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How could PiS better spend billions instead of 500+ ?

JacekthePole  1 | 51
2 Feb 2021   #91
17 hrs ago ☓#89

Agree Son Of Harry. If the government left the poor destitute, we hear how mean they were. How come some policies are only seen as ''progressive'' when it's a certain party handing them out.

PiS are F Jobs in many ways, but I find it hard to slate them for what a policy which has lifted many out of abject poverty. The problem today with politics is that it's all or nothing, but i believe differently. I can disagree strongly with PiS on their abortion policies whilst also supporting strongly 500+
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
3 Feb 2021   #92
which has lifted many out of abject poverty

Perhaps we should address the cause of their poverty rather than making them dependent on welfare?
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2122
3 Feb 2021   #93
I full heartedly agree, less taxation or even abolishing it for small firms could be the first step, and a media focus on being an independent and free citizen with means for a better life.

The more firms, the jobs being created etc. create a positive growing circle without government interference while it keeps her eyes open
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
3 Feb 2021   #94
media focus on being an independent and free citizen

They don't want that. It's exactly the opposite of what 500+ is intended to achieve - a class of people with meagre means who will do absolutely everything to defend their social welfare benefits, even at the cost of freedom.
jon357  72 | 22979
3 Feb 2021   #95
UBI for breeders.
cruisepatron  1 | 95
3 Feb 2021   #96
UBI for breeders = More single moms.
jon357  72 | 22979
3 Feb 2021   #97
They don't get as good a deal under 500+.
cruisepatron  1 | 95
3 Feb 2021   #98
Yes but it's unsustainable policy with bad consequences for the state... kid raised by single mom is vulnerable to poor outcome in life.. you don't want to fill up a country with addicts and school dropouts just for the sake of making the numbers look good.
jon357  72 | 22979
3 Feb 2021   #99
kid raised by single mom is vulnerable to poor outcome in life

All the more reason for them to get as good a deal and ideally a better one from the state.
cruisepatron  1 | 95
3 Feb 2021   #100
All the more reason

Money cannot be the substitute for a parent, overwhelming poor outcomes are directly linked to fatherless homes. Policy makers knows that too and they are using it for their political agenda rather than solve real problem.
jon357  72 | 22979
3 Feb 2021   #101
Money cannot be the substitute for a parent

Often there is only one.

poor outcomes

So let's mitigate those outcomes and give every child the best chance.
cruisepatron  1 | 95
3 Feb 2021   #102
every child deserves that... just not convinced with the approach. I would sign up to donate food, clothes, medical expenses, schooling etc directly to a child but giving money is not a good idea... I have seen women do her nails with child support money.. beats the whole purpose.
jon357  72 | 22979
3 Feb 2021   #103
medical expenses

There are obviously none of those here fortunately, however it's easier (and cheaper) to pay UK-style child benefit, which this more or less is.

I have seen women do her nails with child support money

Not perhaps ideal if someone's short of cash, however they'd have done their nails on the even less money that they had without it. And at least going to a nail bar is putting something back into the economy, as well as making the single mother in question feel a bit better about herself.
OP pawian  219 | 24792
3 Apr 2021   #104
The only solution is to end feminism

By feminism you mean women`s right, correct? So you know it is impossible - women won`t give away the rights they have already won.

educate women to be family centric the way it used to be.

You don`t need to educate women about it coz it is their inborn trait. You need to educate men to be more family oriented and share the chores equally - it has been already proven by research that women are prone to have more kids when they receive a substantial support from their husbands/partners.
Braveheart16  19 | 142
3 Apr 2021   #105
Cruisepatron - giving money is not a good idea... I have seen women do her nails with child support money.. beats the whole purpose.

I tend to money via 500+ is something that can be easily abused in terms of where the money goes at the end of the day...its like giving money to alcoholics outside shops/supermarkets....I would rather give them food or clothes etc...and the same applies to families who are on low income....high income families should not be receiving 500+ it is something a high income earner can do without.....
OP pawian  219 | 24792
3 Apr 2021   #106
high income families should not be receiving 500+

Exactly. However, they do and I am glad coz I can invest it in property which one day will be passed onto my kids. In the future, as working adults, they will have to repay the debt that the government is creating now to keep the benefit alive.
Lenka  5 | 3484
3 Apr 2021   #107
giving money via 500+ is something that can be easily abused in terms of where the money goes at the end of the day...

Hey, the money were intended not as a benefit as such but as a procreation incentive. If making her nails will make the women have more kids...

That is how idiotic their reasoning was

Saying that I am happy that certain families receive it. Too often kids were taken away not because of abuse etc but simply because they were poor. And then the gov was paying such money to the foster parents that they would solve all their problems in the first place
amiga500  5 | 1475
4 Apr 2021   #108
, the money were intended

It was part of their broader measures to introduce social solidarity as part of goverment policies.

Saying that I am happy that certain families receive it.

Yes it has drastically reduced poverty. However it should now be means tested so upper middle class and the above should not recieve it, and the money spent on the health system or other social measures.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
4 Apr 2021   #109
so the cost of polish lections or a vote someone voting in poland a certain way is a little ver a hundred dollars per month?
Lenka  5 | 3484
4 Apr 2021   #110
introduce social solidarity as part of goverment policies.

It was supposed to increase birth rate. Moronic but hey ho.

and the money spent on the health system or other social measures.

Or TVP...
amiga500  5 | 1475
4 Apr 2021   #111
It was supposed to increase birth rate.

Well of course a conservative party had trouble framing a policy in left wing economic terms in 2015. They have got up to speed now.
Lenka  5 | 3484
4 Apr 2021   #112
Well you have two choices:
Either they are morons who didn't realise that giving people 500 zl will not make people have more babies or they are liars that new it will be a benefit but lied
mafketis  38 | 10911
4 Apr 2021   #113
a conservative party had trouble framing a policy in left wing economic terms in 2015.

They had 5 years (FIVE YEARS!) to do something about healthcare and all they did was spit at healthcare providers (driving many out of the country) while handing out welfare to people who might vote for them.

They're not conservatives they're tax ans spend socialists...
OP pawian  219 | 24792
4 Apr 2021   #114
they did was spit at healthcare providers (driving many out of the country)

Yes, famous words about doctors during strikes a few years ago: If they don`t like it here, they can go wherever they want.

PiS are worse than covid for this country.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 946
5 Apr 2021   #115

They're not conservatives they're tax ans spend socialists...

That is one of the most accurate statements ever made here
amiga500  5 | 1475
5 Apr 2021   #116
They're not conservatives they're tax ans spend socialists...

Rubbish. tax and spend socialists would raise taxes or go massively into deficit. United Right has introduced social spending whilst REDUCING taxes. 9 percent corporate tax for firms with revenue less than 1 million euro, no income tax for under 25s etc . And no deficit (before pandemic) Hardly socialist but more smart and what poland needed. Next up will be investments in health care.

most accurate statements ever made here

If you think united right is socialist then Biden who is raising corporate taxes must be a communist! bloody yanks!
PolAmKrakow  2 | 946
5 Apr 2021   #118
PiS has raised taxes. Clearly you have no real world understanding of what is happening here. The 9% rate is only available to a very few and specific companies, it is not available to any existing corporations. Stop with your misinformation and get the facts straight.

No income tax for U25's is a disaster. Some of these people are the highest earners because they are creative in business. Then they turn 25, and magically their income falls below the 19% threshold because they know how to hide money.

Biden is a socialist in my opinion and he will drive the country further into debt. He will create an unprecedented amount of jobs while doing it, and will tax the hell out of the wealthy. Not what I would support either.

"Bloody yanks"? Clearly you are not Polish and have exposed yourself as someone not from Poland. Never would that phrase come out of a Pole.
mafketis  38 | 10911
5 Apr 2021   #119
Never would that phrase come out of a Pole.

Might from a Brit-pole or an Aussie-pole (as opposed to a Polish person living in one of those countries).
OP pawian  219 | 24792
5 Apr 2021   #120
Clearly you are not Polish

He might have been born in Poland but then left and received full education elsewhere.

have exposed yourself as someone not from Poland.

Yes, he did, but why is it important to you?

Home / News / How could PiS better spend billions instead of 500+ ?

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