muslim immigration, in Europe the first step is for governments to recognize and act on that (not by telling the majority that they're wrong). Stopping the inflow to a trickle of highly educated would be a start.
Lyzko  44 | 9730
15 Jul 2017   #96
Agree 100% with you there, Maf! Glad to see we still see eye to eye on some things:-)
mafketis  38 | 11276
15 Jul 2017   #97
Glad to see we still see eye to eye on some things:-)

except all the politicans in europe you support are grimly determined to keep bringing in large numbers of people with no hope of integrating (if they want to)

Interesting link:

reputable publication the author has worked with refugees for years and is horrified at what's happening in austra - the buried lede: the 'reputable' Afghans in Austria help and support the sex attackers....

Still glad about the austrian presidential elections?
Lyzko  44 | 9730
15 Jul 2017   #98
I always was divided about that. Sad it's come to this, tragic, really.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
26 Jul 2017   #99
Speaking of Austria:
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
26 Jul 2017   #100

Most moderate Muslims still support segregation of women and sharia tho.

Ill share a video as a source as soon as I have time to find it. Basically its an imam asking a rather large congregation of mostly young men and women questions like who is a muslim, who here considers themselves to be a moderate muslim and not fanatical, who here support segregation of men and women, who here supports sharia - amputation for theft etc

If we could've only had educated dare I say it even liberal Muslims in Europe we wouldn't be dealing with the rapes the explosions the attacks the no go special urban zones and migrants destroying trucks in Calais etc ... Shame that the British had to pay for a wall to be built on French soil
mafketis  38 | 11276
26 Jul 2017   #101
Ill share a video as a source as soon as I have time to find it.

I think I've seen it.

If we could've only had educated dare I say it even liberal Muslims in Europe we wouldn't be dealing with

The people behind bringing in lots of low education unassimilatable migrants think that everyone is a progressive liberal under the skin... The idea that not everyone shares their values just does. not. penetrate. their. brains.
Lyzko  44 | 9730
26 Jul 2017   #102
Austrians are merely looking out for their country's own interests, that's all! She's not a melting pot society like the US, even the UK to an extent, therefore is disturbed by the onslaught of non-German-speaking refugees in their midst, many of whom refuse or cannot assimilate.
mafketis  38 | 11276
26 Jul 2017   #103
Austrians are merely looking out for their country's own interests

Not very bloody well they're not.

She's not a melting pot society like the US

The Austro-Hungarian empire was multicultural when multicultural wasn't coooool

is disturbed by the onslaught of non-German-speaking refugees in their midst, many of whom refuse or cannot assimilate.

Blame it on Angela. She could have stopped it. She chose not to and lots of other people are paying the price.... terrible, terrible leader. It does Germany no credit that they can't field a more plausible Chancellor.
Lyzko  44 | 9730
26 Jul 2017   #104
Multi-cultural as the Austro-Hungarian was, you're also well aware, that mix didn't include the racial diversity of a true melting pot such as the US.

Jews rubbing shoulders with Huzulen, assorted Slavs, Germans, Poles, and Ruthenians is not equal to W.A.S.P. Americans being forced to interact with Hispanics, Blacks, Asians, and Native Americans, I don't care what anyone says:-)
mafketis  38 | 11276
26 Jul 2017   #105
that mix didn't include the racial diversity of a true melting pot such as the US.

Neither was the US when it was really a melting pot (a term that mostly applies to immigrants). Blacks and native americans had not immigrated (nor had most hispanics until the 1970s)

Humans are the way they are and there's essentially zero evidence that mixing racial and religious groups with no overriding set of uniting values can work.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
26 Jul 2017   #106

Oh I know. People are naive to think a totally foreign culture will automatically adopt their values and lifestyle. Even after decades here I still celebrate vigilia rather than the American Christmas eve
mafketis  38 | 11276
26 Jul 2017   #107
Even after decades here I still celebrate vigilia rather than the American Christmas eve

Where is here? How does one celebrate Christmas Eve in America? IME for most Americans it's not that big a deal (some catholics might have a lenten dinner and/or exchange gifts then).

What's less important than private holiday celebrations at home is ability to function in the public realm without making a fuss about everything.

Back on topic everyone please
Crow  155 | 9721
26 Jul 2017   #108
million? Even if Poland received two million Ukrainian refugees, EU would keep telling propaganda about Poland. Its not about Poland, how don`t you understand. Its about what EU want and rest is insignificant. If its up to EU, Poland can drop dead.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
26 Jul 2017   #109
American Christmas

American Christmas is one big hyper.commercilaised razzle-dazzle shopping binge that starts in OIctober when the first grinning Sandy Clutzes appear and Jingłle Bells, Frosty the SNowman and Chestnuts roasting in an open fire blare over shopping mall loudspeakers the length and breadth of the land. Some people actually put up Christmas trees in late November and chuck them out on 26 Devcember. Private homes get lit up like Coney Island, and then there's the mad dash to the "holiday tree" (that's in honour of the Big Mulatto fortunately no longer in office!) on Xmas morning to open presents and later it's that big Christmas turkey dinner which is really just a re-run of Thanksgiving. Next day it's business as usual. No St Stephen's or Boxing Day!

By contrast, there is nothing more beautful, solemn, inspiring and deeply symbolic than Polish Wigilia -- everything significant about Christmas takes place on that one single evening.Those are the most imporant several hours of the year. Yes, tacky Western-style commercialism has also been seeping into Poland, but so far at least the Wigilia tradition has held its ground.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
27 Jul 2017   #110

We already know that EU doesn't care about the millions of Ukranians as well as the several thousand Chechens and Georgians Poland took in... When the EU says 'Poland must take in migrants! Poland must abide by the migrant quotas!' they really mean 'Muslim and African migrants who have their hands open all the time but offer nothing themselves.

Personally, if I were the leader of a country I wouldn't mind letting in migrants from all over the world as long as they can demonstrate that they will be a net benefit to the society and adapt to our laws and our customs. The hundreds of thousands of migrants, mainly young men, do not seem to fit into this category. Of course not all are not terrorists, but the mass groping/sexual assaults, the huge number of participants in riots esp in France where entire neighborhoods go ablaze, and similar actions make one wonder why are more of these types of people being allowed in?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
31 Jul 2017   #111
So a 16 year old German girl was captured in Mosul hiding in Isis territory. Finally the Iraqi army grew their balls back and lo and behold they find this teenage snow bunny.

The debate is now should germany take her should she go to prison be hanged?

I say give her a shot of sodium pentathol and interrogate her to find out if she killed ppl. If yes life in prison. She was an impressionable teen and got there at age 14 so perhaps her being raped by a buncha random bearded dudes while she was there and a few years in prison is enough.. IF she in fact was used as a 'wife' and didn't see the front lines.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
31 Jul 2017   #112
got there at age 14 so perhaps her being raped by a buncha random bearded dudes while she was there and a few years in prison is enough..

you are talking about an abused child then, ffs, dont be a sicko
jon357  72 | 23663
31 Jul 2017   #113
I say give her a shot of sodium pentathol and interrogate her to find out if she killed ppl.

Sodium pentathol is more useful for implanting false 'memories' than extracting hard facts about someone's experiences.

age 14 so perhaps her being raped by a buncha random bearded dudes while she was there and a few years in prison is enough

She is a child, almost certainly abused emotionally and sexually. Years of therapy are more appropriate than punishment.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
31 Jul 2017   #114

Well we shall see what the governments do. Either way they need to get to the bottom of it. I doubt she was raped though at least as a young child. By Isis? Definetely... I think she was probably just some loner who got radicalized online and persuaded to go as several western teen girls have the difference is they have up surrendered and are currently in jail or awaiting whatever punishment society and a judgel in the West saw fit for them to atone. Nonetheless it was still her decision to go plus the fact that she was there till the last pockets raises all sorts of questions. For example if thousands of yazidi and other women managed to break free why not here when Isis was crumbling? Also, if she killed people w Isis that means she is surely crazy and ought to be at least put in an insane asylum.
jon357  72 | 23663
31 Jul 2017   #115
She's certainly a kid, and the normal therapy given (where possible) to child soldiers etc, will be the appropriate way forward.

We'll also find some very traumatised kids coming from Donetsk and Luhansk over the next few years.
Ironside  51 | 13109
1 Aug 2017   #116
She's certainly a kid

If she is a traitor to her country she should be hanged. If not, let her pathetic parents (probably only mum) deal with her.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
1 Aug 2017   #117
child abusing scum..

and you lot as well
spiritus  69 | 643
1 Aug 2017   #118
When the EU says 'Poland must take in migrants!

It could be argued that Poland has a duty to take in some refugees but she has no legal obligation to take in migrants. Let's get the terminology right first before we start having a debate :)
mafketis  38 | 11276
1 Aug 2017   #119
Poland has a duty to take in some refugees

Seems pretty harsh on the refugees, real refugees have suffered trauma and just plumping them down in a culturally alien environment isn't necessarily helpful. Knowing that they're not wanted won't help and Poland doesn't have the resources to deal with helping them process and get past trauma...

People that are insistent that Poland must accept middl eastern refugees are morally posturing and do not have those refugees' best interests at heart.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
1 Aug 2017   #120

Poland already has taken in her fair share of people who are actually fleeing war and poverty from the Ukraine Georgia Chechnya etc. We've also taken in Iraqi Christians who have it worse than anyone in Iraq.

Were tapped out. Tell other countries to take in a mix of 2 million foreign migrants and refugees in a 2 3 year period. Poland has every right to pursue things that are in line with out own self interests. We won't be bullied though and told what to do by a foreign power. We already had a taste of that one too many times and won't let it happen again.

If it were up to me I'd welcome hordes of the most educated technical people from all over the world. But when countries tell you who to take in and how many it degrades human to cattle. A country and its citizens have a say in what happens within their boundaries. That is why we have the un to discuss such issues but also for countries at large to respect each others sovereignty.

Home / News / Poland has accepted over a million Ukrainian refugees. Why does the EU keep telling propaganda about Poland?

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