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PiS and Russian political/economic interests

pawian  224 | 27236
13 Aug 2019   #61
Funny that an expat likes him constantly advocates Poland to leave the EU.

It reminds me of a joke which was popular during the first PiS` rule: what is the most blatant impudence ever? Vote for PiS and leave the country. :)
Tacitus  2 | 1264
13 Aug 2019   #62
It is easy to be for something if you don't have to suffer the consequences.
pawian  224 | 27236
13 Aug 2019   #63
Yes ,it is easy but so low that I will never understand such people. Utter impudence.
Ironside  50 | 12916
17 Aug 2019   #64
What they write makes perfect sense.

I sure it does to you as you are not impartial.

Poland's security depends on its' integration into the Western world,

It is a nice sounding slogan but it doesn't mean anything. After all the EU takes away Poland's independence and instead make some promises that are rather vague.

Integration into the west could mean building up Poland's economy and trade with EU countries. Open Polish market without any restriction to western companies is an opposite of buffing up Poland's economy.

By underminig the EU, PiS is acting for the Kremlin.

Since when Germany has issues with Russia. If anything it is your dreamed economic partner, strengthen those ties by building north stream II, recently. the Kremlin is a boogieman Germans like to use on Poland for coercing reasons.

The only way Russia became an issue for Poland IF Germany would join forces with it. In that scenario it is not PiS that undermines the EU.

@pawian @ziemowit as you have nothing to say bedside some boring tripe - why don't you shut up your silly yokel's mugs while grow ups are talking?
Tacitus  2 | 1264
17 Aug 2019   #65
EU takes away Poland's independence and instead make some promises that are rather vague

The EU took nothing. Poland willingly gave part of its' sovereignity in order to join it. The promised benefits were far from vague either. Economic prosperity and the political cloud that comes with being part of the EU. Both of which the EU fulfilled.

could mean building up Poland's economy and trade with EU countries

That would have been much slower, and led to economic relations that are not nearly as deep as they are now. Poland wouldn't have nearly developed as good as it did without the prospect of EU membership, and that leaves out the political benefit it was after.

Since when Germany has issues with Russia.

The question rather, since when does Poland have issues with Russia? Poland views Russia as its' main geopolitical threat and thus seeks to be as much protected from it as it can be. PiS actions however contradict this goal.

You seem to be lacking a lot of insight into Poland, if you are not even aware of Poland's concern regarding Russia.
pawian  224 | 27236
17 Aug 2019   #66
you have nothing to say bedside some boring tripe - why don't you shut up your silly yokel's mugs while grow ups are talking?

hahaha Yes, I can see how you are discussing things as a grown up.. Tacitus is smashing all your arguments into pieces one by one. The most surprising thing is you take an argumentative licking every week from me or sb else, yet you always come back for more. Are you addicted to the PF or your trolling contract with the Kremlin is valid till 2022 ? :):)

Tacitus, well done, you saved me time with your explanations.
gumishu  15 | 6227
17 Aug 2019   #67
your trolling contract with the Kremlin is valid till 2022 ? :):)

I sometimes wonder, pawian, where you were when president KaczyƄski flew to Georgia to support it against Putin's invasion
Ironside  50 | 12916
17 Aug 2019   #68
The EU took nothing.

No matter how you word it the end rersult is the same. By the way dealing with a country ruled by post-commies must be tempting, Yet from the moral point of view it stinks, it is like taking advatage from a teendage girl shamlessly and if chalnged give an aswer - she asked for it.

you take an argumentative licking every week from me

Man, you're seriously delusional. That is a borderline mental illness. Anyway to take to the hearth nonsense you spew here all the time I would have to respect you more than something I have stepped in by accident.. As it is chirp away happily. If you ever muster some argument, make sure to let me know.

That would have been much slower,

Slower would mean overaly healthier and more all-around economy.

Political benefits from being a part of the EU are to be weighted against political and economical disadvantages. In my opinion those benefits are not that great.

You seem to be lacking a lot of insight into Poland,

I'm not talking about political rhetoric or even concerns in Poland. I'm talking about German on it.
cms neuf  1 | 1846
17 Aug 2019   #69
What are the economic disadvantages? Can you pount to one economic statistic that has got worse in Poland since 2004?

Inflation ? Unemployment? Employment ? GDP ? Inequality ? Exports ? Anything ?
pawian  224 | 27236
27 Feb 2023   #70
A good example of rightist PiS obsessive lying:

On Saturday, February 25, PKN Orlen, a major oil company, announced that it was not receiving crude oil supplies from Russia. It was added that supplies via the Druzhba pipeline to Poland have been suspended by the Russian side. On Monday, February 27, the Russian agency RIA Novosti, quoted by Onet, reported that Transneft had suspended oil deliveries to our country because Poland had not paid for the delivery.

Why is it so surprising?

After the information that it was the Russian side, not Poland, that "turned off the tap" with Russian oil, comments appeared on the profiles of opposition politicians in social media which showed the hypocrisy of the current PiS authorities regarding oil imports from Russia. "There is no greater liar and hypocrite than Morawiecki. A year ago, he instructed the West, including Brussels, to stop importing oil, and he himself has been doing it with Orlen until today. A man absolutely without shame. #bloodoil #bloodyoil" - wrote the MEP on Twitter Koalicja Obywatelska Andrzej Halicki.

KO MP Jan Grabiec echoed him : "In November 2022, Orlen ordered 3 million tons of oil from Russia for 2023. Oil flowed in January and February and was supposed to flow further, but the Russians turned off the tap. This is what Morawiecki`s and PiS` truthfulness looks like." Both posts by PO politicians were accompanied by the same photo of Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki standing in front of a banner in English: "#Bloodoil funds Russia's genocide in Ukraine".

Liars, liars!!

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