What more Down syndrome can be recognized rather late during pregnancy, in sixth or seventh month
Not any more, at least not in the UK. Pregnant mothers are offered screening at 10 - 14 weeks. This involves a blood test and a scan. Further tests are done if the results show a high risk of a Down's syndrome baby.
I agree that Down's syndrome babies should not be categorized as severely disabled , but I still feel that the parents should make the decision as to whether to go ahead with the pregnancy. As I mentioned before, my step-daughter has Downs and she is a well loved adult now, but her mother has said that had she been given the choice, she would not have chosen to have a baby with this condition.
I find what KaczyĆski said to be quite chilling:
"Nowadays there are around 1.000 legal abortions in Poland: most of them are for reason of Down syndrome. We hope it won't be the case anymore. This is our aim. But we should prepare it. We need to convince the society and particularly women, and we are going to do it." said Mr Kaczynski.''
I'm repeating it time and time again and you seems to ignore it - won't be forced to rise such a child
You seem to be ignoring what I am saying. If this law is passed to all intents and purposes you may as well put a gun to their heads. The government will succeed only in forcing mothers into more underground illegal abortions. Or putting women through the trauma of a full term pregnancy to give the child up. No woman should have to go through that. I seriously wonder how these politicians would feel if they had to bring up and look after a disabled child, but let's face it, should their wives find themselves in that position, unlike the average Polish woman, they can afford to whisk themselves off to Germany or Czech for a little 'holiday'.
you could elaborate on the 'why' you disagree with me.
Because you are not taking account of the suffering that will ensue both for the child and the family.
But hej! We were born to disagree with each other ;) Nice to debate with you too Iron :)