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How could PiS better spend billions instead of 500+ ?

PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
5 Apr 2021   #121
Because this person touts "facts" that are not facts at all and are misinformation. This is a problem. I also believe in the past this person has made representations that they lived or live in Poland. Fakes are fakes and shouldn't be participating in a real discussion that impacts real people.
amiga500  5 | 1505
5 Apr 2021   #122
Then they turn 25, and magically their income falls below

You seem to run in an interesting circle. Your doctor steals remedesivir from the hospital and young people who are your employees or nephews are committing tax fraud. Instead of being grateful to the only goverment in the west that does not tax their income in their youth they spit in the face of Poland by defrauding their community. These white collar criminals deserve jail.

, it is not available to any existing corporations.

Yes it is, according to KPMG as of Jan 2019 a 9 percent rate is available to most taxpayers if their income does not exceed 1.2 Million Euro. Yes it is also available to big business in the first year of their operation but thata two separate things.

To add to your dishonest bunch of mates, the fact you do not know this, means your accountant/lawyer is taking advantage of your lack of polish and is creaming 10 percent of your companies taxes. Nice! Well I guess anything goes in the ruthless capitalist land, just hope you have changed your bank passwords recently! they'll clean that out next.

Fakes are fakes

I already told you I was born in Poland, left when was a kid, then lived in Poland in 2010 and come back regularly. Plus my extended family has a manufacturing business in Poland. I had to do this because you claimed that anyone who thought Duda would win the elections in 2020 never lived in Poland as they knew nothing about the conditions here. haha history repeating.
Ironside  50 | 12916
5 Apr 2021   #123
he money were intended not as a benefit as such but as a procreation incentive.

Does is matter?
If you are so damn interested I suppose it started as such but afterwards it devolved (like everything it seems) into a tool to gain more voters. You might say it become some kind of a social measure to some extend.

es, famous words

stop your campaign of disinformation and lies.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
5 Apr 2021   #124
stop your campaign of disinformation and lies.

If you claim such words were not spoken by PiS member, then it is you who is lying.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
5 Apr 2021   #125
According to KPMG? You are simply a government shill.

Doctors can order any medicines they want at their clinics. You might want to look up the laws before you start talking about things you dont know.

As for people changing their income claims at 25, its pretty common knowledge that its done here.

I had my family, who live here, who practice law here, investigate the new business tax at 9% and you need to take a reading comprehension class because it is not available to everyone. You really need to get a clue.

And the most important give away that you have no clue about business here is that the business owner pays the taxes directly to the Voivodeship. Accountants have no access to money and are not authorized to make such payments. Accountants, by Polish law, are liable for tax computation, and will not assume liability for making tax payments for their clients when they are independent companies.

The only thing your family manufactures is BS because you're full of it.
amiga500  5 | 1505
5 Apr 2021   #126
investigate the new business tax at 9% and you need to take a reading comprehension class

A week ago you claimed it was only available to businesses that were making peanuts. Today you said it's only available to new businesses. Wrong on both counts. Sounds like you can't get your story right. If your business has revenues of more than 1.2 million euro than just state so.

That does not change the fact that united right lowered the tax rate of small/medium business in poland from 19 to 9 percent. Eliminated income tax for young people. Hardly socialism!

The only thing your family manufactures is BS

Organic fertiliser production is a very lucrative business.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
5 Apr 2021   #127
The CIT rate is 19%. Stop reading singular on line articles about new business types and thinking you are an educated expert. You don't know anything about business that much is crystal clear.

The 9% rate only applies to specific types of income other than capital gains. You must make an application for it if you are an existing company. Unlike you, I actually do business here every day.

Income tax on people under 25 eliminated, people over 25 pay for it with higher taxes, more taxes on individual items and higher ZUS.

Thanks to Poland, profits are up 600% year on year. Paying more taxes and don't mind paying them when they are used correctly. The problem is PiS couldn't use money correctly if they had an unlimited supply of gold or oil sitting under the sejm. They simply dont have the intellect.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
5 Apr 2021   #128
They simply dont have the intellect.

That has always been the rightists` problem. They are not able mto build/create anything new - they are the best at dismantling and destroying things. Yes, they played a good role in toppling communism together with other opposition groups. But later,whenever they came to power, they were incorrigible destructors.
gumishu  15 | 6227
5 Apr 2021   #129
They simply dont have the intellect.

again - Borys Budka said last May (or maybe April) that their experts claimed that the pandemic will be over by last autumn - do PO expert have intellect or is it just a case of a blatant lie
amiga500  5 | 1505
5 Apr 2021   #130
So in the space of one hour regarding the 9 percent tax rate , you have gone from

it is not available to any existing corporations


You must make an application for it if you are an existing company

Are you for real or Jons second trolling account? How do you expect anyone to take your claims on running a business seriously when you don't even know basic details about the polish tax system?
PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
5 Apr 2021   #131
And you will get turned down as an existing corporation. Get a clue. Do some research. Get informed. You are the dumbest troll here.
He's not very smart. And PiS claimed they defeated the virus during the election. You pick the idiot you like best.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
5 Apr 2021   #132
again - Borys Budka said last May

Boy, stop discrediting yourself like that,. 1 year ago is prehistory in current situation.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
19 Sep 2021   #133
PiS` strategy concerning 500 + handouts: they give benefits and simultaneously refuse to invest any money in state medical services or education which are collapsing before our eyes. It seems they expect people will take the benefit to a private hospital and use it for cancer treatment. Or to a private school for their kids education. Really crazy guys. ***** ***.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
27 Jan 2022   #134
The latest estimates: since 2016 PiS has spent 240 billion PLN on give aways. That is about 70 billion $. Not too much in the USA or UK, but in Poland still huge money. Thank you, PiS, for your socialist approach.
Paulina  17 | 4465
1 Feb 2023   #135
And the Polish police is drowning in debts:

Police in my city, for example, is indebted for over 2 mln PLN to PKN Orlen. They had no such problems in previous years.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
1 Feb 2023   #136
They had no such problems in previous years.

Shortly speaking:
Thank you, PiS gangsters!
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
1 Feb 2023   #137
Thank you, PiS gangsters!

We get it.
You hate PIS.
So tell us.
Who should be ruling Poland?
Alien  25 | 6353
2 Feb 2023   #138
Who should be ruling Poland

Bobko  27 | 2130
2 Feb 2023   #139
I would happily rule Poland. I already shared some policy suggestions on how to increase the Polish birth rate. That's just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to all the wonderful ideas I have for Poland.
Alien  25 | 6353
2 Feb 2023   #140
I would happily rule Poland.

as Tsar's Governor......
OP pawian  224 | 27236
2 Feb 2023   #141
Who should be ruling Poland?

Anybody except rightists or leftists. Someone in the middle. Intelligent, sensible, devoid of anti European obsessions, not relying on infantile emotions while holding power.


No, coz we need serious guys who can clean the swamp after rightists. I am too comedy-oriented.
Alien  25 | 6353
2 Feb 2023   #142
Zelenski is also a comedian.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
2 Feb 2023   #143
Was! Now he is a statesman.
Alien  25 | 6353
2 Feb 2023   #144
Elected President, professional comedian
OP pawian  224 | 27236
14 May 2023   #145
At the PiS convention today PiS chairman declared raising the benefit from 500 to 800 PLN. Good. Poland needs higher inflation! :):):)
amiga500  5 | 1505
15 May 2023   #146
What will Tusk come up with? More divisive rhetoric that these pathological elderly scum are sniffing vodka and fentanyl so they cannot afford to pay for lifesaving medicines?

  • Tusk watching PiS
OP pawian  224 | 27236
15 May 2023   #147
they cannot afford to pay for lifesaving medicines?

Yes, PiS is promising they will provide free medicine to the +65 elderly and kids. Yet, last year, they suspended funding medicine for the 75+ and pregnant women. Those rightists are amasing liars, indeed!
amiga500  5 | 1505
16 May 2023   #148
So now all that talk about free kiełbasy for useless voters and we cannot affordsocial spending because poland very poor blah blah has gone out the window, now tusk is saying 800+ should be introduced ASAP on june 1st instead of PiS plan to introduce it when inflation has gone down in 2024. lol, this idiot has no idea what he is doing.

Stop lying to my face like your parents when they betrayed their friends to the stalinists, free medicines for 75 and over is ongoing. there are more than 2000 medicines on the list.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
16 May 2023   #149
now tusk is saying 800+ should be introduced

Yes, because he decided it is the best to defeat the enemy with their own weapons. Clever guy. Ha!

free medicines for 75 and over is ongoing. there are more than 2000 medicines on the list.

You can wipe your dirty you know what with this list if the funding has been cut. Seniors go to chemists` and hear they have to pay the full price coz the gov subsidy has run out.
Paulina  17 | 4465
18 May 2023   #150
At the PiS convention today PiS chairman declared raising the benefit from 500 to 800 PLN.

A street interview with ordinary Poles saying what they think about it:

And a video of apparently one of the most popular influencers on the Polish internet about this posted 2 days ago:

This video got over 100 000 likes on Facebook already (he's a personal trainer, btw, and not an actor or some celebrity).

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