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How could PiS better spend billions instead of 500+ ?

Ironside  50 | 12916
6 Oct 2019   #61
ascribing your own actions to other people.

What action? Calling you on your BS is noble deed. I guess you have no recourse in reality of facts since you getting personal with your pointless dig at me.
mafketis  38 | 11137
6 Oct 2019   #62
Spending less money doesn't equal less roads.

When, to what do you ascribe their failure to build roads?
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
6 Oct 2019   #63
How about evidence ?

When did you last visit the north of Poland? It is littered with projects that have been left standing for 3 years or more.
To be fair, the biggest project is a real balls breaker, the A1 from Czestochowa to Piotrow, But what I don't like about you Ironside, is your false concern.

You really are the worst example of the Lesser Plastic Pole, a most problematic and unwanted species.
Crow  154 | 9463
6 Oct 2019   #64
Poland`s PiS was also great dilemma to me, to my people. But, as I learning these days, PiS aren`t traitors.

As for spending money, well, by politicians? Why do you ask? As I always say, more stupid person is, more person is happier. Actually, only absolute retard sow true happiness on this Earth.

Now, we can only hope we know the truth.

How could this money be spent by the government in another way?

2 things. More public works, primarily in infrastructure and, more direct subventions to companies that invest into Serbia.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
6 Oct 2019   #65
since you getting personal with your pointless dig at me.

Why do you think it was personal when I easily proved you were and still are lying about PiS investment? Nothing personal, I would expose every liar here even if it was the Pope or a saint. You are neither so why do you expect special treatment? :):) Your lies won`t remain unrefuted, forget about it, if you hope I will get tired one day, you are so wrong. :):)
Ironside  50 | 12916
6 Oct 2019   #66
When, to what do you ascribe their failure to build roads?

Was there a failure? Home come? What was that failure you are talking about and how does it look like in your view. I'm sorry but you are putting here your opinion as an irrefutable fact.

It is littered with projects that have been left standing for 3 years or more.

I'm sure there is Doug. Has been for years. I'm sure the last 30 years seen more than enough of waste, failure, thievery and neglect in any given aspect of life. As I oft say in Poland a state is an enemy of it citizens, all institutions, laws, people crossed over from Soviet Poland untouched. It is all geared that way regardless of all rather clumsy new overlapping laws. It all rather wonky. In a sense that it lack a proper foundation. As a result a state in Poland can in fact do anything to it citizens, there is no proper checks and balances, there is only chaotic, contradictory laws, weak institutions and incompetent people.

I have been saying that all along but foreigners in Poland like you pop on PF mainly to vent. So, I'm not surprised you have missed all of it. As you rather like your own grouchy rant.

I don't like about you Ironside, is your false concern.

How about your concern? You are living in a city that is called a Polish Palermo, former mayor was obviously corrupted, I'm sure there many issues and things that are not right. Did you complain about it? No. why? You perceived PO as a modern PC progressives party and so on. They were giving a lip service to all you hold dear and you were blind to all the wrongs and transgressions of theirs. Here comes PiS waving a national flag and talking the talk ( doing a lot of mainstream PC stuff in the background ). You are up in arms and that you look around for anything that hasn't bothered you for years to pile it all on and put the blame on the feet of that just one party you hate for completely different reasons. Is that not a false concern by definition? MR Hypocrite?

By the way eastern part of Poland had been neglected for decades. Now there is a lot of investments into infrastructure in this part of the country. Even if some projects are put on hold it doesn't change the fact that PiS is investing there. As anyone can see unless such a person is in denial.

still are lying

Nothing to it. Just prove that I'm lying in great detail. Don't just stand there calling me names. Prove it or slink away in shame.
mafketis  38 | 11137
6 Oct 2019   #67
Was there a failure?

you tell me....,wiemy-dokladnie-ile-drog-zbudowano-za-rzadow-pis-kierowcy-zatesknia-za-po

As I oft say in Poland a state is an enemy of it citizens, all institutions, laws, people crossed over from Soviet Poland untouched

Like the communist prosecutor who's now a prominent PiS MP?
OP pawian  224 | 27236
6 Oct 2019   #68
Just prove that I'm lying in great detail.

You suggested they are starting a lot of new projects, more than their predecessors. It is not true coz they mostly continue some of old ones while some have been abandoned.

I provided links with articles about lack of new contracts for roads to support my claims, yet you prefered to ignore them.

Another link: the current investment ratio is the lowest within the last 20 years - below 18%. And the Polish economy is thriving so what`s the matter? PiS promised 25% in 2020 but it was a lie, of course. And now you are repeating those lies.

Prove it or slink away in shame.

I have just done it. Will you slink away in shame as you propose? You would if you were a man of honour. But you are just a dishonourable expat.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
6 Oct 2019   #69
You are up in arms and that you look around for anything

Yes, I hate PIS:

1. They encourage laziness through their ruinious socialist policies, with my tax money.
2. They promote an outmoded religion and foist it on society
3. They follow a nationalist agenda that I object to, having been brought up that people are actually different
4. They break the law with impunity
5. They disrespect the environment
7. They cling to the shirt tails of America and obstruct the EU where they can, but are happy to take the funding
8. They fail to carry through with badly needed infrastructure projects -as I, Pawian and Maf have shown.

That will do off the back of my head.
antheads  13 | 340
6 Oct 2019   #70
latest sondaz shows PiS has DOUBLE support of PO and Sad Friends.. hahaha suck on that dougpom1 must be a lot of babcias that hate your guts.
Ironside  50 | 12916
6 Oct 2019   #71
Yes, I hate PIS:

See. Good for you Doug. No need to tie yourself into a knot trying to prove that are the devil incarnate. You hate them for your own reasons. I disagree with you on most of your points. Just be honest about it and we are OK.

Like the communist prosecutor who's now a prominent PiS MP?

Are you still beating that dead horse? It must be in pulp at this stage.
How do you feel standing arm to arm with a dude who made his money selling women into prostitutions? I think that the lowest of the low. Have you been supporting KOD and all of its version If so I'm pretty sure you rubbed elbows with not one but many of the most vile scum. Feel good about it?

provided links with articles

I'm not able to verify validity of those articles so ... I'm sorry maf, baboon It will take me some time to check it.

I have just done it.

Done? Are you spend? Why would I? you called me names and it was you that were to prove me lying. Now you moved your goalpost to 'suggesting' so which is which pawian?

Suggesting or voice one's opinion is not lying. Beside you just posted a link to an article validity of which has be checked first.

Guys, your unablated hatred of PiS stops me from voicing my own misgivings about that party. You flood PF with some much of your peculiar views and manipulations that I have to take my time to correct it. I would rather spend that time saying what PiS and its polices lack.

Maybe it would help if you would came clean and state your real reasons for such a hate rather than hide behind some vague issue. Take Doug as your example.

I could then disagree with you or not and then I would preceded to voice my misgivings rather than correct your posts.

Ah pawian since you're unable to cease to call me names and insult me - here for you - Soviet peanst like you doesn't even know what honor is, so stop pretending as if you knew what you are talking about.
Crow  154 | 9463
6 Oct 2019   #72
I myself, for example, more and more love PiS`s foreign policy. Its very wise.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
6 Oct 2019   #73
Guys, your unablated hatred of PiS stops me from voicing my own misgivings about that party.

Nice partisan attitude. You do exactly what you constantly accuse others of. :):)

I would rather spend that time saying what PiS and its polices lack.

What they lack from a nationalist point of view? Thank you. You can spare it to us coz we know it already - they are not enough fascist to you. :))

Maybe it would help if you would came clean and state your real reasons for such a hate rather than hide behind some vague issue.

What? You are playing my counsellor now? hahaha
Do I really need to elucidate on the matter? It has been always alluded to in my posts that a decent, intelligent person who is a patriot of this country throws up seeing what PiS is doing here. How they destroy relations between Poles - divide, instead of uniting and integrating? They are liars, conmen, political gangsters, hypocrites, paranoics, economic losers and a few other. I would be mad if I didn`t dislike such guys. :):)

I myself, for example, more and more love PiS`s foreign policy. Its very wise.

Unfortunately, what PiS do is sheer amateur cabaret. They are only able to suck American dick and pretend being oblivious to the fact that American leaders have PiS and Poland in deep dupa.
Ironside  50 | 12916
6 Oct 2019   #74
Nice partisan attitude. Y

It would be so called partisans attitude If I was supporting that party. Not only supporting but blindly supporting.
I just wonder pawian you are supposed to be a very intelligent person, ha, learned even. How is that I have to explain to you the most basic stuff ?- like meaning of words for example. Not once or twice but very often.

Are you playing dumb? Nah, either you are not that intelligent or that learned.

What they lack from a nationalist point of view?You can spare it to us

Unwillingness to learn anything new.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
7 Oct 2019   #75
It would be so called partisans attitude If I was supporting that party. Not only supporting but blindly supporting.

Partisan means supporting a political party. That`s what you do in our discussions - you vehemently defend PiS while we attack them. What is it if not support? Don`t play silly language game, you are partisan to PiS here.

Unwillingness to learn anything new.

Something new from a nationalist? Stop joking. :):)
antheads  13 | 340
7 Oct 2019   #76
Its not a party issue for me but an outcome based calculations. If PO had done anything usefull during their last term maybe I would be more disposed to taking them seriously

Even the guardian admits that PiS 500+ policy has lifted hundreds of thousands of poles out of poverty and given them a sense of human dignity.

"At my school, I have seen the transformation of the 500 Plus at first-hand," says Janusiewicz. ... "Parents can afford to send their children to scout camps and extra-curricular activities. The clothes that pupils from the poorer families wear are of better quality." Voluntary donations used to be collected at the school to provide financial assistance and meals to the poorest pupils. "We closed the fund," says Janusiewicz. "It's not needed any more. Self-esteem has been restored to those people in need."

Any person who attacks these policies, that have lifted so many out of poverty, is selfish and non empathic to people less fortunate than themselves. Going further, It is rephrenesible that posters support the exact same policy in great britain as essential but for poland make spurious and futile claims of laziness and bribes, soley for ideological reasons and hatred of Poland. These people that hold this extremely hypocritical view are bigoted, xenophobic, Human Scum.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
7 Oct 2019   #77
posters support the exact same policy in great britain as essential but for poland

You have the good fortune of living in Australia, and come out with the usual nonsense about comparing two completely different countries on the developed scale. Poland is developing, whilst the UK is the 5th largest economy and can afford social welfare to a greater degree. Polish politicians, on the other hand are simply populists who are only in power because they redistribute to those living in rural areas at the expense of those who graft in the cities ie. those who actually get up in the mornings to do a day's work.

And if there was a little less outsourcing, sub-contracting and so, more people would be able to feed their own families through their own graft, instead of the exploitation that Poles love to serve on their fellow countrymen. Then the rest of us wouldn't have to subsidise such workers to the degree that we do. And, if receipt of all these social handouts, these people decline a job offer, they should be sanctioned and lose the benefits. As it is, too many are now too comfortable and have become lazy and don't take up employment opportunities. Ask anybody who actually lives HERE.

In the meantime, do tell us as how you would help the aborigines, and others in Australia, who are disenfranchised. You know nothing about what goes on here, save the propaganda you read in Gazeta Polska.
antheads  13 | 340
7 Oct 2019   #78
Ive lived both in england and poland in the last 10 years. I don't know what you are going on about social benefits and refusing jobs, perhaps pay your workers more then. I thought we were talking about 500+ otherwise known as child support. So lets have it on the record? you believe Poland should not offer child support payment to its citizens? It has the 21st largest economy , (ahead of sweden and belgium), the sixth highest growth rate in the world (5.8 percent) , the countries budget is in about to be in surplus. Child support payments are years overdue for a middle economy like Poland. You are spouting absolute tosh old chap.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
7 Oct 2019   #79
the 21st largest economy , (ahead of sweden and belgium), the sixth highest growth rate in the world

You have typical socialist arguments. Poland has a "big" economy, but a far lower GDP than Sweden or Belgium. That is the measure of the living standard of a country. But you already knew that.

Growth rate? From a low level of economy - so that's not a real economic benchmark, is it?
Country budget? PIS isn't investing in infrastructure (apart from the ridiculous Elblag channel, that is) so if they are determined to not progress then they can massage the figures so that they appear to be economical with the taxpayers' money.

Child support in other countries is for the first two children only and was 30 pounds a month in the UK last time I checked.. Nobody told PIS that the world is undergoing a population explosion. If people choose to have 4/5 children, that is their choice. I resent having to subsidise them.
antheads  13 | 340
7 Oct 2019   #80
Poland has a "big" economy, but a far lower GDP than Sweden or Belgium.

Per the International Monetary Fund (2019 estimates)[1]
21 Poland593,295
22 Sweden547,123
23 Belgium531,813

Child support in other countries is for the first two children only and was 30 pounds a month in the UK last time I checked..

Uk Child Benefits Payment.
Eldest or only child £20.70 Weekly
Additional children £13.70 (per child) Weekly.
So for three kids in the u.K child benefits are 932.93 złoty monthly. Of course there are a myriad of unemployment, housing, disability, heating welfare payments in the UK that Poland lacks, so 500 zloty per child is an good amount to reduce poverty, increase economic consumption and growth. This helps all sectors of the economy, including yours.

You seem quite pessimistic about the polish economy and people. cheer up! we are doing great, thanks to the hardworking nature of the polish people and the goverments wise economic and social policies.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
7 Oct 2019   #81
No Anthead - child benefit UK is paid for 2 children only.
If the 500 was paid in vouchers I would have little argument, but it is often used as an investment for the childs' future.
antheads  13 | 340
7 Oct 2019   #82
No Anthead - child benefit UK is paid for 2 children only.
You get Child Benefit if you're responsible for bringing up a child who is:
under 16 under 20 if they stay in approved education or training
It's paid every 4 weeks and there's no limit to how many children you can claim for.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
7 Oct 2019   #83
"Parents can afford to send their children to scout camps and extra-curricular activities.

Exacty. That is why I mercilessly raised my wages. Families get 500+, even for the first child, so they will pay more for my services. Simple. God bless PiS. I even like it.
cms neuf  1 | 1846
8 Oct 2019   #84
What do people think about the ZUS relief for small business - generally I am in favor, and PO had lots of chances to do that when they were in govt. on the other hand the kind of businesses it is aimed at are in my view the ones most likely to employ students and immigrants without paying thee ZUS !

Also going to create tax traps where at some point it is not worth to earn more as you will lose the ZUS benefit.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
19 Oct 2019   #85
Did I mention that 500+`s main objective, ie. raise the number of newborns in Poland, has failed? According to statistics, after a LITTLE boom we have come back to numbers from before 500+.

Besides, PiS openly admits 500+ is spent not on kids but other needs.

E.g., during their election campaign, PiS presented a "typical Polish family" during one of their conventions. Father blatantly praised 500+ handouts with which they "managed to buy a house with a garden"
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
26 Jan 2021   #86
Did I mention that 500+`s main objective, ie. raise the number of newborns in Poland, has failed?

It's absolutely failed. The latest story -,spadla-liczba-urodzen-wzrosla-za-to-liczba-zgonow

They show that the number of births in 2020 was the lowest since 2004 and amounted to 357.4 thousand.

It is clear and categorical proof that 500+ is just an electoral bribe and simply doesn't encourage anyone to give birth, except perhaps pathological families where they think that 500+ is going to make a material change to their living conditions.
Czarek91  - | 5
1 Feb 2021   #87
Hungary's system is much better and has yielded better results. **** anyone crying about 500+ on principle though. If you aren't using tax money to subsidise the very essence and future of the nation then what's the point of taxes in general? Everything needs to be put into helping raise the birth rate, everything. I don't want to hear capitalist arguments about how we need to import more Indians Uber east drivers because of low birth rates.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
1 Feb 2021   #88
The same birth rate that's now at historic lows in Poland?

It's just patalogia+. nothing more.
2 Feb 2021   #89
proof that 500+ is just an electoral bribe

Seeing Social Welfare that has helped millions out of poverty as an electoral bribe? How cynical and sick does one have to be?
cruisepatron  1 | 95
2 Feb 2021   #90
500+`s main objective, ie. raise the number of newborns in Poland, has failed?

No country has ever succeeded with this method, It was always going to fail. The only solution is to end feminism and educate women to be family centric the way it used to be. But with the demographics ratio of 100 females for 94 males the government cannot afford it without taking a big hit on the economy. Now they have resorted to force "abortion ban" and this is going to make matters much worse, another fail in the making.

Home / News / How could PiS better spend billions instead of 500+ ?

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