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Poland's aid to Serbia if Vatican invades - part 2

Crow  154 | 9525
3 Jun 2024   #1
I contemplated and concluded that we have necessity of this topic here.

So, before we continue, to in advance answer to those who always tend to cut discussion before it even started, and now may question logic of the thread or the title. Yes, thread is logical because Vatican can invade countries no matter that officially has only Swiss Guard, that I know of. For invasion Vatican uses its enormous financial and material resources. Its influence. Vatican done it already in history through crusades, via governments, countries, secret services and via its missionary work, via network of Catholic Church, all in service of expansion of its power and control. Regarding particularly Serbia, yes, Vatican already invaded us. One can easily google on this. One may even ask did that invasion ever ended and where is border between past invasion and the new one.

Plus, thread is logical also from the angle of Polish love to Serbians with whom are Poles kin and historically related. In itself, thread would tackle interesting dilemmas and may help to Poles to face certain questions and seek the answer to them in themselves, no matter they take part in discussion here or not. To non Poles, thread may be interesting for better understanding of the Poles.

So, let it me ask the question which answer may even decide fate of Serbia and Serbians. Would Poles come in our aid, as they did during Turkish Ottoman invasion? I want to know, in situation of maybe imminent WW3, what would Catholic Poles do if they have to chose, would they support Vatican`s invasion on Serbia (no matter for of invasion) or they would opt to side with Serbians and send help to us.
Torq  8 | 989
3 Jun 2024   #2
If Vatican ever (God forbid! *crosses himself*) invades Serbia, Poland will go Philip IV on the Pope, Avignon-style. We will send GROM to capture the Pope and force him to move his seat to Poland and support all things Slavia. His first encyclical in captivity, Slavorum Magnificum, will outline the theological basis for future Slavic world domination. We will keep him in Poland for about a century at least before we let him return to Rome. The history shall know this period as "Varsovian captivity of the Papacy".

How history likes to repeat itself!
jon357  72 | 23482
3 Jun 2024   #3
We will send GROM to capture the Pope

What if he has a spaceship.

If Vatican ever (God forbid! *crosses himself*) invades

He's Argentinian. They like invading things.
Torq  8 | 989
3 Jun 2024   #4
They like invading things.

... and scoring goals with their hands. Yes, I know that history between Argentina and England is difficult. Very well, in the second encyclical that the Pope will write in captivity, Maradonum Goalum Illegalum, it will be admitted once and for all that it was Maradona's hand and not God's. :)
jon357  72 | 23482
3 Jun 2024   #5
history between Argentina and England is difficult

Argentina and Britain. Simple really, they want something that isn't theirs and invaded despite the people there rather disliking that. They got their arses kicked.

was Maradona's hand

At least they haven't pickled it and put it on display like Eva Peron.

Mind you, I read that Eva Peron's embalmer fell in love with the corpse and got romantic with it. I suppose you could use a disembodied hand for that too.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
3 Jun 2024   #6
If Vatican ever (God forbid! *crosses himself*) invades Serbia,

I like to think about it as too abstract, fantasy and ridiculous. BUT, considering what kind of pope it is in Rome now and history of Teutonic order and invasion of Byzantium by Catholic forces while severely threatened by Muslim invaders.

It is not something that can be written of as impossible due to history.

GROM would most likely have to be used indeed to straighten him out if such a mad decision would been made
OP Crow  154 | 9525
3 Jun 2024   #7
Good to know that somebody of Polish ethnicity giving serious thought to the idea. This makes me happy and feel safer. And I can imagine Grom easily deal with Swiss guard, yes.

But how could Maradona's hand help Serbia?
OP Crow  154 | 9525
28 Jun 2024   #8
Wait. What? Did Vatican chopped hand of Maradona and now waving with it around? Tell me its not the case

Home / Off-Topic / Poland's aid to Serbia if Vatican invades - part 2

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