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Abortion still under control in Poland

2 Jun 2022   #2491
@jon357 Maybe once antibiotic resistance hits home we'll return to that method...
The development of modern healthcare is not completely separate from Christianity and so I don't think you can separate it now.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
2 Jun 2022   #2492
An embryo, for the BAZILLIONTH time, friends, is indeed a living, yet not (yet) a conscious, being! Satisfied?

Except to the boneheaded Fundamentalists of whatever religious stripe, the exact moment when life begins is to be sure one of the oldest questions extant, and is likely to be for as long as the human race exists.

As my college philosophy prof (a former broker, incidentallyLOL) once put it, "Always seek the company of those who seek the truth; run from those who've found it!"

Furthermore, interesting that the US punishes just reg'lar folks for every infraction under the sun, from parking violations to non-payment of rent, yet almost never for those inhuman violations which also occur every day, such as taking away a woman's right over her own body, the patient's basic right to be treated both courteously as well as honestly by her primary care physician, and a the day-to-day incivilities or indignities to which many of us are subjected on a normal basis.

The latter go unpunished since nearly everyone can be paid off these days somehow.
In former times, such was not so rampantly the case.
2 Jun 2022   #2493
@Lyzko, Unfortunately not, until you provide the moment when it is no longer considered to be an embryo, which of course is impossible, we can only operate on the assumption that it is a human being from conception, anything else is a crime against logic which is ironic given that it is the rational, enlightened people pushing these mental gymnastics. Agree to disagree and move on?
jon357  72 | 23361
2 Jun 2022   #2494
Maybe once antibiotic resistance hits home we'll return to that method...

Or maybe we'll look at bacteriophages. Research is quite advanced and they are in use now.


Or any other reliving or belief system. Why not Thelma, Islam, Buddhism, Humanism, Animism or Dianetics?

In Christianity, if Jehovah can create a universe, can He not deal with the soul (if there is one) of a miscarried or terminated embryo?
2 Jun 2022   #2495
I'm glad there is some kind of plan in place with regards to the antibiotic resistance!

I consider Catholicism to be unique but I'm obviously a bit biased, I don't think modern medicine could have arisen from anything other than Christian societies but again heavy bias probably playing a part there!

I try not to delve too deeply into such things! way above my station.
jon357  72 | 23361
2 Jun 2022   #2496
try not to delve too deeply into such things

The same.

At risk of pouring oil on water, I'd suggest that modern medicine and science would never have been possible without the Reformation, however certainly Europe has done something right over the centuries.

About abortion, I'd not say i like the concept however if God exists, he can deal with it. I suspect He would consider human suffering a greater problem.
Novichok  4 | 8748
2 Jun 2022   #2497
the exact moment when life begins is to be sure one of the oldest questions

...and the dumbest because of its deliberate simplicity to make it easier to create a catchy one-liner, easy-to-remember slogan.
A more exact question would require a definition of what life is. Is an ameba a living organism? If so, so is an embryo. It sure couldn't pass a bar exam but that does not make it dead.

Bottom line: the opposite of life is death, not brilliance.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
2 Jun 2022   #2498
Social enforcement mechanisms offer a more effective alternative to legal ones, which includes stigmatizing abortion culture for what it is: a death cult.
Novichok  4 | 8748
2 Jun 2022   #2499
for what it is: a death cult.

One day, we will find a link between abortions and school massacres.
350,000 aborted vs 100 shot. Not even close.
2 Jun 2022   #2500
Yeah I agree the reformation was key.

@johnny reb,
Those articles are bad for your health! There's a grain of truth but a shovel load of bullshit aswell (at least I hope that is the case!).
johnny reb  49 | 7974
2 Jun 2022   #2501
Now if we could only have them to stop abortions.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
4 Jun 2022   #2502
.....and the opposite of brilliance is stupidity, RIch ol' boy LOL
pawian  224 | 27236
10 Dec 2022   #2503
PO under Tusk is planning to abolish the right wing decree banning abortion in Poland.

Yes, I know, abortion is bad, however women need to gain their rights back. There can`t be compromises about it.

I am going to vote for pro choice movements and parties. Let everybody decide for themselves. Down with the conservative control of the society.

PS. One of the conservative posters here claimed that alimony from irresponsible fathers is one of the reasons why women mustn`t have abortions. So, let me tell you, the latest statistics show that unpaid alimony has reached its record levels in Poland - 13 billion PLN - nearly 3 billion $. Nice.

he latest statistics show that unpaid alimony has reached its record levels in Poland - 13 billion PLN - nearly 3 billion $. Nice.

Fathers account for 94 % of all debtors. There are over 262,000 of them in the register, compared to 16 thousand women.

Is it a surprise why some women feel they need to have their rights about abortion brought back???
15 Dec 2022   #2504
Interesting priorities given the challenges that Poland and the EU is currently facing? Is PO now effectively just the political arm of Strajk Kobiet?

Are going to be seeing Traz and Tusk defecating in churches on the campaign trail?
jon357  72 | 23361
15 Dec 2022   #2505
defecating in churches

Don't be silly.

They will certainly win though; people much prefer them to the shower of reactionary and theocratic loons who are currently finishing their time in office.
amiga500  5 | 1505
15 Dec 2022   #2506
They will certainly win though

Didn't you say that the last election?
jon357  72 | 23361
15 Dec 2022   #2507
Yes, and the presidential election was as close as a hair's breadth; one reason why they were so anxious to have it quickly during the pandemic since the support they'd had was haemorrhaging by the day.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
15 Dec 2022   #2508
In some respects, the US has started to resemble Poland. You folks still control abortion and our Supreme Court merrily voted down Roe v. Wade!

Rightist fundamentalist ignoramuses in states such as Georgia, Alabama, and Montana want to monitor 24/7 what our kids watch, read or listen to on social media.

The difference is merely Poland's nearly hundred percent Catholic majority as opposed to America's ever waning (if forever battling) vocal Protestant Fundamentalists.
Novichok  4 | 8748
15 Dec 2022   #2509
You folks still control abortion and our Supreme Court merrily voted down Roe v. Wade!

Because Roe had no basis in the US Constitution and the so-called "right to choose" was just a bs line, not a constitutional right.

If you can find it in the US Constitution, please let the US Supreme Court know where to look.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
15 Dec 2022   #2510
Oh, I see. And I suppose the New Deal has "no basis in the Constitution" either, is that it?!

Ahemm, man hadn't harnessed electricity, nor found a cure for the common cold during the days in which the Bible was written, but does that make former somehow "Devil's work" or 'ungodly"??

Turn on your brain.....and keep it plugged in LOL
Novichok  4 | 8748
15 Dec 2022   #2511
Oh, I see. And I suppose the New Deal has "no basis in the Constitution" either, is that it?!

No, Mr. Deflector. We are discussing Roe, not the New Deal. You are free to start a new thread on that subject.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
15 Dec 2022   #2512
Yes, Mr. Evasion. The two are analogous, as both have been attacked for decades by types much as yourself!

Guess anything which actually HELPS American citizens must be either illegal, unconstitutional, wrong or just plain bad, eh?
Novichok  4 | 8748
15 Dec 2022   #2513
The two are analogous, as both have been attacked for decades by types much as yourself!

Therefore what? Roe is constitutional?
Lyzko  44 | 9745
15 Dec 2022   #2514
It was voted on by the S.C. in '73!
So all the Justices were on drugs, Rich??!
Quit projecting, man.
Novichok  4 | 8748
15 Dec 2022   #2515
So all the Justices were on drugs, Rich??!

No, they were wrong because they were under pressure from the leftists like you who realized they couldn't get their abortion "rights" the democratic way - via Congress and state legislatures.

Beyond this point, I will charge you a fee for the knowledge you lack. Now you can debate your favorite analogies with somebody else.

Roe is dead.

such as taking away a woman's right over her own body,

A woman can do to her body or with her body whatever she wants. If she is insane, we will lock her up.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
16 Dec 2022   #2516
Well then, Richie ol' man, by your logic, abortion is her right to do with her body as she darn pleases!
pawian  224 | 27236
16 Dec 2022   #2517
Roe is dead.

Women have to get their rights back. If they don`t, ritards can kiss goodbye to power. Both in the US and Poland. Simple.
Novichok  4 | 8748
16 Dec 2022   #2518
abortion is her right to do with her body as she darn pleases!

Yes, she has a right to do whatever she wants to her body.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
17 Dec 2022   #2519
So then we agree on at least something Rich. But why all the fuss 'n feathers up to this point?

@Amen, pawian! Their rights AND their bodies:-)
pawian  224 | 27236
17 Dec 2022   #2520
One day, we will find a link between abortions and school massacres.

Read about the influence that Roe has had on the occurence on serial killers in the USA.

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