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Will PiS be happy if AfD wins elections in Germany?

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
4 Aug 2023   #31
...which means that the rightist threat was needed and that it worked!

Yes! And that's where the AfD actually gets most of its current support in the German populace....the wish a strong oppositional AfD will force the other parties to act decisively with the immigration problem at last....still...most don't want the AfD actually ruling....just doing their job in the opposition!

ordinary citizens have long lost faith with the the ideals upon which post-War Europe was based,

Lyzko....the post-war european asylum laws were never meant for this current "Völkerwanderung" from all over the don't need to be an undemocratic fascist to know that this can't go on like it has for decades!

The world has changed!!! The post-war Europe doesn't exist anymore...we have to adapt or laws!
Novichok  4 | 8667
4 Aug 2023   #32
All it means, is, that as with those rabid Trump supporters in the US,

What the fu*ck does any of your crap have to do with how to stop the flood of foreign migrants nobody in Europe wants?

just doing their job in the opposition!

Exactly. That's the role of "opposition" parties. I wish the US had one...
Lyzko  44 | 9722
4 Aug 2023   #33
Law and justice though, are scarcely the same animal, B.B.! As in 1933, Hitler was viewed by a majority of your fellow countrymen as the absolute necessary expedient for "the survival of the German nation", correct? But "survival" as what?? A society is not a rock, but a collection of thinking beings. What is expedient, even seemingly logical, is not necessarily right. Leave us then never lose our moral compass or we're on our way straight back to the Middle Ages, when the authorities burned a man who dared to be different in a fit of unbridled bigotry. We oughtn't make the same mistakes.

Again, the thinking back in '33 was that anyone anti-Hitler had jolly well better get with the program.....or else. Today, hopefully we have learned from the painful lessons of the past and will adapt in a just (not only legal) manner to the demographic changes of our planet and not revert to the horrors of the last ninety years.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
4 Aug 2023   #34
I wish the US had one...

I have to agree here! I always wondered why the USians are okay with only two parties which always change their ruling only between them...especially as modern populaces are much more diverse with many more opinions and ideals....

A big plus for the german system with it's many parties....even when ruling might sometimes gets more problematic with so many compromises needed !

I wonder why the US as big victor and occupant of West-Germany installed that more-party system in Germany but not at home.....
Lyzko  44 | 9722
4 Aug 2023   #35
What the US should have, is a vote of no confidence much as exists in countries such as Germany and the UK.
OP Alien  26 | 6527
5 Aug 2023   #36
vote of no confidence

Why doesn't the US have it? Poland has it too, as far as I know.
Novichok  4 | 8667
5 Aug 2023   #37
Two reasons...
1. It's impossible in a two-party system. The minority party would never have enough votes if 51% is needed.
2. The US two-party "system" is a scam. We have a party and a half: Democrats and RINOs on one side and patriots on the other.
mafketis  38 | 11258
5 Aug 2023   #38
I wonder how much play this story is getting in Germany and what it would do to AfD....

A German citizen of Ukrainian origin coordinated work with a russian agent to slow down German support of Ukraine...
OP Alien  26 | 6527
5 Aug 2023   #39
Don't you have any independent senators or congressmen?
Ironside  51 | 13083
5 Aug 2023   #40
they are all dependent on an access to cash/and money flow.
Novichok  4 | 8667
5 Aug 2023   #41
Iron, now I like you even more...

We don't have senators and congressmen. We have wh*ores without happy endings but with long lists of donors who actually run this country.

That is why the US is at war in Ukraine.
Ironside  51 | 13083
5 Aug 2023   #42
Well, you still have a strong country, going strong, the only question is - is that the right direction?
Tacitus  2 | 1269
5 Aug 2023   #43
Why doesn't the US have it

Because the US has a presidential system and the UK, Germany have a parliamentary system.
Miloslaw  22 | 5198
5 Aug 2023   #44
That is why the US is at war in Ukraine.

But the US is not at war in Ukraine,Only aiding Ukraine.
OP Alien  26 | 6527
6 Aug 2023   #45
Ukraine,Only aiding Ukraine.

And that's it.
But back to the topic, there is still a chance that even if the AfD took over power in Germany, the US will ensure that Polish-German relations are correct and that Germany does not stray from the path of democracy, just like Poland. Ha, ha, and again we need a world policeman, i.e. the USA.
Luke1410  - | 146
6 Aug 2023   #46
Today, hopefully we have learned from the painful lessons of the past

I'm not so sure we have learned much, the anti-Catholic hatred is becoming very strong in this day and age, anybody that disagrees with the secular humanists had jolly well better get with the program. That means you PiS!!
Lyzko  44 | 9722
6 Aug 2023   #47
My question precisely, Alien.
OP Alien  26 | 6527
21 Jan 2024   #48
I'm not so sure we have learned much, the anti-Catholic hatred is becoming very strong

Without exaggeration, the church has internal problems that are of no real interest to anyone outside the church.
OP Alien  26 | 6527
15 Apr 2024   #49
I don't give a damn about PiS and AfD. The first EUR 6 billion is already in Poland and the next EUR 60 billion is on the way. And how can you not love Tusk and Brussels?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
15 Apr 2024   #50 my opinion it was a policy fitting to an ever closer growing world.

Nobody of those still in power seemingly foresaw that this development could end, and even be reversed, the much talked about "backlash".

The transition from a former strongly globalist gov/policy back to a nationalist gov/policy now runs differently from country to country....from election to election.
Lyzko  44 | 9722
15 Apr 2024   #51
@Alien et al, the Church in Germany plays precious little role in
state politics, its local importance in Bavaria notwithstanding.
Ironside  51 | 13083
15 Apr 2024   #52
And how can you not love Tusk and Brussels?

If you are not a moron, easily.
That money is not a gift, but a loan, (so someone guess who, will make money)
Second, Poland can only use those money to but German crap green energy toys.
it is as if I would 'give you' (lend) 1000zl so you can buy some beer in my pub for 1000zl. Am I good to you? Wiat let it make wine.

Isn't that a great deal? lol! For me.
Also it just very little money, only budget for the Polish Health Service per annum is about 160 billion zlotych.


The first EUR 6 billion is already in Poland and the next EUR 60 billion is on the way.

What is on the way we will see, so far there are only 27 billion zlotych.

I don't give a damn about PiS and AfD.

I think it would be a good change if AfD would kick some liberal buts.
OP Alien  26 | 6527
15 Apr 2024   #53
That money is not a gift, but a loan

No, this money is not a loan, but non-repayable aid. Something like I'll give you money and you will adapt to our civilized rules.
Ironside  51 | 13083
15 Apr 2024   #54
Something like I'll give you money and you will adapt to our civilized rules.

Sure, it means I will rob you and you be a good boy and do what you are told. I would chop off your head pish down your neck and put your head on a pike as a warning for other chancers.
OP Alien  26 | 6527
15 Apr 2024   #55
You're delirious, son.
Lyzko  44 | 9722
15 Apr 2024   #56
Frankly, I don't think the AfD has much of a chance of winning.
I believe most German voters want to live in the present and for
the future, not revisit the past.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
15 Apr 2024   #57
and for the future,

...for that you need to have at least some trust that your actual politicians have a plan...any plan....

Especially as our leftist/green kind still seems to live in the past....where leftist/green ideas seemed to be the future!
Lyzko  44 | 9722
15 Apr 2024   #58
....but not in the NS-past, B.B., therein lies the difference!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
15 Apr 2024   #59
....unable to control the present and to build a future are both! They need to go!
Lyzko  44 | 9722
15 Apr 2024   #60
Seems to me Germany's pro-migrant policies are placing her in similar danger
to Biden's failed border policies. Scholz wants a place for migrants in the FRG
and the AfD doesn't. Biden wants to integrate Mexicans along with certain other
Third Worlders into the US and Trump doesn't.

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