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Abortion still under control in Poland - part 2

Lenka  5 | 3535
22 Jun 2024 #61
then why should he have to support something that is not his body?

Woman has to as well.
But don't compare paying child support to being pregnant and giving birth!
But let's make it more equal and let as many abortions are there are dads not paying child support, deal?
pawian  220 | 24841
22 Jun 2024 #62
child support is what I'm talking about

of course you are wrong, we are talking about child maintanance. Ha!!!

The only thing you happily debate is me.

hahaha You definitely think too highly of yourself now. Watch out coz your head will grow too big to wear a hat. It was you who addressed me first in this thread. Look above, I was talking to johhny and Novi and you cut in senselessly.

The same happens in other threads. I talk to sb else and you meddle in.
gumishu  14 | 6234
22 Jun 2024 #63
it would be interesting to see abortion on father's demand - I wonder how many women would be outraged
Lenka  5 | 3535
22 Jun 2024 #64
I wonder how many women would be outraged

True, however I would say 98% of cases when women considers abortion the man either is not in the picture, is completely pro or indifferent. And considering the rate of man sticking around when a child is disabled I don't see how they should be taken into consideration
Poloniusz  4 | 852
22 Jun 2024 #65
But don't compare paying child support to being pregnant and giving birth!

Indeed, 40 weeks of a full-term pregnancy and 12 to 24 hours of labor is a vacation when compared to the actual burden of child support lasting years and even into decades.

Don't compare maternity with paternity either. After all, maternity is a matter of fact whereas paternity is a matter of opinion!

But let's make it more equal and let as many abortions are there are dads not paying child support, deal?

Let's sweeten the deal and require a paternity test before any man is ordered to pay child support.

I would say 98% of cases when women considers abortion the man either is not in the picture, is completely pro or indifferent.

What are the chances that your dad isn't your father?

"Interweaving strands of evolutionary research suggests that paternity confidence forms part of the glue bonding men to their children and to the women who bore them. Undermine that confidence and men invest less readily in the subsistence and safety of their families, and become more likely to abscond."
Lenka  5 | 3535
22 Jun 2024 #66
when compared to the actual burden of child support lasting years and even into decades.

That can be stopped by giving the child up for adoption ( or simply f.. off as so many fathers do), pregnancy and birth can't. Plus a mother has all that on top of pregnancy and birth and the stigma of leaving her kids if she gives them up ( that somehow almost never seem to be the case with man)

Let's sweeten the deal and require a paternity test before any man is ordered to pay child support.

Great. Works for me. After all it's not St Mary's case and someone is the father. I have nothing against finding the actual bum.
Poloniusz  4 | 852
22 Jun 2024 #67
That can be stopped by giving the child up for adoption

Yes, that's definitely an option for women. Has been for centuries.

or simply f.. off

Many women already do that too and have done so since the dawn of humanity.

the stigma of leaving her kids if she gives them up

There is no stigma for women in giving up their children. Only regret that they gave up a future meal ticket once the father/husband dies or is no longer legally required to provide financial support.

I have nothing against finding the actual bum.

Great and the responsibility will be for the woman to identify him because women always know who the actual father is.
AntV  5 | 791
22 Jun 2024 #68
we are talking about child maintanance.

That's what I said. Child support is different than spousal support, aka alimony.


Again, why should a man have to pay his share for something that's not his body, yet he doesn't have an equal say in the fate of that which isn't his body?
Lenka  5 | 3535
22 Jun 2024 #69
man have to pay his share for something that's not his body

BOTH parents have to pay their share.

yet he doesn't have an equal say in the fate of that which isn't his body?

Because it's not him who is affected by the pregnancy and birth.

So the women has certain say in the beginning of pregnancy (as the pregnancy is affecting her body and her life) until she looses her say as well.
AntV  5 | 791
22 Jun 2024 #70
it's not him who is affected by the pregnancy and birth.

I'm sure his bank account would beg to disagree.
johnny reb  46 | 7426
22 Jun 2024 #71
Its the womans body so why are these women not more responsible and accountable for it ?
They have options of staying celibate, taking the birth control pill, not getting drunk when horny, getting an I.U.D., become a lesbo to satisfy their sexual urges, pre spermicidal creams. rhythm methos, and many other options to avoid getting knocked up.

Women need to start taking responsibility for their bodies and quit trying to blame everyone else besides themselves.
Ironside  50 | 12415
22 Jun 2024 #72
I talk to SB else and you meddle in.

You can't help it, can you? Showing for all to see how dumb you are.
PF and fora like PF are for all posters to debate and talk to each other on any number of issues, That is what I; 'm doing, if you don't want to talk to me just don't respond. Meddle? I type a post you can read or not forget about it or respond to it that is your choice, you idiot.

I wonder why are you so twisted to try to make it my fault? you are not on my level and you don't know how to debate properly, you are not intelligent enough to turn the tables in your favor? I told you at the start to give up that such ambition of yours that tells you are a big player on PF, that is going to be the end of you. In simple terms, you are F with the wrong person. Why would you do it to yourself again and again and again you never learn. Sad.


I don't see how they should be taken into consideration

Because otherwise, it is a sexist and selfish approach. why would men allow women to do it? That is a proper question. Also, all those women chose who they slept with, it wasn't some kind of lottery. So, not only women are sexist, irresponsible, and reckless but also they are very bad judges of characters and don't know a thing about men.

pawian  220 | 24841
22 Jun 2024 #73
can you?

Can you write shorter posts coz I don`t have time to read all your bs. I mean I have a lot of time coz it is holiday but for funnier things than you.


RelaXXX! It is sumer holidays!!!

Home / News / Abortion still under control in Poland - part 2

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